Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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What if I used Flash? Why do you think it's just instinct?

ngl, i guess it sucks to get outed like that, especially since some people asked to check different targets but honestly speaking i didn't want to risk:
1. picking same targets as other claiming invests
2. picking someone who could be die at night
So you're confirming that you used Flash and it cannot have been tampered with, correct? Just want to make sure you're stating that clearly.

And your second line isn't even right because someone DID try to kill me overnight.
Exactly, you'll just mark him for death and not bother thinking beyond a report. In a Faves game where reports are likely to be tampered. Just like how you were ready to charge in and execute Santi last phase and kill Ekko if it was wrong, before even bothering to find out anything beyond that.
@charles101 and @WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!
No player will visit charles tonight if you flip town.

Also, to address the bolded, flagrantly misrepresenting what happening isn't going to make it more likely for me to see your point here. I first worked to establish that it was a 1:1 trade, then another player came out with information to cast doubt on that testimony, and which point I suggested we move off. Every process and procedure has been observed and followed correctly from my part here. You see, while investigations can be tampered with, I cannot just assume they will be, especially when one primary form of manipulation, a Busdrive, appears to have been used to save Worm Juice.
Yeah, nah, this Firestormer wagon needs to come to a grinding fucking hault before any more votes start piling on.

I'm not going to put all my chips on an investigation that was more likely than not to be tampered or misdirected.

We need to Lynch Bada right now.
I do agree that Bada not dying overnight is way too suspicious. Why would any townie intervene to save him? Makes zero sense.
Leaning towards voting for him, but we still have a long time to go.
What else am I meant to say here Soul? I gave my role, was told that I'm getting lynched and can't stop it because my role isn't good enough (which it isn't, I have a shit role). If there is another option then sure, I'm happy to look into that path, but I am being told that I'm just dying so hey.
-"You guys do know that these kind of investigations can be tampered with, right?".
-"Badalight is way more suspicious"
Hell, you could wait to see how the day phase goes, we aren't even a quarter through the phase's duration.

I think there are lots of things better than "lmao fuck me let's go play in traffic". That is just not productive.
I do agree that Bada not dying overnight is way too suspicious. Why would any townie intervene to save him? Makes zero sense.
Leaning towards voting for him, but we still have a long time to go.

-"You guys do know that these kind of investigations can be tampered with, right?".
-"Badalight is way more suspicious"
Hell, you could wait to see how the day phase goes, we aren't even a quarter through the phase's duration.

I think there are lots of things better than "lmao fuck me let's go play in traffic". That is just not productive.
You're right, I apologise. I was mostly just annoyed at Ratchet's responses and got heated sorry.
I can only work with the information I have. A lynch informed by a guilty investigation is far better than whatever it is we had done the first two days. I can live with the results. Ignoring the guilty investigation only for you to be scum is, in my estimation, the far worse play to make.

Now if someone has comparable mech suggesting that you're town, then we can rethink this. Until then, I'm asking you to consider this your last day phase. I will help you in whatever way you need me to, whether it be reading some players, or thoughts on posts made, or talking through hypotheticals together - anything I can do to assist your legacy, I will do. But the end result will be your lynch. So if you're town, you can either work with me to help make your last day as productive as it can be, or you can keep trying to make me feel bad for following the mechanically and procedurally correct path here. Your choice.
Unless more compelling information is put on the table, this should be the course we chart today.

If nothing else, I can confirm that I was notified of having my vote power increased at the start of the dayphase.

I see no reason to do this as scum, Firestormer knew the exact numerical increase of my buff, and he's pinging me as tilting town here.

Can we please put some pressure on Bada?
I can only work with the information I have. A lynch informed by a guilty investigation is far better than whatever it is we had done the first two days. I can live with the results. Ignoring the guilty investigation only for you to be scum is, in my estimation, the far worse play to make.

