Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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4. The execution is equal-opportunity; in other words, everyone gets one vote for the execution, and abilities which affect voting power or the lynch usually cannot affect the execution.
Therefore, the execution is meant to be clean, simple and transparent, unlike the lynch which is much broader in scope, but subject to all sorts of riggory.
^ The execution seems pretty thorough though it does say *usually*

Wanting to lynch and execute work seems like borderline open scumming to waste a lynch lol.
@Baroxio (Yamato) died tonight!

@charles101 and @WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!

@SinRaven , @Hero and @Melodie were booby trapped. Anyone who visits them tonight will be role crushed for the next cycle.

Day 4 execution candidates

@Worm Juice

Since the lynch pool was ruined, today's lynch will be open to everyone (yes, including @Juan) like day 1's was.

Day 4 start

I made a mistake here:

@hammer and @sworder are booby trapped instead of @Hero and @Melodie .

Editing it now.
Day 4 - It's the Host Roast!
Do you all know what today is?!

That's right, it's time for the legendary host roast!

The host roast is celebration where the "guest of honor" (in this case me, the host) is subjected to good-natured ridicule by the participants. An example roast, which demonstrates both successful and unsuccessful performances, can be seen here:

Your jokes should be made at my expense, but most importantly, they need to be funny. The roast participants will have today to prepare, and then tonight each participant will get one post to share their host roast. Any participants who do not make a post will be executed for inactivity. I will then choose the "winner" and "losers" of the roast, based on whose roasts I found funniest. The winner will permanently have their abilities greatly improved, while both losers will be made eligible for lynching and execution the next day.

Now let's meet our contestants!

1. @Juan
2. @Didi
3. @Santí
4. @Firestormer
5. @Hero
6. @DrProfessor83
7. @Lind
8. @Kira Yagami
9. @WolfPrinceKiba

I suggest you try your hardest, because the prize will be quite grand.
Kill failed on Bada zzz, my action on WJ got redirected to Fang

[Vote Lynch Didi]

[Vote Execute Worm Juice]

Do you all know what today is?!

That's right, it's time for the legendary host roast!

The host roast is celebration where the "guest of honor" (in this case me, the host) is subjected to good-natured ridicule by the participants. An example roast, which demonstrates both successful and unsuccessful performances, can be seen here:

Your jokes should be made at my expense, but most importantly, they need to be funny. The roast participants will have today to prepare, and then tonight each participant will get one post to share their host roast. Any participants who do not make a post will be executed for inactivity. I will then choose the "winner" and "losers" of the roast, based on whose roasts I found funniest. The winner will permanently have their abilities greatly improved, while both losers will be made eligible for lynching and execution the next day.

Now let's meet our contestants!

1. @Juan
2. @Didi
3. @Santí
4. @Firestormer
5. @Hero
6. @DrProfessor83
7. @Lind
8. @Kira Yagami
9. @WolfPrinceKiba

I suggest you try your hardest, because the prize will be quite grand.

Oh, Leslie Jordan, R.I.P
Do you all know what today is?!

That's right, it's time for the legendary host roast!

The host roast is celebration where the "guest of honor" (in this case me, the host) is subjected to good-natured ridicule by the participants. An example roast, which demonstrates both successful and unsuccessful performances, can be seen here:

Your jokes should be made at my expense, but most importantly, they need to be funny. The roast participants will have today to prepare, and then tonight each participant will get one post to share their host roast. Any participants who do not make a post will be executed for inactivity. I will then choose the "winner" and "losers" of the roast, based on whose roasts I found funniest. The winner will permanently have their abilities greatly improved, while both losers will be made eligible for lynching and execution the next day.

Now let's meet our contestants!

1. @Juan
2. @Didi
3. @Santí
4. @Firestormer
5. @Hero
6. @DrProfessor83
7. @Lind
8. @Kira Yagami
9. @WolfPrinceKiba

I suggest you try your hardest, because the prize will be quite grand.

who am i suppose to root for

theres no women on here
Oh I see charles is faking a guilty scan on me, cute! Sure I'll claim my abilities before I leave for work:

I am town, my only abilities are all voting power related. I gifted Santi with some extra voting power last night, so he and I both have a vote power of 4 today. Also someone put a kill on me last night, so I have lost a life.
So here's the issue - it would be *extremely* out of character for Charles to fake claim a guilty on a player. I don't think I've ever seen him do it. He is not the type of scum to make gambits like this, he is far more cautious. Your abilities are also fairly poor as a claim, because it's very hard to verify today, and finally, why would you give this vote power to Santi?

