Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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oh my god

i had this exact same conversation yesterday, and explained it perfectly. everyone around got it.

misrepresent me again and i'll blast you like those melting icecaps you keep denying

Broadcast message:
oh please flower, don't act all serious and refined. the moment i rip into you, you're gonna bitch out to get replaced, just like you did the very moment after nessos went "ew i don't like flower she's a meanie!!"

you have the self-esteem of a chinese sweatshop slavekid.

you're also not lynching me, you blew your entire load yesterday trying and only got 3 people to vote with you :catnoworries
maybe, maybe not

not sure i wanna confirm or deny

what i can tell you though is what i intend to do tonight is:

1. go into 'OBD iwan' mode
2. i select two players
3. an OBD thread is made pitting those two players against each other (apparently LITERALLY in the OBD, i asked nitty if he's sure such a thread wouldnt just get closed and he basically said nope so ive been reluctant to use it plus that iwan mode is rather weak otherwise)
4. whoever gets outvoted gets killed at EoD

so i hope to help prove im town to naysayers by taking pretty much open requests on who to put in the BATTLEDOME

Who's your choice so far for this?
Maybe that's like a curse.

But I don't understand how you suddenly got better?

Neither do I
Has anyone else gotten sick?

How do you think players betray town/become guilty? The way the posts are all written, it seems they have done something to dirty their hands.

I think they’re being culted AND mafia recruited

I dont think there’s any actual sin system or anything like that

Broadcast message:

That would have been contingent on me claiming much earlier I killed someone which I didn’t want to do for obvious reasons
I mean it's false that I don't care about getting lynched I just don't think it's going to happen with the vote nulling.
But why haven’t you done anything to disprove WAD’s claims? That just makes you look super suspect, and with your recent behavior, I’m leaning towards you actually being the Jester tbh.

But as long as Flower is on the Juan lynch anything else doesn’t matter to me.

Also, how much time is left for this dp?

But why haven’t you done anything to disprove WAD’s claims? That just makes you look super suspect, and with your recent behavior, I’m leaning towards you actually being the Jester tbh.

But as long as Flower is on the Juan lynch anything else doesn’t matter to me.

Also, how much time is left for this dp?


How can I disprove his claims?

Claiming my role won't clear me, I've said he must have been busdrived.

I'm bullet proof so I'm fine with you guys being too scared to lynch me anyway lol.
k that took a fken while to read but lets see (I still have to read the other thread)

No, I was targeting Flower, but decided against it because I didn't want to be rash

what were u planning to target her with exactly?

The lynch failed on me, so went to the next one up. LG was the second wagon, which is why he was lynched.

yea its nicely done by u, flower, and maybe broki. Well engineered.

I roleblocked Santí

so u role blocked santi which saved flower? or u just saved flower by targeting santi and not her. So Santi was not targeting flower, it was just u moving ur targets.

Flower wasn't my target. Someone threw sand in my eyes.

noted. hero is a possible candidate for that.

Dude. Please. Read.

LG was the second wagon. I had 8 votes. Scum thought I would be lynched. Because I was immune, it went to LG. This really isn't hard.

no u weren't immune to sht. those 8 ppl had combined 0 votes, or alteast < 2. Flower is likely lying about being able to vote buff her wagon, and instead im willing to bet she vote buffed broki/melodie. Or they had buffs on their own to enable for the lynch on LG. Or flower can give her vote buff to anyone of her scummates.


Let me start again.

I had 8 votes.

That made me the one lynched.

Because I cannot be lynched, the lynch failed on me.

Because it failed on me, as in, I could not be lynched, it went onto the second wagon.

The second wagon was LG.

This is why LG was lynched.

All of this is made nice and clear if you simply go and count the votes made at the end of the day phase.

counting votes makes absolute 0 sense when majority of the players were at 0 vote power. Its a very lame excuse to use to claim u r 'unlynchable'. U either redirect the lynch by an ability of urs or ur teammates, or one of them caused the other wagons to have higher vote power. Likely flower, broki, and/or melodie.

you did not tank the lynch. period.

yeah why the fuck are we talking about either wad or ratchet. We can't lynch either of them. Let the island survivors figure that shit out.

Atm we have cooler. Let's put cooler on lynch 1.