Now if someone has comparable mech suggesting that you're town, then we can rethink this. Until then, I'm asking you to consider this your last day phase. I will help you in whatever way you need me to, whether it be reading some players, or thoughts on posts made, or talking through hypotheticals together - anything I can do to assist your legacy, I will do. But the end result will be your lynch. So if you're town, you can either work with me to help make your last day as productive as it can be, or you can keep trying to make me feel bad for following the mechanically and procedurally correct path here. Your choice.
@Firestormer I don't really think I can be any fairer here.

If nothing else, I can confirm that I was notified of having my vote power increased at the start of the dayphase.

I see no reason to do this as scum, Firestormer knew the exact numerical increase of my buff, and he's pinging me as tilting town here.

Can we please put some pressure on Bada?
We can, but consider this - Worm Juice was the most likely lynch today, so buffing your vote isn't really of any consequence. Moreover, why specifically buff your vote, as opposed to say Fang, or Prof, or Soul, and so on. He could be Town, yes. But I don't really see a way to ignore the guilty check.

Bada can and should full claim today, yes. He should also be "encouraged" to vote on the wagon, under threat of being lynched instead. Would you say that's a fair compromise here?
We can, but consider this - Worm Juice was the most likely lynch today, so buffing your vote isn't really of any consequence. Moreover, why specifically buff your vote, as opposed to say Fang, or Prof, or Soul, and so on.
Is that really relevant when trying to determine his alignment here? The fact that his play may have been sub-optimal?

Idgi. What am I considering here?
I can only work with the information I have. A lynch informed by a guilty investigation is far better than whatever it is we had done the first two days. I can live with the results. Ignoring the guilty investigation only for you to be scum is, in my estimation, the far worse play to make.

Now if someone has comparable mech suggesting that you're town, then we can rethink this. Until then, I'm asking you to consider this your last day phase. I will help you in whatever way you need me to, whether it be reading some players, or thoughts on posts made, or talking through hypotheticals together - anything I can do to assist your legacy, I will do. But the end result will be your lynch. So if you're town, you can either work with me to help make your last day as productive as it can be, or you can keep trying to make me feel bad for following the mechanically and procedurally correct path here. Your choice.
this is fair and i will admit that, sorry for being rude. ill try to scumhunt again after work
Is that really relevant when trying to determine his alignment here? The fact that his play may have been sub-optimal?

Idgi. What am I considering here?
You opined that it isn't very much like scum to buff your vote, what I'm saying is that the vote buff is nigh on meaningless given the likelihood of the wagon that gets lynched being sizeable.
You're right, I apologise. I was mostly just annoyed at Ratchet's responses and got heated sorry.
I do agree that Ratchet can come off as intense and annoying, but that's just how he/she plays.
He has done this to at least half dozen posters, including me, and I can see how this method is effective in putting pressure.

Just focus on helping us townies, it's that simple.
We can, but consider this - Worm Juice was the most likely lynch today, so buffing your vote isn't really of any consequence. Moreover, why specifically buff your vote, as opposed to say Fang, or Prof, or Soul, and so on.
Well, I believe that him buffing Santi is pretty much the same as buffing Fang, since they seem to be aligned together.
Prof has also had some suspicion thrown his way, and you were questioning my posts less than a day ago as well.
In all likelihood, he would have been questioned on this regardless of who he chose for the boost.
He could be Town, yes. But I don't really see a way to ignore the guilty check.
This wasn't directed at me but I don't believe we are ignoring the guilty check:
Badalight was able to fend off multiple night attacks and has been a suspect for longer.
To my understanding, checks can definitely be redirected.

Not saying to vote either way, but we need to cool off and go through what happened before letting Bada off the hook.

because i was annoyed, like im not pretending it was with a smart interest in mind. that's why i already switched my vote to Badalight
Fair enough.
Like, at this point I've been cleared in 2-3 different ways.

