Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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U really think that’s her only ability? This scuffed posting restriction? Why?

idk, might have smth to do with me not being able to imagine what a ghost like role could actively do

this is the tricky part
i have only played one game with flower so I have little to judge her on
we were both scum together and she was sure as hell active but she was also hella nervous which I’m not getting here at all
but she is, and i believe it when she says it, experienced enough so maybe that game was an outlier for her for whatever reason
but rn it’s helped build towards a meta-read because scum!guilt is not a quality people easily change like I can change being powerwolf scum to lurker king scum metas on a whim

sounds informative enough for me to believe that she aint mafia and also low chance for indie. ima stay on the town lean on her until further notice

oh, when was that game btw?

It doesn’t clear him at all but he basically character revealed to me and melodie in doing so and that is an extremely risky/unnecessary play as scum so that’s why i have given him the benefit of the doubt for now

But he’s annoying me by being an inactive retard so if he keeps this up ima publicly spill the beans on his role consequences be damned

do you consider him revealing it to you guys just to earn some town cred? i feel like he might do it judging by some things he did in your faves game, so im not sure why his claim is so convincing but oh well

like I said
I have nothing new in particular against her other than the observation she is as aggressive as a mouse again and that’s not a good look and I would much rather pursue new suspects & subjects every day if possible unless there is a mechanical reason to bring the focus back to her or she says something to deserve shining the light on her

but seeing as how she’s scampered off with her tail between her legs for now ill let her cower in the corner for now
the truth is i might even scumread her just a bit less because maybe she is town after all and possesses enough self awareness to realize her play on d1 was full retard so now her reclusiveness is a result of shame in that

give me some info on her scum and town meta since i .. like never really got to play with her and she's been usually inactive in past games (think i only saw her like 3 times active in a game ive been part of)

ur activity is actually decent for standards I have set for you and is a big part of why I am reading u as town, even if only slightly

i'm still reading you as scum but i guess thats more of a compliment to you haha, tho i feel like youve been more active in past games and voicing some stuff more often compared to here rn
What has LG done in the past to warrant an early take down? I'm asking for a friend.
So like when I first begun mafia LG was actually really low effort town but huge effort scum.
So he would usually hard coast the entire game as either alibgment and in the end we would lose to a godfather or a cultist/etc
So there is a historical meme where I try to Lynch LG anytime he is being inactive because inactive LG=not worth keeping alive from the sheer risks
For the record my town reads are as follows:

I don't agree on wad just yet but yeah, he does not read scummy for me.
Remchu, Kira and Karma are kinda townie on my books but I think among them Remchu and Kira are currently my strongest reads
Karma could be playing chess so I'm not about to cross him but I think his laix play was fine at this point
big town read


i have noticed just fine

i also already ISO'd you via nitty and saw what youve been able to post since his arrival and like i suggested, you had plenty of opportunity to galvanize people against kira since your specific case against him is based on interactions and interpretations of last phase, but have only chosen to cry foul now that the hayumi lynch is starting to reach the point where it will be harder to reverse/return

lowkey, i was never convinced you were town because of your wacky posting restriction, now im convinced even less, and if hayumi flips scum i will be more than 50% sure of you actually being scum than town, to put it bluntly
Also lol I'm starting to like wad
Could be powerwolfing in laix's absence
Also guys
I actually am not liking kvothe :dank
Feelt kinda too defensive on my interactions with her
Why are you establishing a link between you and me, @Flower?

Just because we have a similar scumread on Kira doesnt mean we're of the same alignment.

Like. We also disagree on Hayumi.

Idk what you're doing here.
I actually not sure I like sin blatant attempts to make himself seem not related to anyone
"CRAW, I have nothing to do with neither flower nor ddl, mkay ?"
@Ratchet @Santi

I will deal with you two later. Properly ISO you.

Broadcast message:

When was I ever saying you were on my scum list, though? I don't like your reasoning because I wasn't even defending Hayumi. All I said was that his lynch is easy, so I think he's Town and if he's scum, then he's being bussed. That's why we should look at his wagon. But then people came and jumped at me and accused me of derailing.
I actually not sure I like sin blatant attempts to make himself seem not related to anyone
"CRAW, I have nothing to do with neither flower nor ddl, mkay ?"
I dont get this tbh. Its true that Im not connected to anyone, as I know no one's alignment but my own (town), but I dont see what I did there as openly distancing myself from people. That was not the point I was trying to make.
oof [change vote lynch Go D. Usopp]

The difference here is that you are still technically new. Or roughly how many games have you played? I need to know how new you are in order to gauge if your newness can override the tell. New players are prone to be scummier as they don't necessarily know the "culture?" of what makes town -> town and what makes mafia -> mafia etc. Or as mafia, there are things you should and should not do, but you more or less find that out through experience. Guides can help sometimes, but being in a game really matters for developing your style of play.

But the "interesting" tell is more a me thing than someone else, so you wouldn't necessarily learn about this sort of thing, unless you've played with me before.
You have been pushing some pretty weird wagons.
That could be good or could be bad
I guess at least you are giving reasons and it is good to push usopp tbh

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