Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Alright the PR is coming off. It’s not conducive to playing the game and I’ve got a chip on my shoulder after game throwing in another game.


If Worm Juice turns out scum come back to this ^

He was into WJ all night hard and then started the Odd lynch instead of a Worm lynch for reasons I don’t understand while still going after Worm the most with his vote sitting on Odd.

I got this message btw so can confirm ^

Why did you ask them which night it would show up?

Quoted these votes because every one of you is on my shit list POE for an opportunistic pile on. Apparently no one but Ekko thought it was even worth checking with host how that ability would interact with a watch. Worms obviously looks awful but I think Firestarter’s sticks out too. And some have seemingly chosen to ignore that Ekko has entered into the thread with evidence that the super killer wouldn’t be seen tonight (as rated agreed by the host) and still have no comment on that to second guess your votes.

If the main candidates before this (Didi and Worm stand out) flip scum then I feel pretty good about some of you being scum taking an opportunity here to save a teammate.

I am town.

You place the blame there on Ekko or the entire night chat? Ekko was trying to vote Didi until late in the lynch.

On a side note you also say you think Sin was the most helpful there but he was the one most responsible for getting the Odd lynch going. Nessos pushed him first and wanted it but was actually following Sin when it came time to actually throw votes down. So why was Sin the most helpful to you?

You either didn’t read well or are fabricating this. But I’ve seen things today that indicate it’s probably just the former. Ekko was not the one pushing the Odd lynch.

I guess this post is invisible to most of you?

Blasphemy. I am town.
Reminder that with Xaldin claimed his role crush was sent back by one of Worm/Iwan/Melkor.

Scum reading Worm/Iwan there. Melkor has an innocent result on him.

Town reading Charlie now starting today. Full on town reading Ekko from his soft lean before.

I think Braxio is probably town for the information he came in here with. I think not clarifying that he’d see the super killer is bad but probably not scum when someone can easily correct him. Don’t know wtf he’s doing ignoring Ekko clearing things up there though. He’s my best voter. The rest of them can honestly burn lol.

Natalija and WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!
@Shizune said "They will both be superkilled tonight"

I asked:

Baroxio said:
If a person marks someone for death, will that same person be the one who performs the superkill?
Shizune replied:

Shizune said:
This suggested to me that the person who marked people for death would then target the person for a superkill in the following night.

Was this an incorrect assumption, @Shizune ? Is the followup superkill not considered a targeted attack?
i hate every single person in the fucking night chat jesus CHRIST

the only one of you chucklefucks i halfway stand is sin

good riddance to nat

[Vote Lynch Worm Juice]

Fuck you. My choices were between Odd and Didi so you can fuck right off pal. It was a sophie's choice. Neither were on my scum reads but had to cast a vote before bed and those were the only 2 with votes on them and we needed 3 votes for a lynch to go through.

but yeah everyone in the nightchat is clinically retarded and if I actually died I would've negged you all to the depths of earth (remember when people cared about rep? this grandpa rememebrs)

Fuck you Didi, you should be praising me for literally saving you. Vigging you tonight.
@Shizune said "They will both be superkilled tonight"

I asked:

Shizune replied:

This suggested to me that the person who marked people for death would then target the person for a superkill in the following night.

Was this an incorrect assumption, @Shizune ? Is the followup superkill not considered a targeted attack?

I can clear this up.

Marked for death is a delayed kill. It is processed the night it's deployed, and is not reprocessed the next night. Meaning, it can only be interacted with the night it's deployed, and not on the night it lands. You can track, watch, etc. it on the night it's deployed, but not on the night it lands.

If I needed to attribute the kill to a killer, the killer would be the person who deployed the kill.

Sorry for the confusion.
I can clear this up.

Marked for death is a delayed kill. It is processed the night it's deployed, and is not reprocessed the next night. Meaning, it can only be interacted with the night it's deployed, and not on the night it lands. You can track, watch, etc. it on the night it's deployed, but not on the night it lands.

