Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Day 2 - Vote Count 1
Figured I can drop a vote count before I sleep :caticon let me know if I made any mistakes
Remember to use [Vote Lynch] or [Change Vote Lynch]
And for execute it's [Vote Execute] or [Change Vote Execute]

Lynch candidates:
1. Didi
2. Hero
3. Lind
4. Lord Melkor
5. Soulkiller
6. Xadlin

Execution Candidates:
1. Franky
2. Santi
3. Salah WG
4. Melodie

Didi - 9
Xadlin - 6

Execution leaderboard
Santi - 4
Salah WG - 3
Franky - 2
Melodie - 1​
Yeah but flavor wise how is it a booby trap if everyone knows about it. Seems odd imo. That's not a trap at all, it's a warning.

Well no invest would target them anymore. Or do you think an investigator would want to get rolecrushed?

Its also possible that Mafia has some with rolecrush immunity and thus they get an easy target for next night.

It could also seen as protect for incoming kills.
Okay a few things here
-Some people are sussing me based on the theory that Platinum was a counterwagon to me. These people are wrong, because if you can actually READ, you will see in the last phase the Plat wagon was a counterwagon to WORM JUICE, who was in the lead over me at that point. If anything, that's where you will find the scum

-lots of easy low effort votes on me. Almost certainly scum among them looking for an easy lynch on a strong player

-I don't really know for sure how WPK's thing will take, but if spreading out the damage also makes it less impactful overall I can visit him tonight, I can take a regular kill (not unlimited times, but 1 night is fine). I'm actually townreading him, I've seen him autistically sus over me literally nothing before as town.
Well, I don't really want WPK to die. I really like their posting style and points.

@WolfPrinceKiba can you lend me your vote for today? It's how my ability works. I can ask players to lend me their vote and increase my vote power for the day.

I know you don't have vote power, though, but judging from Nitty's post about targeting someone and affecting someone, I think this will still work to mitigate the super kill on you since the condition for the mitigation is that I only have to target you.

Nessos already said that he's targeting you for a night chat with Badalight I presume so that should mitigate the affects further.
Badalight can be somewhat of an evil mastermind behind the scenes, it's within the realm of reason that Didi is being set up. Though over time I've come to see that mafia action selection is usually more straightforward than people think, especially early on. You go back to the tinfoil after figuring out if the obvious isn't the reason, at least while you can still afford to do so.
I would generally tend to agree here, yes. Though I do question why this vote silencing would then be claimed openly given that Didi is a prime candidate for the lynch anyway.
We can let Xadlin target Nat and mitigate her super kill to a regular kill and then use his protection at the same time to save her.

In this regard Xadlin still dies and if Nat isn't healed she dies too. Two birds with one stone and we lynch Melkor today :Kappa

Well, all this assuming he even targets her or isn't role blocked and I think he's mostly just scum here so he'll just ignore her.

I don't really know for sure how WPK's thing will take, but if spreading out the damage also makes it less impactful overall I can visit him tonight, I can take a regular kill (not unlimited times, but 1 night is fine). I'm actually townreading him, I've seen him autistically sus over me literally nothing before as town.
I think you can target Nat then. Since Nessos and I can target WPK in the day.
Like, you would wait until Didi dies and flips then, THEN you'd have people go after WPK for pushing a lynch on a townie. Superkilling him only makes sense if they are afraid of him.
I would also like to point out that given I had three lives and died straight away, there is a good chance the factional kill of Mafia or whatever hostile Indie killed me (I need to double check Lalisa's lives) also super kills, so unless we can expect 3-4 super kills a night, it's very likely that those super kills used on WPK are one shot abilities or conditionally activated.
We can let Xadlin target Nat and mitigate her super kill to a regular kill and then use his protection at the same time to save her.

In this regard Xadlin still dies and if Nat isn't healed she dies too. Two birds with one stone and we lynch Melkor today :Kappa

Well, all this assuming he even targets her or isn't role blocked and I think he's mostly just scum here so he'll just ignore her.

I think you can target Nat then. Since Nessos and I can target WPK in the day.

but I'm not townreading Nat though
@Natalija and @WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!

the wording on this is confusing, will they die by EoD or?
No the wording specifically says they die "tonight", as in Night 2. Players have the chance to save them by opting to visit them and spread the damage out. It's not very complex.
Flavour doesn't matter Ash Ketchum was Part of Mafia :bloblick

he is capturing animals and forcing them to fight! Sounds very mafia to me!

