Let's look at another individual I thought was scummy coming out of NP2.
This gentlemen SinRaven, he definitely ravened his way through that NP. I want to point out that you kept repeating yourself alot regarding people who voted plat apparently did it to protect a player. I found it odd, why would a scum vote a player so he can be in the lynching rope next DP? But I find it more weird that you automatically assume that people who voted for plat, voted specifically to only save someone and focused more so on that someone being worm than any other player in that wagon. Easy way to stamp a player as scummy. 'Oh he voted for this guy, he must of been wanting to save the other players in the other wagon.' I like how that is your first thought process regarding such situation. Instead of having a broader perspective which by the way. You should have as town, your line of thinking is very linear and is geared toward. 'How can I make a simple vote look scummy and having agenda behind it.'. I think you would be surprised Raven, but townies don't need an agenda, they do what they feel is right at the given situation. Utilizing my vote to be meaningful for town, it's the least I can do since I was not available that DP.
Plus, in this lynching format system, not voting for a player is more scummy than voting the player. So who truly is the scum here? Let me remind you that you voted for Melodie in DP1.... Effectively saving yourself from the lynch ropes. Like why even vote for Melodie out of everyone else? You seen how things developed and abstained of voting for either plat, didi, or worm. That's fishy don't you think?
Furthermore, You went ahead this NP and voted for Worm. But then moved your vote to Odd because? weren't you calling me and LM scummy because we voted for Plat to save worm? if what you stated is something you truly believe in. Then shouldn't worm be scum here? but you switched to odd because?
You made this post, so clearly you had no opinion regarding the guy, yet you still voted for him and moved away from Worm.
You even made another post insisting that you want worm lynched. But in the very next post you magically okay with Odd being lynched? You were even aware that his lynch is not valuable at all. Where the posts about wanting to vote for Worm was just for show? Wouldn't voting worm would of gave you better idea regarding my slot as well since you scum read me for apparently trying to protect him by voting plat? or was that was for show as well and you actually don't care about resolving me at all. Mislynch and misdirection seems to be your goal here. You don't really care about solving the game at all.
I hereby sentence you to death. For being a filthy scum.
Vote Lynch: SinRaven