Who do we got for lynch 2?

we are not allowed to lynch or kill ppl on the other thread? what a shame...

We gain vote power, and then we lose vote power.

Certainly sounds "karmic" don't it?

karma (role) likely punishes us everytime we lynch or kill a town player by nerfing our votes. But the same time it should buff our votes everytime we kill a guilty player, but that didnt happen after for ex. the JW lynch. So that mysterious force could be something else.

To be clear my actions won’t prove my alignment but they will prove my identity

I would just hope if i am vocalizing my intended actions and/or listening to the suggestions of players I trust are town that could help contextualize a better read on me as town

tbh i forgot how annoying it is
to be town
it’s been a long time
my only 4 games in like a year was

CR game (cult leader)
get good 3 (scum)
sandwich mafia (town who got culted)
this game (town)

Kinda lowkey wish I did get recruited at this point but it probably was way too risky to go for me for many a reason

Anyways this is kind of a tangent and potentially appeal to emotion based on interpretation but yeah defo town this game and defo mega tilted because how the fuck have we not gotten mafia

be careful what u wish for in this game m8, there is a wish granted lol

maybe, maybe not

not sure i wanna confirm or deny

what i can tell you though is what i intend to do tonight is:

1. go into 'OBD iwan' mode
2. i select two players
3. an OBD thread is made pitting those two players against each other (apparently LITERALLY in the OBD, i asked nitty if he's sure such a thread wouldnt just get closed and he basically said nope so ive been reluctant to use it plus that iwan mode is rather weak otherwise)
4. whoever gets outvoted gets killed at EoD

so i hope to help prove im town to naysayers by taking pretty much open requests on who to put in the BATTLEDOME

not sure if it was smart to claim this and ur kill ability. Im worried both ur abilities can get redirected if ur planning to use them again soon, unless perhaps u know u r immune to redirects. Eitherway i'd vote on u sending flower vs ratchet to the battledome.

@Go D. Usopp didnt you say you wanted to use smth on night 3?

can you quote where i said that?

how about u vote ratchet or flower, u have or had vote power, im near dem sure of it.

My passive was active last DP, too. The only ones aside from me who were on Juan were LG and north. Both flipped and both had 0 voting power yesterday. So with me Juan had three votes on him due to my passive.

LG's wagon were:

Melodie - LG
Nessos - LG
Broki - LG
Kira - LG

So all of those ^ four combined must have had a voting power of 3 (if RNG hit LG) or more last DP. So we need to look into them as well.

Also, as long as we're on the same wagon my passive sets all player's voting power to 1 regardless if they have 0 or less. And everyone else gets +1 voting power. So vote for people you find suspicious and I hop on the leading wagon EoD.

I can only vote for one lynch, so he needs somebody else with 0 voting power for the second wagon. Consult players on the LG wagon yesterday. Let all of them go on the second lynch.

then why did u not vote ratchet with the rest of us and decided to change ur end of day vote to juan.

answer this now.

im not buying ur passive bullsht anymore, and im sure couple others dont.
I was going to kill Flower. @Go D. Usopp

I wasn’t exactly speaking in hieroglyphs in the thread

I’m really confused at how you’re getting lost. What is your first language?

u said: "I also targeted Santi and canceled an action on Flower."

im sorry i interpret it as u saying u targeted santi making him cancel and action on flower.

canceling an action on flower implying that u had already targeted her and the action went thro, THEN u canceled it.

it makes no sense why wud u even mention targeting her and canceling it, if it doesnt do anything.

just saying. whats the purpose of letting us know u targeted it and canceled it? we might aswell not even known that u targeted her.

well i wasen't protected/healed + i never claimed i will do any action. I just have a surprise for my protector, as ive mentioned b4, my role is useless without one. so its useless for u scums to kill me or waste time on me.

instead sm1 probably protected/healed nfc, killing him lol
I think it was that post, p sure it was one of the posts with that emote, usopp

aka 75% of my posts

i love this emote yoo :Mshad

Flower is a ghost, use your ability on someone who's suspect or doesnt bother playing

I still think flower is town, chance for scum is just legit low af

she was town, but alas is very likely converted now. The broadcaster role is much definitely a more useful role than mine for scum to convert lol

also another emote :Mshad

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