Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Ah yes, no i meant the post i did after my black out.

My ability says it will role block anyone marked by me. I can mark up to 3 people and it happens to all of them. I enhanced my ability with a one shot to role crush them, but it reflected back to me.

so one of them.

@Iwandesu is always absent when hes scum, but hes pretty absent when hes town to, so hard to say.
@Lord Melkor any input
@Oddjutsu could be it. I got a gut feeling. any input?
Why the fuck would you waste a one-shot role-crush on Day 1 of all things? :giogio
[change vote lynch to Lord Melkor]

Yes it was a one shot that could be replenished.
if they were town roles, that is. unless they comment on it, they seem pretty sus atm.
yeah why arent they mentionong that they got targeted with a ability?

that is my way to check. to see if it worked or not. either i protect them or they get blocked.
So your one-shot gets replenished if...all of your targets turn out to be town? And you decided to use it on people you thought might be scummy, instead of on confirming townies? :giogio

Notably, Nitty said that you can target less than your max, so there's no real excuse here.

And furthermore, if your way of checking is that the target got protected or wouldn't know. Neither of those things are gonna be on the writeup, and neither are investigative abilities, so I doubt Nitty would even tell you "You protected/roleblocked X person." The only way to check, would be if your one-shot was replenished or not.

This story is full of holes.
I don't think Odd has made any attempts at scum hunting so far lol. Even though he can be very good if he tried.

@Oddjutsu wanna share your thoughts?

I believe that was the same Rej post you replied to yesterday where you said you found it weird that he was buddying you or something.

I may be wrong.

What's your read of Rej now?
Didi, Juan, Ekko there you go, scumhunting
Ah yes, no i meant the post i did after my black out.

My ability says it will role block anyone marked by me. I can mark up to 3 people and it happens to all of them. I enhanced my ability with a one shot to role crush them, but it reflected back to me.

so one of them.

@Iwandesu is always absent when hes scum, but hes pretty absent when hes town to, so hard to say.
@Lord Melkor any input
@Oddjutsu could be it. I got a gut feeling. any input?
I just arrived on munich
I Actually tried to role crush Iwan, Worm juice and and abilities was reflected back to me and am now role crushed.
Sadly, i mentioned that i was rolecrushed by either Odd, Iwan or Melkor., since i targeted them last night and my ability was relfected back at me. Im role crushed tonight and the entire next cycle.

So Check either one of those.
I haven't been giving as much weight to the possibility of the night write-up being tampered with as I know that at a point Nitty cut down on such abilities, but the booby trap thing is really weird. Though those are really random players to use that kind of ability on, like if it was a town defensive ability then that target selection almost makes no sense outside of one possibility. If it was a mafia ability it would just be so easy to lay those down in front of myself and Nata (assuming they're town).

Some possibilities :

-neither Nata or I are targeted with super kills, this is all a trap to place targets where mafia want them to for an AoE ability. Seems too convoluted though, as the current nature of the super kill counter already makes them potential AoE skills

-same as above but it's that they have a watcher like role

-same as above but it's just so that town focuses their abilities onto townies rather than using them against mafia, and mafia have more security targeting people with likely buffers/doctors being on the ones targeted with super kills

-only one of Nata and I are actually targeted with a super kill, with my tinfoil being that a double super kill is too powerful so it's just me that's actually going to be hit with the super kill and Nata is mafia trying to clear themselves by having this ability publicly target them. Nata wasn't under much suspicion though, so unless it has something to do with a passive of Nata's that works when people target her, don't think this has too high a chance

-booby trap thing might be a serial killer
i can see the first one being true, a bait. or some sort of semi arsonist/serial that can aoe kill
an ability to remove someone from lynch is NAI, maybe leaning scummy

but you ought to be afraid of being lynched if u remove urself from the pool

thats cowardly, and cowardly is scummy
What do you think of the Xadlin thing in that case? With Juan catching them lying about their targets? Does that impact your view on Juan at all, or do you think they might be bussing or Xadlin is innocent
Counterpoint - would it be so obviously transparent as a scum ability? And if so, why use it now?
thats wifom point
he couldnt have known if he would be copped or the counter wagons be vigged - better safe than sorry

