Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Do you have any opinions of Didi, Bada, Ekkologix, John Wayne?
Town, Indie, Town, Town.

Didi - I think with him being thrust into the spotlight so early, he was forced to be active and fight for his life. Now he kind of just complains and doesn't do much to help. At least that's what I can see him doing. Like I said yesterday, I haven't been the most active in this game and am just starting to get back into it. I still think he's town, but I do recall him soft defending Worm Juice on Day 1. That's probably also irrelevant at this point. Day 1 really was a bad phase for information. I do think yesterday is a goldmine. We found out a lot with these deaths. It would do a some good to look over interactions the dead players were having before they died, especially Firestormer's interactions.

Bada - I feel the same way Ratchet does about him. I think he's an indie. Whether or not he is hostile is unknown to met. I can figure out his role if you'd like and I can better make a judgement call if he should be kept around. I am of the belief that indies should never be trusted and should be gotten rid of immediately. Obviously scum is our first choice. That's like nabbing the letter A on a test. Killing indies are good too, but that's like getting a B.

Usopp - Professor swears up and down he's town so I'm going to go with that

John Wayne - If he doesn't step his game up, he needs to be vigged. I think he's a player that people are just letting lurk around and just don't give a darn about. We clearly need to expand our horizons on who can possibly be scum and not just look at the people who are posting. I have a null read on him myself because he's just there...he's oscillating between town and scum for me.
@Firestormer (Amala Dlamini), @charles101 (Spamton G. Spamton), @WolfPrinceKiba (Frankenstein), @Yo Tan Wa (Phosphophyllite) and @Fang (???) all died tonight. Fang's role was hidden, but his alignment wasn't; he was town.

Do not post yet
town 2 be like:

Besides, role cops ping me as more likely anti-town than town.

@Hero what say you?
Well I’m not. I’ve actually created role cops previously that were town roles in older games.

The only gag with my role is that whoever I decide to role cop, my alignment changes based on the role. So I’ve been careful with who I’ve picked but looks like I wasn’t careful enough :nonon
did sworder really come back to save his ass only to end up fucking his claim over and getting lynched instead lol
what claim?

if I was mafia I would say as little as possible to not incriminate myself or possibly slip. the fact I'm being so blatantly open about all my actions should be pretty obvious idc if I live or not as I'm very likely to go afk once the week starts again.

so giving as much info as I can
I was more meaning the alignment change. So you're Indie? Or were? Just so I'm clear on what the claim actually is.
I’m town. My role just had a drawback (I guess it’s apart of the flavor).

I’m being vague without revealing my identity. But when I investigate a player, I imitate them. That’s why my alignment changes depending on who I use it on.
20. Soul - null, they post enough to be remembered but not enough to be noticed if that makes sense.
While I do have a low post count compared to others I take many quotes and put them all in one post. Do people actually prefer to post 100 times with one liners?
How do I only post enough to be remembered when I have more insights and lengthy posts than half the players in the game? I also reply to every single thing directed at me, speak up when I have concerns about any player and point out if I think there's someone flying under the radar.
Not sure why so many people just go into the post count instead of just keeping up with the thread to check for activity.

No Rimi role against this year ;-;

Execute Iwan today I think. Lynch Melkor/Soul/Didi.
Any reason why I am a top 3 suspect over others? Also, how is Didi still being this heavily suspected over Bada (could still be Indie) or others. Fang was confirmed town this night phase which should clear both Santi and Didi.
Iwan should have a guilty on him You can go too to be honest, why are you surviving an offensive flash kill?
We aren't lynching ten people today Ratchet, we need a lynch name for today. Who's you most suspicious poster?
I have many abilities

I gave u an extra life, I also gave one to WPK and Ekko

Melodie not being roleblocked means she's DEFINITELY scum especially since shes not even playing
Yeah that makes sense. Even if she didn't trapped me as per Ekko
melodie only visited yo tan and rej

not juan and soul

shes not boobie trapper
She is making moves while being completely inactive in the thread. Reads scum hard and is up for execution, so this one's easy.

[vote execute Melodie]
We aren't lynching ten people today Ratchet, we need a lynch name for today. Who's you most suspicious poster?
If you would read my posts, instead of making obvious, and useless, statements such as this one, you'd know exactly which one (1) name we should be lynching today. Are you inept or just pretending to be? We're lynching Iwan, obviously.

What the fuck are you doing?
>gives three names
>later gives exactly one name for lynch
>"ratchet we can't lynch 10 people"

Like... I fucking know? That's why I gave a shortlist and then corrected it to one? A shortlist you quoted?

I can't wait for the merge, if only so I don't have to see as much stupidity like this, good lord.

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