Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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It's between Prof or Didi right now, and Didi has already explained one of his abilities, which have been verified.

This is the closest thing we have to hard data, so I think it's easily the best option for town to go for.

Granted, it seems to me that Ekkologix is trying to draw attention away from Prof, and was the one who pushed for the Odd lynch based off of the word of a guy who clearly didn't know what he was doing (Xadlin) so I can only surmise that the two are scummates.
i was against odd lynch, but not strongly so i would giga oppose it. he was still a scum/null scum read of mine

u r mistaken me for badalight. hes the one who brought xadlin there.

and im telling u prof is not scum. i asked nitty. u shudnt be able to see the person who used the superkill on nat if u watched her n2, cuz that superkill shud have been used n1


3-4 scum here most prob

vote lynch sinraven

vote execute santi

@Worm Juice claim please. final

sin prob tried bussing worm but then pivoted to an easy odd mislynch at night. i am not sure what to make of badalight jumping on it. that dance at night was super weird. please elaborate ur thoughts behind the odd lynch @Badalight

sin/didi are more dangerous. we yeet b4 worm imo

Just woke up and won't be able to really read thread for another 5 hours or so. I didn't like either the Didi or the Odd thing as I said. I gave my reads and we went with none of them. What else do you want me to say? At least Didi is active in the game. Was Odd helping us out at all? (no) Obv Didi would have given us some more info as I stated, but yeah. Don't blame me for the odd lynch when it wasn't my idea just because I was the final vote.

[Vote execute Santi]
Jesus Christ.
Xad literally said he can't read people. How is WJ still alive?

Okay skimming over it seems like Santi was actually the quick wagon and Salah the one who was leading and got derailed from late. Hmmm.
I don't get why Santi would be a quick wagon. Salah hasn't done anything suspicious (since he hasn't voted), Santi has.
A few voters, myself included, opted to execute the suspicious guy that hasn't really contributed. I explained my reasoning a couple of times; can get those post for you if you need them.
Also whoever voted for Salah over Santi is dumb imo
Or is a suspect if Santi does turns out to be mafia.
Hm. Would prefer Sworder.
Why? As of this post he has done nothing of note except being alive.
Why? As of this post he has done nothing of note except being alive.
When was the last time he posted? When did he last contribute to discussions or activity? Santi has at least made himself known and unless you missed or intentionally skimmed the rest of the day's discussions since the phase started with me, Charles, and Santi you would know why voting to execute Santi is dumb and why my choice is Sworder.
When was the last time he posted? When did he last contribute to discussions or activity? Santi has at least made himself known and unless you missed or intentionally skimmed the rest of the day's discussions since the phase started with me, Charles, and Santi you would know why voting to execute Santi is dumb and why my choice is Sworder.
Also whoever voted for Salah over Santi is dumb imo

About execution and stuff, I think I'll just stick to whoever is the least active unless there's obvious reason to do otherwise. That's the reason we have execution mechanic to begin with. And tbh, I was completely inactive last phase, I had like 2-3 posts and it's still enough to put me out of execution pile. Meaning if you're scum and you let yourself to end up being execution candidate, you're throwing a game basically. Meaning whoever is scum, is most likely posting at least SOMETHING to get out of execution pile. Meaning (imo) every single person in this pile would be town anyway. So it doesn't really matter that much. Ending people who aren't even using their abilities makes the most sense imo.
Seems like the three investigator roles would be:

- cop
- reporter
- forensics

About execution and stuff, I think I'll just stick to whoever is the least active unless there's obvious reason to do otherwise. That's the reason we have execution mechanic to begin with. And tbh, I was completely inactive last phase, I had like 2-3 posts and it's still enough to put me out of execution pile. Meaning if you're scum and you let yourself to end up being execution candidate, you're throwing a game basically. Meaning whoever is scum, is most likely posting at least SOMETHING to get out of execution pile. Meaning (imo) every single person in this pile would be town anyway. So it doesn't really matter that much. Ending people who aren't even using their abilities makes the most sense imo.
That's fair but Santi's been more active then Sworder has been after day 1.
Seems like the three investigator roles would be:

- cop
- reporter
- forensics

That's fair but Santi's been more active then Sworder has been after day 1.
My role is way more complicated than just investigations but I doubt I'll be able to make use of my other abilities tbh.

