Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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What do you mean by "your alignment changes"? Does it affect your wincon or do you investigate as guilty when you invest someone who is quilty?

Sounds suss to me. Also I do not like how your reads are asked about are mostly town while there should be a lot of scum left in this Group.
I responded to this at another spot in the thread. My alignment doesn’t change. What I scan changes based on who I imitate.

I’ve also addressed this as well. I think scum is hiding among the inactives. This entire game we’ve hunted people who are posting and ignored the inactives like they don’t even exist.
I responded to this at another spot in the thread. My alignment doesn’t change. What I scan changes based on who I imitate.

I’ve also addressed this as well. I think scum is hiding among the inactives. This entire game we’ve hunted people who are posting and ignored the inactives like they don’t even exist.
most likley people who aren't reading because they only killed 1 confirmed out of like 12
Iwan is guilty. He has a guilty investigation on him. As for the other three, PoE, I mostly wanted them to be discussed. They don't matter, because Iwan is the lynch today.
How have I "not dealt" with it? I've answered everything you've asked me to answer, I just have no patience for stupid positions that are addressed literally one post after, which you were well aware of, because you picked up a post made after said addressment to ask why I hadn't made said addressment.

[vote lynch iwan]
No Rimi role against this year ;-;

Serika role was awesome though. @Rottkins I'm disappointed that you wasted it.


Execute Iwan today I think. Lynch Melkor/Soul/Didi.
am null on soul, prob have to read later
didi would have been a very informative lynch at some point earlier in the game but they are really transparent with night actions so honestly they might be town.
iirc melkor got mechanically cleared by fang.

JW, hammer should be in the poe.
That part of post you quoted was me questioning why you weren’t looking for the mafia on the night council the day Worm first got lynched. Before we had any guilty results. If you thought there was scum on the night council I’d have expected you to have been trying to root them out but you weren’t really.
I like to focus at the task at hand. Didn't have anything but a read on them.
On the other hand, FS had a guilty verdict, far more than any evidence that I could have put forward.

Only talked/focusing on Bada who you didn’t think looked as bad. (But he was a big talking point so would be easy to focus on to blend in at the time.)
Because Bada was being crucified for the night lynch going poorly which doesn't add up to me.

But you said you thought there was mafia on the council saving worm?
I thought that the whole thing went too poorly for scum to not be there.
I also thought that Worm was a way more viable lynch than Odd.
Never said that they were saving worm, but to me it doesn't add up that Odd died before WJ.

Why/how would Ekko have been the one saving worm?
You are the one making these connections. I thought that Ekko had a weird night phase, which makes Ekko suspicious.

And besides that why weren’t you gunning for him. I don’t see you pushing or casing Ekko that day. Were you just content to keep it to yourself?
Because we have confirmed lynches? Why would I take focus away from confirmed scum?
You spent way more time focused on Bada than Ekko (which was just going with what the majority was doing on Bada).
Because I read Bada as townie, then as scum and then as townie again.

If you thought Firestormer was a viable lynch that wouldn’t incriminate you too badly to talk your way out of then no reason to think you couldn’t vote there as scum.
I agree with that, but what benefit does it have? Wasn't the vote 16 to 4?
What purpose does it serve to me as scum? Not be voted to get lynched today? Because there are other suspects than me.
If anything I am now more of a target because of it.

Now, if I vote for Sin what's the downside?

If Firestormer gets lynched that day then you’re just another one of many on the wagon. Sin could have made this same argument for not being so obvious about being Worm’s teammate on night council and just voting Worm.
Which she did? Sin voted WJ.
And If I vote SinRaven I am in a better position ten out of ten times. I don't get this point.
I mean before yesterday lol. Like the day Worm was first a wagon. Before there was ever a lynch redirect. That’s the days I’m quoting you off of there.
Worm was a wagon when people were already wondering why the fuck she was still alive. I literally linked you to a post a few pages before the one you quoted saying the same thing.
Dude I’m talking about the night lynch. Where you said at least one was probably mafia for how they let worm get away yet weren’t trying to help us find who that would be lol.
Because we have confirmed scum: I thought that a guilty verdict has more impact than theories.
That is also explained even before I voted for FS.
[Vote lynch Iwan]
[Vote execute Melodie]

So Sin was bussing Melodie the whole time with the execute votes lol?

