Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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You being right on faves means nothing lol
Pushing role claims day 1 is suboptimal but it is better than straight up mislynching

But... it does mean something. You can't discredit one and then use the other to discredit me. If we're counting both, then I was correct the first time and the second time you genuinely led everyone to believe you were scum based on your actions and behaviour.

Please explain the difference between "punishing role claims" and "straight up mislynching"?

What reason do you have to encourage a role that can communicate with players publicly and privately, in addition to having their identity sussed immediately by proccess of elimination?

Your push to get the broadcaster to roleclaim was scummy, period. No ifs, no buts, no what ifs, nothing.
Im sorry but remchu did literally everything a scum would do
The only reason im not going into his gouge is because he is Remchu and well, Eternal Sailor moon is a thing

I just don't really feel like a scum would go that hard on d1. I mean yeah it's possible for someone to do precisely because they want to give off a town impression, but it feels like an unnecessary risk.
Hmm I do not like how triggered Remchu is here, I remember him bein chill as town in previous games...

Remchu is prone to mood wings, sometimes he's extremely chill and barely cares about the game, sometimes it seems he wants to grab his first scumspect and punch them over and over.

I guess we could say he as a Weed Rem and a Crack Rem modes. In this game he's more like Crack Rem.
Im sorry but remchu did literally everything a scum would do
The only reason im not going into his gouge is because he is Remchu and well, Eternal Sailor moon is a thing

I mean yeah, his responses were scummy and if we were only considering factors within this game I would consider lynching him.

However, he does seem genuinely frustrated at the idea of towning after MMV (rip). Both RemChu and Cooler had an altgother weird interaction where they basically omgus'd eachother and accused the other of overreacting. They are probably town.

The scum aren't going to put their necks on the line like that D1. The scum are probably going to be fishing for information, like getting the obviously-town role to roleclaim so they can death note her.
But... it does mean something. You can't discredit one and then use the other to discredit me. If we're counting both, then I was correct the first time and the second time you genuinely led everyone to believe you were scum based on your actions and behaviour.
You also already admitted you think "im always scum so i should just be policy lynched" so your reads off me are biased by default :noworries

Please explain the difference between "punishing role claims" and "straight up mislynching"?
Easy lol
Punishing roleclaims is something that may or not happen to a potential scummy player
Straight up mislynching is wasting town best weapon (the lynch) on a player because we would rather waste a lynch than get a claim
I mean come on :dank

What reason do you have to encourage a role that can communicate with players publicly and privately, in addition to having their identity sussed immediately by proccess of elimination?

Your push to get the broadcaster to roleclaim was scummy, period. No ifs, no buts, no what ifs, nothing.
Since when we were talking about the broadcaster ?????
I didnt fish for the brodcast
i straight said "he is clearly flower"
This literally means nothing
At least get your make up excuses to lynch me right :lmao
The scum aren't going to put their necks on the line like that D1. The scum are probably going to be fishing for information, like getting the obviously-town role to roleclaim so they can death note her.
Sweetie i didnt get flower to roleclaim
I literally said "wtf guys, it is clearly flower"
the first one to "fish" for broadcast was like hayumi or something (and she even received a message from flower because of that)
You also already admitted you think "im always scum so i should just be policy lynched" so your reads off me are biased by default :noworries

That was said in jest but you've been scum about 4/6 of your last games so is that such a bad thing?

Easy lol
Punishing roleclaims is something that may or not happen to a potential scummy player
Straight up mislynching is wasting town best weapon (the lynch) on a player because we would rather waste a lynch than get a claim
I mean come on :dank

So you're saying we should lynch perfectly D1 or gg?

I'd rather get the inherently scummy players who confuse reads and throw town off out the way first. That means you unfortunately. :<3

Since when we were talking about the broadcaster ?????
I didnt fish for the brodcast
i straight said "he is clearly flower"
This literally means nothing
At least get your make up excuses to lynch me right :lmao

Are you actually trying to gaslight us now?

I can literally go and quote the posts
Is this a slip or something :dank
go on i will wait
a bunch of different players were actively fishing for flower
I was merely the one who said "guys, it is clearly flower"

Sorry if this sounds offensive because I know you google translate everything but,

"us" refers to "us", as in the game.

So no, that wasn't a slip. Keep digging your grave. How is it I put the smallest heat on y'all and you just start panicking?
Yeah thats totally what i did
Excpet it has nothing to do what i did
Roleclaiming is a valid way to avoid myslynching day 1
Try again

Ah, okay so let me get this straight:

You want everyone to roleclaim Day 1 in a No Alignment Indicated game (so it doesn't actually benefit town knowing who is who until people start dying) so we can definitely not mislynch and totally only lynch scum?

Even though the OP warns against role revealing?



What colour flowers do you want on your casket? :cataloha
Sorry if this sounds offensive because I know you google translate everything but,

"us" refers to "us", as in the game.

So no, that wasn't a slip. Keep digging your grave. How is it I put the smallest heat on y'all and you just start panicking?
Im not panicking
Regardless panicking has no bearing on my alingment
I panicked as town in the throne of lies game and i panicked as scum on Favorites
Im just shoting your arguments down tbh
Ah, okay so let me get this straight:

You want everyone to roleclaim Day 1 in a No Alignment Indicated game (so it doesn't actually benefit town knowing who is who until people start dying) so we can definitely not mislynch and totally only lynch scum?