You are the lynch today.
Oh I see charles is faking a guilty scan on me, cute! Sure I'll claim my abilities before I leave for work:

I am town, my only abilities are all voting power related. I gifted Santi with some extra voting power last night, so he and I both have a vote power of 4 today. Also someone put a kill on me last night, so I have lost a life.
What would the rationale be of faking a claim if it could obviously be sunk so easily? Moreover I doubt a cop would openly expose themselves like this if they weren’t sure of their results. We’re down bad.

I’m not seeing how you’re town in this unless someone can counter the claims or add more information to this. Until then, I’m just not buying it
I don't give a shit if it's out of character Ratchet, I'm town. But go ahead and lynch me, you seem really committed to leading town into a pit so what's one more showcase of that?

[Vote lynch Firestormer]
Why do you think this sort of response is at all persuasive or helpful? A player claims a Guilty on you, given we have our best lead available for execution today the optimal play is always to flip you. I gave you the room to claim first just in case, but the claim isn't very good unfortunately, and this is only amplified by your initial insistence that Charlie is faking a Guilty despite it making very little reason for him to do. Telling me I've been trying to lead Town into a pit this game when I've been very careful not to force lynches after I've flipped is only going to further encourage me here, because it's not a position that makes any sense for you to take. In my shoes, what would you do?
Oh I see charles is faking a guilty scan on me, cute! Sure I'll claim my abilities before I leave for work:

I am town, my only abilities are all voting power related. I gifted Santi with some extra voting power last night, so he and I both have a vote power of 4 today. Also someone put a kill on me last night, so I have lost a life.

I mean, we can drag it a little but I'll be literally dead tomorow flipping town, you realise that, right?
Do you all know what today is?!

That's right, it's time for the legendary host roast!

The host roast is celebration where the "guest of honor" (in this case me, the host) is subjected to good-natured ridicule by the participants. An example roast, which demonstrates both successful and unsuccessful performances, can be seen here:

Your jokes should be made at my expense, but most importantly, they need to be funny. The roast participants will have today to prepare, and then tonight each participant will get one post to share their host roast. Any participants who do not make a post will be executed for inactivity. I will then choose the "winner" and "losers" of the roast, based on whose roasts I found funniest. The winner will permanently have their abilities greatly improved, while both losers will be made eligible for lynching and execution the next day.

Now let's meet our contestants!

1. @Juan
2. @Didi
3. @Santí
4. @Firestormer
5. @Hero
6. @DrProfessor83
7. @Lind
8. @Kira Yagami
9. @WolfPrinceKiba

I suggest you try your hardest, because the prize will be quite grand.

Girl you gave me a role about voting power in a format where everyone is forced to pile their votes on one player because that's the only way any future conversations will go anywhere, me dying before I could roast you and be buffed for it was probably a blessing

I like the attempt to make it fresh and exciting but my role was basically generic in this format barring any shock twists down the line
Whys that
Someone shot me again. I have no hard leads on who but I'd like to be protected otherwise two suspects to me are Badalight and most certainly one of the other active night posters. On the flip side, if I do die, I'll at least bequeath to someone new abilities which will probably upset the game's balance against the scum, so its a lose-lose for mafia anyways.

A) Scum kills me and that person gets all my abilities + supercharged on them
b) Scum doesn't kill me and I continue to investigate their actions and who they visit
I don't give a shit if it's out of character Ratchet, I'm town. But go ahead and lynch me, you seem really committed to leading town into a pit so what's one more showcase of that?

[Vote lynch Firestormer]
Why would you post this? Makes no sense, it just makes you look worse.
Can't results of investigations be tampered with to begin with? Do you want to save Bada?

So Worm Juice was busdriven with Fang, ergo Fang is cleared.
Which pretty much clears Santi as well.

Charlie has Guilty on Firestormer.
Lynch Firestormer.
If Town Lynch Charlie.
What makes this read so compelling is that Charles has no reason to lie, this will be his last day unless he's saved.
Someone shot me again. I have no hard leads on who but I'd like to be protected otherwise two suspects to me are Badalight and most certainly one of the other active night posters. On the flip side, if I do die, I'll at least bequeath to someone new abilities which will probably upset the game's balance against the scum, so its a lose-lose for mafia anyways.

A) Scum kills me and that person gets all my abilities + supercharged on them
b) Scum doesn't kill me and I continue to investigate their actions and who they visit
It doesnt look like u were specifically targeted last night, actions targeting worm were being redirected to you, someone prolly shot wj and hit u instead
Yeah, nah, this Firestormer wagon needs to come to a grinding fucking hault before any more votes start piling on.

I'm not going to put all my chips on an investigation that was more likely than not to be tampered or misdirected.