Anyway, after this I think the next players that are most probably mafia are in this group:

Assuming Iwan and Melodie (Most probably due to watch result) are flipping mafia there might just be 3 more left.

For those who haven’t read the Group 1 thread - Ish gave up and came out as the last mafia member. (I assume he’s the last from all his posts)

So if it’s a similar ratio here then there might have been a total of 7 mafia to start off.
Can you elaborate as to why I am scum? I addressed what happened with the FS vote, but not sure if you have anything else.
@Soul I don’t know if you’re trying to be slippery on purpose or are just misunderstanding me but I’m gonna try to make it very clear.

On D3. The day after Worm was not lynched on night council, you come into the day believing that Worm is scum and at least one of the night council are probably scum. You apparently thought that person was Ekko but weren’t feeling the need to do anything about it. Which is not how I expect a townie to behave. If Town and you think someone is probably scum I expect you to try to convince others or tell them about it. You should be sounding alarms.

If you’re town and you think the council has scum on it I expect you to be making an effort to find them regardless if Worm is that days lynch or not. At that point Worm was not even confirmed scum, just strongly suspected of it. And even if Worm is confirmed scum, it is not townie to just shut down and say “Oh we got a scum getting lynched today I have no reason to try to find any more today.”

That’s what I’m calling you out on for that day. If you were Sin’s teammate (who we know is at least one scum on that night lynch) then saying there’s scum on the night lynch but not trying to find them makes sense, bc you get to call out the lynch but you don’t go out of your way to endanger Sin by actually trying to find out who that scum on the night lynch is and put Sin under additional fire. You get your cake and eat it too.

You suspiciously did not look Sin’s way.
And you say you would have just switched to Sin if you were scum when he became the leading wagon yesterday but why didn’t you if you’re Town? What was the point of that?

By your own words you placed your vote on Firestormer when they were leading but then you just decided to keep it there. It is a misplay if you’re scum to not just vote Sin but scum have been doing that all game and getting themselves caught in both threads.

The part I was really criticizing you for though was voting Firestormer in the first place when both Sin and Firestormer were viable. I wasn’t actually talking about where your vote ended up.

You can say “I’d just bus to make myself look better”, but Sin could have said the same thing about voting Odd on night lynch “I wouldn’t swing to Odd bc that would make me look bad.”

You say you did it bc Charles had no reason to lie but neither did Yo Tan so that’s moot. You may as well just say you were following the crowd. Which isn’t 100% damning but it is eye raising when you’ve been avoiding looking Sin’s way this game.

I think your arguments/defenses against the things I’ve said are almost worse than the actions themselves bc it feels like you’re going out of your way to misunderstand me lol. Or to answer my questions as indirectly as possible.

This back and forth is starting to feel like a tunnel but it isn’t meant to. I have no choice when you keep at best misunderstanding my points but to continually clarify. Hopefully everything is crystal now lol.
@Soul I don’t know if you’re trying to be slippery on purpose or are just misunderstanding me but I’m gonna try to make it very clear.

On D3. The day after Worm was not lynched on night council, you come into the day believing that Worm is scum and at least one of the night council are probably scum. You apparently thought that person was Ekko but weren’t feeling the need to do anything about it. Which is not how I expect a townie to behave. If Town and you think someone is probably scum I expect you to try to convince others or tell them about it. You should be sounding alarms.

If you’re town and you think the council has scum on it I expect you to be making an effort to find them regardless if Worm is that days lynch or not. At that point Worm was not even confirmed scum, just strongly suspected of it. And even if Worm is confirmed scum, it is not townie to just shut down and say “Oh we got a scum getting lynched today I have no reason to try to find any more today.”

