Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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The more Xadlin posts the more it sounds like how my role works, so I think they're at least being partially honest there. Of course, doesn't mean he is town.

Also, just because you got redirected doesn't mean it necessarily was one of the three that you targeted nor does it mean the one you targeted was mafia. For example, a townie that is protected from rolecrushes.
true but it can also be a mafia father that is protected from role crushes.
in that case, why would scum put a reflect ability on a townie?

I want to hear from those 3.
Who was it that didn’t answer you?
Made an open question and quoted 3-4 people a few hours ago. Would go back and get them but it's 2AM here.
This will be my last post today, but I can get you those posts later.
The more Xadlin posts the more it sounds like how my role works, so I think they're at least being partially honest there. Of course, doesn't mean he is town.
Yeah that's my only concern here. If he has that ability he sounds useful.
Agreed with most of your scumreads except for Iwan, I don't really remember him standing out to me in a bad way
Yo Tan Wa would probably be in my scumleans too, but close to null yeah
And yourself, I assume? I have Iwan down there because he made sure he was around EoD and managed to just avoid the execute line. It's the kind of approach I expect from scum looking to go deep by slanking through the game and never being lynchable.
don't agree with the townread on Ekkologix, I don't like how he somehow has high posts but low interactivity (and the focus on group 1 is also yikes)
I believe I can see where the thoughts come from from Ekko. He struggles to muster much in the way of excitement as Scum, here he seems very invested in solving. Would like to see more from him, especially by interactions, but for now I think he's fine.
also how is Baroxio a townread?
I liked his posts towards me earlier. Seemed willing to challenge what I'm saying when Scum *probably* don't want to get into it with a flipped Townie this early.
Sadly, i mentioned that i was rolecrushed by either Odd, Iwan or Melkor., since i targeted them last night and my ability was relfected back at me. Im role crushed tonight and the entire next cycle.

So Check either one of those.

Im gonna vote on Odd to put a bit stirr cause voting on myself would be dumb and ill wait on voting on didi.

[vote lynch Oddjustu]
Don't think it was me reflecting shit, I'll have another look at my role to double check
[change vote lynch to Lord Melkor]

Yes it was a one shot that could be replenished.
if they were town roles, that is. unless they comment on it, they seem pretty sus atm.
yeah why arent they mentionong that they got targeted with a ability?

that is my way to check. to see if it worked or not. either i protect them or they get blocked.
Got no notification of being targeted by anything at all, only shit I've seen is the Lalisa positive negative thing
Hmm seems to me those last minute votes end of D1 could've just have been to save Worm Juice and not Didi :hm

Like Worm Juice was the counterwagon to Didi and once that wagon gained traction a lot of votes on Platinum started to happen. If those votes were to save Didi I think the Plat wagon would've started earlier.

At least that's how I'm reading it at quick glance, maybe someone with more time can do a better analysis x)

I think according to this theory Xadlin and Lord Melkor look more suspicious since they were on both the Didi and Plat wagons
Actually nvm I believe they were already on the Plat wagon when Didi was still in the lead. Mainly Didi himself and Ratchet (dead town) were the determining votes there
What are your thoughts on the other vote options this round, since you are voting Didi? You have mentioned that you are sheeping this vote, but it seems like the vote is pretty split now so I'd like your input on it. Do you still suspect Xadlin and Lord Melkor or do you believe them to be town?
@Natalija and @WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!

the wording on this is confusing, will they die by EoD or?

@Shizune is this visit thing to help Natalija and WPK tonight independent of using night abilities?

Also, i think Odd and JW may be scum here.
The fact that I am town as I have stated multiple times and based on the multiple role hints I have given. Also did not lynch a townie unlike someone I know. Not pointing fingers here tho.
So beyond "role hints" you don't have anything you can pull up to establish that you're Town? I mean if you're going to lean on a Day 1 mislynch to defend yourself then surely there must be a wealth of evidence indicating your alignment here that I'm just not seeing. So by all means, please bring it up.
Anyway Ratchet, if you want me to answer to something specific then feel free to actually bring it up as opposed to just being like "I think you're sus because reasons." I can't read your mind so
It's not going to work this way. You have attempted to discredit my read on the basis of being wrong previously, so now is where you need to rub it in my face where I've so woefully misread you. I of course suspect you won't have any posts you can pull up to work in your favour.
So beyond "role hints" you don't have anything you can pull up to establish that you're Town? I mean if you're going to lean on a Day 1 mislynch to defend yourself then surely there must be a wealth of evidence indicating your alignment here that I'm just not seeing. So by all means, please bring it up.

