Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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I’ve finally caught up and read this entire day phase! (In one sitting I might add and it was rather exhausting haha)

Ah yes, no i meant the post i did after my black out.

My ability says it will role block anyone marked by me. I can mark up to 3 people and it happens to all of them. I enhanced my ability with a one shot to role crush them, but it reflected back to me.

so one of them.

@Iwandesu is always absent when hes scum, but hes pretty absent when hes town to, so hard to say.
@Lord Melkor any input
@Oddjutsu could be it. I got a gut feeling. any input?
Xaldin, it seems you not only accidentally listed Odd as a target once, but twice! Once I may can accept as an honest mistake. Twice seems unlikely wouldn’t you say?

The number of things going against you now are starting to pile up haha.

1.) You seemed to be CWAC on D1 which had you as my strongest scum read at days end.
2.) You claims you aren’t very good at reading people and prefers to be a right hand and follow orders. You also claims you think D2 is much more useful for getting reads. I must say, those two things make amping a role block into a role crush to target 3 people N1 quite strange. If I weren’t confident in myself to make good reads, and don’t think D1 is that useful for gathering them, I’m very unlikely to blow my load on people N1 in such a manner.
3.) As I generously pointed out to you at the start, you mixed your targets up on two separate occasions.

Worm Juice I also think is scum, and I noticed quite a lot of people going after Didi on the basis that Plat was the counter wagon to save him and ignoring that it was actually Worm that was leading and saved by the Plat wagon. If Worm flips scum those people need to be looked at. Also I could see the reason to Xaldin’s mix up if he’s scum being he tried to slip Worm Juice in his action list for distance but he never targeted them at all. But that part is irrelevant until one flips scum. And regardless I think both are individually likely to be scum.

Also I find Worm’s vote on Didi today to be terrible.

I’ve finally caught up and read this entire day phase! (In one sitting I might add and it was rather exhausting haha)

Xaldin, it seems you not only accidentally listed Odd as a target once, but twice! Once I may can accept as an honest mistake. Twice seems unlikely wouldn’t you say?

The number of things going against you now are starting to pile up haha.

1.) You seemed to be CWAC on D1 which had you as my strongest scum read at days end.
2.) You claims you aren’t very good at reading people and prefers to be a right hand and follow orders. You also claims you think D2 is much more useful for getting reads. I must say, those two things make amping a role block into a role crush to target 3 people N1 quite strange. If I weren’t confident in myself to make good reads, and don’t think D1 is that useful for gathering them, I’m very unlikely to blow my load on people N1 in such a manner.
3.) As I generously pointed out to you at the start, you mixed your targets up on two separate occasions.

Worm Juice I also think is scum, and I noticed quite a lot of people going after Didi on the basis that Plat was the counter wagon to save him and ignoring that it was actually Worm that was leading and saved by the Plat wagon. If Worm flips scum those people need to be looked at. Also I could see the reason to Xaldin’s mix up if he’s scum being he tried to slip Worm Juice in his action list for distance but he never targeted them at all. But that part is irrelevant until one flips scum. And regardless I think both are individually likely to be scum.

Also I find Worm’s vote on Didi today to be terrible.

Surely you have more to say...?
This is silly Ratchet, you’ve already flipped Town. You can dislike me all you want for my paranoia but clearly you know that won’t be a problem here.

It's not disliking you, and I feel like it's unfortunate I have to clarify this, it's disliking the fact that it doesn't really matter what I say or do, you will refuse to even try to work alongside me or solve me on a macro-scale. We can go more into this another time. It's very disappointing, in any case. And I've no doubt you'll latch onto something to question my alignment at some point anyway.
tears ratchet why are you so serious all the time lol
I'm just asking him to play some Mafia. He is one of those players that often wishes there was more "Mafia" in games, so it's unfortunate to see such little effort here. I don't mind talking away from the topic, but this isn't a chat thread.
I disagree with this thinking, and I still don't fully understand the thinking behind the Platinum lynch.

What's especially hard to understand is that it was you who said that we should consolidate on Worm Juice. After that, a small wagon formed on Melkior, which caused you to ask "what is going on right now" which I took to mean that you were upset that random wagons were starting out of nowhere that prevented consolidation of the lynch on Worm Juice... only for you yourself to start a bandwagon on Platinum instead of Worm Juice.

I don't understand your thinking in this instance. I also don't understand the idea that mafia can't change votes last minute, especially when they're likely to be far more organized and aware of potential wagons than regular townies.

At any rate, I'm still not sold on Didi, but I'm fine with a Xadlin lynch.

