Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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COO! COO! (To be fair Okosan can see why Katsu did what they did. After outing themselves D1 as an info role for what ended up being no reason they probably wanted to rack in more town cred to try to divert Town's protection off of the confirmed Town)

Should have never outed himself on D1 though, even if I was actually scum and he actually caught me out on a lie.

It’s like I said. When you as the informed minority help inform the uninformed majority, they (Town) are going to end up a lot stronger than you (mafia).
Why was there no failed kill?
There was, that was why I was sure that AT LEAST one of the players I targeted was mafia. I target Nevan, Kira, Platinum and C.C that night, and mafia actions were missing due to it, easy to conclude mafia was in that list.

I did not send a single ability Night 1 since I had only 10 mana points and abstaining gives me 5 mana points. Night 2 I used an ability that costs 15 mana points (4 role blocks), and Night 3 I used nothing due to not having any mana points (which I now have 5 points of due to technically abstaining)
I'm Archmage Ataeric. Mentioned it during the night, my role ages through the game each phase. D3 was year 28 and I became a forsaken. Not going to claim my current ability, but for the previous ones I used something on Kira N2 and I think that's why there wasn't even a mention of faction kill failed or not.

Also nova sorry but your whole “my char is flash forwarding through time” justification is pretty much shot down by

On the Warcraft timeline, this game covers years 24 and 25.
There was, that was why I was sure that AT LEAST one of the players I targeted was mafia. I target Nevan, Kira, Platinum and C.C that night, and mafia actions were missing due to it, easy to conclude mafia was in that list.

I did not send a single ability Night 1 since I had only 10 mana points and abstaining gives me 5 mana points. Night 2 I used an ability that costs 15 mana points (4 role blocks), and Night 3 I used nothing due to not having any mana points (which I now have 5 points of due to technically abstaining)
But there wasn't though. Here's the write-up,
Resources continue to become scarcer by the day. Nevan and Kira Yagami must share a vote. If they cannot agree on how to use it, their vote will not count at all.

Gossip has leaked from private discussions:

The Stormwind House of Nobles voted for Oreki.

The Forsaken cannibalized Lord Genome's (Darkmaster Gandling) body, protecting him against necromancy.

[???] attempted to kill [???], removing 1 life from them.

[???] attempted to kill [???], removing 1 life from them.

Day 3 start. You may post.

Votes lock 24 hours from this post, at 10 PM CST.
Those two unknown kills are claimed to be on Oreki and Platinum by sworder and Shark dude (?). Adding to that, Shizune usually differentiate a factional kill from any other kind of kills.

You have Melodie down as what scum?

Do you think anyone else is scum besides her and Juan?
I have her as Green mafia, she's in my PoE with Kats web and she had Kira/Plat 2 reds in a scum list that didn't help them out at all. I think we're looking at 4 greens so her and Juan's deaths should do the faction in.

Yes, I do. There has to be 2 or 3 red Mafia left as well. Leaning 2 which would make DDL the trattoria a potential 5th member, would be fair that they have the number advantage over green who seems stronger. I think one of the Masons is highly likely a traitor, I read a little bit about Scarlet Crusade and they're basically old members of the Knights and also 4/5 town masons is ridiculous.
Also to make mention of the Avalon kill

He got superkilled four minutes after Juan made his only post at the time so it was pretty evident that Juan was the Gurubashi who submitted it at least.

So I’m definitely leaning nova as scum over Melodie for sure now (she reminds my Onyxia tinfoil though)
Shizune responding to her question should confirm me, at least confirm my ability. Ava was in the process of trying to lie-detect her when he was killed no?
i already confirmed like 7 people lol, i threw the game.

no reason for me to lie, i don't want any scum winning.

If I were you, I'd "throw the game", show my hand, and then "confirm" another scum-- to laugh as people lynch a townie as my final fuck you.

Well I'm Town. There is also evidence pointing to Melo which is why it's better to lynch her.

She is, though. By the masons. It's just are as well.

Not to mention the fact that White got outed indirectly by the leaks.

Actually, according to Juan-- that leak was actually Katsuargi, rather than Dr. White. Which is funny, because when I read it I was thinking "ok, who also talks like Katsuargi?" and decided it would be White. I got the right guy, for a baseless reason. That's what ticked him off that day.

yes the '4' players I posted are all roleblocked that night phase and I deduced who is mafia from that list.

Sounds like 'Wing Buffet' to me, tbh.
Also getting rid of Aizen would be pretty easy if you guys belive him to be scum.

Also to be clear I never sent the ability in when Melodie was the likely pick. Wanted to see how she'd react to being lynched and it wasn't a bad reaction, though not a great one either. I locked it in as soon as Juan conceded as it is perfect for clearing confirmed scum off the table. Shizune confirmed it won't be announced in thread so all being well Juan should die.
Nova isssss ssssssscum.