That’s what I’m calling you out on for that day. If you were Sin’s teammate (who we know is at least one scum on that night lynch) then saying there’s scum on the night lynch but not trying to find them makes sense, bc you get to call out the lynch but you don’t go out of your way to endanger Sin by actually trying to find out who that scum on the night lynch is and put Sin under additional fire. You get your cake and eat it too.

You suspiciously did not look Sin’s way.
And you say you would have just switched to Sin if you were scum when he became the leading wagon yesterday but why didn’t you if you’re Town? What was the point of that?

By your own words you placed your vote on Firestormer when they were leading but then you just decided to keep it there. It is a misplay if you’re scum to not just vote Sin but scum have been doing that all game and getting themselves caught in both threads.

The part I was really criticizing you for though was voting Firestormer in the first place when both Sin and Firestormer were viable. I wasn’t actually talking about where your vote ended up.

You can say “I’d just bus to make myself look better”, but Sin could have said the same thing about voting Odd on night lynch “I wouldn’t swing to Odd bc that would make me look bad.”

You say you did it bc Charles had no reason to lie but neither did Yo Tan so that’s moot. You may as well just say you were following the crowd. Which isn’t 100% damning but it is eye raising when you’ve been avoiding looking Sin’s way this game.

I think your arguments/defenses against the things I’ve said are almost worse than the actions themselves bc it feels like you’re going out of your way to misunderstand me lol. Or to answer my questions as indirectly as possible.

This back and forth is starting to feel like a tunnel but it isn’t meant to. I have no choice when you keep at best misunderstanding my points but to continually clarify. Hopefully everything is crystal now lol.
Would broadly agree on this, sometimes it has felt like open scumming from Soul even.
Didi being so open about his abilities makes him look more townish though.
Could have said that as pure distancing. I don’t really give him points for that post.

I agree with your posts on Didi’s play around Sin/Firestormer. He wanted to be on Firestormer but was seriously hedging about it.

The best case I can give Didi is that at first Sin was going after him for the Plat counter wagon instead of Worm. Weird choice if they are both his teammate imo. But that can possibly be explained if Worm had the better role *maybe*
Could have said that as pure distancing. I don’t really give him points for that post.

I agree with your posts on Didi’s play around Sin/Firestormer. He wanted to be on Firestormer but was seriously hedging about it.

The best case I can give Didi is that at first Sin was going after him for the Plat counter wagon instead of Worm. Weird choice if they are both his teammate imo. But that can possibly be explained if Worm had the better role *maybe*

nah I was on firestormer at that point, but when a confirmed town ghost prefers the other one I'm down to hear if he has a good reason for it and then I immediately switched to Sin

I don't know how the votes were at that point for sure but I felt like it was close, I think, so it's not like a thing where I join the inevitable wagon for easy towncred, I think at that point stepping over to Sin instead of Fire was still an important swing. But I hadn't counted so I don't know for sure, maybe Sin was already leading. Feel free to go ahead and check.
My invest last night was on Badalight, and of course I got: innocent.

I'm starting to feel that not only am I a naive cop but that mafia has known about it for a long time and that's why they've kept me alive

Really scummy thing to say I know, but I'm playing my cards open

If that is the case it is very likely one or multiple of my first three results is scum
which were, Kira, Santi and Hammer

Santi is town to me due to the whole business with Fang, and Kira has been townlike in his posts (though I've seen him deepwolf before). Hammer is the most scum out of the three to me.
3. @DrProfessor83 - town
4. @Ekkologix - null

6. @Hero - townlean
7. @Iwandesu - scum

9. @Juan - townlean
11. @Lind - town / maybe indie
12. @Lord Melkor - scumlean
13. @Melodie - scum
14. @Rej - town

16. @Soul - scumlean
17. @SoulKiller - null
18. @sworder - scumlean
19. @tinky winky - scumlean

list without my invests

too many scum(lean)s to be feasible probably
I suppose sworder could just be a shitty inactive townie, I do get a decent vibe from his more recent posts