[Vote Lynch Xadlin]
[Vote Execute Santi]
Your tone feel good here, so in town reads you go.

Nat-Lanji based on their interaction arround voting a player that was unlynchable i think both good here. Was doubting Nat before that, but how she cleared Lanji felt like a town would do.
SoulKiller is town read for checking into my-Bada interactiona unlike others that just commented it on surface feels. Townie mindset to actually solve study and case.

I'd also retract my read on Hammer being scum for now, felt townie vibes from him. I didn't quote the posts but yeah I'd not lynch him yet.

I've noticed Didi posts have shifting focus to others vibes, i think he/she could be scum. Though i like his shit posting xD

I've read analysis of others on last day lynch, i also didn't like how it was shifted to Plat.
Worm Juice should've been the lynch, would likely given us a scm flip or atleast some info. From other posts i gathered that Hero started it and gained momentum quickly which makes Worm Juice even more scummy in my eyes.

Hero overall is null read for me i didn't see eye to eye with reasons others town cleared him for D1. But didn't personally alert me eithr so null.
Xadlin was the 2nd vote i think and LM also followed behind. I'd be warry of these two. I read someone said Xadline just came and voted based on joke, didn't contribute much either. LM likely is on his scum game gut feel.
For last min voters i think like others said they are likely town than scum for becoming next day lynches. Uninformed town would do than scum,

Also am i the only one that feel this is scum favouring mechanism? Active town would continue stay in focus.. either get mislynched or shot at night. I'd likely avoid voting unless it is my strong scum reads or my town reads ask me to vote along them.

I could only read some pages, been focused on other game. So these are my general thoughts top of head.

Bada same to me still i didn't read more of his posts, i think he's likely scum with some chance of being town.
After reading through the day I like Sinraven more for pointing out the Worm/Plat wagonomics.

I was rubbed the wrong way but Lind contradicting himself on what he said regarding Ratchet/Tiffany and the vig situation.

Juan I town lean. Partly on the on the Xaldin catch and partly on how he handled the immunity claim.

Hero I pretty strongly town lean. I have liked his contributions and thoughts.

Wolf I town noted down as a town lean but didn’t right down why in my notes. Forgive me for my thoughtlessness. I’d ISO him to remind myself but I must prepare for work shortly.

Hammer was one insistent on Didi being the worm counter wagon but claiming to vote silence people is an odd move for scum. His ability usage doesn’t make a lot of since with “not wanting mafia to know” but then claiming it here for really no tangible gain. Null when these contradictory leaning things are put together.

I had notes on Bado/Baxio or whomever but I accidentally mixed them together so I’ll have to go back and ISO them to separate my thoughts haha.

I didn’t like SoulKiller’s reads post. 1.) Starting with me at the top has me wary of a pocket attempt after I acknowledged I’m susceptible to those. 2.) A lot of them felt hedgy when I was reading through them which is something I noticed in his recent scum games.

If Worm Juice is mafia then John Wayne is one of the ones I’d turn to for pushing the Plat = Didi counter wagon.

And lastly I noted that I’m null on the other Soul. It felt like he was trying to appease Ratchet in their early interaction over mafia piling up and then he hedged what he was saying to begin with. From “there is probably scum there” to “they shouldn’t be beyond suspicion”. That’s something that is true for almost everyone so need not even be said, and it’s a quick walk back from his original stance. I did like some of his other posts however enough that I don’t outright scum read him.

Also Nat is a slight town lean now. I begrudgingly admit she looks better and I may be as terrible at reading her early as she says. Charlie is null/scum from yesterday and not doing anything to move the needle today. Tinky is also null for me as it stands. He seems more aggressive here than I’d expect as scum but taking credit for starting the Didi wagon, while also calling it not a serious scum read was odd.

It's not disliking you, and I feel like it's unfortunate I have to clarify this, it's disliking the fact that it doesn't really matter what I say or do, you will refuse to even try to work alongside me or solve me on a macro-scale. We can go more into this another time. It's very disappointing, in any case. And I've no doubt you'll latch onto something to question my alignment at some point anyway.
Have a little more faith in me. If anything I’m likely to get stomped by you as scum for a long time as an over correction.
Remember to use [Vote Lynch] or [Change Vote Lynch]
And for execute it's [Vote Execute] or [Change Vote Execute]
Let me know if I made any mistakes

Lynch candidates:
1. Didi
2. Hero
3. Lind
4. Lord Melkor
5. Soulkiller
6. Xadlin

Execution Candidates:
1. Franky
2. Santi
3. Salah WG
4. Melodie

Xadlin - 11
Didi - 7

Execution leaderboard
Santi - 6
Salah WG - 6
Franky - 2
Melodie - 1
btw am i missing something about this salah guy? Why are so many voting to execute him when he hasnt even made a single post? Is it just a counter to the santi execution?
After reading through the day I like Sinraven more for pointing out the Worm/Plat wagonomics.

