Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Because this is the first favorites I have been able to play in like 5 years from game start and I would like to not die immediately.

Also surviving until late game is like my mafia core. It's all I know how to do. Granted I am usually mafia so...
I’m as self conscious as town can ever be, but Idk why you were looking at that situation and thinking “yo I don’t wanna get lynched tomorrow if I’m on this wagon”.
Who did ya check N1?

I think ya can chose from your reads but would prefer if you guys go for popular scum reads.

I can also suggest everyone to vote 3 players instead of 2, so night lynch is still acollective decision that way you'd not fear being grouped with skooms for night lynch.
Laslie was who I was trying to investigate before she got killed in N1.
idk how that's hard to imagine. I'm not putting my neck anywhere near the chopping block if I'm not comfortable with the lynch. sry
If this was normal lynch mechanics it'd be different.
I don’t expect townies to fear the lynch pool this game lol. I do expect scum to be hyper aware of the pros and cons of being in it tho.

In what way would it be different?
@Santí did u start a chat with fang? this is important
Bada did put himself in a bad situation by not pushing harder to lynch someone, but I don't know about him being scum. Still reads townie to me. He is by no means the worst poster on the night phase.

are you actually going to play santi
To be fair he is doing enough to be considered active in D3, and this is coming from someone that wanted him dead yesterday.
You do have a point that you were somewhat cornered into a vote, but it wasn't your best play. I recall that WJ wagon vanishing way too quickly for no real reason, but I probably missed something.

santi scum confirmed
Or sworder. Isn't he leading the voting for execution?
He might have a broken ability that is being wasted.

What does vig yourself mean?
[Vote lynch Ratchet]
I have no clue how WJ is alive. Makes zero sense.
[Vote lynch Worm Juice]

Shouldn't have to elaborate further on this
About execution and stuff, I think I'll just stick to whoever is the least active unless there's obvious reason to do otherwise. That's the reason we have execution mechanic to begin with. And tbh, I was completely inactive last phase, I had like 2-3 posts and it's still enough to put me out of execution pile. Meaning if you're scum and you let yourself to end up being execution candidate, you're throwing a game basically. Meaning whoever is scum, is most likely posting at least SOMETHING to get out of execution pile. Meaning (imo) every single person in this pile would be town anyway. So it doesn't really matter that much. Ending people who aren't even using their abilities makes the most sense imo.
I was thinking the same thing, most of Execution flips are going to be town flips
Btw who are we executing tonight?

Don't say me :fedoge
At this point I don't think it matters too much.
Sworder has posted enough and mentioned a couple of reads so he seems alright to me.
For me it's a 50/50 on Melodie or Franky.
please execute santi I cannot handle this
Why? He is now active and offering reads. Isn't he actually one of the more active guys in D3?
If you wanted to execute him it made sense in D2, not now.
Day 3 - Vote Count 1
me sleep soon

Remember to use [Vote Lynch] or [Change Vote Lynch]
And for execute it's [Vote Execute] or [Change Vote Execute]
Let me know if I made any mistakes

Lynch candidates:
1. Baroxio
2. charles101
3. Didi
4. DrProfessor83
5. Ekkologix
6. Fang
7. Firestormer
8. Hero
9. John Wayne
10. Kira Yagami
11. Lind
12. Lord Melkor
13. Nessos
14. Rej
15. SinRaven
16. Soul
17. SoulKiller
18. tinky winky
19. WolfPrinceKiba
20. Worm Juice

Execution Candidates:
1. Franky
2. Santí
3. sworder
4. Melodie

Vote count leaderboard
Worm Juice - 13
Didi - 2
Prof - 2
Kira - 1

Execution leaderboard
Santi - 4
Sworder - 3
Franky/Melodie - 1

Hi everyone! I'm here to stir the pot with my big spoon.

Well, not really. I've decided on a rule change, and I doubt any of you will know the reason why, but I'm sure your imaginations will run wild. And I say, let them free!

Here's your new rule:

Why am I doing this now? Your guess is as good as mine!
Do this apply retrospectively? Will Salahs abilities spread through Town?
What lynches have I pushed!!!! Give me one!!! I did not have faith in the plat lynch nor the Xadlin lynch, and I was correct about that. My only mislynch was Odd and I didn't feel good about that one either. However, I was forced to vote either Odd or Didi or else the night lynch would have failed, so fuck yall my record is clean as a whistle.

