Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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and this is a complete 360 for wad compared to his scum game in git gud.

Dude is in the dark like the rest of us. Hard to fake being lost.

he is town.

Git gud he was cool and collected with his posts not much figuring out of things when he gave his reads.

/my perspective



what was your guess on flower anyways? like do you expect her too be mafia and be rather active with the way she's been responding or you consider her to be more of an indie? has felt more townie to me so far, or lets say shes prolly not mafia and low chance of indie

until the last 3-4 hours i was basically presuming her to be town just based on behavior but i think too many people are accrediting to her being town not based on that behavior but rather because of her post restriction which i think is completely NAI

its like people think thats the only part of her role
theres no way it is lol
but once she started hard defending hayumi who ive increasingly begun to scumread and kind have more than one reason to scumread i began to entertain other possibilities

in this case most likely mafia over hostile indie, obviously

it was definitely nice seeing you two interact lol btw what happened to LG iirc he's been like ''i think she a jester or town hurp durp'', dont remember him posting today tbh
i also think melo is scum, weird posts, not much doing so far

no idea
LG a shit
i still think he's town literally based off the EuroLG cipher alone but he still a shit
if he continues being a shit i might just reveal what that code meant
i also think melo is scum or she is playing a garbage tier town game
out of respect to her ima keep thinking she's scum np

i was actually expecting that so was fun doing it :catpole

was that the first time i was mean to broki-chan? :catcry

WAD you fucking perfectly describe whatever I'm thinking every fucking time. Fuck it. Im calling you my strongest townread from here on out.

Yeah call it buddying all you want fuckers, I'm riding it! :catpole

ur a bold man for going all in on having me as ur strongest townread :handshake

of course ur correct and uve been in my top 5 town reads too since p much game start so i think its a good thing when two strong players are able to mutually read each other strongly as town
Indies could be lost. The problem with this is that some players are capable of changing their playstyle from what they just played. I don't know what his threshold is.

As for faking in general, you can pull from different experiences; I guess imo faking feelings or tone is harder than just being lost or confused.

Well from my perspective he is rusty.

He hasn't been playing games back to back and he is not at his peak/ full power. But that's just my analysis.

@Flower're leaning town on me now? i dont get it
you might be biased from your angle but scumreading you is not what i would consider tinfoil category
and anyway nobody should discount me from being capable of doing anything as scum (i am best at it) but i think through effective tone-reading town players can probably come to a comfortable, even if not confident, read that i am town like them (such as i believe remchu and sinraven has done)
Hi hi. Your avatar is kawaii. This is an intentional psychological trick, to make us passively read your posts as if a qt anime grill is making them. This allows you to manipulate how we read you, because you know we're going to be less critical of your posting style. How do I know this?

Why, I do the same thing.

Hi hi. Your avatar is kawaii. This is an intentional psychological trick, to make us passively read your posts as if a qt anime grill is making them. This allows you to manipulate how we read you, because you know we're going to be less critical of your posting style. How do I know this?

Why, I do the same thing.


ive legit already confused u both on mobile especially since both ur names start with R and are also 6 characters long
i am 100% in not the only one
/irrelevant game talk
Hi hi. Your avatar is kawaii. This is an intentional psychological trick, to make us passively read your posts as if a qt anime grill is making them. This allows you to manipulate how we read you, because you know we're going to be less critical of your posting style. How do I know this?

Why, I do the same thing.


I agree.

[Vote lynch RemChu]

He seemed on his scum meta D1, but scum!RemChu also tends to take a 180 tone shift after he found his townie to frustrate.

Also what's the opinion on Cooler now? I see him posting more but I haven't seen him really go at anyone.
I kinda like this post but I also kinda dont because of the way you carefully layed out like two sentences per person. To me it seems like youre forcing yourself to make two things up per person instead of genuinely explaining what you think of them.

Tbh asking people to provide a list of 6 reads isn't how you get them to say anything genuinely.

I normally skip on reading such posts and focus on what the guy says on their own, to see if they actually mean to scumhunt or what agenda they are pursuing.
until the last 3-4 hours i was basically presuming her to be town just based on behavior but i think too many people are accrediting to her being town not based on that behavior but rather because of her post restriction which i think is completely NAI

its like people think thats the only part of her role
theres no way it is lol
but once she started hard defending hayumi who ive increasingly begun to scumread and kind have more than one reason to scumread i began to entertain other possibilities

in this case most likely mafia over hostile indie, obviously

hmm i see where you're coming from, that post restriction might come off as some innocent child kinda thing cause of host delivering messages and so much attention on that player
okey lol i kinda thought its the only part of her role , i still do though cause idk what person would need host to send messages to the thread

i dont know flower but would you expect her to post this active and rather genuine (not mafia kinda filtered) posts? maybe my radar is off to consider the flower = mafia possibility

no idea
LG a shit
i still think he's town literally based off the EuroLG cipher alone but he still a shit
if he continues being a shit i might just reveal what that code meant
i also think melo is scum or she is playing a garbage tier town game
out of respect to her ima keep thinking she's scum np

i dont understand how that EuroLG thing clears him but uuhh okey
how come you havent been pushing her to get shot or lynched today if you think she scum? :catthinks

was that the first time i was mean to broki-chan? :catcry

imagine dragging me like this for my activity :blobcry (lol)
I agree.

[Vote lynch RemChu]

He seemed on his scum meta D1, but scum!RemChu also tends to take a 180 tone shift after he found his townie to frustrate.

