Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Night 1 - Ratchet (Winslow) and Lalisa (Aviva) die
@Ratchet (The Winslow) and @Lalisa (Aviva Drescher) died tonight!

The Winslow
from Buck Gadot: Zap Gun For Hire
durability rating: 3

[Innate - The Eternal Winslow] -
The Winslow is older than the universe. If Winslow is murdered by another player, then he can decline to move on to the dead chat and can instead continue posting in the game thread as a ghost with no voting power or abilities.

[One Shot Passive - Cameo Appearance] - If Winslow is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of all his limited-use abilities.

[Two Shot Active - Magical - Opposite Day] - During the night, Winslow can alter reality around himself to learn who visits him. For that night, killing and protective abilities will have their effects reversed on Winslow; if another player tries to kill the Winslow they will protect him instead, and vice verse. This ability does not convert bleeds, poisons or superkills.

[Innate - The Unknowable Winslow] - The Winslow is far beyond mortal comprehension. If another player uses an investigative ability on Winslow, they will receive gibberish for results, and Winslow will learn their name and mark them with [Winslow Worshipper].

[Winslow Worshipper] - This player recently beheld the Winslow! This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Active - Magical - The Ever Annoying Winslow] - During the night the Winslow can steal another player's results. If that player used any investigative abilities that night, their results will be sent to Winslow instead. If Winslow successfully steals results with this ability then he will mark the player he stole from with [Winslow Worshipper], and the following night, Winslow can choose to send a copy of those results to their rightful owner. Winslow isn't trying to be annoying, so he can't use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Magical - Winslow Almighty] - During the night, Winslow can bless one player marked by [Winslow Worshipper] to protect their investigative abilities against tampering, corruption and redirection.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - The Ultimate Observer] - During the day, Winslow can investigate one player who triggered [The Unknowable Winslow] that day or the previous night to learn what results they would normally have gotten on him. The Winslow cannot use this ability 2 days in a row.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Time Traveling Private Investigator] - During the night, Winslow can follow the player he uses [Winslow Almighty] on to learn who they investigate that night and what their results are. The Winslow cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.

Aviva Drescher
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Q Score] -
Aviva works in reality TV, where her success and influence are measured by an audience rating called the Q Score. Each night a randomly chosen group of 5 players will be surveyed about their opinion on Aviva, and the following day, Aviva's amount of voting power will correspond to the amount of players who gave her a positive rating. This ability will display Aviva's player's name, not her role name.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Friends in High Places] - During the day, Aviva can use her connections to learn who was surveyed for the most recent Q Score, and how they rated her.

[Passive - Mild to Severe Asthma] - Aviva lives a charmed life, but that doesn't stop her from complaining incessantly about every bad thing that happens to her. If Aviva receives any negative effects, such as bleeding, vote silencing or roleblocks, Aviva will complain about that effect in the next writeup. This ability will display Aviva's player's name, not her role name.

[Innate - Contract Renewal] - If Aviva is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of all her limited-use abilities.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - How we handle things on the Upper East Side] - During the day Aviva can threaten to sue another player for slandering her. For the rest of the day, that player will not be allowed to post any negative or incriminating things about Aviva, and they cannot vote to lynch Aviva.

[One Shot Active - Physical - The only thing fake about me... is this!] - During the day, Aviva can throw her prosthetic leg across the game thread to create a distraction, protecting herself and another player against lynching for that day.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Do you have ANYTHING negative to say about Reid being here?!] - During the night, Aviva can fly her husband Reid into the game to solve all her problems. Reid will arrive at the end of the next day, curing Aviva of all negative ability effects. Reid will stay in the game for that night and the next day, protecting Aviva against kills during the night and doubling her voting power during the day.

[Active - Tactical - Social Climber] - Aviva aspires to be friends with influential people. During the night, Aviva can investigate another player to learn if they have any bonus voting power. If they do, Aviva will permanently mark them with [Socialite Circle].

[Socialite Circle] - This player can communicate with Aviva and other socialites outside of the game thread.

@Natalija and @WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!

@SinRaven and @Yo Tan Wa were booby trapped. Anyone who visits them tonight will be role crushed for the next cycle.

Do not post yet
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Day 2 start
Lynch candidates:

1. @Didi
2. @Hero
3. @Lind
4. @Lord Melkor
5. @SoulKiller
6. @Xadlin

Execution candidates:

1. @Franky
2. @Santí
3. @Salah WG
4. @Melodie

Day 2 start

Since the phase started an hour late, I'm going to lock votes 30 minutes late as well. This way, you're only losing out on 30 minutes of voting time. Votes will lock 30 minutes before phase change.

You may now post.
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Hello again,

Small mistake: @Melodie is up for execution today, in place of @tinky winky.

