Alright the PR is coming off. It’s not conducive to playing the game and I’ve got a chip on my shoulder after game throwing in another game.
[Vote Lynch Oddjutsu]
Yall can try lynching Didi tomorrow if yall really feel like it. I don't feel comfortable lynching a town read of mine.
Odd can go however, might as well since this is basically the only way to rid him if he keeps dodging being a lynch candidate
If Worm Juice turns out scum come back to this ^
He was into WJ all night hard and then started the Odd lynch instead of a Worm lynch for reasons I don’t understand while still going after Worm the most with his vote sitting on Odd.
does this sound familiar to you: "Lynch WJ already u bonobos"
because that's what I did at WPK this night
I got this message btw so can confirm ^
but thanks for the info, means DrProfessor man is scum then. Good to know
[Vote Lynch DrProfessor83]
And yes, I asked Shizune specifically if the same person who marked them for death would be the same person who performed the superkills on them and she confirmed with "Yes".
Why did you ask them which night it would show up?
someone pls shoot worm juice for me
[Vote Lynch DrProfessor83]
[Vote lynch DrProfessor83]
Quoted these votes because every one of you is on my shit list POE for an opportunistic pile on. Apparently no one but Ekko thought it was even worth checking with host how that ability would interact with a watch. Worms obviously looks awful but I think Firestarter’s sticks out too. And some have seemingly chosen to ignore that Ekko has entered into the thread with evidence that the super killer wouldn’t be seen tonight (as rated agreed by the host) and still have no comment on that to second guess your votes.
If the main candidates before this (Didi and Worm stand out) flip scum then I feel pretty good about some of you being scum taking an opportunity here to save a teammate.
@DrProfessor83 are you town, Mr Professor
I am town.
So why did you back out of it and cause all three of them to live? Worm was likely dying that round until you shifted
You place the blame there on Ekko or the entire night chat? Ekko was trying to vote Didi until late in the lynch.
On a side note you also say you think Sin was the most helpful there but he was the one most responsible for getting the Odd lynch going. Nessos pushed him first and wanted it but was actually following Sin when it came time to actually throw votes down. So why was Sin the most helpful to you?
It's between Prof or Didi right now, and Didi has already explained one of his abilities, which have been verified.
This is the closest thing we have to hard data, so I think it's easily the best option for town to go for.
Granted, it seems to me that Ekkologix is trying to draw attention away from Prof, and was the one who pushed for the Odd lynch based off of the word of a guy who clearly didn't know what he was doing (Xadlin) so I can only surmise that the two are scummates.
You either didn’t read well or are fabricating this. But I’ve seen things today that indicate it’s probably just the former. Ekko was not the one pushing the Odd lynch.
i asked nitty. u shudnt be able to see the person who used the superkill on nat if u watched her n2, cuz that superkill shud have been used n1
I guess this post is invisible to most of you?
At worst he's some kind of Indie IMO.
Blasphemy. I am town.
Reminder that with Xaldin claimed his role crush was sent back by one of Worm/Iwan/Melkor.
Scum reading Worm/Iwan there. Melkor has an innocent result on him.
Town reading Charlie now starting today. Full on town reading Ekko from his soft lean before.
I think Braxio is probably town for the information he came in here with. I think not clarifying that he’d see the super killer is bad but probably not scum when someone can easily correct him. Don’t know wtf he’s doing ignoring Ekko clearing things up there though. He’s my best voter. The rest of them can honestly burn lol.