Soul is the opposite, I was having a townlean on him (though close to null because he doesn't have that much presence) but I don't like his posts today.

tinky I still feel weird about, feels like a really opportunistic low effort game so far but this is NF so maybe I'm wrong and they are just a shitty player
3. @DrProfessor83 - town
4. @Ekkologix - null

6. @Hero - townlean
7. @Iwandesu - scum

9. @Juan - townlean
11. @Lind - town / maybe indie
12. @Lord Melkor - scumlean
13. @Melodie - scum
14. @Rej - town

16. @Soul - scumlean
17. @SoulKiller - null
18. @sworder - scumlean
19. @tinky winky - scumlean

list without my invests

too many scum(lean)s to be feasible probably
I suppose sworder could just be a shitty inactive townie, I do get a decent vibe from his more recent posts

Soul is the opposite, I was having a townlean on him (though close to null because he doesn't have that much presence) but I don't like his posts today.

tinky I still feel weird about, feels like a really opportunistic low effort game so far but this is NF so maybe I'm wrong and they are just a shitty player

At least half of those has to be town
reads on people I've invested if I hadn't invested them:

Badalight: his play and threadpresence scream indie to me tbh. Very selfish
Hammer: townlean. Mostly because at 1 point he said something along the lines of 'yall veterans know that when I'm alive this long and act this scummy / play this badly it means I'm town' and I was like fuck he's got a point lmao. It's very in his town meta to play like this :lmao
John Wayne: scumlean. He's not been providing enough to the thread.
Kira: townlean. I would like him to push more though, he's been kinda coasting off of other people's efforts. But his reads and posts do feel good.
Santi: town.
Fine, I'll be as clear as I can as well because it's getting repetitive. If you have any questions as to what I am doing please ask away.
On D3. The day after Worm was not lynched on night council, you come into the day believing that Worm is scum and at least one of the night council are probably scum.
On D3 I come in thinking WJ should be dead by now, because she isn't doing anything but posting the bare minimum. She might be indie for all I care, but I wanted her dead. The same thing happened when I gunned for Santi, but he cleared my doubts about him the next day. My suspicions were that she was scum, yes, but I didn't have any way to know that.

You apparently thought that person was Ekko but weren’t feeling the need to do anything about it. Which is not how I expect a townie to behave. If Town and you think someone is probably scum I expect you to try to convince others or tell them about it. You should be sounding alarms.
I thought at least one was mafia, maybe more. That night phase was horrendous.
Again, I have no real evidence for this. It just feels like a scummy thing to do.
If you’re town and you think the council has scum on it I expect you to be making an effort to find them regardless if Worm is that days lynch or not.
I don't 100% agree.
You could definitely argue for it, but there are scenarios when this might not be the best course of action.
That’s what I’m calling you out on for that day. If you were Sin’s teammate (who we know is at least one scum on that night lynch) then saying there’s scum on the night lynch but not trying to find them makes sense, bc you get to call out the lynch but you don’t go out of your way to endanger Sin by actually trying to find out who that scum on the night lynch is and put Sin under additional fire. You get your cake and eat it too.
I do 100% agree with this part, though, which is why I am openly saying that I understand you suspecting me. You coming at me this hard makes me lean towards you being town even more.
You suspiciously did not look Sin’s way.
But I did look towards Sin. I posted about it, too. Here I am questioning Bada on why either FS or Sin were weak claims, for example.
Mentioned them being equal targets since even before I voted for FS.

