Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Let's look at another individual I thought was scummy coming out of NP2.

This gentlemen SinRaven, he definitely ravened his way through that NP. I want to point out that you kept repeating yourself alot regarding people who voted plat apparently did it to protect a player. I found it odd, why would a scum vote a player so he can be in the lynching rope next DP? But I find it more weird that you automatically assume that people who voted for plat, voted specifically to only save someone and focused more so on that someone being worm than any other player in that wagon. Easy way to stamp a player as scummy. 'Oh he voted for this guy, he must of been wanting to save the other players in the other wagon.' I like how that is your first thought process regarding such situation. Instead of having a broader perspective which by the way. You should have as town, your line of thinking is very linear and is geared toward. 'How can I make a simple vote look scummy and having agenda behind it.'. I think you would be surprised Raven, but townies don't need an agenda, they do what they feel is right at the given situation. Utilizing my vote to be meaningful for town, it's the least I can do since I was not available that DP.

Plus, in this lynching format system, not voting for a player is more scummy than voting the player. So who truly is the scum here? Let me remind you that you voted for Melodie in DP1.... Effectively saving yourself from the lynch ropes. Like why even vote for Melodie out of everyone else? You seen how things developed and abstained of voting for either plat, didi, or worm. That's fishy don't you think?

Furthermore, You went ahead this NP and voted for Worm. But then moved your vote to Odd because? weren't you calling me and LM scummy because we voted for Plat to save worm? if what you stated is something you truly believe in. Then shouldn't worm be scum here? but you switched to odd because?

You made this post, so clearly you had no opinion regarding the guy, yet you still voted for him and moved away from Worm.

You even made another post insisting that you want worm lynched. But in the very next post you magically okay with Odd being lynched? You were even aware that his lynch is not valuable at all. Where the posts about wanting to vote for Worm was just for show? Wouldn't voting worm would of gave you better idea regarding my slot as well since you scum read me for apparently trying to protect him by voting plat? or was that was for show as well and you actually don't care about resolving me at all. Mislynch and misdirection seems to be your goal here. You don't really care about solving the game at all.


I hereby sentence you to death. For being a filthy scum.

Vote Lynch: SinRaven

Good points vote lynch Sin Raven though Bada is my bigger scum read from the night lynch.

I am not a fan of entire game putting votes on same person from the beginning of day phase. It means we cannot pressure peeople with votes properly.
I thought Nessos is the one behind night lynches?

I am not town reading JW, but good point that cop results are not fully reliable in role madness.
you need 5 alive for night lynches to work, at Nat died. Ergo, we can't really afford to lose another unless we are very sure they're scum. The only one who I'd be down for lynching out of night is SinRaven.

But didn't ya say


it's called a joke
Btw why do ya guys keep avoiding Worm Juice lynch. Even Didi would've been better but ya guys lynched the strongest town role :drake
Is this useful in any way?

you had a whole 24 fucking hours to discuss a lynch and actually try and push someone you scumread, nobody "forced you" into anything

you were even so goddamn relaxed over the damn night lynch that you went into a "omg, me zo quirky, my dad never loved me!!1! X3 X3" schizo spree where you voted for every single person on the table, did absolutely nothing of substance, and now you want to come in and tell me "i had no choice, it was between those two!"?

mfer, you made damn sure you only had those two fucking choices

foh :camby
Good post.
[Vote lynch Ratchet]
Has to be trolling at this point.
This guy was not lynched how? Lmao

[Vote Execute / Lynch Worm Juice]
Reads fake. I think you're scum Yo Tan.
First post i actually like from you, I'd Iso you properly for this.
Why did you like it?
sorry let me add myself to the lynch pool when I am not comfortable with the lynch, seems like a good idea
Well, yes?
idk how that's hard to imagine. I'm not putting my neck anywhere near the chopping block if I'm not comfortable with the lynch. sry
If this was normal lynch mechanics it'd be different.
Sounds like you're wary of the lynch.
Shouldn't have to elaborate further on this
This isn't really the time to cut corners
You shouldn't have claimed checking Bada without results🤦‍♂️

Why'd ya check Kira he was so town D1.
More ingenuine positions. Where did you establish Kira being obvious town?
Are cop results even reliable in Favorites
Are you playing dumb here as a tactic?
What tactic would that be?
Overall, I think badalight is actually scum here. It's just too bad we can't lynch him. I suggest vig to look here.
Already addressed this a hundred times. Did not feel confident about the lynches, and didn't want to put myself up for a lynch
Yeah and it's not good enough. I expect to see you on every wagon from hereon out.
SK I literally thought you were ST okay that was a legit mistake.
So you looked at the wallie I dropped on you and this is the only thing that you worried about and felt the need to address? cute. You see, I tried being nice about that entire act of you mistaking me with someone else and then playing dumb about it. But you called me trying to buddy you when I did.

