Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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Sempaii will notice you.

All the new night posters, probably scum there. Cubey is a good bet, but then again, I just like a good Cubey lynch. TBH I haven't read through all the posts this day yet besides the ones calling for bants with me.

Yes, when I have a role that cannot be lied to and nothing in his role showed he was immune to it

Literally the only thing that could have stopped my plan was a day roleblocked and I made sure to use my ability before announcing my gambit

I don’t think you understand I was 10 steps ahead :aizen

You know, except for the fact that he could simply ignore things or not post, like you clearly admitted. You are still acting like this was a good plan :lmao. There is never a single universe where allying with the serial killer ever ends well.

The fact that he literally killed Katsu out of spite then acted like he would be friendly with the town should have told you that instantly..
You know, except for the fact that he could simply ignore things or not post, like you clearly admitted. You are still acting like this was a good plan :lmao. There is never a single universe where allying with the serial killer ever ends well.

The fact that he literally killed Katsu out of spite then acted like he would be friendly with the town should have told you that instantly..

Then he gets lynched at night? Lol

I still don’t get why you care that I wanted to let LG live unless you’re scum, he was mad at the mafia so I was counting on him hopefully eliminating a few more of you. If he lied or didn’t answer, he died during the night phase.

It’s literally not a big deal
Y'all need to lay off the personal comments like this toward WPK. It got real heated at one point. Y'all are well aware of his playstyle and yet y'all complain about it every game. Meanwhile when he does show up y'all wanna call him all types of names, spite vote him, and then y'all wonder why he wanna ghost y'all.

WPK probably is one of the top 5 "founding" mafia players/hosts here so y'all gonna respect that one way or another. WPK was one of the people who taught me how to do this so don't come in this game and be hostile toward someone who helped make it happen in the first place. Y'all can feel however you wanna feel, but you don't need to phrase things so pointedly or call him names.
I appreciate your attempts to defend me, but I'm more than capable of taking the heat especially when I deserve the criticism Shizzazle.

One thing I definitely would want to have passed on to any hosts watching is mitigating host interference. Save it for post game if you have any issues.
@Melodie any reason why you lean more on Plat over Nevan/Kira? :hm

Because his posts somehow stink more than theirs, and he's trying to lay low hard. Then again, so are they in this day phase so far.

I remember you're acting as if your name being mentioned on a PM leak making you inno or something (and Nevan parroted it) pushing the idea being mentioned in 1 PM cleared you up from being a scum which is a shitty logic in a game with multiple scums :hm

It's definitely a sketchy logic but, but it's not that big of a deal imo.
I was looking at your abilities and you might as well be vanilla
With my abilities exposed yeah I basically am, they are meant to counteract attempts to come at me in-thread and being confirmed town throws a huge wrench in that. I quite liked my role as it revolved around in-thread play, if mafia tried to step up to me I could cuck them but someone had to jump the shark and shoot me. Now he is talking about someone restoring his ability, when at best he should be the one getting shot not being allowed to get another one himself.
With my abilities exposed yeah I basically am, they are meant to counteract attempts to come at me in-thread and being confirmed town throws a huge wrench in that. I quite liked my role as it revolved around in-thread play, if mafia tried to step up to me I could cuck them but someone had to jump the shark and shoot me. Now he is talking about someone restoring his ability, when at best he should be the one getting shot not being allowed to get another one himself.
Vig happens
I just remember in my first game here, DDL's Ace Attorney, where there was a lie detector and I was astounded how casually it was being treated.

Just how can someone forget their faction passive? How disengaged and sloppy can you possibly be? @Oreki if you are somehow town, try a bit harder please. Actually, not a bit harder. A lot harder.
Honestly speaking I was in high fever when this game started, but when I got all right then my courses test and so on...was thinking to sub out that's why I didn't even read the dp, yup you can't expect me to play a good game when I still haven't even read the dp. And most Likely after this dp or right now I may ask for sub cuz I really can't be active.