Oh my godddddddddddddd

And how do you think your trolling with votes at the end of the night was helpful?

Reading up that night phase was painful it truly was. Instead of using it to lynch someone that gives us information. Decided to lynch odd, a slot that provides literally zero information. But I first I need to address couple of stuff related to me, that I think needs to be addressed. Some of you said my opinions were hedgy which I found fascinating. What part of it was hedgy ? I clearly stated my opinion and insight of the DP and gave people I addressed a verdict at the end. I was clear on my stance if they felt good or bad. So calling my reads 'hedgy' seems like a lowblow to paint it as scummy. DrProfessor started it and it seems few people been parroting it. Does not look good on you gentlemen.

Now, coming out of that NP badlight and Sin looked really awful. I am gonna be addressing badlight first.

Oh, also think we should consider SK, Sworder, and Iwan.

Sworder and Iwan are even more scummy than Santi in that they are posting just enough to not be up for execution and they are not voting to lynch anyone (correct me if I am wrong here but I believe this is the case).

SK I am still not forgetting that weird interaction at the start. Why did SK get replaced when DDL got modkilled in the other game? It makes no sense.

Fang, Santi, SK, Sworder, Iwan

Those are my top atm

You come to the NP and bring up these lovely individuals, I don't care about the other two, since they are scummy to me as well. But your read on me felt very angle shooty. Never a good sign, you ask questions that already have answers. It was literally a misunderstanding and I addressed it when I replied to hero regarding this. Not sure what you trying to do here, but this throwing stuff and hoping it sticks comes off as fake, and you painting a person as scum for the sake of it. Not a townie thing to do. But you made more posts that felt very opportunistic and weird. Let's go through them together shall we?

Aside from the weird replacement thing with SK which is a bit metagamey but w/e...

He has been doing a lot of buddying up with people. Did it with me, Soul, etc... He also keeps saying "I will be more active tomorrow" and stuff of that nature but never delivers. A lot of his suspicions have been hedges as well, and he has been bandwagon voting.

You address the angleshooting again, which by the way is already addressed but I know skipping posts is easy as scum. You followed up with a lie and claim that I am apparently buddying with you and Soul. But where exactly I was buddying? I think you brought up an example, which I will address. Regarding my activity, that's fine and understandable, but that's a weak sauce reasoning. As the game progress and we reach later into the game. I'll get more activity and hopefully I am done with the other game that I am in currently. But is that necessarily scummy? I might not be my active usual self, but I definitely delivered. That wallie I dropped was more meaningful than majority of the posts you made. It's not about quantity, it's about quality. I usually wouldn't bring this up and address it. But you seem to have a notion that I am not delivering and when you brought up my quotes, you ignored literally the major post which I could of easily broken down into 15-20 posts and spammed it across the broad. Would of that made me more townie?

You say a lot of my suspicions are hedgy but here you are just parroting DrProfessor. Which part of my reads where hedgy exactly? why not point them out? I'll tell you why. Because you can't.

As for the bandwagon voting, that's gotta be the most bs reason I heard. But I will be adressing it when we reach Sin. Who is another player that looks really bad coming off of NP2.

Now you brought up some of my posts and stated your two cents. Which were scummy as hell by the way. Very similar to what you did toward of YoTan. You think you can bring up bunch of random posts and stamp them as scummy and twist them to fit your own agenda? Maybe it might work if you are going after a player who started playing mafia yesterday.

He starts with this which is a very scummy post to make. This is what started the controversy on D1 which got him replaced and then unreplaced. Why? In fact, Nitty did not even replace DDL when he did the same thing. He just got modkilled. Why replace SK when the situations were nearly identical? Furthermore, what is the logic behind unreplacing him? Obviously a convo happened behind the scenes and my tinfoil is that SK explained that his early posts were part of his gameplan.

You automatically jump back to angle shooting which was literally addressed in the thread as misunderstanding and I elaborated about it when I replied to Hero. But I know, scum life is hard.

Buddying with Soul, which he has been doing all game.

How is that me buddying with Soul? You know I literally stated in that post you quoted that I am gonna kill soul? Plus, ofc I want to interact with a player who is called Soul. I am called SoulKiller duh???