This isn't because of an ability, it's just because I overlooked that Melodie hadn't posted at all yet, while Tinky has the most posts out of anyone on the execution list. Therefore Melodie gets added in, and Tinky is safe.
Hello again,

Small mistake: @Melodie is up for execution today, in place of @tinky winky.

This isn't because of an ability, it's just because I overlooked that Melodie hadn't posted at all yet, while Tinky has the most posts out of anyone on the execution list. Therefore Melodie gets added in, and Tinky is safe.

[Vote Execute Franky] then

I'm giving Santi another chance because he can be good if he's active
but I know this man inactiscums from time to time so this is his last chance :ufdup
Okay, first, Game 1 things.

@Underworld Broker Quite possible you are Town, yes. I have, admittedly, read very little of Game 1, and only noticed that your activity was on the low side which is typically something Town-you has a big issue with. I was also being rather hyperbolic, of course. Now, to get to brass tacks. I felt like you were poisoning the well somewhat in regards to addressing what I said - you explained that I was saying much while saying nothing, which I won't get into the fairness of here because you're entitled to your opinion, but you stated it was explicitly something I always do, which I took to mean regardless of alignment. It's rather strange then that you would attempt to dismiss my accusation on those grounds. I also feel like you hadn't really earned the indignant "one day you will read me right" given that you had relatively few posts from which to do so.

More pertinently, I'm concerned about the consistency of your actions, because you saw fit to address what I said, but had (as best as I've read from your ISO at least) no comment in regards to Ekko calling for your lynch on at least two seperate occasions. If the strength of my post was enough to warrant a response, I feel like Ekko's, whose was yet stronger than mine, also deserved one. If you address any part of this post, I'd like you to address why that may have been. We can of course pick this up when the games merge if you would rather, presuming that you're still alive.

@Lalisa Good game. I thought you played very well, and I'm sad to see you're killed this early. I hope to see you playing more games in the near future, especially if you can bring this. It is, probably, the best game I've seen from you to date.


My current thought is to extract a claim from Xadlin, as he was the legacy of Platinum, whom I respect enough to lend an ear to. I'd suggest leaving Lind for now, and SoulKiller too for that matter. Several players seem to read Melkor Town so he can be took off too. That leaves Xadlin/Juan/Hero/Didi. This is where the focus needs to be today I think, assuming we don't have compelling evidence elsewhere.

Franky can probably be the execute. I no longer have a vote for either so my capacity to direct the currents of the lynch are diminished, but I'm happy to discuss with anyone regarding the above. If there is a player you'd like me to ISO or a few pots you'd like me to read, please tag me and I will get to it when I can. I should note that I fully expect the Mafia to have some sort of counterplay to my treestump ability, and so from this Day forth, I intend to treat this as the last Day Phase I have to post in the game. My goal is less to land cases on players, and more set the town up as best I can before I'm inevitably removed for good.
was hard town reading Ratchet too
oh well
Why exactly was that, by the way? You yourself admitted that there was nothing I'd done in the game that you hadn't seen me do as Scum, I can understand a Town read on the basis of my play being town-sided but a "hard town read" seems very strong given I essentially directed the lynch from Worm Juice onto Platinum. At the very least, I would expect that "hard town read" to be weakened. Moreover, you'd probably expect your town reads to be killed at Night, so I don't really follow the process here.
atleast my read on ratchet was correct
This would, by my reckoning, make it the first game in the history of our short time playing Mafia together where you have correctly read me as Town. May a new and bountiful era follow in its wake.
Well that makes one of my night actions pointless now with Lalisa dead
I'm not entirely clear on why you felt the need to share this. Probably not something Scum says, but curious nonetheless.
Woke up 10 minutes after the deadline to post, so I missed it.
Voted for Prof before going to sleep but he seems legit in his later posts. Will need to go back to see exactly what happened with Plat, since I didn't quite understand why he got so many votes so fast, probably a few of those are mafia. Should be easier to make an informed lynch today.
You have read the OP, yes? "Getting votes fast" is a neccessity" because we need to consolidate on a large wagon to avoid being reduced to a small pool of players. Moreover, players joining onto wagons late are typically more likely to be town than scum here, because scum would have the excuse of "well I didn't see the votes changing so quickly" to explain why they were not on the lynched wagon, and thus leaving themselves immune to the lynch today. We don't actually have a choice *but* to look into the wagon today, but I'm curious as to why you believe the speed of it matters here. As for the bolded, that seems like a pretty arbitrary claim to make to me. I would assume they're not all town, but only the Gods know for sure.
Now I'm wondering if our survey had something to do with her death
From her Role PM:
[Innate - Q Score] - Aviva works in reality TV, where her success and influence are measured by an audience rating called the Q Score. Each night a randomly chosen group of 5 players will be surveyed about their opinion on Aviva, and the following day, Aviva's amount of voting power will correspond to the amount of players who gave her a positive rating. This ability will display Aviva's player's name, not her role name.

