Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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okay then was that hard to clarify when being asked about it?
Yes, I don't trust you and you were being cryptic as hell. I'm not going to answer questions about my role unless I know the answer will help town.

I had no idea what your alignment or intentions were, ofc I'm going to blow you off.

Also didn't say anything about your alignment there silly

The reason I suspect you is because you flip flop all over the place. You're trying to derail town a LOT, pushing for chaos mate

Also you being scum completely aligns with my hard tunnel on WJ and the people trying to save her
that is so untrue for my gameplay this game, in fact i am being suspected for the lack of it. where is this coming from even
I did. You went from tagging everyone to 1 for 1 Santi to switching because maybe Fang used wrong term on accident. That's kinda out of nowhere
Is it? Juan collaborates Santi’s story that it isn’t a chat, which is the entire reason for that proposed 1 for 1. If you remove the chat aka the point of conflict, then why wouldn’t things change?

[Change Vote Execute Franky]
I did. You went from tagging everyone to 1 for 1 Santi to switching because maybe Fang used wrong term on accident. That's kinda out of nowhere
There is a clear progression of Juan offering information that serves as a counterbalance here. is there a good reason for you to be neglecting to mention that?
Yes, I don't trust you and you were being cryptic as hell. I'm not going to answer questions about my role unless I know the answer will help town.

I had no idea what your alignment or intentions were, ofc I'm going to blow you off.

misunderestanding came from fang using incorrect word to describe what happened
anyway now thats cleared
any scum reads?
What do you think about these posts? Seemed like something scum wouldn’t really think to flip out about and has potential to be an attention drawer. Especially after his gambit in your game backfired on him. Would expect him to be more cautious of landing in another situation right after (not exactly the same situation though).

Now I'm getting paranoid af.

These are literally my actions from N1 and N2.
Like, maybe that's too much tinfoil from me, but what are the chances that 2 people got results on same 2 people back to back? Am I crazy here or something?
Basically what makes me paranoid

1 - you have exact same investigation results as me on D3
2 - you say Santi it's from Santi who's top1 target to get executed
3 - Santi showed up when day started, shared his results with you and decided to not post them in thread for some reason (you could say he didn't want to claim, but then why would you do that)

Like, that's weird af tbh.

Can more people say something about it?
Well, I'm just paranoid because I remember having "steal investigation results" abilities as scum a couple times. Welp, at least I can confirm LM's innocence (unless he's GF).

Should've probably stayed quiet

Had me thinking he was probably town when I first read through. But I don’t like his posts around Ekko/Santi.
jfc I am not doing this anymore

I am not putting myself up for lynch because it's the only surefire way to kill me. I have a tanky af role, like usual. Because that's kind of my thing on this site. There's a reason my nickname is Badaroach.

Vig me if you want. It will fail. I don't care. I will not be putting myself up for lynch unless I am confident in the person. So far I have been right about all of the kills anyway - except Odd but I already discussed my hands were kinda tied there.
He's probably not going to join it, if he's ever lynched it's only going to happen at night
What do you think about these posts? Seemed like something scum wouldn’t really think to flip out about and has potential to be an attention drawer. Especially after his gambit in your game backfired on him. Would expect him to be more cautious of landing in another situation right after (not exactly the same situation though).

Had me thinking he was probably town when I first read through. But I don’t like his posts around Ekko/Santi.
Eh that's true. It would be somewhat out of the scum range I have for him.
Is it? Juan collaborates Santi’s story that it isn’t a chat, which is the entire reason for that proposed 1 for 1. If you remove the chat aka the point of conflict, then why wouldn’t things change?

There is a clear progression of Juan offering information that serves as a counterbalance here. is there a good reason for you to be neglecting to mention that?

Juan explains that trade is a thing and it's not a chat. That doesn't explain why Fang called in neighbour chat. Like, it's really specific term.
Yes but on reflection it doesn't even really matter. Certainly not enough to establish a 1:1 here.

Usopp's claimed results stay though. Santi could be frammed, but there's no way Didi and Usopp got different result when they both investigated him. Also that would add up to my tinfoil from earlier.