I mean yeah, if someone comes in saying they have result on him, he slips or just says something terrible - sure, but otherwise, I think I'd just remove others. Would be great if Santi wrote something here on his own from time to time though.
My role is way more complicated than just investigations but I doubt I'll be able to make use of my other abilities tbh.

I mean yeah, if someone comes in saying they have result on him, he slips or just says something terrible - sure, but otherwise, I think I'd just remove others. Would be great if Santi wrote something here on his own from time to time though.
I think his role specifically doesn't allow him past making a certain number of posts. Its something I mentioned before of how a Wad style role-madness game would do. But that's just me theorizing on it. I don't remember anything from Sworder on the other hand after the early start of day 1.

That said my role isn't a conventional investigator either.

As for my current town reads:

- you (most likely town)
- Didi (strongly get town vibes)
- Santi (town)
- Lord Melkor (town)
About execution and stuff, I think I'll just stick to whoever is the least active unless there's obvious reason to do otherwise. That's the reason we have execution mechanic to begin with. And tbh, I was completely inactive last phase, I had like 2-3 posts and it's still enough to put me out of execution pile. Meaning if you're scum and you let yourself to end up being execution candidate, you're throwing a game basically. Meaning whoever is scum, is most likely posting at least SOMETHING to get out of execution pile. Meaning (imo) every single person in this pile would be town anyway. So it doesn't really matter that much. Ending people who aren't even using their abilities makes the most sense imo.

inb4 scummates with santi
Alright I am up to date .
My investigations aren't direct. The way my role works, I target another player and it takes another phase to recall my ability, then to get a report of what they did or who they visited. It doesn't directly reveal if they are town or mafia or indie. I am HOWEVER against executing Santi completely now since he neighbor'd me in the previous night phase and investigated Melkor for me.
Alright this makes a bit more sense.
why tf was oddjutsu lynched by the way??
That night phase was just terrible overall.

Spoiler: No wonder we are getting this crap


@Vanya asked me to post this here:


I really don't know why, but doing it was easier than arguing with him.

When was the last time he posted? When did he last contribute to discussions or activity? Santi has at least made himself known and unless you missed or intentionally skimmed the rest of the day's discussions since the phase started with me, Charles, and Santi you would know why voting to execute Santi is dumb and why my choice is Sworder.
This checks out if you are saying the truth, which makes sense.
Made no sense to keep Santi alive yesterday but maybe it will work out alright.

Just for the record, Santi had done nothing until that point. The "at least made himself known" doesn't really impact my vote since we should use that execute strategically as well, and (to me) Santi acted suspicious in D2.

I probably need to go back and read more carefully, but we go by this information (you, Didi, and Baroxio), LM, Didi and Santi are all clean. Do you have a read on WJ?
[vote lynch Worm Juice]
[vote execute sworder]

someone cast a delay on me, else I could have helped with mechanical puzzle pieces

I am saying Worm Juice is still scummy, especially for the D1 performance, idk how this slot has reddemed itself to reach D3
D1 was unredeemable for the very reason I first mentioned when tackling this slot

if he flips scum this should clear me town
Mind elaborating? People keep saying this, but no one has really mentioned much besides my inactivity.

Seems like one of those things which is assumed true because it keeps being repeated.
That's literally it. Other people marked for execution are doing literally nothing, you are just showing up saying "yeah you shouldn't kill me" and not contributing for some reason. Shizune said we can use it in a strategic fashion if you are still inactive or not contributing, which was exactly what happened.
If the execution truly goes awry from my plans and I think my mistake is causing a very active player to be undeservedly executed, I may even intervene to modify the rules and save that player. That is the worst case scenario, and I don't think it's likely, but I want to be clear about why I made this mechanic and how I will moderate it. The execution was made as a player-controlled replacement for activity-based modkills, not as a second lynch. You should be strategic about your execution choices, and town members should try to execute the most suspicious players, but if the execution does not fulfill its purpose of targeting inactive players then I will most likely change it.
To me you were both inactive and suspicious, which is why I voted to execute you.
Now there's no reason to vote for you since Fang vouched for you and his argument makes sense.