We need to Lynch Bada right now.
No. There is no way Scum will be wholly unlynchable & unkillable. We should focus on getting scum flips, there is no reason to assume tampering here. There will be other chances to flip Badalight, the exception to this is if there is mech against him.
What else am I meant to say here Soul? I gave my role, was told that I'm getting lynched and can't stop it because my role isn't good enough (which it isn't, I have a shit role). If there is another option then sure, I'm happy to look into that path, but I am being told that I'm just dying so hey.
Maybe use today to find Scum? Given it's your last day and all. Maybe you convince those who actually have a vote.
No. There is no way Scum will be wholly unlynchable & unkillable. We should focus on getting scum flips, there is no reason to assume tampering here. There will be other chances to flip Badalight, the exception to this is if there is mech against him.
Every action on him failed tonight. Everything.
Every action on him failed tonight. Everything.
It's very possible he commuted. What are the chances that he can do that every night? Or that there won't be other abilities that can make him lynchable? Mechanically I do not see Shizune giving scum complete night immunity given that they can dodge the lynch. As we see, roles get buffed upon games merging too, chances are someone amongst the town can expunge him.
No. There is no way Scum will be wholly unlynchable & unkillable. We should focus on getting scum flips, there is no reason to assume tampering here. There will be other chances to flip Badalight, the exception to this is if there is mech against him.

I can confirm that I do not allow anyone to "wall" the game, meaning surviving an egregious amount of attacks, lynches etc. and if that happened I would intervene to make the person vulnerable in some way. There should not be concern here that someone will be untouchable because of an imbalanced role.

Ask @Badalight to tell you the story of the Badaroach some time...
anyways, wj is basically quaranteed scum, fs is too (from my pov), bada probably

so we're already doing much better than D1-D3

if I had to pick i'd go for wj/fs first since these are i'm more sure about, but i'm not going to argue tbh

but being somewhat confirmed (somehow, i know scums can bus each other) works better from my pov, ngl, especially with this superkill thing (basically if fs isn't lynched and he's surviving night, maybe it's better if i won't be saved just so that i could flip)
Yall are just going to force me to use my abilities defensively.

For the record, anyone who attacks me tonight is gonna have a bad time. I'm only warning you because I imagine it will most likely be town targeting me because scum have no reason to target someone that is being sussed this much.
What hostility? I am warning fellow town mates that targeting me tonight will have negative consequences. That's just a fact of my role. I am saying this because I have a lot of heat right now and we cannot afford to hurt town further, and I'd rather not people blame me at the end of the game because they're like "omg you played bad so we targeted you and then bad things happened to us!!!"
Why bother? You'll just ignore it and ignore all discussion to lynch charles tomorrow anyway, regardless of whether his info was tampered or if he's lying or not.
If you think, after seeing you flip town, I'll ignore everything you have to say, then you're not really thinking at all. I even gave an ear to Platinum's legacy, and he barely had any footing in the game. Charles is marked for death, if you flip town he will simply be left.
if someone said they have guilty result on me and i was town, my first thought would be "maybe i've been bus driven/he was redirected"

your first reaction was "he's lying"

Yeah, my first thought is the report is wrong because I don't have any miller abilities to my knowledge. Like yeah I could've been bus driven or whatever, but just like your first instinct is to assume you have correct info my first instinct is to assume you are wrong.
As for Badalight, his selfish play is awful, yes. It's not easy to work with. But it isn't so scummy as to be worth a lynch over a guilty check. If his motivation was purely to avoid the lynch as scum, he probably would not flaunt how he never voted on mislynches, and then openly admit that he ducked the WJ lynch yesterday out of selfishness. Badalight is not playing to the town wincon. It's true. I cannot and will not defend his quality in this game. However we are Day 4 with 0 scum flips. We have, as a collective, all played poorly.

Moreover, if indeed he plans to not vote and dodge the lynches, he could easily have "compromised" and voted WJ yesterday, knowing the lynch redirect would make him available anyway. That would go someway to not making everyone want to lynch him today at least. His play in this respect is much easier to reconile as a selfish player playing like a survivor, not a townie. It's annoying to put up with, but it doesn't make him Scum.

He is justifiably scum read, due to his lack of doing anything in the game to hunt scum. However, he *was* the only player who could be bothered trying to make use of the night phase, so he gets points there too. It makes far more sense to flip the guilty-checked player here, hopefully get two scum flips today, and then begin pressing Sin/Didi/Badalight from here. Unless more compelling information is put on the table, this should be the course we chart today.
Yeah, my first thought is the report is wrong because I don't have any miller abilities to my knowledge. Like yeah I could've been bus driven or whatever, but just like your first instinct is to assume you have correct info my first instinct is to assume you are wrong.

What if I used Flash? Why do you think it's just instinct?

ngl, i guess it sucks to get outed like that, especially since some people asked to check different targets but honestly speaking i didn't want to risk:
1. picking same targets as other claiming invests
2. picking someone who could be die at night

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