Also what's the opinion on Cooler now? I see him posting more but I haven't seen him really go at anyone.

Weak argument when my profile cover matches the avatar. Zzzz

You guys clearly don't know the source of the set too.

and you're a fucking $%@^ if you think I can keep an aggressive tone the entire game. That's like literally 50 IQ take. Idiot.

no I’m just curious because you were very clearly scum reading me earlier so I’m wondering if you’re leaning town on me now for the sake of maturing my own read against you

to give you an idea of my timeline of reading you

At game start and all of day 1 basically I was 80/20 on you being town

Throughout the whole operation save hayumi endeavor you took upon it dropped to 60/40 so still town read but now just a lean with very real contemplation of you being scum

Now I feel better after the fallout of that and like I said I don’t like how some of the other people chimed in it made me feel uneasy so you’re back up to about 70/30

But without question if hayumi flips scum you will drop below the 50/50 threshold

how much remains to be seen I guess
hmm i see where you're coming from, that post restriction might come off as some innocent child kinda thing cause of host delivering messages and so much attention on that player
okey lol i kinda thought its the only part of her role , i still do though cause idk what person would need host to send messages to the thread

U really think that’s her only ability? This scuffed posting restriction? Why?

i dont know flower but would you expect her to post this active and rather genuine (not mafia kinda filtered) posts? maybe my radar is off to consider the flower = mafia possibility

this is the tricky part
i have only played one game with flower so I have little to judge her on
we were both scum together and she was sure as hell active but she was also hella nervous which I’m not getting here at all
but she is, and i believe it when she says it, experienced enough so maybe that game was an outlier for her for whatever reason
but rn it’s helped build towards a meta-read because scum!guilt is not a quality people easily change like I can change being powerwolf scum to lurker king scum metas on a whim

i dont understand how that EuroLG thing clears him but uuhh okey

It doesn’t clear him at all but he basically character revealed to me and melodie in doing so and that is an extremely risky/unnecessary play as scum so that’s why i have given him the benefit of the doubt for now

But he’s annoying me by being an inactive retard so if he keeps this up ima publicly spill the beans on his role consequences be damned

how come you havent been pushing her to get shot or lynched today if you think she scum? :catthinks

like I said
I have nothing new in particular against her other than the observation she is as aggressive as a mouse again and that’s not a good look and I would much rather pursue new suspects & subjects every day if possible unless there is a mechanical reason to bring the focus back to her or she says something to deserve shining the light on her

but seeing as how she’s scampered off with her tail between her legs for now ill let her cower in the corner for now
the truth is i might even scumread her just a bit less because maybe she is town after all and possesses enough self awareness to realize her play on d1 was full retard so now her reclusiveness is a result of shame in that

imagine dragging me like this for my activity :blobcry (lol)

ur activity is actually decent for standards I have set for you and is a big part of why I am reading u as town, even if only slightly
Vote Count:

Karma -> Nessos
WPK -> DDL -> Hayumi
Wad -> Natalija -> Iwan -> Natalija -> Hayumi
Iwandesu -> Karma -> Nessos -> Melodie
Worm Juice -> Iwan
LM -> Hayumi
Badalight -> Hayumi
Owner -> Iwan -> Hayumi -> Wad -> Natalija -> Melodie
SinRaven -> Natalija -> Hayumi
DDL -> Iwan
Aargon -> Hayumi
Kvothe -> Iwan
Cooler -> Iwan
Kira Yagami -> Hayumi
Remchu -> Karma -> Iwan
Jojo -> Flower
Melodie -> Nessos
Hero -> LM
Flower -> JoJo
Santi -> Remchu

Hayumi : 7 votes
Iwan : 5 votes
Nessos, Melodie : 2 votes
Flower, LM, JoJo, Remchu : 1 vote each

Go D. Usopp, Hayumi, Juan, Legend, LG, Natalija, Nessos, ncnorth, Ratchet and UB all havent voted and have 2 self votes each.

Threw this together quickly so let me know if ive missed anything :catlove
Tbh asking people to provide a list of 6 reads isn't how you get them to say anything genuinely.

I normally skip on reading such posts and focus on what the guy says on their own, to see if they actually mean to scumhunt or what agenda they are pursuing.
I normally don't ask those questions just to get a read on them, but also to see whatever they notice in others. See if they picked up stuff that I havent. Want to see both those kinda questions answered and original thoughts. Get the full picture.
Also funny how both our top lynches disappeared from the thread

@Hayumi @Scumdesu no defense??
Bro can you literally...
Nvm :defeat
Anyway I'm back for now I guess
I can follow Hayumi (she is actually scummy) but I don't Like the fact the remaining wagons were dimished and people are glancing over whoever killed laix
The players on the laix list should be invested/checked even vigged if needed.
Yeah it could be a false tangent but with Natalya claiming the ability it might be town
hello every1

this ought to be interesting af

cant wait to see what my name role is :hestonpls

oof [change vote lynch Go D. Usopp]

The difference here is that you are still technically new. Or roughly how many games have you played? I need to know how new you are in order to gauge if your newness can override the tell. New players are prone to be scummier as they don't necessarily know the "culture?" of what makes town -> town and what makes mafia -> mafia etc. Or as mafia, there are things you should and should not do, but you more or less find that out through experience. Guides can help sometimes, but being in a game really matters for developing your style of play.

But the "interesting" tell is more a me thing than someone else, so you wouldn't necessarily learn about this sort of thing, unless you've played with me before.

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