Do you have any reads so far?
[vote lynch Worm Juice]
[vote execute sworder]

someone cast a delay on me, else I could have helped with mechanical puzzle pieces

I am saying Worm Juice is still scummy, especially for the D1 performance, idk how this slot has reddemed itself to reach D3
D1 was unredeemable for the very reason I first mentioned when tackling this slot

if he flips scum this should clear me town
like fuck it does, you're useless
Do you have any reads so far?
I think Bada has, and continues to be opportunistic with the pushes he's been making. I haven't really liked any of the posts he's made in this game and it seems to me he's going for the low hanging fruit every phase. He was straight up trolling in the Night Lynch.

WPK has been rather aggressive rather early on in the game, leaning town.

Rej & Ekko are fucking anomalies and analyzing their behavior and posts is a waste of my time. Just kill them.

I town lean Fang which is why I chose to visit him and I'm more confident in that read now.
your WHOLE reason for thinking I was scum day 1 was because I voted for didi and not someone else.

incorrect. it is because of your ingenuine interaction with xadlin where you agree to usopp being scum despite having no clue who usopp is and to make it worst in day 2 you have displayed nothing but dismissive attitude to my questions, vote silenced me and WPK without being able to explain why, and blocked me n1. in fact, your contributions this game has been strictly limited to defensively replying to quotes or dismissing them entirely, and the last straw is your attempts to use your scumminess as a way to make us town read you by telling us that if you are scummy then you are likely town. by your own admittance, you are playing scummy, yet you act as if you are baiting your suspectors to target you because you can see them with your ability. not only is this logic flawed from a townie PoV bc most of your suspectors will be town, but i have also targeted you last night and you have yet to ask me what i did to you or question me about it. i suppose you saw it with your so claimed ability but decided to keep quiet about it. why is that?

i am also weighing in that your claim to be able to see those who target you, vote silence 2 people in the same day and roleblock players is scummy in nature. added to your obvious deliberate attempts at avoiding the main wagon and not giving your thoughts on them. i am sorry but i cant see how u r not simply scum here. by all means feel free to argue otherwise.
incorrect. it is because of your ingenuine interaction with xadlin where you agree to usopp being scum despite having no clue who usopp is and to make it worst in day 2 you have displayed nothing but dismissive attitude to my questions, vote silenced me and WPK without being able to explain why, and blocked me n1. in fact, your contributions this game has been strictly limited to defensively replying to quotes or dismissing them entirely, and the last straw is your attempts to use your scumminess as a way to make us town read you by telling us that if you are scummy then you are likely town. by your own admittance, you are playing scummy, yet you act as if you are baiting your suspectors to target you because you can see them with your ability. not only is this logic flawed from a townie PoV bc most of your suspectors will be town, but i have also targeted you last night and you have yet to ask me what i did to you or question me about it. i suppose you saw it with your so claimed ability but decided to keep quiet about it. why is that?

i am also weighing in that your claim to be able to see those who target you, vote silence 2 people in the same day and roleblock players is scummy in nature. added to your obvious deliberate attempts at avoiding the main wagon and not giving your thoughts on them. i am sorry but i cant see how u r not simply scum here. by all means feel free to argue otherwise.
I blocked you because you're annoying
I blocked you because you're annoying

nice so i am just annoying but not a scum trying to mislynch you? you claimed that mafia go for you and underestimate you usually. so why cant i be mafia here taking advantage of your play, which you admittedly called scummy and easy to take advantage of?

also is this the only part of my post you are going to reply to?

i am not feeling any attempts from you at discerning my alignment or properly defending yourself from me, even though i am picking on you for reasons that you said mafia pick on you for. actually you just tmi'ed me as town here pretty much. i cant believe this is the team we r losing to
Alright the PR is coming off. It’s not conducive to playing the game and I’ve got a chip on my shoulder after game throwing in another game.