If I needed to attribute the kill to a killer, the killer would be the person who deployed the kill.

Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for the clarification. Guess that's cleared up then. Spent my load for nothing, but at least I stopped a mafia kill for one night, I guess.
Thanks for the clarification. Guess that's cleared up then. Spent my load for nothing, but at least I stopped a mafia kill for one night, I guess.

Sorry if I caused any confusion. Maybe I misunderstood what you were asking. I also have to try to be vague about mechanics so as to not accidentally give anything away.
u r mistaken me for badalight. hes the one who brought xadlin there.

huh, what are you talking about. I never thought Xadlin was scum and I am not the one who brought up Oddjutsu. I came in and had to vote between Didi and Odd and my reasoning was I'd rather fucking kill an inactive player because I hate that shit and also Didi has some similar reads to mine. Neither were on my scum list. My other option was voting no one I guess and we waste the night lynch?
I think Bada has, and continues to be opportunistic with the pushes he's been making. I haven't really liked any of the posts he's made in this game and it seems to me he's going for the low hanging fruit every phase. He was straight up trolling in the Night Lynch.

WPK has been rather aggressive rather early on in the game, leaning town.

Rej & Ekko are fucking anomalies and analyzing their behavior and posts is a waste of my time. Just kill them.

I town lean Fang which is why I chose to visit him and I'm more confident in that read now.

What lynches have I pushed!!!! Give me one!!! I did not have faith in the plat lynch nor the Xadlin lynch, and I was correct about that. My only mislynch was Odd and I didn't feel good about that one either. However, I was forced to vote either Odd or Didi or else the night lynch would have failed, so fuck yall my record is clean as a whistle.

I agree with Santi that Bada looked bad over the Night Lynch, too.

I don't want to see Prof lynched today. At worst he's some kind of Indie IMO.

Oh my godddddddddddddd
despite your relative inactiveness you sure were around the second day phase started to post this very useful piece of information
I don't post much because I don't have much to say. It's difficult guessing who is scum and not. But definitely following the thread.

I could definitely understand the wagon on Didi. Don't really know why people find me suspicious.

ProfessorDoctor83 was a hunch from the beginning. I could go along voting with the main wagon this time, though it would be weird to vote on myself.

What's your opinion on Franky?
I don't post much because I don't have much to say. It's difficult guessing who is scum and not. But definitely following the thread.

I could definitely understand the wagon on Didi. Don't really know why people find me suspicious.

ProfessorDoctor83 was a hunch from the beginning. I could go along voting with the main wagon this time, though it would be weird to vote on myself.

What's your opinion on Franky?

can you vig yourself so we can stop talking about you
huh, what are you talking about. I never thought Xadlin was scum and I am not the one who brought up Oddjutsu. I came in and had to vote between Didi and Odd and my reasoning was I'd rather fucking kill an inactive player because I hate that shit and also Didi has some similar reads to mine. Neither were on my scum list. My other option was voting no one I guess and we waste the night lynch?
wtf sorry who was it then
we coulda just dunked on worm tbh
My choices were between Odd and Didi so you can fuck right off pal

you had a whole 24 fucking hours to discuss a lynch and actually try and push someone you scumread, nobody "forced you" into anything

you were even so goddamn relaxed over the damn night lynch that you went into a "omg, me zo quirky, my dad never loved me!!1! X3 X3" schizo spree where you voted for every single person on the table, did absolutely nothing of substance, and now you want to come in and tell me "i had no choice, it was between those two!"?

mfer, you made damn sure you only had those two fucking choices

foh :camby
Xadlin said there was skoom among the 3 players he tried to role block, and they were the ones we were already sussing yet ya guys lynched outta those 3
Aha, found it. He did target Worm, iwan and Melkor.