There should be two more.
im awake
[vote ly6nch didi]

@Platinum I love you to:kannawave
Ill protect you this game, dont ya worry

>piles on a flimsy wagon without any reasoning
you are, as the kids call it, a SUSSY BAKA
So you jump on one bandwagon…
[change vote lynch platinum]

I had no real motivation for voting on Didi. seems good to jump on a lynch wagon on thé first day, so one can see which jumps on it, dissecting it and whom else gets a vote.

but plat has been on my ass, so im gonna vote for him. and im gonna stay on that.

i love you plat, but let old grudges be old
To end up being on another?¿ :lmao

Moreover your reasoning for jumping on a bandwagon is ludicrous. You can do all of that without partaking in it.
ill try:

1. @Badalight
-I dont know. havent played enough to know about them.
seems townie since they seem to repsond alot and be hunting
2. @Baroxio
-no idea
3. @charles101
-charles is active
4. @Didi
-i dont know
5. @DrProfessor83
-no idea
6. @Ekkologix
-usopp is always town and scum at the same time.
if usopp is not active scum hunting, they are more inclines to be scum, but he might as well be rp and fool everyone.
7. @Fang
-dont know. Fang usually manages to fool me, so they are neutral for now.
8. @Firestormer
-no idea
9. @Franky
-no ida
10. @hammer
- no idea, ill check after dinner
11. @Hero
dont knowe qwill chekc later
12. @Iwandesu
-non active iwan is usually scumdesu. untilo iwan says somwthing then scum
13. @John Wayne
have john said anything? ill check
14. @Juan
-dont like inactivefags so might lean towards town, unless rp
15. @Kira Yagami
dont knwo
16. @Lalisa
donkt know
17. @Lind
lind is good. dontm knowif town or scum but good.
18. @Lord Melkor
Ill check cause good scum and towqn playter
19. @Melodie
dont know
20. @Natalija
kndow know
21. @Nessos
neutral atm, dont know. active af
22. @Oddjutsu
dontm kow. odd is odd.
23. @Platinum
migth just be always aggresive but leanign towards scum
24. @Ratchet
know not
25. @Rej
dont know
26. @Salah WG
dont know, will check
27. @Santí
28. @SinRaven
dontk know
29. @Soul
dontk know
30. @SoulKiller
dont kmnoiw
31. @sworder
will chekc
32. @tinky winky
dont know
33. @WolfPrinceKiba
dotnm know
34. @Worm Juice
no idea. been active but dotnk know
36. @Yo Tan Wa
active, so thinkn good.
Also what even is this? You’re feigning contribution here. You made this long post to essentially say you’re dead weight/have nothing to offer.
Mechanics reminders
Two things I wanted to remind you all about regarding the special mechanics:

1. The command for execution votes is [vote execute X] or [change vote execute X].

2. You all have a one-use Flash that can augment your abilities. Consult the "special mechanics" threadmark for more info.
You have read the OP, yes? "Getting votes fast" is a necessity" because we need to consolidate on a large wagon to avoid being reduced to a small pool of players.
I agree we need to come to an early consensus and vote for someone based on actual reason (which should be easier here in Day 2). Having a few people vote for the lynch is more dangerous for the voters since they can be killed off in the lynch, but if you are mafia and are not being suspected it would be a pretty good way to cover your tracks. I'd probably go for that move if I was mafia and was beyond suspicion.

Moreover, players joining onto wagons late are typically more likely to be town than scum here, because scum would have the excuse of "well I didn't see the votes changing so quickly" to explain why they were not on the lynched wagon, and thus leaving themselves immune to the lynch today.
Sure they would be immune today, but that doesn't exonerate them from suspicion. The goal is to stay alive until the end, not to just make it to day 3.
I haven't played with most of you, but not being on the lynch today doesn't make anyone any less suspicious for me.

We don't actually have a choice *but* to look into the wagon today, but I'm curious as to why you believe the speed of it matters here.
The speed doesn't matter as to why I believe that a mafia or two may have slid in there but it did surprise me, I don't get why he was lynched out of nowhere.

As for the bolded, that seems like a pretty arbitrary claim to make to me. I would assume they're not all town, but only the Gods know for sure
Seems arbitrary to make it, but I do believe that they are not above suspicion.
I do think that SoulKiller's vote, for example, seems townie, but that guy played a real weird Day 1 Phase. Not sure what he is trying to accomplish
oh wait right you are soul

sorry i meant soulkiller, my bad homie
I am the real Soul here man. FakeSoul is playing weird for sure but I want to look into the voters to see what happened on the bandwagon.
Ratchet does make a good point of the scum not piling on Plat. Leaning towards listening to him/her because she is pretty much the only confirmed townie and had some insightful posts in Day 1, but it would be a clever tactic to avoid suspicion for a mafia player.

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