and this is a complete 360 for wad compared to his scum game in git gud.
Dude is in the dark like the rest of us. Hard to fake being lost.
he is town.
Git gud he was cool and collected with his posts not much figuring out of things when he gave his reads.
/my perspective

what was your guess on flower anyways? like do you expect her too be mafia and be rather active with the way she's been responding or you consider her to be more of an indie? has felt more townie to me so far, or lets say shes prolly not mafia and low chance of indie
until the last 3-4 hours i was basically presuming her to be town just based on behavior but i think too many people are accrediting to her being town not based on that behavior but rather because of her post restriction which i think is completely NAI
its like people think thats the only part of her role
theres no way it is lol
but once she started hard defending hayumi who ive increasingly begun to scumread and kind have more than one reason to scumread i began to entertain other possibilities
in this case most likely mafia over hostile indie, obviously
it was definitely nice seeing you two interact lol btw what happened to LG iirc he's been like ''i think she a jester or town hurp durp'', dont remember him posting today tbh
i also think melo is scum, weird posts, not much doing so far
no idea
LG a shit
i still think he's town literally based off the EuroLG cipher alone but he still a shit
if he continues being a shit i might just reveal what that code meant
i also think melo is scum or she is playing a garbage tier town game
out of respect to her ima keep thinking she's scum np
i was actually expecting that so was fun doing it![]()
was that the first time i was mean to broki-chan?

WAD you fucking perfectly describe whatever I'm thinking every fucking time. Fuck it. Im calling you my strongest townread from here on out.
Yeah call it buddying all you want fuckers, I'm riding it!![]()
ur a bold man for going all in on having me as ur strongest townread

of course ur correct and uve been in my top 5 town reads too since p much game start so i think its a good thing when two strong players are able to mutually read each other strongly as town