if the ability is unlimited shots, then how do we lynch him? if the ability is a 1 shot then why use it now? both dont make much sense for town

the essence of it is if u r town u shud have no worry about being pressured or being in the lynch pool.
thats wifom point
he couldnt have known if he would be copped or the counter wagons be vigged - better safe than sorry

if the ability is unlimited shots, then how do we lynch him? if the ability is a 1 shot then why use it now? both dont make much sense for town

the essence of it is if u r town u shud have no worry about being pressured or being in the lynch pool.
Well the ability would not be unlimited shots, no.
Day 2 - Vote Count 2
Remember to use [Vote Lynch] or [Change Vote Lynch]
And for execute it's [Vote Execute] or [Change Vote Execute]
Let me know if I made any mistakes

Lynch candidates:
1. Didi
2. Hero
3. Lind
4. Lord Melkor
5. Soulkiller
6. Xadlin

Execution Candidates:
1. Franky
2. Santi
3. Salah WG
4. Melodie

Xadlin - 11
Didi - 7

Execution leaderboard
Santi - 6
Salah WG - 6
Franky - 2
Melodie - 1
Last edited:

i totally misread who that was about

It's referring to the hypothetical that you are Scum and used this ability to make yourself unlynchable for today. Ekko claimed such an ability is more scummy than not, to which I asked why it would be so flagrant if scummy, and also why you would burn it first night. Ekko's counterargument was it could be unlimited in use.
If Santi were more active, I might have trepidation about their execution. But they kinda just popped in, said it would be towning and to use execution on inactifags, then left.

...Not really the most convincing argument, IMHO. Anybody else get a read on Santi? To be fair, it is probably more than anyone else on the execution list, so I'm not sure if we want to set an example that complete costing is the best way forward, IMHO.
Also re: lynch avoidance being scummy, we have already had dead town roles in this group with abilities to avoid lynches, though that one was a one shot. So I don't think in a theme like this it is necessarily indicative of alignment.
I do think the fact that the townie with the ability has already been revealed makes it less likely that there are multiple others of the same alignment, though.
I am a firm believer that Didi is not scum. What is even the basis for all of that? Looking back at Day 1, his wagon was started by Tinky Winky and was bullshit. He literally said let’s get rid of an old ^ (not the meaning of the word "respect".) and people followed.

[Vote Lynch Xadlin]

He on the other hand does have suspicious voting behavior and reasoning documented in the thread. Although he’s been forthcoming with his abilities, he hasn’t exactly claimed town or from my knowledge answered who he used his abilities on. He’s also brushed me aside with my critiques of his gameplay.

[Vote Execute Salah WG]

At least Santí has posted.
Also re: lynch avoidance being scummy, we have already had dead town roles in this group with abilities to avoid lynches, though that one was a one shot. So I don't think in a theme like this it is necessarily indicative of alignment.
To be fair, it was a generalised theory, and purely on the merits of the ability it benefits scum more than town, but yes I would agree it's not clear cut.

Also very possible Didi and Xadlin are scum together. I kind of feel like they should have gone into bus mode by now if they were, but that's a discussion for another time.
oh, whatever

i'm town, first of all

second, i'm unlynchable. i will never be eligible for the lynch, even if i vote on the correct wagon every single dayphase. that's what nitty's mistake was about, he forgot to take me out of the options bc he was swamped with actions

even if i somehow get the lynch thrown on me (which nitty confirmed could theoretically happen in my PMs, so we likely have lynch redirect abilities and shit), it won't get me, it'll hit whoever has the most votes right after

if you have any more questions make them now, i guess :sag
oh, whatever

i'm town, first of all

second, i'm unlynchable. i will never be eligible for the lynch, even if i vote on the correct wagon every single dayphase. that's what nitty's mistake was about, he forgot to take me out of the options bc he was swamped with actions

even if i somehow get the lynch thrown on me (which nitty confirmed could theoretically happen in my PMs, so we likely have lynch redirect abilities and shit), it won't get me, it'll hit whoever has the most votes right after

if you have any more questions make them now, i guess :sag

An unlynchable scum? What is this, favorites 3?!!

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