About my mistake related to faction passive, i did read it but when they said what do you think about getting hit by regular kill was simply made me think about that regular kill and I forget I have passive, I just thought without thinking about my role...
Nevan started playing mafia before I do, he's not new :lmao

Also It was a side commentary from me, as some said it could have been a mason or whatever it's an irrelevant point.
What is this? Even if it's us who's talking about you, the fact you and him were so quick claiming to be inno just because 1 PM talking about you is wtf level. 4 scum factions in the game, 1 targeting you =/= you're not scum.
Nevan started playing mafia before I do, he's not new :lmao

What is this? Even if it's us who's talking about you, the fact you and him were so quick claiming to be inno just because 1 PM talking about you is wtf level. 4 scum factions in the game, 1 targeting you =/= you're not scum.
A narrative you're exaggerating and making up out of nothing. It was one comment that was never taken seriously or any foundation was based on it. I don't give a darn about it, if you think I'm somehow suspicious, god knows how from my posts, then fair enough, but making something out of that 1 throwaway post for fun is bullshit and you're better than that.
Nevan started playing mafia before I do, he's not new :lmao

What is this? Even if it's us who's talking about you, the fact you and him were so quick claiming to be inno just because 1 PM talking about you is wtf level. 4 scum factions in the game, 1 targeting you =/= you're not scum.
And then today you're listing 4 players including Nevan (the very same guy who parrot the "Mel is town since 1 PM talked about her") and said at least 1 maf in your list then went to push Plat. You know like if you and Nevan are team mates and you got a guilty on Plat, I can see you listing both your own buddy and another scum from different team. That will look good on you later on.
What do you mean by saying sketchy logic then when I was at that moment talking about you? :hm

You were referencing the logic that since Mafia were gonna target me it means i'm town, which only Nevan used. So I called it sketchy. It doesn't apply to me because I didn't use that logic, even though you had it in your mind that I did too for some odd reason. Which is why I assume you went back now and then realized that post I quoted word by word is all there is instead of whatever innocent thing you thought of at the time.
Then why are you saying it's not a big deal if you're actually talking about Nevan? You agree it's sketchy. It should be a big deal no? :hm
Is it dumb to think a person is confirmed town because of one leaked quicktopic comment? Yes, because there are many factions (two of which are dead now)
Does it automatically make him instantly mafia and should be lynched for it? If we lynched people for dumb ass comments we'd be done by day one. Do I think Nevan is mafia? Considering he's one of the 4 I targeted, yes probably. I targeted them because I suspected them.Considering that he also has yet to post, even moreso. Why would mafia want to push the narrative that I'm confirmed town through sketchy logic? From my perspective as town it's not big deal, they gain nothing. From someone else it could be that Nevan simply is trying to put me as a confirmed town because I could be his teammate. (Although if Nevan is a vet as you say then he's not a bad player to do that)

But saying that /i/ said that I was innocent and he parroted me is dishonest as shown.


Platinum is not making a good case for himself, so I simply prefer his lynch over Nevan. And I'm honestly not sure either after Platinum if I'd want to lynch Nevan or Kira.
White was active early D2 but not D3 :catnoms loud when it's someone else, quiet when it's him :dank

Novase has different sleeping hour from normal Canadian :lmao also, did he even scumhunt at all? Or gave a read on anyone he's familiar with like Odd and Oreki?

Kira was loud early D2 then poof the entire day
Was loud early D3 then poof again
Bruh...You make this argument EVERY game, Have you actually never heard about timezones? :breh
There's a lot of knowledge in those posts. I've been pushing Nevan I think, he's my main dude. I'm waffling between Oreki and Kira, I'll probably have to iso Oreki, I usually get good reads on him from some games we played on TS.

Kira seemed like excited scum that is indie hunting when the Lg push was happening. He was all so giddy lol. I haven't really seen any good stuff from him. Also the extra use of emojis is yikes. He often use so much of them to appear less anxious and cool as scum :lmao
Wrong. I always use emotes,town or scum. :pepesmoke

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