If I tell you that I forgive you if it was truly an honest mistake from your part. Would that make me buddying you ?

@SoulKiller Yes, feel free to vig me which will A) not work B) even it does somehow work will get rid of the night lynches. Sounds like a great idea. Definitely not a scummy thing to suggest SK.
Ofcourse vigging you is the only option, because you are avoiding putting yourself in the lynch list like a plague and been extremely scummy. You think I would request such thing if I was able to vote you?
So you looked at the wallie I dropped on you and this is the only thing that you worried about and felt the need to address? cute. You see, I tried being nice about that entire act of you mistaking me with someone else and then playing dumb about it. But you called me trying to buddy you when I did.

If I tell you that I forgive you if it was truly an honest mistake from your part. Would that make me buddying you ?

Ofcourse vigging you is the only option, because you are avoiding putting yourself in the lynch list like a plague and been extremely scummy. You think I would request such thing if I was able to vote you?

jfc I am not doing this anymore

I am not putting myself up for lynch because it's the only surefire way to kill me. I have a tanky af role, like usual. Because that's kind of my thing on this site. There's a reason my nickname is Badaroach.

Vig me if you want. It will fail. I don't care. I will not be putting myself up for lynch unless I am confident in the person. So far I have been right about all of the kills anyway - except Odd but I already discussed my hands were kinda tied there.
you need 5 alive for night lynches to work, at Nat died. Ergo, we can't really afford to lose another unless we are very sure they're scum. The only one who I'd be down for lynching out of night is SinRaven.

it's called a joke
What it is called is you not being interested in catching and more interested in surviving. Okay, let's try it this way. Instead of telling me how great you are for not agreeing with mislynches, who do you want to lynch? You get to call it here, hypothetically. Who do you want to see lynched?
What it is called is you not being interested in catching and more interested in surviving. Okay, let's try it this way. Instead of telling me how great you are for not agreeing with mislynches, who do you want to lynch? You get to call it here, hypothetically. Who do you want to see lynched?

I am not confident in my reads because I literally have not been town in at least 6 years and tbh it's prob closer to 8 or even 9. I gave my reads during night. The only change is that I have a better opinion on Fang now.
I am not confident in my reads because I literally have not been town in at least 6 years and tbh it's prob closer to 8 or even 9. I gave my reads during night. The only change is that I have a better opinion on Fang now.
I don't care about your confidence. You have spared no effort in telling us how right you've been so far, so scum reads, go. Who do you want to lynch?
Just to make sure everyone to understands my ability.

I can invite player to able to talk during the night. Not for one night, its for every following night.

As longs as 5 players living who are able to talk during the night, these players can hold their own lynch.

At the first 2 DPs, I was able to invite 2 players. But from now on I can only invite 1 per DP.

So lynching one of Ekkologix, SinRaven and Bada would mean there won't be a lynch next NP. But it wouldn't mean that it is disabled forever.
Just to make sure everyone to understands my ability.

I can invite player to able to talk during the night. Not for one night, its for every following night.

As longs as 5 players living who are able to talk during the night, these players can hold their own lynch.

At the first 2 DPs, I was able to invite 2 players. But from now on I can only invite 1 per DP.

So lynching one of Ekkologix, SinRaven and Bada would mean there won't be a lynch next NP. But it wouldn't mean that it is disabled forever.

I mean
you guys kinda made a good case last night for not allowing you guys to decide a night lynch
Unfortunately, that's what I know how to do best.
Well it isn't helping town.
I think I'm playing fine, if you won't look at my posts how else would ya know I'm adding anything worth or no?

