No. My first was not processed, and Nitty basically confirmed this in the thread. My second was process but it was "redirected" (yes, it literally said redirected) and hit firestormer. FS also confirmed they were hit by something.
So no I am definitely not lying.
Let me be clear. I sent in a roleblock on Iwan as my first action. That did not get process. Nitty said processing that action wouldn't have done anything. To me, that means that it wasn't Iwan who redirected but an ability someone put on Iwan. That's what I was considering possible FS/Iwan stuff being flipped. However, Charles saying he did not get confirmation of a redirection makes that possibility moot as well.
So the only explanation left is that someone just turned Iwan into a nexus and it happened to hit FS.
As for Charles' results... I have no clue. And as to what Juan is talking about... again no idea. They are either scum, lying, or not thinking about the possibilities of what may have happened.