I don't know what you want me to say mate. No mafia have been killed. No one has any way to establish their alignment through play. If you want to argue my town play is bad then cool. This is my first time being town in like 6 years so fair. Just saying, you can point at me being a bad townie but only one of us lynched plat and died in the first cycle and it wasn't me.
It's not going to work this way. You have attempted to discredit my read on the basis of being wrong previously, so now is where you need to rub it in my face where I've so woefully misread you. I of course suspect you won't have any posts you can pull up to work in your favour.

You said you find me sus. You provide no reasoning. The burden of proof is not on me mate. No town has down anything worthwhile this game.
I don't know what you want me to say mate. No mafia have been killed. No one has any way to establish their alignment through play. If you want to argue my town play is bad then cool. This is my first time being town in like 6 years so fair. Just saying, you can point at me being a bad townie but only one of us lynched plat and died in the first cycle and it wasn't me.
I'm asking you to towncase yourself. Are you telling me out of your posts so far there isn't a single one you think indicates you being Town? Because if that's the case, then how does me being wrong even work here, because by your own admition there would be nothing you can point to for me to be able to correctly read you. You keep trying to leverage the day one mislynch as if it's some gotcha here when it's not - if we're going to argue on this basis, one of us was killed for a reason and the other was not.
I actually think almost everything in the night WU works against Didi:

- Ratchet and Lalisa were among the few that didn't want him lynched and they ended up dead.
- WPK who wanted Didi lynched get's targeted with a delayed super kill that shows up in the WU.

And now the votes pile on him pretty fast. Really think we're on the wrong track here.

In fact, I'd prefer a Xadlin or Melkor lynch at this point.

Vote lynch Xadlin.

Yes, i am also having second thoughts with how easily Didi wagon is going.

change vote lynch Xadlin
I don't think you two are going to get anything out of this show of discrediting each other so I'm going to sidestep it for a second:
Your interjection is not required here. It's not about discrediting someone, it's asking a player who tried to lean on being wrong day 1 as a defence to establish why he is town, and said player being unable to provide anything to support it.
I don't think you two are going to get anything out of this show of discrediting each other so I'm going to sidestep it for a second:

@Badalight, what are your opinions on the potential lynch targets at this current stage? I know you suspect Didi and have focused on him a lot today, but I'd like to hear thoughts on the others. And how do you read this whole rolecrush discussion?

I've already talked about both Didi and Xadlin. Me and WPK's reasoning on Didi is aligned. Xadlin as I said is outlining abilities that sound very mechanically similar to my so I think there is some partial truth there at least on that front. Doesn't prove alignment but it's something. Was mostly waiting to here from his 3 targets, of which only one has responded.

Lind I already gave my read on yesterday. I believe they are prob indie. Possible town. Not likely to be mafia.
Your interjection is not required here. It's not about discrediting someone, it's asking a player who tried to lean on being wrong day 1 as a defence to establish why he is town, and said player being unable to provide anything to support it.
My point is that no town can lean on anything to prove they are town either mechanically or thread wise because no mafia have been found. At least I am actively playing the game and not fluffing (though when I'm scum I'm usually the #1 poster in the thread so that prob doesn't help my case ;o).
My point is that no town can lean on anything to prove they are town either mechanically or thread wise because no mafia have been found. At least I am actively playing the game and not fluffing (though when I'm scum I'm usually the #1 poster in the thread so that prob doesn't help my case ;o).
This is more like it, thought not exactly what I was looking for. What I'm asking for is that you should have made some posts by now that contain thoughts you think are nuanced or pretty good, and I want you to pull them up for me.
I've already talked about both Didi and Xadlin. Me and WPK's reasoning on Didi is aligned. Xadlin as I said is outlining abilities that sound very mechanically similar to my so I think there is some partial truth there at least on that front. Doesn't prove alignment but it's something. Was mostly waiting to here from his 3 targets, of which only one has responded.