[Vote Lynch Oddjutsu]

Yall can try lynching Didi tomorrow if yall really feel like it. I don't feel comfortable lynching a town read of mine.

Odd can go however, might as well since this is basically the only way to rid him if he keeps dodging being a lynch candidate
If Worm Juice turns out scum come back to this ^

He was into WJ all night hard and then started the Odd lynch instead of a Worm lynch for reasons I don’t understand while still going after Worm the most with his vote sitting on Odd.
does this sound familiar to you: "Lynch WJ already u bonobos"
because that's what I did at WPK this night
I got this message btw so can confirm ^
but thanks for the info, means DrProfessor man is scum then. Good to know
[Vote Lynch DrProfessor83]
And yes, I asked Shizune specifically if the same person who marked them for death would be the same person who performed the superkills on them and she confirmed with "Yes".
Why did you ask them which night it would show up?
someone pls shoot worm juice for me

[Vote Lynch DrProfessor83]
[Vote lynch DrProfessor83]
Quoted these votes because every one of you is on my shit list POE for an opportunistic pile on. Apparently no one but Ekko thought it was even worth checking with host how that ability would interact with a watch. Worms obviously looks awful but I think Firestarter’s sticks out too. And some have seemingly chosen to ignore that Ekko has entered into the thread with evidence that the super killer wouldn’t be seen tonight (as rated agreed by the host) and still have no comment on that to second guess your votes.

If the main candidates before this (Didi and Worm stand out) flip scum then I feel pretty good about some of you being scum taking an opportunity here to save a teammate.

@DrProfessor83 are you town, Mr Professor
I am town.
So why did you back out of it and cause all three of them to live? Worm was likely dying that round until you shifted
You place the blame there on Ekko or the entire night chat? Ekko was trying to vote Didi until late in the lynch.

On a side note you also say you think Sin was the most helpful there but he was the one most responsible for getting the Odd lynch going. Nessos pushed him first and wanted it but was actually following Sin when it came time to actually throw votes down. So why was Sin the most helpful to you?

It's between Prof or Didi right now, and Didi has already explained one of his abilities, which have been verified.

This is the closest thing we have to hard data, so I think it's easily the best option for town to go for.

Granted, it seems to me that Ekkologix is trying to draw attention away from Prof, and was the one who pushed for the Odd lynch based off of the word of a guy who clearly didn't know what he was doing (Xadlin) so I can only surmise that the two are scummates.
You either didn’t read well or are fabricating this. But I’ve seen things today that indicate it’s probably just the former. Ekko was not the one pushing the Odd lynch.
i asked nitty. u shudnt be able to see the person who used the superkill on nat if u watched her n2, cuz that superkill shud have been used n1
I guess this post is invisible to most of you?
At worst he's some kind of Indie IMO.
Blasphemy. I am town.
Reminder that with Xaldin claimed his role crush was sent back by one of Worm/Iwan/Melkor.

Scum reading Worm/Iwan there. Melkor has an innocent result on him.

Town reading Charlie now starting today. Full on town reading Ekko from his soft lean before.

I think Braxio is probably town for the information he came in here with. I think not clarifying that he’d see the super killer is bad but probably not scum when someone can easily correct him. Don’t know wtf he’s doing ignoring Ekko clearing things up there though. He’s my best voter. The rest of them can honestly burn lol.
nice so i am just annoying but not a scum trying to mislynch you? you claimed that mafia go for you and underestimate you usually. so why cant i be mafia here taking advantage of your play, which you admittedly called scummy and easy to take advantage of?

also is this the only part of my post you are going to reply to?

i am not feeling any attempts from you at discerning my alignment or properly defending yourself from me, even though i am picking on you for reasons that you said mafia pick on you for. actually you just tmi'ed me as town here pretty much. i cant believe this is the team we r losing to
deal with it

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