I'd play my way:lmao
Well I beg to differ.
Definite town move for YTW to try getting rid of the night lynch. Same for SK. That's called being afraid because night lynch can hit anyone, including scummates that aren't on the wagon.
Do you really believe that their only possible motivation for pushing you here is because they want to get rid of the night lynch?
Definite town move for YTW to try getting rid of the night lynch. Same for SK. That's called being afraid because night lynch can hit anyone, including scummates that aren't on the wagon.
I like how you jump to your own conclusion and twist the narrative. You dodged every point regarding you and then paint it as I don't want a night lynch. You are scummy mate, I don't care what ability you might have and don't trust a word out your mouth. You just stated that you gonna do your best to avoid being in the lynch wagon and you gonna do your best to survive. I want you gone because your actions on the thread are scummy, I don't see your slot being townie. I also love how you exclude me and ytw only. But leaving everyone else who is scum reading you out of it.

You are a desperate scum who is doing all the stops to not put himself in that lynch list. Then ofc we will suggest other means to get rid of you, it's that simple.
Well it isn't helping town.

Well I beg to differ.

Do you really believe that their only possible motivation for pushing you here is because they want to get rid of the night lynch?

To be fair, no one has really been helping town much. Night lynch is the only way to get rid of people not on the main wagon so it's a pretty useful resource.

What do you think of Iwan and JW. Iwan was one of my reads last night and JW has caught my attention just now.
To be fair, no one has really been helping town much. Night lynch is the only way to get rid of people not on the main wagon so it's a pretty useful resource.

What do you think of Iwan and JW. Iwan was one of my reads last night and JW has caught my attention just now.
Iwan can go. I had JW as Scum too, not sure about it. When pressed he's attempted to come up with things that might be argued as unique lines of thought, but it's hard to clear someone from just that Day 3.
I like how you jump to your own conclusion and twist the narrative. You dodged every point regarding you and then paint it as I don't want a night lynch. You are scummy mate, I don't care what ability you might have and don't trust a word out your mouth. You just stated that you gonna do your best to avoid being in the lynch wagon and you gonna do your best to survive. I want you gone because your actions on the thread are scummy, I don't see your slot being townie. I also love how you exclude me and ytw only. But leaving everyone else who is scum reading you out of it.

You are a desperate scum who is doing all the stops to not put himself in that lynch list. Then ofc we will suggest other means to get rid of you, it's that simple.

okay but I expect a formal apology when I am revealed as town, whenever that happens

unless you truly are scum in which case fair game

But to mean it sounds more like you are getting desperate upon me revealing that I have a tanky role.
okay but I expect a formal apology when I am revealed as town, whenever that happens
Can you explain to me why a player with no hard scum reads and who has self-admittedly played to survive would deserve a formal apology for being scum read? If anything the fact that you're so transparent about this leans townie, but that's a really difficult read to reconcile.
No, you utilize night lynch to effectively get rid of scummy people..... Back again with 'using it to lynch inactive people who gain no information out of.'

Well would you like to suggest a target then? Obviously no one in the night lynch is going to be voting for themselves so... go ahead and suggest someone who isn't worm juice, sworder, or the 4 night watches.

I will take it into consideration ;o
Well I beg to differ.
If my reads turns out wrong I'd concede,

I think both WJ and Bada skooms together.
Iwan can go. I had JW as Scum too, not sure about it. When pressed he's attempted to come up with things that might be argued as unique lines of thought, but it's hard to clear someone from just that Day 3.
I didn't see posts of Iwan, bt yeah JW likely scum.
Can you explain to me why a player with no hard scum reads and who has self-admittedly played to survive would deserve a formal apology for being scum read? If anything the fact that you're so transparent about this leans townie, but that's a really difficult read to reconcile.

it's almost like I've said from d1 that I have not played a favorites or been townie in like 6+ years. Wonder if that has anything to do with it. Surely not, right?
Let's look at another individual I thought was scummy coming out of NP2.

This gentlemen SinRaven, he definitely ravened his way through that NP. I want to point out that you kept repeating yourself alot regarding people who voted plat apparently did it to protect a player. I found it odd, why would a scum vote a player so he can be in the lynching rope next DP? But I find it more weird that you automatically assume that people who voted for plat, voted specifically to only save someone and focused more so on that someone being worm than any other player in that wagon. Easy way to stamp a player as scummy. 'Oh he voted for this guy, he must of been wanting to save the other players in the other wagon.' I like how that is your first thought process regarding such situation. Instead of having a broader perspective which by the way. You should have as town, your line of thinking is very linear and is geared toward. 'How can I make a simple vote look scummy and having agenda behind it.'. I think you would be surprised Raven, but townies don't need an agenda, they do what they feel is right at the given situation. Utilizing my vote to be meaningful for town, it's the least I can do since I was not available that DP.