Lind I already gave my read on yesterday. I believe they are prob indie. Possible town. Not likely to be mafia.
Thanks for that. Can you explain the mechanical part of it a bit more, I'm confused as to why Xadlin's description would show anything? I feel like every role in the game works similarly in that one shot upgrade way so I'm not sure how it would be anything unless I'm missing something. Right now I will admit it feels like you're trying to protect him here with that reasoning so I'm trying to figure it out.

But I also wanted to get your opinion on Lord Melkor at this moment, he is the other person whose name has come up of the possible votes this round, do you have any reads on him?
Also Badalight to answer your query around my suspicion I felt like a lot of your posts around Xadlin are mostly saying things for the sake of saying them. I feel like you're putting a lot of work to justify your vote going there, and there has been a bit too much of "it doesn't mean he's town tho" within your arguments. My main motive is of course to engage you in dialogue to draw behaviour out of you, I personally didn't like how you immediately went to me having voted Platinum to discredit my push because it's the easiest path for Scum to take here, but ultimately it will be for others to decide how they feel about it. Some of your posts look a bit better, certainly from a tonal angle.
Thanks for that. Can you explain the mechanical part of it a bit more, I'm confused as to why Xadlin's description would show anything? I feel like every role in the game works similarly in that one shot upgrade way so I'm not sure how it would be anything unless I'm missing something. Right now I will admit it feels like you're trying to protect him here with that reasoning so I'm trying to figure it out.

But I also wanted to get your opinion on Lord Melkor at this moment, he is the other person whose name has come up of the possible votes this round, do you have any reads on him?

I am not trying to protect him. I even pushed him on multiple things such as how his ability seems very over powered for a town role and how it seems really dumb to fire off 3 random rule-crushes on day 1. All I was saying is his ability mechanically sounds similar to mine and I'm not diving into that further because I'd have to give more specific info on how my role works. That is to say, I don't think he is completely lying. Of course, the best lies are ones with truth mixed in so take that for what you will.

I will look into Melkor more.
Also Badalight to answer your query around my suspicion I felt like a lot of your posts around Xadlin are mostly saying things for the sake of saying them. I feel like you're putting a lot of work to justify your vote going there, and there has been a bit too much of "it doesn't mean he's town tho" within your arguments. My main motive is of course to engage you in dialogue to draw behaviour out of you, I personally didn't like how you immediately went to me having voted Platinum to discredit my push because it's the easiest path for Scum to take here, but ultimately it will be for others to decide how they feel about it. Some of your posts look a bit better, certainly from a tonal angle.

Justify my vote going there? I haven't voted either for or against him. I was asking questions to get him to reveal information, which he did. And if anything, my posts were far more suspicious of Didi than Xadlin so this is a weird interpretation.

Also why would I discredit the only confirmed townie? I was just saying if you think I am scum you'd be wrong for the second time, mostly tongue in cheek (because you would be, because I am town).
Justify my vote going there? I haven't voted either for or against him. I was asking questions to get him to reveal information, which he did. And if anything, my posts were far more suspicious of Didi than Xadlin so this is a weird interpretation.
My implication was I could see you plausibly building up towards it, yes.
Also why would I discredit the only confirmed townie? I was just saying if you think I am scum you'd be wrong for the second time, mostly tongue in cheek (because you would be, because I am town).
I would consider that to be discrediting, yes. Because you'd be pointing to my having being wrong before to suggest I'm wrong again. The reality is the two events are independent and the chances of being right on everything in a game are very small even if you play really well.
Man multitabbing sucks ass. I caught up a bit but not fully, how are the current wagons standing and what's the top wagons consens reads?
I suggest you do not rely on being spoonfed, and instead strive to catch up an doffer something helpful. The game is not so fast that you should be finding it *that* difficult to keep up.
I haven't been giving as much weight to the possibility of the night write-up being tampered with as I know that at a point Nitty cut down on such abilities, but the booby trap thing is really weird. Though those are really random players to use that kind of ability on, like if it was a town defensive ability then that target selection almost makes no sense outside of one possibility. If it was a mafia ability it would just be so easy to lay those down in front of myself and Nata (assuming they're town).