Even though the OP warns against role revealing?



What colour flowers do you want on your casket? :cataloha
Are you even trying ? :dank
Im not panicking
Regardless panicking has no bearing on my alingment
I panicked as town in the throne of lies game and i panicked as scum on Favorites
Im just shoting your arguments down tbh

All you've done is add to my arguments and make them stronger. I didn't have much on you at the beginning, but not even a page later and you've just told us all you want everyone to role claim.

So who in your faction has a Death Note?
All you've done is add to my arguments and make them stronger. I didn't have much on you at the beginning, but not even a page later and you've just told us all you want everyone to role claim.

So who in your faction has a Death Note?
Thats how confimation bias work
Anyway i think ive been done plenty showing your arguments hold no ground
i will actually scum hunt while you keep on pointless tunneling now
im not tunneling on laix tbh
imo he is town just like throne of lies
he just has this weird thing about simultaneously thinking im a scum mastermind AND a terrible player that always slips at day 1

I don't think you're terrible I think you just don't realise how scummy you come across

Like literally every game I've played with you:

> Caught lying about your actions and tried to deny it (Faves)
> Fakeclaimed Doctor (Time Travel)
> Literally again got caught lying about your actions but the town believed it (MMV)
:dankfoilWait can the broadcaster person not just say who they are or-

This is hayumi first game related post (after 10 posts of all but fluf)
it is baiting the brodcaster to claim
After that post he posted a dozen more fluffly and then posted this
I wouldn’t be surprised at all tbf. He always seems scummy to me tho so I can’t really talk.

But then again...he’s usually scum.

What do you think about it @Laix ?
This is hayumi first game related post (after 10 posts of all but fluf)
it is baiting the brodcaster to claim
After that post he posted a dozen more fluffly and then posted this

What do you think about it @Laix ?

My 2 cents on Hayumi is the they were the first person to reveal the broadcaster had pming ability, which is a pro-town move because they didn't have to share that.

Though, they did say they didn't reveal it right away (they "forgot"), and broadcaster might get sus of Hayumi if they didn't reveal what was in the pm. Ionno. Doesn't really make me lean heavily one way or the other, but food for thought.
Fair character assessment assassination on me by DDL. However, I do not tunnel people anymore.

Every time you get on crack like this you usually aim your fury at me and not a single time you have apologized for it. So this time I'm resorting to passive agressively slandering you so at least others don't take you seriously and mislynch me again because of you.
im not mafia reading hayumi atm
But he played my read at throne of lies so i have an eye at him at any rate.
He had some decente call on Badalight (which im currently either way about) but he hasnt really made any compelling argument on anyone (and i guess laix is not completely wrong, a scum could be among the people calling flower out)
Also i actually dont like this post
Or they just don’t want to reveal what their role is to protect themselves from role fishers, also it’s probably also because there’s advice against doing so in the rules.
He seems really self aware about the flower situation but was among the people pushing her claim
Mechanically yes but they both punish role claims. Death Note lets you easily kill someone who role claims. Janitor allows scum to fake claim.

Yeah I know janitor allows a fake claim, but isn't it technically harder to fake claim if people are role revealing? It only works if you kill someone whose role is unknown. Wouldn't that be the opposite of punishing role reveals - ergo the opposite of something like a death note mechanic?
Broadcast message: I like Laix' arguments and his overall tone so far. I don't like Worm juice buddying so casually. Sin vs Cooler is something of note, even more so since I called both of them out and now they're fighting. Coincidence?

Honestly Sin is fishier. At least when Cooler was here, he was pressuring someone.

Sin is just fully coasting. But Sin usually coasts hard Day 1. If I had to choose between them both to lynch, I'd lynch Sin
Yeah I know janitor allows a fake claim, but isn't it technically harder to fake claim if people are role revealing? It only works if you kill someone whose role is unknown. Wouldn't that be the opposite of punishing role reveals - ergo the opposite of something like a death note mechanic?

Not really.

You could be janitored before you even role claim, then scum can claim your role.

Or, you could role claim, get janitored and then scum could imply everything you said about your role was a lie.
My 2 cents on Hayumi is the they were the first person to reveal the broadcaster had pming ability, which is a pro-town move because they didn't have to share that.

Though, they did say they didn't reveal it right away (they "forgot"), and broadcaster might get sus of Hayumi if they didn't reveal what was in the pm. Ionno. Doesn't really make me lean heavily one way or the other, but food for thought.
Soft town for me atm
Imagine thinking a player is not allowed to make a read without deflecting

Eh, I think she was saying that its convenient you started talking about Hayumi while the pressure was on you.

However, I personally have nothing more to gain from our discussion as I feel I've sussed your responses enough. It's up to others to make their own minds up about you.

For now, I'm content talking about Sin or Hayumi
I feel like if we can hit the benchmark of everyone makes 10 non fluff posts.
We will be in the right direction.
Create an environment where scum can't hide and coast to the mid and late game. Though I understand some people play style is to be a ghost. So ehhhh.

Would like to see a more active WPK, blessing us with his immense insight. But alas miracles like that are rare.

Sry, but I have to dissapoint you. Had a long day and won't be much active the rest of this day.

I am glad this first DP has 48h. I will try to get into this game tomorrow.
You aren't alone in the low post count category. Thanks for informing us. :eek:

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