Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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I can fix someone not being lynchable

rej did a protect ability on ekko. ekko wouldn't be a kill target for mafia since his reads are not the best
first of all, we are not in a multilball so why should I be a scum doctor?
as for why I targetted Ekko:
I dunno who else to protect and I'd prefer him alive to generate a mess. I am not only a doctor tho, I can make people unstoppable and I can watch them, but I have no results for that because my targets were weak targets.

also I find messes created by Ekko sometimes beneficial because the mess he creates is always solveable aslong you have some braincells left

so yeah, I wanted Ekko to make it until the merge, he can be used as tool for town even if his alignment may be whatever

the play was carrying me and Ekko through the night while sitting on WormJuice because WormJuice was my main scumread since D1

to my defense: I wanted to shift my protect away from Ekko but I only have a set of abilities and they have one night of cooldown, so I had to change the rotation now midway, if it were for me I'd prefer to make Ekko unstoppable or watch him and then target someone else to protect, someone who has echanics backing them. But my role works using a "rotation system".
wat, then what's the point of him being up for execution

that being said, he's not been active lately so it should work

Execution leaderboard

Revan - 7
Cooler - 7

Both @Revan Reborn and @Cooler showed up to promise activity down the line today, so I am not going to execute either of them.

@Sallucion will be executed instead.

@Underworld Broker will be lynched.

In case you decide that I'm again open scumming by claiming this. Worm Juice is also not in the bottom 4 alive posters any more, so they've done enough to overtake some people during this phase. Obviously I hope WJ is executed but thinking on history it's not the most realistic result.
What's a legacy read?

[Vote Lynch SinRaven]
[Vote Execute Sworder]
it's when you are lynched and town, give your last reads so town has something to work with, try to put as much TMI you have into the reads, try to put the best you have into your legacy reads, sometimes they can end up being biased, but legacy reads are better than nothing
if you end up being right as lynched townie, then that is a true legacy and you become a legacy player
In case you decide that I'm again open scumming by claiming this. Worm Juice is also not in the bottom 4 alive posters any more, so they've done enough to overtake some people during this phase. Obviously I hope WJ is executed but thinking on history it's not the most realistic result.
It should also be added that Cooler has 16 posts and Revan has 10 posts, a full cycle after that phase ended and they were spared for promised activity. Worm Juice has 49 posts.
are you dumb? why you out the doctor?

guys, this one here is scum!
if I was scum I'd just fucking kill you instead of outing you as a doctor.
the thing is there must be scum within the active players, ofc there is scum within the LHFs, but what does it bring going after LHFs instead of finding the scum midst the actives? that is not how you play a PoE game
Well how about I ask: @Shizune, can you confirm that Worm Juice will be executed should they receive the most votes and it won't just go to a lesser poster for activity levels? I think this is important game info we may need to be aware of

The reason I intervened with Cooler and Revan is because there was no strong, popular sentiment against either of them in the thread. This can be seen in them tying the votes with only a meager amount of votes on either of them, but beyond that, nobody was pushing either of them very hard. As long as there is strong, popular sentiment against Worm Juice, I won’t defy that. The time to be active is before you’re eligible for execution, not after.
The reason I intervened with Cooler and Revan is because there was no strong, popular sentiment against either of them in the thread. This can be seen in them tying the votes with only a meager amount of votes on either of them, but beyond that, nobody was pushing either of them very hard. As long as there is strong, popular sentiment against Worm Juice, I won’t defy that. The time to be active is before you’re eligible for execution, not after.
@Firestormer does it change your stance?
any reason for SinRaven pref over Firestormer? because I'm up to being convinced if you have a good reason
FS is found guilty by me, Raven is found guilty by YoTanWa. Both are equally proved to be scum. Personally I'm going with FS because i know 100% i'm not lying, so is YTW with Raven i guess. Basically there's no strong reason to pick one over another from uniformed pov, imo. Raven was more suspicious so far but on the other hand i'm also possibly (not 100%) dying tonight if i'm not getting that confirmation. So yeah, read and decide for yourself i guess
FS is found guilty by me, Raven is found guilty by YoTanWa. Both are equally proved to be scum. Personally I'm going with FS because i know 100% i'm not lying, so is YTW with Raven i guess. Basically there's no strong reason to pick one over another from uniformed pov, imo. Raven was more suspicious so far but on the other hand i'm also possibly (not 100%) dying tonight if i'm not getting that confirmation. So yeah, read and decide for yourself i guess

I have, I wanted Ratchet's opinion.
Who told you all you get is extra points? Maybe they Control your abilities or exchanged extra vote for rolecop or anything. I have active ability to give scum extra vote power and protection to gain something from that. It's not weird at all.
My interpretation of this is you're more likely to be an indie with his own agenda/win-con than a townie if this is the case.
FS is found guilty by me, Raven is found guilty by YoTanWa. Both are equally proved to be scum. Personally I'm going with FS because i know 100% i'm not lying, so is YTW with Raven i guess. Basically there's no strong reason to pick one over another from uniformed pov, imo.
Ignoring all other information, sure. But we're not uninformed, FS has ability interactions which indicates townie far more than an anti-town. I don't understand why you're creating a false equivalency like this when Nitty just recently clarified that redirected investigations will give the wrong result on the target you've chosen.

SinRaven is clearly the better lynch here.