Plus, in this lynching format system, not voting for a player is more scummy than voting the player. So who truly is the scum here? Let me remind you that you voted for Melodie in DP1.... Effectively saving yourself from the lynch ropes. Like why even vote for Melodie out of everyone else? You seen how things developed and abstained of voting for either plat, didi, or worm. That's fishy don't you think?

Furthermore, You went ahead this NP and voted for Worm. But then moved your vote to Odd because? weren't you calling me and LM scummy because we voted for Plat to save worm? if what you stated is something you truly believe in. Then shouldn't worm be scum here? but you switched to odd because?

You made this post, so clearly you had no opinion regarding the guy, yet you still voted for him and moved away from Worm.

You even made another post insisting that you want worm lynched. But in the very next post you magically okay with Odd being lynched? You were even aware that his lynch is not valuable at all. Where the posts about wanting to vote for Worm was just for show? Wouldn't voting worm would of gave you better idea regarding my slot as well since you scum read me for apparently trying to protect him by voting plat? or was that was for show as well and you actually don't care about resolving me at all. Mislynch and misdirection seems to be your goal here. You don't really care about solving the game at all.


I hereby sentence you to death. For being a filthy scum.

Vote Lynch: SinRaven

Good points vote lynch Sin Raven though Bada is my bigger scum read from the night lynch.

I am not a fan of entire game putting votes on same person from the beginning of day phase. It means we cannot pressure peeople with votes properly.
Okay so the Worm Juice, Melkor, SoulKiller team is pretty much confirmed at this point, thx babes

Probably throw Ekko in the mix as well

Wonder why they have it out for me right now, maybe mafia learned my role?? 👀
Quoted these votes because every one of you is on my shit list POE for an opportunistic pile on. Apparently no one but Ekko thought it was even worth checking with host how that ability would interact with a watch. Worms obviously looks awful but I think Firestarter’s sticks out too. And some have seemingly chosen to ignore that Ekko has entered into the thread with evidence that the super killer wouldn’t be seen tonight (as rated agreed by the host) and still have no comment on that to second guess your votes.

If the main candidates before this (Didi and Worm stand out) flip scum then I feel pretty good about some of you being scum taking an opportunity here to save a teammate.


You place the blame there on Ekko or the entire night chat? Ekko was trying to vote Didi until late in the lynch.

On a side note you also say you think Sin was the most helpful there but he was the one most responsible for getting the Odd lynch going. Nessos pushed him first and wanted it but was actually following Sin when it came time to actually throw votes down. So why was Sin the most helpful to you?
Hi queen, I see that you are upset over my vote for you. Sorry to say but I don't feel bad or regret my vote at all? Like obviously I'm going to switch it now, but at the time of my vote it was a watcher role saying they asked the host for confirmation that the kill action happened that night and everyone else was accounted for, so I voted you and also pressed Didi on his actions, as I was working on the belief one of you two may be the killer. I'm not sure why I would be expected to assume the host misunderstood Baroxio's question and I wasn't going to ask for clarification as I believed Baroxio's posts (and still do tbh).

With the knowledge now that Shizune simply misunderstood what question was being asked and the action took place night 1, yeah I can agree the vote was not a good one, but I don't regret the vote with the evidence on hand at the time sorry.

Now, to respond to the other part: what? I have a completely different perception of how that phase went down I guess. In my eyes Ekko seemed to be fine voting for Worm Juice, but decided not to because he didn't trust Sin and as such lynched Didi instead, and now is saying he thinks Sin was trying to bus his partner Worm Juice. Which makes his vote switch nonsensical in my eyes, and in my opinion that lynch would've happened had he kept his vote on Worm Juice or switched back to it when Sin was still asking other people to vote her after Ekko's vote switch. I don't think Ekko was a positive contribution to town in the slightest during that night, but I think you have a completely different read on how the phase went down to what I do.


[Vote lynch Worm Juice]

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