But when he made a mistake and asked Odd about it, Odd had a fair response to it.
The lynch should've been from these 3 and Worm Juice has been up on platform since D1.

you had a whole 24 fucking hours to discuss a lynch and actually try and push someone you scumread, nobody "forced you" into anything

you were even so goddamn relaxed over the damn night lynch that you went into a "omg, me zo quirky, my dad never loved me!!1! X3 X3" schizo spree where you voted for every single person on the table, did absolutely nothing of substance, and now you want to come in and tell me "i had no choice, it was between those two!"?

mfer, you made damn sure you only had those two fucking choices

foh :camby

I am one out of 5. You need 3 vote to lynch at night. No one wanted anyone I was suggesting. The choices presented to me prior to me going to bed were Didi and Odd. If Didi turns out to be town it means I had no option. I was trolling for like 10 minutes and was sleep deprived. My other option was voting for someone of my own accord and then potentially wasting night lynch.
Execution Rule Change
Hi everyone! I'm here to stir the pot with my big spoon.

Well, not really. I've decided on a rule change, and I doubt any of you will know the reason why, but I'm sure your imaginations will run wild. And I say, let them free!

Here's your new rule:
If a mafia member is executed, their abilities will be preserved and distributed to their team in some way. Their team may also be further compensated for the loss of power caused by their inactive teammate.

Why am I doing this now? Your guess is as good as mine!
Hi everyone! I'm here to stir the pot with my big spoon.

Well, not really. I've decided on a rule change, and I doubt any of you will know the reason why, but I'm sure your imaginations will run wild. And I say, let them free!

Here's your new rule:

Why am I doing this now? Your guess is as good as mine!
sorry quoted this from wrong thread. deleted the post

you had a whole 24 fucking hours to discuss a lynch and actually try and push someone you scumread, nobody "forced you" into anything

you were even so goddamn relaxed over the damn night lynch that you went into a "omg, me zo quirky, my dad never loved me!!1! X3 X3" schizo spree where you voted for every single person on the table, did absolutely nothing of substance, and now you want to come in and tell me "i had no choice, it was between those two!"?

mfer, you made damn sure you only had those two fucking choices

foh :camby

Also you can make this argument about literally every fucking townie in the game. Hey Juan, you had 24 hours during day phase 1 to push someone you sussed but guess what, a townie got lynched instead.

Guess what, a townie got lynched on d2 as well. Guess it's your fault because you didn't push your scum reads hard enough!
I am one out of 5.
Yes, 1 out of 5 where no one was sure over who to vote

literally all you had to do was actually push your actual scumreads, not go along with whatever the fuck ekko and nessos kept pushing onto with absolutely fuck-all reasoning, especially when you don't even think either of those options is scum

what kind of defense do you think it is to go "well, i didn't think these guys were scum, buuuuuuuuuut a dead townie is still my preferable outcome

like, even if you want to argue from a "it gives info" there was absolutely zero reason to vote for oddjutsu over didi, considering the absolutely massive difference in number of interactions between the lynch options and the player

your reasoning makes absolutely zero sense unless you actually didn't give a darn who was lynched
Yes, 1 out of 5 where no one was sure over who to vote

literally all you had to do was actually push your actual scumreads, not go along with whatever the fuck ekko and nessos kept pushing onto with absolutely fuck-all reasoning, especially when you don't even think either of those options is scum

what kind of defense do you think it is to go "well, i didn't think these guys were scum, buuuuuuuuuut a dead townie is still my preferable outcome

like, even if you want to argue from a "it gives info" there was absolutely zero reason to vote for oddjutsu over didi, considering the absolutely massive difference in number of interactions between the lynch options and the player

your reasoning makes absolutely zero sense unless you actually didn't give a darn who was lynched

No actually it does make sense and I outlined my reasoning sorry. Odd was not up for lynch today. He also was not contributing at all. Didi is up for lynch today and he's one of the top posters in the thread. I will gladly get rid of an inactive over and active any day of the week when it's a coin toss. Even if Didi turns out to be the fuckin god father I do not regret my choice. I'd much prefer losing to active scum than inactive scum.
Hey Juan, you had 24 hours during day phase 1 to push someone you sussed but guess what, a townie got lynched instead.