Why are we not lynching someone confirmed scum like Worm Juice again?
Because he's up for execute.
so sin confirmed scum?

any quick summary pls

voting in spirit

vote lynch sin

vote execute worm
Just read really, but Charlie claims a guilty on Firestormer, Bada claims that his action on Firestormer was redirected to Iwan, Prof said he has mech evidence on you being Town, Yo Tan claimed a Guilty on Sin. Did claimed Innocent on hammer, I think. Hammer says Rej protected you.
See, one post you say your actions got redirected from Iwan to firestormer and now you claim that you don't believe that your actions could be redirected or you believe that's the case. But you are literally contradicting what you said earlier. You even said not long ago that your second ability got redirected. But now you say you don't' believe redirect would work on you?

Here are the receipts that contradicts what you just have stated.

Which one is it? you got redirected or not? and if not then what was that thing regarding iwan/firestormer that you brought out about? you literally reek now tbh. You need to be vigged imo.
You either weren’t really reading or twisting things to make this post. Twisting things is something you were doing as scum in Ratchet’s game that had me suspicious of you.

I thought you looked much better yesterday, especially going after Sinraven so you’re not a hard scum read yet, but this post ping’d me quite a bit. (Although probably moot if Bada is scum lol).

You’re down the totem pole here but I’m not gonna let this post slide/be forgotten lol.

Worm Juice making sure they post enough to avoid the execution despite having the most votes like Cooler and Rezan did before, I'm gonna be proactive and helpful and go

[Vote lynch Worm Juice]
[Vote execute Iwandesu]
I hate this post lol. I saw you tried to justify it later and even got ahead of the “open wolfing” accusations but that doesn’t make me like it any less.

[Vote Lynch Firestormer]
I see no reason to doubt charles' claim, though I am trusting our ghost Ratchet in that he claimed charles wouldn't pull such an act as scum

My execute is already on WJ
If Sin is scum and not Firestormer Didi has to go lol. Probably has to go at some point anyway but that would be a camel’s straw.

>actions on me keep failing and last day the lynch got directed away from me to a townie but I'm not scum!

Please stop the charade Worm Juice, it's pathetic
This ping’d me as some possible distancing.

Do you scum read Didi then?
Yeah I do. From a wagon shifting/formation perspective I find it weird that Plat became the Worm counter wagon instead of just sticking on Didi. But that wasn’t something I felt was infallible.

But I’m pretty sure Sin is scum and Sin was one of the people insisting that Plat was a Worm counter and not a Didi counter (which it was). Then we have Sin’s Night lynch play and move to Odd and refusal to go Didi. If Sin is scum his play around Didi starts to make sense if they’re teammates.

Then we have Didi trying to go Firestormer here over Sin (although Firestormer may well be scum and I scum read them individually, just less so than Sin). Both being scum doesn’t mean Didi isn’t scum for me

All that said I thought the message thing with Wolf on N2 gave him some townie points. But not nearly enough to override everything else at this point.

honestly I just wanted to see how the day would unfold and how people would react

was only a 1% chance I was actually gonna keep both my votes there
What did you get out of the reaction?/what were you hoping to get?

agree with pretty much all of this

Imo order should be WJ (exceute) > Iwan (lynch) > SR > FS

And closer looks into the others. That said, we are taking claims at face value from two people who are not cleared themselves. With the FS one especially there are possible shenanigans with redirects as outlined by what happened to me.
If Iwan is town this is a terrible post. (Could well be scum tho and if so then I actually think it’s a favorable post)

Think hammer is leaning into this Ekko tunnel stuff a little too hard (like it’s busy work). But he’s lower in my scum POE. I give some town points for how he’s been claiming his actions (which seems counter intuitive as scum) but that only goes so far.

I think there are a good number of scum in Sin - Didi - Firestormer - Iwan - Bada - Hammer - JW (if Didi is town maybe)

FOS on SoulKiller.

Hero has dropped significantly as a Town read for me with how his play is falling off, if we have a deeper wolf I could see it being him.
My interpretation of this is you're more likely to be an indie with his own agenda/win-con than a townie if this is the case.
That was my interpretation too. My role over all is the least town role I've ever had. Basically i'm supposed to find guilty people, hide from everyone thatnI know that and try to play them into believing i'm on their side and then reveal everyone. Like I'm supposed to make them believe i'm super GF or something like that. That could work within multiball but against 1 mafia? Nah. So I decided i won't be able to pull it off and i'll just stay on investigating people.

N1 - Lalisa, got no result cause she died
N2 - Lord Melkor innocent
N3 - Firestormer guilty

Nitty just recently clarified that redirected investigations will give the wrong result on the target you've chosen
So my result might be wrong but Yo's isn't? I haven't seen anyone discussing that. And again, why would anyone bus drive FS out of all people.
Just read really, but Charlie claims a guilty on Firestormer, Bada claims that his action on Firestormer was redirected to Iwan, Prof said he has mech evidence on you being Town, Yo Tan claimed a Guilty on Sin. Did claimed Innocent on hammer, I think. Hammer says Rej protected you.
so the guilty is on iwan? do we trust bada?

i dont trust didi or his results tbh. still think hammer scum
I thought Bada claimed that Iwan redirected to Firestormer, not the other way around

if bada's action on firestormer got redirected to iwan then the guilty likely did too
why is bada targeting firestormer anyway. he never displayed a scum read of him before iirc
This could be only happening if Iwan and FS were busdriven.

Why? Would anyone bus drive these 2 people? I'd rather believe Bada was redirected assuming he's saying truth

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