Some possibilities :

-neither Nata or I are targeted with super kills, this is all a trap to place targets where mafia want them to for an AoE ability. Seems too convoluted though, as the current nature of the super kill counter already makes them potential AoE skills

-same as above but it's that they have a watcher like role

-same as above but it's just so that town focuses their abilities onto townies rather than using them against mafia, and mafia have more security targeting people with likely buffers/doctors being on the ones targeted with super kills

-only one of Nata and I are actually targeted with a super kill, with my tinfoil being that a double super kill is too powerful so it's just me that's actually going to be hit with the super kill and Nata is mafia trying to clear themselves by having this ability publicly target them. Nata wasn't under much suspicion though, so unless it has something to do with a passive of qbhniNata's that works when people target her, don't think this has too high a chance

-booby trap thing might be a serial killer

Have you read Natalija's comment that she was not sure she was town based on her role PM and had to confirm with the host? It sounded genuine to me.
The following reads are unsorted, and of varying degrees of strength -

Baroxio - Town
charles101 - Town
DrProfessor83 - Town
Ekkologix - Town
Fang - Town
Hero - Town
Juan - Town
Natalija - Town
Nessos - Town
Rej - Town
Soul - Town
SoulKiller - Town
tinky winky - Town
WolfPrinceKiba - Town

Lind - Indie (probably not outwardly hostile I think)

Firestormer - Null
Franky - Null
Kira Yagami - Null
Melodie - Null
Salah WG -Null
Santí - Null
sworder - Null
Yo Tan Wa - Null

Didi - Scum*
Badalight - Scum
hammer - Scum
Iwandesu - Scum
John Wayne - Scum*
Lord Melkor - Scum
Oddjutsu - Scum
SinRaven - Scum
Worm Juice - Scum
Xadlin - Scum

* - I'm not satisfied with JW being here, and I can come around to him being Town I think. Didi is in a similar boat, where I've liked some of his content but holistically it doesn't look all that great, but I could also come around to him being Town. I'm expecting between 6-8 scum here, hoping for at least 4 in the scum list.

Can someone (or multiple) discuss these with me? I think Vigs need to be looking in here. Interested to see how many townies I'm misreading in that list too. Would like discussion there as well.

So you changed your earlier town read of me?
I just went back and checked, the people that switched from Worm Juice to Platinum and locked in that lynch were Ratchet (ghostly town figure who is currently haunting us), Lind (probably town or indy) and you. So uh, not great.

However I do want to circle back to this vote:

Why did you say you were following Hero on that hill for this vote? It still rubs me the wrong way. You had been trying to get people to vote him all phase for the "Melkor is always scum" joke(?) but seem to be claiming that you're following Hero's lead once you actually cast it? And what is your opinion on Worm Juice at this stage?

Hero was one of my strongest town reads at that time so i took his opinion into account in addition to my own thoughts.
Apologies for late response! My internet decided to die when i wrote the post last night.

I Actually tried to role crush Iwan, Worm juice and and abilities was reflected back to me and am now role crushed.

desperate I am. I got lynched last time i was more passive so i try to be more honest this time.

well its kinda nice actually. it gets better as long as i survive.

Im manily a protective role.
Either Iwan or Worm juice. unless you were the one that reflected my ability and bounced it back at me? did you do that?

Worm juice, iwan and melkor.
Worm since he was one of the people who was sus,

iwan since i need to check on him. either iwan is lazy or hes scum coasting.

Melkor since i needed to be extra sure, since when melkor was scum, he was participating and engaged the same way with town, until very late game when it was revelaled that melkor had bamboolxed everyone. just had to be sure, since meklor is good in both town and scum party.

ok, Ill do better coach.
> Claims Protective Role
> Rolecrushed 3 people
> Didn't protect anyone

> Doesn't note that he's actually town
> Says he'll try to be more honest, implying that he wasn't before.
We can let Xadlin target Nat and mitigate her super kill to a regular kill and then use his protection at the same time to save her.