Guess what, a townie got lynched on d2
i'm well aware. i voted for both these people. i was actually the main reason behind the d2 lynch

that's what happens when you actually push your scum reads and get people to listen to you. did i get them wrong? sure. did i twiddle my thumbs and go "woe is me, i am stuck between choices i hate!" when i had to vote? fuck no

if you're going to try to OMGUS someone, at least make sure you read the damn thread before trying
i'm well aware. i voted for both these people. i was actually the main reason behind the d2 lynch

that's what happens when you actually push your scum reads and get people to listen to you. did i get them wrong? sure. did i twiddle my thumbs and go "woe is me, i am stuck between choices i hate!" when i had to vote? fuck no

if you're going to try to OMGUS someone, at least make sure you read the damn thread before trying

I am aware. You're the one who "caught Xadlin in a lie" when I was the one being like "ionno guys it sounds like he's telling the truth."

Luckily I didn't need to join the shit d2 wagon, but hands were tied in the night wagon. Thems the breaks. It's okay though. I will help town via abilities rather than following bad lynch candidates.
If Worm Juice turns out scum come back to this ^

He was into WJ all night hard and then started the Odd lynch instead of a Worm lynch for reasons I don’t understand while still going after Worm the most with his vote sitting on Odd.
We needed a majority to make the lynch happen and at that point I felt like it was pointless trying to convince the others because:

-Natalija was against the WJ lynch
-Nessos was hard set on getting Odd lynched
-Ekko was flip flopping all over the place and I hate interacting with him anyways
-I had no clue what Bada was doing

I needed two other people on the WJ lynch but that felt like an impossible job and I just wanted to sleep anyways -____-

Would you rather no lynch have happened during the night?
I am aware. You're the one who "caught Xadlin in a lie" when I was the one being like "ionno guys it sounds like he's telling the truth."

Luckily I didn't need to join the shit d2 wagon, but hands were tied in the night wagon. Thems the breaks. It's okay though. I will help town via abilities rather than following bad lynch candidates.
This just sounds like you knew Xadlin was town and were using that info to your advantage.

Also sounds like you're trying to avoid being a lynch candidate.

We needed a majority to make the lynch happen and at that point I felt like it was pointless trying to convince the others because:

-Natalija was against the WJ lynch
-Nessos was hard set on getting Odd lynched
-Ekko was flip flopping all over the place and I hate interacting with him anyways
-I had no clue what Bada was doing

I needed two other people on the WJ lynch but that felt like an impossible job and I just wanted to sleep anyways -____-

Would you rather no lynch have happened during the night?
I wasn’t on the night watch, so I will concede things might feel different when you’re in the thick of it, but it did not look like a situation where a Worm Juice lynch was unattainable while reading from the outside.

I think you could have gotten that lynch had you forced the issue more. Ekko’s stated preferences after your vote on Odd were to lynch between Didi/WJ. You asked Bada to join you and then Ekko basically offered an invitation for you to try to go back and you didn’t take him up on it but you left the thread minutes before it seems. Perhaps just unfortunate timing there.
[Vote Lynch Worm Juice]

Also as much as I hate to say it, @Lord Melkor is town. That's what my result was from last night's investigation so my gut read initially on him being scum was wrong.

Hm. Would prefer Sworder.
Who did ya check N1?
Who could be a good replacement for Nat?
Any Voluntary?

I shouldn't trust my guts anymore:bloblick
I think ya can chose from your reads but would prefer if you guys go for popular scum reads.

I can also suggest everyone to vote 3 players instead of 2, so night lynch is still acollective decision that way you'd not fear being grouped with skooms for night lynch.
no what it sounds like is I'm smart and realized he is town and didn't take the bait kthx
You were a lot more hedgy that day he was lynched than you are now. You didn’t seem convinced at the time and continually mentioned that just bc his role was similar didn’t make him town.

So it looks dishonest to beat your chest over being right about him here.

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