But you see, It seems you have a knack of taking random post and paint it as buddying. I can say hi to you and you would think I want to be your best friend. You use the word 'Buddying' very loosely here buddy.

All posts about basically being behind and then using it as an excuse to bandwagon.

You make this seem that I made these posts at random time throughout the DP, which if I did I would agree with you that it does look scummy. But all the posts you presented were literally very close in time zone. Unlike you who did nothing with your vote to avoid being on the lynch rope. I actually wanna utilize my vote. I was busy that DP and wanted my vote to matter, I asked questions and replied to other people in that list of quotes you gathered. Yes, obviously I am gonna ask. I am late and doing the best I can with the situation I am in. If my vote would help get a player lynched and be of worth. I'll do it, which is precisely what I did. Actually I would say the people who avoided voting EoD are more scummy. Only scum would be afraid to be in the main wagon.

Kind of buddying with me after going after me a bit in his previous post.

I am sorry, but I laughed at this. How exactly did I buddy you here? By telling you that I forgive you for mistaking me as someone called SoulTaker? and that entire series of posts about it and then acted like you didn't know it was completely two different people and acted dumb about it? Please. If I say Hi to you, does that mean I am buddying you? You are being very opportunistic with these reads of yours and hoping it sticks. You think I am an easy mislynch huh?

Says he will do better the next day phase and then really didn't post anything that worthwhile.

This is simply false and not true. You are literally lying off your teeth making it seem I literally did nothing. You could of atleast state that I made one valuable post. But to twist things and say I didn't do anything? lol. That one post alone was worth 20 posts. Might not be alot but it was a genuine effort for my lack of activity from my end previous DP, but I interacted with couple of players and got some feel on them. While this might be nothing to you, it's valuable to me.

I also want to add that badalight mentality in that NP was off and noticed some inconsistency with his train of thought throughout the NP.

Is worm eligible tomorrow?

If so, why waste that here? Imo if night lynch we are allowed to lynch anyone, why not someone who has been ducking being put up for lynches?

This stood out to me weird, wanting to lynch a player who was not eligible in the lynch list. Because there are multiple scummy players in the lynch list that would give us so much insight regarding the game, when you finally had the chance to clear things up and get scummy player lynched. You want now to lynch the few players who did not make it to the lynch list? Why? they provide nothing. Really wasn't fan of this mindset. Hell, he made a large case about me why I was scum and the lad did not even vote for me or any of sword or iwan. This tells me that his reads has no merit behind it and he does not care about actually catching scum and ended up voting for someone who he did not have any thoughts about necessarily lol.

What I find funny as well is that badalight is not part of the lynch list which is very interesting. He talks alot about people ducking etc, but he is the number 1 ducking player in the game. He avoided being in the first lynch wagon and in the second lynch wagon which contains 20 damn players. Funny right? Dude can't muster the strength to put himself in the lynch list. Why? Oh his reads are different and want other people lynched? lol. I find it hilarious when scum tries to find anything to paint as scummy, twist words to suit his narrative and play like he is putting himself out there but he is nowhere to be seen in the lynch candidates.

Overall, I think badalight is actually scum here. It's just too bad we can't lynch him. I suggest vig to look here.
Apparently no one but Ekko thought it was even worth checking with host how that ability would interact with a watch.
I literally asked if we were certain that said ability would show up, which Baraxio said he had checked and it does. By the way, you don't get to use Baraxio asking this (as you did just above this quote) as a line of questioning and then demand that everyone should have done exactly that - it's inconsistent.
It might not be a waste. I think it served as a good reaction test and also means you’re probably town. It will be worth going back to see who jumped if the main wagon candidates flip scum later.
I mean, he was fairly likely town before that. Also looks good for Didi.
What a broken role this was:dead
Anything more insightful to offer here?
huh, what are you talking about. I never thought Xadlin was scum and I am not the one who brought up Oddjutsu. I came in and had to vote between Didi and Odd and my reasoning was I'd rather fucking kill an inactive player because I hate that shit and also Didi has some similar reads to mine. Neither were on my scum list. My other option was voting no one I guess and we waste the night lynch?
So I've noticed that you have repeatedly flaunted that you haven't been on board the mislynches so far. Why is it that you're avoiding the main wagon so often?
I mean, he was fairly likely town before that. Also looks good for Didi.

Anything more insightful to offer here?