In this regard Xadlin still dies and if Nat isn't healed she dies too. Two birds with one stone and we lynch Melkor today :Kappa

Well, all this assuming he even targets her or isn't role blocked and I think he's mostly just scum here so he'll just ignore her.

I think you can target Nat then. Since Nessos and I can target WPK in the day.

It's never a good idea to rely on a supposedly revealed doctor. He can just claim that he was roleblocked and we're no better off than we were before. Plus, according to him, he was conveniently rolecrushed, so he already has an excuse to do nothing.

I really don't trust Xadlin or his role claim. Note that while he claimed protective role, he didn't actually claim to protect anyone. He just claimed to rolecrush 3 people.
It's never a good idea to rely on a supposedly revealed doctor. He can just claim that he was roleblocked and we're no better off than we were before. Plus, according to him, he was conveniently rolecrushed, so he already has an excuse to do nothing.

I really don't trust Xadlin or his role claim. Note that while he claimed protective role, he didn't actually claim to protect anyone. He just claimed to rolecrush 3 people.
I believe the exact claim was that against mafia it's a roleblock and against town it's a protect, and thus confirming who was roleblocked also makes it a pesudo alignment checker.

But yes it's true that if he is rolecrushed he's not of much use anyway.
Honestly, I've had a positive impression on Badalight just based on their behavior last day phase.

In the interaction between them and Ratchet right now, I don't really see the point of them acting coy and discrediting Ratchet, while admitting at the same time that they're not very used to this as he hasn't been town in a while. He seems to be telling Ratchet that town can play bad and be pushed on it as well.

Yeah, they may be making an excuse for the future, but their attitude is making me town lean them.

Also, i think Odd and JW may be scum here.
Why Odd and JW?

Odd honestly just has random posts from time to time, though. I agree.

I was not asked.
Yes, because only 5 players are asked from the ability and those 5 were:

Nat, Ekko, Nessos, Odd and me.

Yes, i am also having second thoughts with how easily Didi wagon is going.

change vote lynch Xadlin
Tbh, Didi's wagon was pretty easy yesterday as well. What's different to you from yesterday and today?
Honestly, I've had a positive impression on Badalight just based on their behavior last day phase.

In the interaction between them and Ratchet right now, I don't really see the point of them acting coy and discrediting Ratchet, while admitting at the same time that they're not very used to this as he hasn't been town in a while. He seems to be telling Ratchet that town can play bad and be pushed on it as well.

Yeah, they may be making an excuse for the future, but their attitude is making me town lean them.

Why Odd and JW?

Odd honestly just has random posts from time to time, though. I agree.

Yes, because only 5 players are asked from the ability and those 5 were:

Nat, Ekko, Nessos, Odd and me.

Tbh, Didi's wagon was pretty easy yesterday as well. What's different to you from yesterday and today?

Some people are happy to pile votes on Didi while admitting at the same time they find Xadlin scummy.

Odd and JW made some comments that in my opinion did not lead anywhere and did not seem like genuine scumhunting. Odd also did not vote.
> Didn't protect anyone
I believe he claimed this in his first post:
I can rolecrush or protect/shield a set amount of people i choose to.
So he can role crush or protect a set amount of players. From his night action claim he just chose to role crush rather than protect.

> Says he'll try to be more honest, implying that he wasn't before.
I think the wording of his statement is a bit weird and I don't really draw this implication from it. I just saw it as another way of him saying he'll work hard.
Odd and JW made some comments that in my opinion did not lead anywhere and did not seem like genuine scumhunting. Odd also did not vote.
I don't think Odd has made any attempts at scum hunting so far lol. Even though he can be very good if he tried.

@Oddjutsu wanna share your thoughts?

idk why that Rej post is there, weird
I believe that was the same Rej post you replied to yesterday where you said you found it weird that he was buddying you or something.

I may be wrong.

What's your read of Rej now?

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