Why am I a wrong choice?
That's a weaker point, admittedly, but there was a very reasonable chance you died last night, generally lower activity and not the strongest clear in the game. I don't think it was the best choice to make, but if it were down to this alone I would not be thinking much more of it, to be honest.
this is fair and i will admit that, sorry for being rude. ill try to scumhunt again after work
No apology neccessary.
oh right, why not buffing LM? even if you don't trust me, santi apparently got inno on him too, so there're 2 people vouching for him

just a thought
I picked Santi to buff because I believed him yesterday and all the other clears are either dead, redirect lynched or Lord Melkor, who I'm sure is lovely but I wanted to buff Santi more.

I guess I should also mention that Iwandesu also has a vote count of 4 this phase (and last phase, the ability works for two cycles, 3 when I use my one shot, it makes them match my current vote power for the time). Picked him n2 because I wanted the vote increase from picking someone and wanted to see if it'd bounce back based on Xadlin's posts.
Bada: You cannot kill me
Everyone: We're gonna try to kill you!
*kills fail*
Everyone: Omg sus!!!!!


@Fang Didn't you have an alignment check on me today?

Also, my actions got redirect last night from Iwan to firestormer, if it's any consolation.
it's like only mafia is active and they're controlling what town does because town is gonna town.
What I will say is - I do not really have much of a say in the end. If you as a collective decide one guilty is not enough (and I would expect charles to clarify his flash useage if it comes to that) then I can't use my vote because I don't have one. I simply believe in following the most correct course of action, which is mechanics first, even in a game like this (which is actually the least ability-centric I've ever seen Favourites). Can only do my best, and all that.
To me it sounds like stuff hitting iwan was all redirected to firestormer, hence the guilty verdict would actually be on Iwan would it not?

That is a possibility perhaps.
Depends on if it's a busdrive or a reflect/redirect. If actions targeting Iwan hit Firestormer, that doesn't mean the same must be true versa. However, it does mean we should extract a claim from Iwan.

@Iwandesu Full claim or you're the lynch today.
we have not pushed ekko AT ALL every lynch he lead that lead to a kill ended up being a townie. we can not listen to him anymore instead we need to push him. and ask rej why he protected him despite all actions going on badalight
All actions have not gone onto Badalight. That said, Rej protecting Ekko is strange. Not sure if Scummy.
all I know is rej protected ekko despite everyone targeting badalight with a kill
Rej is very likely to be town then lol
we have not pushed ekko AT ALL every lynch he lead that lead to a kill ended up being a townie. we can not listen to him anymore instead we need to push him. and ask rej why he protected him despite all actions going on badalight
Of all the people who could use pushing right now, Ekko is not one of them. And a lot of Ekko’s scum reads look pretty good rn.
All actions have not gone onto Badalight. That said, Rej protecting Ekko is strange. Not sure if Scummy.
combining his lack of lynching scum with rej protecting him is sus as fuck
Rej is very likely to be town then lol

Of all the people who could use pushing right now, Ekko is not one of them. And a lot of Ekko’s scum reads look pretty good rn.
you're now on my list, every successful lynch he did was a townie he has not found a single scum.
combining his lack of lynching scum with rej protecting him is sus as fuck
Nobody has lynched Scum. I do not intend to defend Ekko here, he has played a particularly poor game to date and also is playing closer to Scum than Town IMO (@DrProfessor83 I will need you to reconcile the Ekko town read more to me), but it is not fair to push the lack of scum flips solely onto his doorstep. In fact, it makes you look scummier, because you haven't lynched any scum either.
Nobody has lynched Scum. I do not intend to defend Ekko here, he has played a particularly poor game to date and also is playing closer to Scum than Town IMO (@DrProfessor83 I will need you to reconcile the Ekko town read more to me), but it is not fair to push the lack of scum flips solely onto his doorstep. In fact, it makes you look scummier, because you haven't lynched any scum either.
Mechanically I know him to be town.
Which lynches do you blame him for leading exactly?