Your problem with the call is that I didn't make the right one, but when it was my turn to vote the circumstances were exactly the same in my mind. It was a 50/50 call and got it wrong. I agree I should be questioned, which is why I am answering to everything you quote me on to the best of my ability.
And you say you would have just switched to Sin if you were scum when he became the leading wagon yesterday but why didn’t you if you’re Town? What was the point of that?
There wasn't a point. Got busy and didn't bother to post again until after the night phase started.
By your own words you placed your vote on Firestormer when they were leading but then you just decided to keep it there.
Because I didn't get back to the thread.
It's a misplay regardless of me being scum or townie, but me being townie is a far less severe misplay, which is why I didn't bother to force myself to get back into the thread and vote for Sin: I was fine with lynching FS because I was confident of him being mafia. Worse case Sin can be dealt with later.
It is a misplay if you’re scum to not just vote Sin but scum have been doing that all game and getting themselves caught in both threads.
Which makes this play incredibly stupid if I am scum.
The part I was really criticizing you for though was voting Firestormer in the first place when both Sin and Firestormer were viable. I wasn’t actually talking about where your vote ended up.
And I agree it was poor play and overconfidence in Charles' read in my posts.
The criticism is deserved.
You can say “I’d just bus to make myself look better”, but Sin could have said the same thing about voting Odd on night lynch “I wouldn’t swing to Odd bc that would make me look bad.”
It would also be a lie. Haven't lied once this game, nor I intend to do so.
Sin could have not pushed for anyone and wait for Bada to vote, too. I was not looking more into Sin's posting anyways since he was already confirmed scum.
You say you did it bc Charles had no reason to lie but neither did Yo Tan so that’s moot.
It isn't moot at all. By you own post right here they were both viable targets.
You are talking as if I know their alignment beforehand.
You may as well just say you were following the crowd. Which isn’t 100% damning but it is eye raising when you’ve been avoiding looking Sin’s way this game.
Wasn't following the crowd at all, I made a 50/50 call based on what I knew.
Thought that Charles didn't have a reason to die since he was going to die, while Yo's claim didn't have that edge. This is what made me go this route.
I think your arguments/defenses against the things I’ve said are almost worse than the actions themselves bc it feels like you’re going out of your way to misunderstand me lol. Or to answer my questions as indirectly as possible.
Maybe you aren't understanding what I am trying to say.
I was overconfident in both guilty reads. Thought we could lynch one and then the other, it was pretty much the same to me. That is my defense.
How am I answering indirectly to your questions? This is what happened, and I have requested you to air your concerns so I can talk about them at length.

In short, my mistake shouldn't lead to you to believe that I am mafia.
Err in judgment? Perhaps, but I think that voting for FS if I am mafia only hurts me. What benefit would that bring me if I am scum?
This back and forth is starting to feel like a tunnel but it isn’t meant to. I have no choice when you keep at best misunderstanding my points but to continually clarify. Hopefully everything is crystal now lol.
This is not only understandable, but makes you look better than choosing to ignore it (like other posters here).
Just if it isn't clear, I am town. An investigation on me should be the best course of action to determine if I am saying the truth or not.
You really scumteading prof?
Have you even read enough of this game to question a scum read on me? (If it would have been one)
Fine, I'll be as clear as I can as well because it's getting repetitive. If you have any questions as to what I am doing please ask away.

On D3 I come in thinking WJ should be dead by now, because she isn't doing anything but posting the bare minimum. She might be indie for all I care, but I wanted her dead. The same thing happened when I gunned for Santi, but he cleared my doubts about him the next day. My suspicions were that she was scum, yes, but I didn't have any way to know that.

I thought at least one was mafia, maybe more. That night phase was horrendous.
Again, I have no real evidence for this. It just feels like a scummy thing to do.

I don't 100% agree.
You could definitely argue for it, but there are scenarios when this might not be the best course of action.

I do 100% agree with this part, though, which is why I am openly saying that I understand you suspecting me. You coming at me this hard makes me lean towards you being town even more.

But I did look towards Sin. I posted about it, too. Here I am questioning Bada on why either FS or Sin were weak claims, for example.
Mentioned them being equal targets since even before I voted for FS.

Your problem with the call is that I didn't make the right one, but when it was my turn to vote the circumstances were exactly the same in my mind. It was a 50/50 call and got it wrong. I agree I should be questioned, which is why I am answering to everything you quote me on to the best of my ability.