If I'll ever investigate anyone and get guilty result, feel free to 1:1 me on that.
Usopp's claimed results stay though. Santi could be frammed, but there's no way Didi and Usopp got different result when they both investigated him. Also that would add up to my tinfoil from earlier.

If I'll ever investigate anyone and get guilty result, feel free to 1:1 me on that.
Who said Ekko investigated him?
If only you had a night lynch where you got to put your posturing to the test.
yall gotta cut me some slack tbh
who would u have pushed for last night in my position?

Usopp's claimed results stay though. Santi could be frammed, but there's no way Didi and Usopp got different result when they both investigated him. Also that would add up to my tinfoil from earlier.

If I'll ever investigate anyone and get guilty result, feel free to 1:1 me on that.
i never investigated him ur way off the mark here
i just claimed that if he started a chat with fang last night he is scum.
does not imply i investigated him. mechanical means its ability/result related. does not have to be an investigation but i can see the line of thought here as an aries player with bunch of mech stuff being investigations

so this "i have mechanical reason" was this whole chat/trade/santi/fang/juan thing?


nvm, don't respond

Buuuuut, again, if you're so sure on hammer being scum and he claims being immune to lynches, why aren't you pushing for putting him sightly ahead of WJ to test that or something?
At this point probably Sin.
no fook at this point
what about yesterday during the night
wud u have dunked on bada worm didi or whoever there? too many options. who of those were ur top scum reads?

i admit i may have played the night a bit lackluster due to being tired for most of it and not feeling like isoing and all but i indented to yeet scum there. nessos opposed sin bc he wanted the night lynch to keep going and nat opposed worm/hammer since they r inactive. the compromise i can give here was either didi, or odd that nessos was proposing and i stuck with didi even tho he was at some point a TR of mine. the expectation that im supposed to defend odd doesnt make sense there even if i played the night lynch bad. i had no town read of him nor does he earns himself any charitable attempt from me to spare his slot there granted his gameplay. i made myself clear if they r confident in his scum flip they can go for it, otherwise im sticking with the flips that gives most momentum being didi/worm. them not listening is not something in my control. the votes were parked and dipped
so this "i have mechanical reason" was this whole chat/trade/santi/fang/juan thing?


nvm, don't respond

Buuuuut, again, if you're so sure on hammer being scum and he claims being immune to lynches, why aren't you pushing for putting him sightly ahead of WJ to test that or something?
no what? worm goes first
has hammer really claimd lynch immunity? i thought he was just asking about it but not claiming it
He offered a trade and I accepted. I never said me and Santi chatted.
the use of the term neighbourizer implies an out of game chat where u guys can talk. he just sent you an offer message via the host, not a neighbourizer.

stilll not an indicative of santi's alignment bc gifts can be scum abilities too. its just my ability no longer incriminates him directly.
Still catching up, at page 98
This isn't really the time to cut corners
Fairly straightforward but sure.
*She is not contributing in any meaningful way, annoying posters instead, yet she keeps avoiding our lynches by doing nothing.
*She escaped the night lynch AGAIN for some unexplainable reason by the night voters.
-This also leads me to believe that at least 1 night voter in the night phase are mafia.
*Her votes make no sense, derailing useful conversation.

Not sure why you would question this vote, to be honest. I guess ghosts get bored, too.
what the fuck is happening in this game
lmao hiii
I do not see Santi contributing a lot today. Your defense of him is noted.
He isn't contributing as much as other, but he is definitely contributing enough to not be executed:
He confronted me on my vote for him, which I explained in depth, Answered my question for reads and voted for Worm (making himself available for next lynch phase).
Fang also vouched for him in this same day phase, which helped clear some suspicion since his explanation makes sense (this is one of many posts on the subject).

In short, keep in mind that I wanted him dead for not doing shit, then he started pitching in. No reason for me wanting him dead now.
Please note those details as well.
Yeah, it wasn't a chat. I don't know what the exact term was but I recieved an offer in night 2 from Santi and that's how I got him to cop/investigate Melkor in exchange for something on my end.

Neighbour chat is private PM. Like your role PM but with neighbour, other person.

Mason chat would be the same thing except you're both confirmed town, I'm pretty sure.

What you're describing here is just a message

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