Okay a few things here
-Some people are sussing me based on the theory that Platinum was a counterwagon to me. These people are wrong, because if you can actually READ, you will see in the last phase the Plat wagon was a counterwagon to WORM JUICE, who was in the lead over me at that point. If anything, that's where you will find the scum

-lots of easy low effort votes on me. Almost certainly scum among them looking for an easy lynch on a strong player

-I don't really know for sure how WPK's thing will take, but if spreading out the damage also makes it less impactful overall I can visit him tonight, I can take a regular kill (not unlimited times, but 1 night is fine). I'm actually townreading him, I've seen him autistically sus over me literally nothing before as town.
r u town tho?
Like, you would wait until Didi dies and flips then, THEN you'd have people go after WPK for pushing a lynch on a townie. Superkilling him only makes sense if they are afraid of him.
Well the thing is, the ability used specifically allows for WPK to post today, alongside Nat, and also warn players of their upcoming deaths. So there is a sense of urgency instilled here. Frankly, we don't even know how much of that to believe, bit it encourages the both of them to go for their hero shots, so that's something to keep in mind.
something common in the NF meta is if someone randomly votes for mafia too soon is that the other members rush to start a new wagon, so I feel didi may be scum and people who instantly start an anti wagon suggest some people there are mafia. Also scum typically use me because i'm generally underestimated.

also also despite 4 people voting for me, NOBODY targeted me last night kind of odd nobody so much as investigated me

You likely would not be informed of being investigated.
Well the thing is, the ability used specifically allows for WPK to post today, alongside Nat, and also warn players of their upcoming deaths. So there is a sense of urgency instilled here. Frankly, we don't even know how much of that to believe, bit it encourages the both of them to go for their hero shots, so that's something to keep in mind.

This is assuming they knew it would be delayed and also announced publicly, which we don't know for certain.
Well, I don't really want WPK to die. I really like their posting style and points.

@WolfPrinceKiba can you lend me your vote for today? It's how my ability works. I can ask players to lend me their vote and increase my vote power for the day.

I know you don't have vote power, though, but judging from Nitty's post about targeting someone and affecting someone, I think this will still work to mitigate the super kill on you since the condition for the mitigation is that I only have to target you.

Nessos already said that he's targeting you for a night chat with Badalight I presume so that should mitigate the affects further.
By the wording I think only players who visit me at night count, so your ability wouldn't affect it :

Natalija and WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight to disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!
Have you even factored in the matter of this all being announced publically?
Yes. And it could be real or fake to instill a sense of urgency in us like you said.

But I can clarify the real / fake part by having Nessos and me target WPK. I think the Super kill should be mitigated to a role crush then and since our actions are day abilities, we should receive feedback immediately.

Unless you mean something else.
By the wording I think only players who visit me at night count, so your ability wouldn't affect it :

Natalija and WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight to disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!
Hmm I didn't take that wording too straightforward. It seems weird that players with a day ability aren't affected and only night abilities are.

I can ask Nitty in my PM about this for further clarification.
@Oddjutsu is your backseat comfy?

Yes. And it could be real or fake to instill a sense of urgency in us like you said.

But I can clarify the real / fake part by having Nessos and me target WPK. I think the Super kill should be mitigated to a role crush then and since our actions are day abilities, we should receive feedback immediately.

Unless you mean something else.
All that would confirm is that you take damage by targeting them, they could just be trapped.
Why would Lalisa be a vig kill? Her end of day was really good. No reason for her to be a vig kill at all. The opposite in fact would be my guess
Okay Lind, can you explain to me why I would be Vigged Night 1 ever? Because this is just insulting to be quite honest. My patience is beginning to run very thin with your slot, just because you think the rules shield you from suspicion (when they don't) does not mean you will get a free pass through this game.
It's a common theme this game, you saying you're all that and a bag of chips but you have no receipts

Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good mafia player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "O"dd "J"utsu is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Laix ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my mafia carrier, I am Officially inviting you to IRL werewolf match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all!

I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 mafia World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Didi is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...
We can let Xadlin target Nat and mitigate her super kill to a regular kill and then use his protection at the same time to save her.