Juan claims to be the last green. Upon his death, if it's annouced Green is out of the game that's that. If not, then we can consider Melodie. Zero reason to lynch before Nova and his terrible defence.
What terrible defence? The notion that someone has to fully claim on his first post after being voted by several players is ridiculous, I believed what I shared at the time was enough 'cause most of the doubt circling me is my early disengagement and posting at night on N3. My character and journey from Tor to Forsaken engulfs all that. I also can defend myself without fully claiming, and I have enough time to do so. I showed up barely 5/6 hours after the start of the phase, and there is still ample time.

The only one who bothered interacting with me WAD and he has everything. And as for my full claim, it's also now in the open as well. I'll still be here answering any concerns and defending myself 'cause I'm town, and I'm also waiting for Shizune to clear up some confusion. I'm convinced my ability usage on N2 is the reason no FK showed up, as role-blocks usually yield failed kills on top of Shizune differentiating faction kills from others.
White sealed his own fate by using Katsu's results. Kira tho... really thought he's green due to his similar push/activity timing he had with White around LG/Undead :catdefeat

I'm still baffled by how much scums pushing for Nevan's lynch (also the reason I thought White/Kira to be on same team). Would expect them to leave him if he's not scum but they kept bringing him up when they're suspected.
White sealed his own fate by using Katsu's results. Kira tho... really thought he's green due to his similar push/activity timing he had with White around LG/Undead :catdefeat

I'm still baffled by how much scums pushing for Nevan's lynch (also the reason I thought White/Kira to be on same team). Would expect them to leave him if he's not scum but they kept bringing him up when they're suspected.
I make scum platinum mad. :kibashades
Answer my question Nova.
I've been suspecting you since D1 for jumping on everyone and heavy questioning them with more often than not bland questions. Most of your questionings have not yielded any results, and there is no follow up more often than not. It feels like you're just try harding to fake game solving and put yourself out there. It's reflected in the tone of your questioning and interactions. You don't seem to be trying to figure people out but rather box them in and take control of the interactions. I accused you of this D1/D2 and you kept avoiding me and trying to make accusation about your activity 'cause I mentioned the Yu Gi Oh game where you had the same MO. It was so fucking dishonest 'cause my accusations had nothing to do about your activity in general but rather the content of your posts. You kept side-stepping me and no-uing me then dipped. Speaking of inactivity, after calling you out on this, you mostly disappeared and since then haven't been questioning anyone nor doing anything at all. You just show up here and there and throw in a one liner. There was also after the Dega kill, your mention of him and then pulling up his posts as if you were trying to figure stuff out. It felt fake as fuck, and I asked what did you gather from their posts, you didn't respond. And it also lead nowhere 'cause I don't remember you mentioning anything about them or any conclusion.

There is also Kira who flipped red and I believe he was attempting to distance from you in a miserable way. He's been name-dropping you ever since D1, associating you with Leeroy, but he never did anything about it.
Also Revan and Leeroy are scummates, calling it now :dotell

Thoughts on scum tryhard Nevan?

I do feel like Nevan of all people was taking advantage of Orekis defensive nature to make him look scummy. And i do think he is scum.

Bruh i had way too much trouble understanding this :confusedjr

Anyways Nevans scum,Hop on it mate :ufdup

Nevan was powerwolfing and being a scummy tryhard since the game started,ive been saying this :robotkun

Expecting mvp if Nevan and Leeroy actually turn out scummates :Mshad @Shizune
[Vote Lynch Nevan] :pepesmoke

Why is scum Nevan still alive? :tchpepe

With how Kira handled LG and most of his 'suspects'. I feel like he's the kind of guy that's not really confident in pushing lynches and hard scum reads when he's scum. He likes to indie hunt. Seems like you were an easy target for him 'cause you're scummates, it's also why everytime he's voting for you and 'going' after you, as soon as another lynch appear or traction goes somewhere, he jumps on it and he doesn't mention you at all. There is also you name dropping him in your list of suspects last phase when he was looking like a lynch in that cycle, you hadn't mentioned him nor interacted with him at all prior to that.
White sealed his own fate by using Katsu's results. Kira tho... really thought he's green due to his similar push/activity timing he had with White around LG/Undead :catdefeat

I'm still baffled by how much scums pushing for Nevan's lynch (also the reason I thought White/Kira to be on same team). Would expect them to leave him if he's not scum but they kept bringing him up when they're suspected.
Kira wasn't really pushing for Nevan. I think he was distancing with him. He's been name dropping him since D1, never interacted with him at all and then everytime a lynch appears, he dips and never mention Nevan until that wagon dies.

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