Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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@Flower I don't know what to tell you about the reads, fam. I'm afraid of the inactive players, but that is just blind guessing and I hate doing it.

I'm pretty sure one or two top posters is one type of scum or the other, always is.

Willing to give you and RemChu a town pass. Sin looks better than at the start, but not good enough to vote someone else.

Kira Yagami, Melodie, Kvothe, is a and DDL I wanna see more of, but some of them is surely scum.

Quoting an old post.
I agree with the bold.

As for low key players Karma feels off to me. Or I have a bad feeling about them. Which is unusual to the least. I will trust my gut.

[Vote Lynch Karma]

Are people going to drop the Melodie vs Bada and Wad and others yesterday thing? o_o
I feel like things were getting very heated and coming to a head. Something should come of it.
This pings me as two scummates talking.

i c

Where are you at right now? Anyone who doesn't feel natural for you?

currently I’m in a Subway on my lunch break. In the thread, I just got back to it.

WPK feels different, but that can be explained by greater than normal post requirement. And the fact that he is living lols.

Go D. Sopp didn’t feel right initially, but through discussion and finding out they are new explains why they probably felt the way that they are.

I think I have to retract what I said earlier about Hayumi feeling like favorites. I can’t recall their posts at all. Or I felt like she was more memorable that game, but that could just be from the amount we interacted. So I’ll probably be looking there in the future.

Sinraven feels alright, but I cannot recall having a feeling for him in past games, so that’s a solid null. It could be that I’m getting more use to playing here so maybe I feel more comfortable around different players. But yeah, I still need to read more.

UB - don’t recall what they have said it didn’t leave an impact on me

Santi - I think I remember Laix defending them, and I slightly remember them posting, so that’s at least more than some games.

Break over :(
@SinRaven Noticed you're still tunneling me yet u havent put any pressure on me at all since mid last dayphase
Anything more to say to me? Or is your case still the same weak stuff from last dp?
I dont consider what I had on you weak at all.

I was waiting to see more of you before I continue that case. My focus this phase has been on other people, but yes you continue to me one of my prime suspects.
Broadcast message:

You know damn well what I'm saying. So again, why defend Kira? Yes, Laix was voting everyone, but Kira took the vote seriously enough to ask him to unvote him.

1) Kira voted JW and now Hayumi, thus is on big wagons.
2) He's on the same group as Laix.
3) Laix voted him.

Care to explain how this isn't suspicious enough to pressure him further and focus on him?
Ok, well I believe this ability is more town than scum but why did you make the groups? Also is there a reason I'm being placed in the first group or why DDL and WJ got switched?
It’s a damn COOL ability. And I wanted to use it to make a partieh last night :peperave

The thing is I just copied the player list. Then shifted a few people who might be dangerous to make more balanced groups, just based on a hunch.

Which group was Sigi in?


I don't believe mafia makes their kill decisions based on one vote from one person who didn't even kept voting there until the end of the phase.

They hunt powerful roles, good scumhunters or people who are unlikely to be lynched. There is very little gain on Kira's side for eliminating Laix, especially considering all the wifom it creates.

I'm more ready to believe Laix was offed because he was a strong town-looking presence
What’s the consensus on cooler? I’ve read this entire DP and I don’t see much from him. A stark contrast from him in both mafia games I played with him where he was town. But when he was scum, he was definitely playing under the radar.

I know there was quite a bit of discussion about him day 1, but that seems to have fallen off and not carried over to day 2.

He didn't really ping me as badly as he did in the sandwich game. I have him as a town read off of day 1 but day 2 seems a bit lackluster. I would chalk it off cause he said he was busy but idk.
What do people think of Sin?

He has buddied on all my opinions almost religiously since the start of the game which made me like him overall but now I'm feeling paranoid.

big town read


i have noticed just fine

i also already ISO'd you via nitty and saw what youve been able to post since his arrival and like i suggested, you had plenty of opportunity to galvanize people against kira since your specific case against him is based on interactions and interpretations of last phase, but have only chosen to cry foul now that the hayumi lynch is starting to reach the point where it will be harder to reverse/return

lowkey, i was never convinced you were town because of your wacky posting restriction, now im convinced even less, and if hayumi flips scum i will be more than 50% sure of you actually being scum than town, to put it bluntly
What’s the consensus on cooler? I’ve read this entire DP and I don’t see much from him. A stark contrast from him in both mafia games I played with him where he was town. But when he was scum, he was definitely playing under the radar.

I know there was quite a bit of discussion about him day 1, but that seems to have fallen off and not carried over to day 2.
Yeah if im honest I've mostly forgotten about Cooler and that is NOT a good look.

Yesterday I suspected him because I felt his performance was lackluster compared to the town!Cooler that I know. Then he changed his behavior and pressured people more, so I got a bit more satisfied with him, but he has fallen off again this phase. I can hardly remember a post by him this phase but I do know that he posted.

Where is the agressive @Cooler??
What do people think of Sin?

He has buddied on all my opinions almost religiously since the start of the game which made me like him overall but now I'm feeling paranoid.
This is a lie? I find myself agreeing with a lot of things you say, I agree, but there are some points that I strongly disagree with you on.

Like you think Karma scumslipped, but I felt like that looked honest. Or that I scumread Kira and you dont.

Just because I dont vocalise every time I disagree with you, doesnt mean I always agree with you.
Hey Melodie I have a question

You are the resident Bad Claim Police of this forum.

Which means whenever someone makes a dumb role claim (i e. super bulletproof survivor) you are usually the first one to jump in and scream LMAAAAAO I CAN'T BELIEVE HE CLAIMED THAT LYNCH HIM

But this time not only JW's impossibly shitty claim did not bring out a reaction of you, but you stayed in the Bada wagon.

What gives

Him claiming a survivor gave me flashbacks to when I got d1 lynched as survivor in nitty's league game, and I felt bad. :)
Broadcast message:

No, the votes are submitted privately, but shown in the vote count. And I'm still not done with you, but it's hard to respond to everything when three people at once are pushing me. Kinda funny how you just let Wad and DDL defend you, though, without questioning if they could be scum. As Town I'm always wary of people buddying and defending me left and right.
I... Was working on Wed, then went on vacation on Thurs :dank Mr policeman Cooler.

I’ll take a minute to read stuff

Tried to upload a vacation photo, but apparently I don’t have a permission to do that
As we can see here, Natalija is trying to give us an excuse as to why they're absent instead of just participating when they can. They're also adding extra context to make it all seem more realistic and believable, a trick mafia often tends to do.


There you go, that's my ted talk, now dont vote silence me :catflower

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