I was rubbed the wrong way but Lind contradicting himself on what he said regarding Ratchet/Tiffany and the vig situation.

Juan I town lean. Partly on the on the Xaldin catch and partly on how he handled the immunity claim.

Hero I pretty strongly town lean. I have liked his contributions and thoughts.

Wolf I town noted down as a town lean but didn’t right down why in my notes. Forgive me for my thoughtlessness. I’d ISO him to remind myself but I must prepare for work shortly.

Hammer was one insistent on Didi being the worm counter wagon but claiming to vote silence people is an odd move for scum. His ability usage doesn’t make a lot of since with “not wanting mafia to know” but then claiming it here for really no tangible gain. Null when these contradictory leaning things are put together.

I had notes on Bado/Baxio or whomever but I accidentally mixed them together so I’ll have to go back and ISO them to separate my thoughts haha.

I didn’t like SoulKiller’s reads post. 1.) Starting with me at the top has me wary of a pocket attempt after I acknowledged I’m susceptible to those. 2.) A lot of them felt hedgy when I was reading through them which is something I noticed in his recent scum games.

If Worm Juice is mafia then John Wayne is one of the ones I’d turn to for pushing the Plat = Didi counter wagon.

And lastly I noted that I’m null on the other Soul. It felt like he was trying to appease Ratchet in their early interaction over mafia piling up and then he hedged what he was saying to begin with. From “there is probably scum there” to “they shouldn’t be beyond suspicion”. That’s something that is true for almost everyone so need not even be said, and it’s a quick walk back from his original stance. I did like some of his other posts however enough that I don’t outright scum read him.

Also Nat is a slight town lean now. I begrudgingly admit she looks better and I may be as terrible at reading her early as she says. Charlie is null/scum from yesterday and not doing anything to move the needle today. Tinky is also null for me as it stands. He seems more aggressive here than I’d expect as scum but taking credit for starting the Didi wagon, while also calling it not a serious scum read was odd.

no read on the top poster?
My dear friend is slight town as well. He’s a little tame which is keeping it from being stronger. And his focus on game 1 is slightly pingy bc I know he’s self admittedly more comfortable hunting the other team in mutli ball than a single mafia set up. I could see him focusing over there to generate authentic production.

This was supposed to say Ekko. It must have gotten erased while fixing my grammar haha.
My dear friend is slight town as well. He’s a little tame which is keeping it from being stronger. And his focus on game 1 is slightly pingy bc I know he’s self admittedly more comfortable hunting the other team in mutli ball than a single mafia set up. I could see him focusing over there to generate authentic production.

this better not be about me bc i have not mentioned that game once this day, i belive. terrible read
How much time do we have left? I haven't been really active but i don't want to hide so let me just sheep leading wagon so you could vote me D3 if you want too. Promowe I'll be more active later on. Out of Santi and Salah i'd go with Salah since Santi at least knows game Has started and i'm pretty sure it's supposed to get rid of inactives. Is there aby confirmed town other than @Ratchet? This much i know. If someone confirmed would want me to swich just say so.

[Vote Lynch Xadlin]
[Vote Execute Salah]
by all means prof tell me what was i doing day 1
town reading me for the wrong reason doesnt mean anything to me
Partly because because I felt your reaction/commentary after toward my promise was genuine. Could be pocketing but your posts around me didn’t feel manufactured. And I also remember generally liking some of your post I came across.

I will take right read wrong formula every time by the way! The ends is all that matters to me in these games.

Partly because because I felt your reaction/commentary after toward my promise was genuine. Could be pocketing but your posts around me didn’t feel manufactured. And I also remember generally liking some of your post I came across.

I will take right read wrong formula every time by the way! The ends is all that matters to me in these games.

what about right read, tmi formula? :hisoka
what about right read, tmi formula? :hisoka
That would require me throwing away all the good will I’ve worked hard to build up my entire (although short) mafia career and abusing my relationship with you just to gain a one time advantage as scum. You are free to make up your own mind on that.

None of which is meant to be AtE by the way and I don’t want you to take it as such. Consider it a meta question more than anything.

