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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Can we check that Soul wagon? Also can we check the D2 Xadlin and D1 Didi wagon?
Me and Didi where the first to move to Soul from what I remember. Will have to check to see who joined after that.

I’ll try to go through and track everything SK, Santi, Kira, and you have done vote wise if I have time. It’ll probably be better the more people that look.

Didi wasn’t scum, and I’m not scum. So on the Soul wagon Red would have had to have jumped on it after it was getting started.
Me and Didi where the first to move to Soul from what I remember. Will have to check to see who joined after that.

I’ll try to go through and track everything SK, Santi, Kira, and you have done vote wise if I have time. It’ll probably be better the more people that look.

Didi wasn’t scum, and I’m not scum. So on the Soul wagon Red would have had to have jumped on it after it was getting started.
Day 4 - Lynch rule change
Hello hello,

I love rice, I love spice, and I love to roll the dice!

The execution isn't the only lynch mechanic here that's starting to... show its age. Why, this limited lynch pool mechanic is almost as old and used up as @Laix ! And just like we replaced Laix with a younger and prettier host (it's me, I'm the younger and prettier host), I'm here to replace that dusty old noose with something shiny and new!

Today is the last day we will abide by the old lynch pool rules. Every day after today, you will instead elect a king or queen who will single-handedly decide the lynch.

Like in days past, you will all have 23 hours to cast votes during the day, but your votes will nominate a king or queen instead of a lynchee. In the final hour of the day, the elected player will single-handedly decide who is lynched.

If you think you may be elected but you won't be around at the end of the day, you will want to send your choice of lynch in advance. If the elected player does not make a choice in time, the responsibility will instead pass to the player with the next most votes.

Oh and, one more thing... we've got term limits, y'all! You cannot elect the same player two days in a row. There is no limit to the number of times someone can be elected, as long as they wait a day between each turn.

Shocking, isn't it?!
Hello hello,

I love rice, I love spice, and I love to roll the dice!

The execution isn't the only lynch mechanic here that's starting to... show its age. Why, this limited lynch pool mechanic is almost as old and used up as @Laix ! And just like we replaced Laix with a younger and prettier host (it's me, I'm the younger and prettier host), I'm here to replace that dusty old noose with something shiny and new!

Today is the last day we will abide by the old lynch pool rules. Every day after today, you will instead elect a king or queen who will single-handedly decide the lynch.

Like in days past, you will all have 23 hours to cast votes during the day, but your votes will nominate a king or queen instead of a lynchee. In the final hour of the day, the elected player will single-handedly decide who is lynched.

If you think you may be elected but you won't be around at the end of the day, you will want to send your choice of lynch in advance. If the elected player does not make a choice in time, the responsibility will instead pass to the player with the next most votes.

Oh and, one more thing... we've got term limits, y'all! You cannot elect the same player two days in a row. There is no limit to the number of times someone can be elected, as long as they wait a day between each turn.

Shocking, isn't it?!
Well thats a twist
Also just saying the whole removing the exe was an extremely poor decision just saying.
maybe, but legit like, there's actually no reason mafia SHOULD ever be killed by it if they're paying any attention to the game lmao. Also it only helps with parity/vote calculations, it doesn't get rid of the worst bit of being the abilities
maybe, but legit like, there's actually no reason mafia SHOULD ever be killed by it if they're paying any attention to the game lmao. Also it only helps with parity/vote calculations, it doesn't get rid of the worst bit of being the abilities
The whole king and queen thing coming tomorrow probably would have made it matter a ton. People got rid of it without thinking
okay so i know people are like, convinced santi is town from yesterday, but I ended up getting poisoned the night before last, not healed by santi tonight, and now last night is the first time I've been attacked and am bleeding. SUPER convenient
A lot less convinced he has to be town with the Purple POE shrinking. But if he is scum then his Hero interactions were pretty impressive.

Problem is the people left in Purple POE (besides SK) all have good reasons to think they aren’t Purple so someone is not town despite those reasons if there are 2 more.
The whole king and queen thing coming tomorrow probably would have made it matter a ton. People got rid of it without thinking
I mean, you're saying something we didn't know would happen made it matter a ton and we should've anticipated that lmao.

Also tbh the king and queen thing actually makes it less relevant cause part of the execution is being able tot arget people hwo might not be paying enough attention to join the main wagon
I mean, you're saying something we didn't know would happen made it matter a ton and we should've anticipated that lmao.

Also tbh the king and queen thing actually makes it less relevant cause part of the execution is being able tot arget people hwo might not be paying enough attention to join the main wagon
Reread the post Shizune put when the no execution votes allowed post . You were warned on the subject.
True, Ill just say that im qualified to be King.

Removing the exe option was retarded imo and we shouldve exed someone.
yep, didn't want to push too hard against it
okay so i know people are like, convinced santi is town from yesterday, but I ended up getting poisoned the night before last, not healed by santi tonight, and now last night is the first time I've been attacked and am bleeding. SUPER convenient
I was never convinced

but anyways I'm ok with nfc being the secondary lynch, though I highly prefer a lynch from group 2 mafia because I'm worried there's more than we think of them
Reread the post Shizune put when the no execution votes allowed post . You were warned on the subject.
No I'm saying you said the king and queen thing made the execute more relevant. But we didn't know the kign and queen thing would actually happen. And tbh if anything, it actually makes the execute slightly less needed. Not enough to change anyone's opinion on if we needed it or not, but it fulfils a bit less of a function

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