In this regard Xadlin still dies and if Nat isn't healed she dies too. Two birds with one stone and we lynch Melkor today :Kappa

Well, all this assuming he even targets her or isn't role blocked and I think he's mostly just scum here so he'll just ignore her.

I think you can target Nat then. Since Nessos and I can target WPK in the day.
How do we know Xadlin dies from this?
complete rubbish with all due respect but I also won't make excuses for not returning before the phase ended .

What's exactly rubbish about that? You had 7 posts atm and only post where you said anything about Didi was that:
lets start with didi
all that old mf has done so far is bitch and complain

How doesn't it look bad?

Anyway like I mentioned, I am slightly boned because with Lalisa dead, my ability was wasted
Literally same thing. My abilities are depending on my night ability and i used it on Lalisa .-.
I haven't been giving as much weight to the possibility of the night write-up being tampered with as I know that at a point Nitty cut down on such abilities, but the booby trap thing is really weird. Though those are really random players to use that kind of ability on, like if it was a town defensive ability then that target selection almost makes no sense outside of one possibility. If it was a mafia ability it would just be so easy to lay those down in front of myself and Nata (assuming they're town).

Some possibilities :

-neither Nata or I are targeted with super kills, this is all a trap to place targets where mafia want them to for an AoE ability. Seems too convoluted though, as the current nature of the super kill counter already makes them potential AoE skills

-same as above but it's that they have a watcher like role

-same as above but it's just so that town focuses their abilities onto townies rather than using them against mafia, and mafia have more security targeting people with likely buffers/doctors being on the ones targeted with super kills

-only one of Nata and I are actually targeted with a super kill, with my tinfoil being that a double super kill is too powerful so it's just me that's actually going to be hit with the super kill and Nata is mafia trying to clear themselves by having this ability publicly target them. Nata wasn't under much suspicion though, so unless it has something to do with a passive of Nata's that works when people target her, don't think this has too high a chance

-booby trap thing might be a serial killer
We can let Xadlin target Nat and mitigate her super kill to a regular kill and then use his protection at the same time to save her.

In this regard Xadlin still dies and if Nat isn't healed she dies too. Two birds with one stone and we lynch Melkor today :Kappa

Well, all this assuming he even targets her or isn't role blocked and I think he's mostly just scum here so he'll just ignore her.

I think you can target Nat then. Since Nessos and I can target WPK in the day.
Sadly, i mentioned that i was rolecrushed by either Odd, Iwan or Melkor., since i targeted them last night and my ability was relfected back at me. Im role crushed tonight and the entire next cycle.

So Check either one of those.

Im gonna vote on Odd to put a bit stirr cause voting on myself would be dumb and ill wait on voting on didi.

[vote lynch Oddjustu]
We can let Xadlin target Nat and mitigate her super kill to a regular kill and then use his protection at the same time to save her.

In this regard Xadlin still dies and if Nat isn't healed she dies too. Two birds with one stone and we lynch Melkor today :Kappa

Well, all this assuming he even targets her or isn't role blocked and I think he's mostly just scum here so he'll just ignore her.

I think you can target Nat then. Since Nessos and I can target WPK in the day.
Xadlin claims he was rolecrushed because him targeting someone with a rolecrush bounced back on him. So I don't think this play can work?

And I also don't really believe it since why wouldn't he say that he was rolecrushed from the start rather than hiding that part until more recently, so

[Vote lynch Xadlin]
All that would confirm is that you take damage by targeting them, they could just be trapped.
I just confirmed with Nitty that day abilities don't work on that WU. So it's whatever. Also, no I intended to save WPK from death at least.

Okay Lind, can you explain to me why I would be Vigged Night 1 ever? Because this is just insulting to be quite honest. My patience is beginning to run very thin with your slot, just because you think the rules shield you from suspicion (when they don't) does not mean you will get a free pass through this game.
I didn't even assume you could be a vig kill. In fact as vig I wouldn't be shooting night 1 at all and much less on your slot, so I'm applying the same reasoning here.

I'm just disagreeing with Melkor that Lalisa may have not been a vig kill. I did not disagree with him about you being a scum kill. Mafia could have shot off a double kill, or a hostile indie could have got you.

Calm down, Ratchet. You don't have to perceive this assumption as an insult towards you because it's not.