There wasn't a point. Got busy and didn't bother to post again until after the night phase started.

Because I didn't get back to the thread.
It's a misplay regardless of me being scum or townie, but me being townie is a far less severe misplay, which is why I didn't bother to force myself to get back into the thread and vote for Sin: I was fine with lynching FS because I was confident of him being mafia. Worse case Sin can be dealt with later.

Which makes this play incredibly stupid if I am scum.

And I agree it was poor play and overconfidence in Charles' read in my posts.
The criticism is deserved.

It would also be a lie. Haven't lied once this game, nor I intend to do so.
Sin could have not pushed for anyone and wait for Bada to vote, too. I was not looking more into Sin's posting anyways since he was already confirmed scum.

It isn't moot at all. By you own post right here they were both viable targets.
You are talking as if I know their alignment beforehand.

Wasn't following the crowd at all, I made a 50/50 call based on what I knew.
Thought that Charles didn't have a reason to die since he was going to die, while Yo's claim didn't have that edge. This is what made me go this route.

Maybe you aren't understanding what I am trying to say.
I was overconfident in both guilty reads. Thought we could lynch one and then the other, it was pretty much the same to me. That is my defense.
How am I answering indirectly to your questions? This is what happened, and I have requested you to air your concerns so I can talk about them at length.

In short, my mistake shouldn't lead to you to believe that I am mafia.
Err in judgment? Perhaps, but I think that voting for FS if I am mafia only hurts me. What benefit would that bring me if I am scum?

This is not only understandable, but makes you look better than choosing to ignore it (like other posters here).
Just if it isn't clear, I am town. An investigation on me should be the best course of action to determine if I am saying the truth or not.
There are still things we’re clearly not clicking on but at this point this has gone on long enough lol. Conclusion: I’m happy to yeet you into the sun when we get a chance lol. Haven’t liked this interaction or your answers to my questions when you are answering the right question lol. If you’re town we’re just on entirely different wave lengths.
You don’t like having one less to worry about?
Vote count

Spoiler: Lynch votes
1. @Badalight - Iwan
2. @Didi - Iwan
3. @DrProfessor83 - Iwan
4. @Ekkologix - Iwan
5. @hammer - Iwan
6. @Hero - Iwan
7. @Iwandesu
8. @John Wayne
9. @Juan - Iwan
10. @Kira Yagami - Iwan
11. @Lind - Iwan
12. @Lord Melkor - Badalight > Iwan
13. @Melodie
14. @Rej - Iwan
15. @Santí - Iwan
16. @Soul - Iwan
17. @SoulKiller - Iwan
18. @sworder - Iwan
19. @tinky winky - Iwan

Lynch leaderboard

@Iwandesu - 16

Spoiler: Execution votes
1. @Badalight - Sworder > Melodie
2. @Didi - Melodie
3. @DrProfessor83 - Melodie
4. @Ekkologix - Melodie
5. @hammer - Melodie
6. @Hero - Melodie
7. @Iwandesu
8. @John Wayne
9. @Juan - Melodie
10. @Kira Yagami - Melodie
11. @Lind - Melodie
12. @Lord Melkor - Iwan > Sworder > Melodie
13. @Melodie
14. @Rej- Melodie
15. @Santí - Melodie
16. @Soul - Melodie
17. @SoulKiller - Melodie
18. @sworder - Melodie
19. @tinky winky - Melodie

Execution leaderboard

@Melodie - 16

Votes lock in 10 minutes.
My invest last night was on Badalight, and of course I got: innocent.

I'm starting to feel that not only am I a naive cop but that mafia has known about it for a long time and that's why they've kept me alive

Really scummy thing to say I know, but I'm playing my cards open

If that is the case it is very likely one or multiple of my first three results is scum
which were, Kira, Santi and Hammer

Santi is town to me due to the whole business with Fang, and Kira has been townlike in his posts (though I've seen him deepwolf before). Hammer is the most scum out of the three to me.
how did you avoid my roleblock?

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