So I've noticed that you have repeatedly flaunted that you haven't been on board the mislynches so far. Why is it that you're avoiding the main wagon so often?
Already addressed this a hundred times. Did not feel confident about the lynches, and didn't want to put myself up for a lynch.

@SoulKiller Yes, feel free to vig me which will A) not work B) even it does somehow work will get rid of the night lynches. Sounds like a great idea. Definitely not a scummy thing to suggest SK.
At this point I don't think it matters too much.
Sworder has posted enough and mentioned a couple of reads so he seems alright to me.
For me it's a 50/50 on Melodie or Franky.

Why? He is now active and offering reads. Isn't he actually one of the more active guys in D3?
If you wanted to execute him it made sense in D2, not now.

I do not see Santi contributing a lot today. Your defense of him is noted.
Let's look at another individual I thought was scummy coming out of NP2.

It would give us a lot of insight in the Platinum voters D1, especially Lord Melkor and SoulKiller's whose votes look most like they were trying to save someone.

In case she's town, the wagon on WJ might as well been an attempt to save Didi instead.

Either way, her flipping would be very informative due to voting patterns. And she's being useless outside of that anyway so not much of value will be lost x)

[Vote Lynch Worm Juice]

This gentlemen SinRaven, he definitely ravened his way through that NP. I want to point out that you kept repeating yourself alot regarding people who voted plat apparently did it to protect a player. I found it odd, why would a scum vote a player so he can be in the lynching rope next DP? But I find it more weird that you automatically assume that people who voted for plat, voted specifically to only save someone and focused more so on that someone being worm than any other player in that wagon. Easy way to stamp a player as scummy. 'Oh he voted for this guy, he must of been wanting to save the other players in the other wagon.' I like how that is your first thought process regarding such situation. Instead of having a broader perspective which by the way. You should have as town, your line of thinking is very linear and is geared toward. 'How can I make a simple vote look scummy and having agenda behind it.'. I think you would be surprised Raven, but townies don't need an agenda, they do what they feel is right at the given situation. Utilizing my vote to be meaningful for town, it's the least I can do since I was not available that DP.

Plus, in this lynching format system, not voting for a player is more scummy than voting the player. So who truly is the scum here? Let me remind you that you voted for Melodie in DP1.... Effectively saving yourself from the lynch ropes. Like why even vote for Melodie out of everyone else? You seen how things developed and abstained of voting for either plat, didi, or worm. That's fishy don't you think?

Furthermore, You went ahead this NP and voted for Worm. But then moved your vote to Odd because? weren't you calling me and LM scummy because we voted for Plat to save worm? if what you stated is something you truly believe in. Then shouldn't worm be scum here? but you switched to odd because?

I don't have an active thought on Odd which is odd...

Is he trying to blend? Idk. What about him sets you off?

You made this post, so clearly you had no opinion regarding the guy, yet you still voted for him and moved away from Worm.

No I want to lynch Worm Juice preferably...
I wouldn't mind an Oddjutsu lynch either, that guy is deffo tryna blend looking back at his posts.

I don't think there's much info to gain from it tho.

[Vote Lynch Oddjutsu]

Yall can try lynching Didi tomorrow if yall really feel like it. I don't feel comfortable lynching a town read of mine.

Odd can go however, might as well since this is basically the only way to rid him if he keeps dodging being a lynch candidate

You even made another post insisting that you want worm lynched. But in the very next post you magically okay with Odd being lynched? You were even aware that his lynch is not valuable at all. Where the posts about wanting to vote for Worm was just for show? Wouldn't voting worm would of gave you better idea regarding my slot as well since you scum read me for apparently trying to protect him by voting plat? or was that was for show as well and you actually don't care about resolving me at all. Mislynch and misdirection seems to be your goal here. You don't really care about solving the game at all.


I hereby sentence you to death. For being a filthy scum.

Vote Lynch: SinRaven
Already addressed this a hundred times. Did not feel confident about the lynches, and didn't want to put myself up for a lynch.

@SoulKiller Yes, feel free to vig me which will A) not work B) even it does somehow work will get rid of the night lynches. Sounds like a great idea. Definitely not a scummy thing to suggest SK.

I thought Nessos is the one behind night lynches?

I am not town reading JW, but good point that cop results are not fully reliable in role madness.

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