How do we know Xadlin dies from this?
I am assuming he should die from this unless he is bulletproof which he didn't claim in his list of abilities.

Why is it "fair enough"? Are you not interested in why he isn't town reading someone you seem fairly confident is town?
The "fair enough" was because I'm asking him to use his ability to save someone else whom he said he doesn't want to. It had less to do with why he read Nat that way as opposed to why or why he wouldn't use his ability on Nat.
How do we know Xadlin dies from this?
I never said i was gonna die? i was simply rolecrushed
Xadlin claims he was rolecrushed because him targeting someone with a rolecrush bounced back on him. So I don't think this play can work?

And I also don't really believe it since why wouldn't he say that he was rolecrushed from the start rather than hiding that part until more recently, so

[Vote lynch Xadlin]
Why are you implying i was hiding it? My first post day 2 was me telling that i was role crushed, whom it used it on and it was reflected.

This feels very loose accusation.
The following reads are unsorted, and of varying degrees of strength -

Baroxio - Town
charles101 - Town
DrProfessor83 - Town
Ekkologix - Town
Fang - Town
Hero - Town
Juan - Town
Natalija - Town
Nessos - Town
Rej - Town
Soul - Town
SoulKiller - Town
tinky winky - Town
WolfPrinceKiba - Town

Lind - Indie (probably not outwardly hostile I think)

Firestormer - Null
Franky - Null
Kira Yagami - Null
Melodie - Null
Salah WG -Null
Santí - Null
sworder - Null
Yo Tan Wa - Null

Didi - Scum*
Badalight - Scum
hammer - Scum
Iwandesu - Scum
John Wayne - Scum*
Lord Melkor - Scum
Oddjutsu - Scum
SinRaven - Scum
Worm Juice - Scum
Xadlin - Scum

* - I'm not satisfied with JW being here, and I can come around to him being Town I think. Didi is in a similar boat, where I've liked some of his content but holistically it doesn't look all that great, but I could also come around to him being Town. I'm expecting between 6-8 scum here, hoping for at least 4 in the scum list.

Can someone (or multiple) discuss these with me? I think Vigs need to be looking in here. Interested to see how many townies I'm misreading in that list too. Would like discussion there as well.
Sadly, i mentioned that i was rolecrushed by either Odd, Iwan or Melkor., since i targeted them last night and my ability was relfected back at me. Im role crushed tonight and the entire next cycle.

So Check either one of those.

Im gonna vote on Odd to put a bit stirr cause voting on myself would be dumb and ill wait on voting on didi.

[vote lynch Oddjustu]

Odd is not a lynch candidate
I have nothing to offer except for protection. I can rolecrush or protect/shield a set amount of people i choose to.
Im not good at reading people, so thats that.

adn yeah, I think D1 bandwagons are just to splash the water, in order to find out more from others. D2 lynches are more important.
im trying to be more active and post more, yet im not always sure on whom are whom.

I usually go with my role and let people more better at scum hunting to their job. Im a righthand man. unless I have to step up to do a task, i rather wait for those more experenced in doing those task to do those.

Im not scum, and if you lynch me you will see that to, and then town will be towning even more.

I know im on the lynch list, but i ask that yo give me a chance, and choose one of the other ones
This is your first post day 2, and I don't see a mention that you were rolecrushed in it? Am I blind?
The following reads are unsorted, and of varying degrees of strength -

Baroxio - Town
charles101 - Town
DrProfessor83 - Town
Ekkologix - Town
Fang - Town
Hero - Town
Juan - Town
Natalija - Town
Nessos - Town
Rej - Town
Soul - Town
SoulKiller - Town
tinky winky - Town
WolfPrinceKiba - Town

Lind - Indie (probably not outwardly hostile I think)

Firestormer - Null
Franky - Null
Kira Yagami - Null
Melodie - Null
Salah WG -Null
Santí - Null
sworder - Null
Yo Tan Wa - Null

Didi - Scum*
Badalight - Scum
hammer - Scum
Iwandesu - Scum
John Wayne - Scum*
Lord Melkor - Scum
Oddjutsu - Scum
SinRaven - Scum
Worm Juice - Scum
Xadlin - Scum

* - I'm not satisfied with JW being here, and I can come around to him being Town I think. Didi is in a similar boat, where I've liked some of his content but holistically it doesn't look all that great, but I could also come around to him being Town. I'm expecting between 6-8 scum here, hoping for at least 4 in the scum list.