And who do you think are scum right now?
the ones he pushed. There is no proof he has good scum reads since we never found any scum and no investigating went through to say he is doing good is silly.
Nobody has lynched Scum. I do not intend to defend Ekko here, he has played a particularly poor game to date and also is playing closer to Scum than Town IMO (@DrProfessor83 I will need you to reconcile the Ekko town read more to me), but it is not fair to push the lack of scum flips solely onto his doorstep. In fact, it makes you look scummier, because you haven't lynched any scum either.
he's doing it to me, IN FACT he started off by calling me scum for voting didi, then voted for didi and still calls me scum he is yoyoing his reasoning for calling me scum, and when we see people like professor83 saying he has good reads, I have to point it out.
You can place your vote on Iwan for now.
I am at the point where I have information and I want to push it.
Which means barring Rej being redirected or bus driven into accidentally protecting him, Rej is almost for sure town.
he's doing it to me, IN FACT he started off by calling me scum for voting didi, then voted for didi and still calls me scum he is yoyoing his reasoning for calling me scum, and when we see people like professor83 saying he has good reads, I have to point it out.
You haven't been lynched though. And I agree his reads have not been very well reasoned, but that doesn't mean he's outright scum.
I am at the point where I have information and I want to push it.
The information you have put forth is not going to outweigh a guilty check here. A vote on Rej (and not Ekko?) here may as well be openly saying you don't want to be lynchable tomorrow. I suggest you correct that position in due haste.
this is favorites non godfathers can be read as town, and their are god fathers, and as you jsut said about rej being bused you could have been bused.
Prof just said "mechanically". He did not specify which mechanics. I assume, given that he got burned by covering for a Godfather in a previous game, he is aware of exactly how fallible his information is. It does not make Ekko confirmed town, but it's a vouch by a player who should be Town, and that is enough for now.
You haven't been lynched though. And I agree his reads have not been very well reasoned, but that doesn't mean he's outright scum.
The information you have put forth is not going to outweigh a guilty check here. A vote on Rej (and not Ekko?) here may as well be openly saying you don't want to be lynchable tomorrow. I suggest you correct that position in due haste.
I can fix someone not being lynchable
Which is what?
rej did a protect ability on ekko. ekko wouldn't be a kill target for mafia since his reads are not the best
Prof just said "mechanically". He did not specify which mechanics. I assume, given that he got burned by covering for a Godfather in a previous game, he is aware of exactly how fallible his information is. It does not make Ekko confirmed town, but it's a vouch by a player who should be Town, and that is enough for now.
If I ever die consider him hard confirmed.
I can fix someone not being lynchable
If this is the case, why have you not used this on Badalight for example? Nevermind, your claim is easily veritable. Not town-clearing, but whatever.
If I ever die consider him hard confirmed.
Will depend on what you flip with. Unless you mean hard confirmed scum? Otherwise, obvious I'd read your flip? What?
If this is the case, why have you not used this on Badalight for example? Nevermind, your claim is easily veritable. Not town-clearing, but whatever.
Will depend on what you flip with. Unless you mean hard confirmed scum? Otherwise, obvious I'd read your flip? What?
because it's situational I couldn't at that time(I think) I also was distracted with irl stuff

scum keeping me sus ;(
Don't worry about it, if I die, most likely you'll still be potentially lynched anyways as a policy vote most likely given both you and Ekko are likely the next best candidates.
I can fix someone not being lynchable

rej did a protect ability on ekko. ekko wouldn't be a kill target for mafia since his reads are not the best
Interesting. And Rej is barely posting so they are coasting though Ekko could be POTENTIALLY town but Rej is using them as an excuse to throw off anyone from their trail by doing a protect on a hostile town player if someone watches them.
Don't worry about it, if I die, most likely you'll still be potentially lynched anyways as a policy vote most likely given both you and Ekko are likely the next best candidates.

Interesting. And Rej is barely posting so they are coasting though Ekko could be POTENTIALLY town but Rej is using them as an excuse to throw off anyone from their trail by doing a protect on a hostile town player if someone watches them.
Fairly unlikely, really.

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