That would require me throwing away all the good will I’ve worked hard to build up my entire (although short) mafia career and abusing my relationship with you just to gain a one time advantage as scum. You are free to make up your own mind on that.

None of which is meant to be AtE by the way and I don’t want you to take it as such. Consider it a meta question more than anything.

i belive it for now. but do i like it? no. ur posts today are good, but mostly providing town reads. i like to see some isoing and scum reads from u this game prof
i belive it for now. but do i like it? no. ur posts today are good, but mostly providing town reads. i like to see some isoing and scum reads from u this game prof
I gave you two. And I listed several others I didn’t like so far.

You might be setting yourself for disappointment if you expect a full powered Prof this game. You may get it, you may not. It depends on how I feel any given day phase.

While that may not be ideal, I still think that I’ll be more helpful to town than not even if I’m not my best self.

@WolfPrinceKiba @Natalija

If you guys want to survive the night, don't forget that you guys have access to a FLASH one-shot that if used defensively may help ensure your survival.

If mafia want to get through it, they'd have to also use Flash, and that's generally a trade that's worth it, I think. Plus, they'd have to pick only one of you to Flash towards, while the other remains generally safe.
@WolfPrinceKiba @Natalija

If you guys want to survive the night, don't forget that you guys have access to a FLASH one-shot that if used defensively may help ensure your survival.

If mafia want to get through it, they'd have to also use Flash, and that's generally a trade that's worth it, I think. Plus, they'd have to pick only one of you to Flash towards, while the other remains generally safe.
As I said earlier, a defensive flash won't work to save us from the super kills as they're already locked onto us. We would have had to flash on n1 to avoid them, which I had confirmed.
Day 2 vote count

Spoiler: Lynch vote count
1. @Badalight
2. @Baroxio - Xadlin
3. @charles101 - Xadlin
4. @Didi - Xadlin
5. @DrProfessor83 - Xadlin
6. @Ekkologix - Xadlin
7. @Fang
8. @Firestormer - Didi > Xadlin
9. @Franky
10. @hammer - Didi
11. @Hero - Xadlin
12. @Iwandesu
13. @John Wayne
14. @Juan - Xadlin
15. @Kira Yagami - Xadlin
16. @Lind - Xadlin
17. @Lord Melkor - Didi > Xadlin
18. @Melodie
19. @Natalija - Didi
20. @Nessos - Xadlin > Didi > Xadlin
21. @Oddjutsu - Didi
22. @Rej - Nessos > Xadlin
23. @Salah WG
24. @Santí - Xadlin
25. @SinRaven - Didi > Xadlin
26. @Soul - Xadlin
27. @SoulKiller - Xadlin
28. @sworder
29. @tinky winky - Ekko > Didi > Xadlin
30. @WolfPrinceKiba - Didi - Xadlin
31. @Worm Juice Didi
32. @Xadlin - Oddjutsu > Worm Juice > Lord Melkor
33. @Yo Tan Wa

Lynch leaderboard

@Xadlin - 19
@Didi - 4

Spoiler: Execution vote count
1. @Badalight - Santi
2. @Baroxio - Santi
3. @charles101 - Salah WG
4. @Didi - Franky > Salah WG
5. @DrProfessor83
6. @Ekkologix - Santi
7. @Fang
8. @Firestormer - Salah WG
9. @Franky
10. @hammer
11. @Hero - Salah WG
12. @Iwandesu
13. @John Wayne
14. @Juan - Santi
15. @Kira Yagami - Santi
16. @Lind
17. @Lord Melkor - Santi
18. @Melodie
19. @Natalija - Santi
20. @Nessos - Salah WG
21. @Oddjutsu - Salah WG
22. @Rej - Salah WG
23. @Salah WG
24. @Santí - Salah WG
25. @SinRaven - Melodie
26. @Soul - Santi
27. @SoulKiller - Salah WG
28. @sworder
29. @tinky winky - Salah WG
30. @WolfPrinceKiba
31. @Worm Juice Franky
32. @Xadlin
33. @Yo Tan Wa

Execution leaderboard

@Salah WG - 10
@Santí - 8

Anyone who doesn't vote casts 2 votes against themselves.

Votes lock in 30 minutes.
ur ready practically ATEing by appealing to our jobber bond tho
It’s probably impossible to remove AtE from that completely but I’d prefer you look at that as a meta/contractual thing more than anything else. Such as someone who refuses to fake claim miller or fake claim indie. Simply decide if that’s something you think I would do from what you have seen of me in the past until now.

It feels a little less cheap that way.


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