Can someone (or multiple) discuss these with me? I think Vigs need to be looking in here. Interested to see how many townies I'm misreading in that list too. Would like discussion there as well.

Agreed with most of your scumreads except for Iwan, I don't really remember him standing out to me in a bad way
Yo Tan Wa would probably be in my scumleans too, but close to null yeah

don't agree with the townread on Ekkologix, I don't like how he somehow has high posts but low interactivity (and the focus on group 1 is also yikes)

also how is Baroxio a townread?
What's exactly rubbish about that? You had 7 posts atm and only post where you said anything about Didi was that:

How doesn't it look bad?

Literally same thing. My abilities are depending on my night ability and i used it on Lalisa .-.
I still dont see why you think its a bad vote. early in the game
was semi taking the piss
not my fault 9 other people voted him without explaining anything rofl .
didi is just bad vibes I guess.
I Actually tried to role crush Iwan, Worm juice and and abilities was reflected back to me and am now role crushed.
Okay, this is one ^

Sadly, i mentioned that i was rolecrushed by either Odd, Iwan or Melkor., since i targeted them last night and my ability was relfected back at me. Im role crushed tonight and the entire next cycle.

So Check either one of those.

Im gonna vote on Odd to put a bit stirr cause voting on myself would be dumb and ill wait on voting on didi.

[vote lynch Oddjustu]
So you targeted 3 players with a role crush, right? If it failed on one of them, would it fail on all of them? Because then we could figure out who reflected the role crush back at you depending on who claimed role crushed.

- Melkor already posted and didn't say anything regarding that unless I missed that, too.
- Odd is posting weirdly.
- Iwan is absent.

But we can narrow it down by asking who among LM, Odd and Iwan was role crushed.

Xadlin claims he was rolecrushed because him targeting someone with a rolecrush bounced back on him. So I don't think this play can work?

And I also don't really believe it since why wouldn't he say that he was rolecrushed from the start rather than hiding that part until more recently, so

[Vote lynch Xadlin]
Yeah, I agree with this statement and what I outlined wouldn't work. Honestly the whole kappa there was meant as a joke towards Nat.

There are a lot of loose ends with that strategy.
To enhance my role block into a role crush

ok, then
[change vote lynch Worm juice]

I'm asking if it was a oneshot or not. Is this you confirming that it was?

If so, why use your one-shot on d1 and fire it at seemingly random targets? Do you not see the potential downfall of rolecrushing multiple town roles? Also, I highly doubt all 3 that you supposedly hit were mafia, so why aren't any of them saying they got targeted with an ability?
Could you elaborate a little on why you are already voting for Didi? Would like to get more info so we can figure out stuff.
I don’t want the phase to just focus on Xadlin, others should be in the spotlight too.

There was a tug of war on Didi yesterday, and usually where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I would like to see more from them
Apologies for late response! My internet decided to die when i wrote the post last night.

I Actually tried to role crush Iwan, Worm juice and and abilities was reflected back to me and am now role crushed.

desperate I am. I got lynched last time i was more passive so i try to be more honest this time.

well its kinda nice actually. it gets better as long as i survive.

Im manily a protective role.
Either Iwan or Worm juice. unless you were the one that reflected my ability and bounced it back at me? did you do that?

Worm juice, iwan and melkor.
Worm since he was one of the people who was sus,

iwan since i need to check on him. either iwan is lazy or hes scum coasting.

Melkor since i needed to be extra sure, since when melkor was scum, he was participating and engaged the same way with town, until very late game when it was revelaled that melkor had bamboolxed everyone. just had to be sure, since meklor is good in both town and scum party.

ok, Ill do better coach.
What does “since I need to check on him” mean? I thought all you can do is block and protect
Apologies for late response! My internet decided to die when i wrote the post last night.

I Actually tried to role crush Iwan, Worm juice and and abilities was reflected back to me and am now role crushed.

desperate I am. I got lynched last time i was more passive so i try to be more honest this time.

well its kinda nice actually. it gets better as long as i survive.

Im manily a protective role.
Either Iwan or Worm juice. unless you were the one that reflected my ability and bounced it back at me? did you do that?

Worm juice, iwan and melkor.
Worm since he was one of the people who was sus,

iwan since i need to check on him. either iwan is lazy or hes scum coasting.

Melkor since i needed to be extra sure, since when melkor was scum, he was participating and engaged the same way with town, until very late game when it was revelaled that melkor had bamboolxed everyone. just had to be sure, since meklor is good in both town and scum party.

ok, Ill do better coach.

This is your first post day 2, and I don't see a mention that you were rolecrushed in it? Am I blind?
Ah yes, no i meant the post i did after my black out.
So you targeted 3 players with a role crush, right? If it failed on one of them, would it fail on all of them? Because then we could figure out who reflected the role crush back at you depending on who claimed role crushed.

- Melkor already posted and didn't say anything regarding that unless I missed that, too.
- Odd is posting weirdly.
- Iwan is absent.
My ability says it will role block anyone marked by me. I can mark up to 3 people and it happens to all of them. I enhanced my ability with a one shot to role crush them, but it reflected back to me.

so one of them.

@Iwandesu is always absent when hes scum, but hes pretty absent when hes town to, so hard to say.
@Lord Melkor any input
@Oddjutsu could be it. I got a gut feeling. any input?
I didn't even assume you could be a vig kill. In fact as vig I wouldn't be shooting night 1 at all and much less on your slot, so I'm applying the same reasoning here.
I'm just disagreeing with Melkor that Lalisa may have not been a vig kill. I did not disagree with him about you being a scum kill. Mafia could have shot off a double kill, or a hostile indie could have got you.
Calm down, Ratchet. You don't have to perceive this assumption as an insult towards you because it's not.
So my first problem is you automatically assume that Lalisa must have been the *Mafia* kill. My second one is, in counter to Melkor around Lalisa, you suggested that it would be the other way around on this, and now you're trying to walk it back. If a Vig shot *either* of us, they should be lynched on policy because they're clearly a negative utility to the Town. It's insulting because I was, objectively, very pro-town in my approach yesterday which is why most of the game correctly read me as such. There is no reason to ever assume a Vig was shooting here. It's not emotional, I consider your post trying to slyly defend your nonsense from Day 1, and I'm letting you know that I see it and it will not be let to slide while I'm still posting.
I am assuming he should die from this unless he is bulletproof which he didn't claim in his list of abilities.
We have no reason to assume this.
The "fair enough" was because I'm asking him to use his ability to save someone else whom he said he doesn't want to. It had less to do with why he read Nat that way as opposed to why or why he wouldn't use his ability on Nat.
Right, my point is you seemed unconcerned with the disparity in your reads.
Okay a few things here
-Some people are sussing me based on the theory that Platinum was a counterwagon to me. These people are wrong, because if you can actually READ, you will see in the last phase the Plat wagon was a counterwagon to WORM JUICE, who was in the lead over me at that point. If anything, that's where you will find the scum
I just went back and checked, the people that switched from Worm Juice to Platinum and locked in that lynch were Ratchet (ghostly town figure who is currently haunting us), Lind (probably town or indy) and you. So uh, not great.

However I do want to circle back to this vote:

I am following you on that hill, I hope there is nice view from there.

Change Vote Lynch Platinum

Why did you say you were following Hero on that hill for this vote? It still rubs me the wrong way. You had been trying to get people to vote him all phase for the "Melkor is always scum" joke(?) but seem to be claiming that you're following Hero's lead once you actually cast it? And what is your opinion on Worm Juice at this stage?
Lord Melkor

are the people that can be voted this phase
[change vote lynch to Lord Melkor]
I'm asking if it was a oneshot or not. Is this you confirming that it was?

If so, why use your one-shot on d1 and fire it at seemingly random targets? Do you not see the potential downfall of rolecrushing multiple town roles? Also, I highly doubt all 3 that you supposedly hit were mafia, so why aren't any of them saying they got targeted with an ability?
Yes it was a one shot that could be replenished.
if they were town roles, that is. unless they comment on it, they seem pretty sus atm.
yeah why arent they mentionong that they got targeted with a ability?
I don’t want the phase to just focus on Xadlin, others should be in the spotlight too.

There was a tug of war on Didi yesterday, and usually where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I would like to see more from them

What does “since I need to check on him” mean? I thought all you can do is block and protect
that is my way to check. to see if it worked or not. either i protect them or they get blocked.

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