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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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I can't catch up the thread grows faster than i can read

Anyways looks like someone bothered to save me last night, thank you ❤️ but I still need a heal for today.

I read until one moment, 2 or 3 pages ago at 80 posts per page, and i get something.

We pretty much know now who the reds are and we can let the purples to take care of them because that's the multiball charm, mafias of both team will be at each other throats.

Meawhile 2 suspicious people are dead but not yet out of the game, still counting for purple numbers for sure, and that is concerning for me more than the outed reds

[vote lynch John Wayne]

And rip my reads, Jojo fooled me completely

I am not sure about the exe, i need to think

Current players alive:

1. @Badalight (schizo town lean, maybe)
2. @charles101 (town)
3. @Didi (town)
4. @DrProfessor83 (unknown/leaning town)
5. @Ekkologix (town but I don't trust him)
6. @Fang (town)
7. @Firestormer (scum leaning)
8. @hammer (null)
9. @Hero (scum leaning)
10. @Iwandesu (scum leaning)
11. @John Wayne (null)
12. @Juan (town lean)
13. @Kira Yagami (null)
14. @Lind (town lean)
15. @Lord Melkor (town)
16. @Melodie (scum)
17. @Rej (possibly scum)
18. @Santí (town lean)
19. @SinRaven (scum lean)
20. @Soul (null)
21. @SoulKiller (null)
22. @sworder (scum lean)
23. @tinky winky (null)
24. @WolfPrinceKiba (null)
25. @Worm Juice (scum verified)
26. @Yo Tan Wa (null)

Let's look at the semi town reads that are still alive in this game... and look there's also an "unknown and a but I don't trust him" hmm

Just think for a moment, who may have you read as town for a long while, but somehow they are still alive...and they probably survived some kills...hmmm

🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

:kittyhop don't mind me, I'm just here as a friend to offer my couch so that you can vent the woes of this bloody game

Owner was reflecting over some of her past night actions. She targeted Vanya only to "watch him", not to kill. Oh, that could just be some seductive ploy and maybe it was? The reasoning behind this watch was to find out who had doctor or healing abilities in the game. But boy oh boy, did I pick a night to watch LOL.

The other watches she did. She kept getting fed up by the cross pollination of teammates that kept interacting with her target. She intended to have checks to claim each day, but oh no, she could not because they were right there instead. [massive table flips vibes]

This sounds like Ekko already knows that it is mafia role. Ekko may even control it.



Also, why does Ekko go to such lengths to suppose that booby trapper could be any alignment? Me: Booby Trapper, obvious sounds like a scum role does it not? :catdankv1:

Me: also #interestingtell people will say words like "interesting" or "weird" when they don't know what to say, it is surface level and subjective, but it doesn't really say a whole lot. it is just filling a void.
these scum discredit attempts r so kawaii :catskully
Cause initially, I thought Didi and Ekko were together, but then Ekko was so gun ho on lynching Owner yesterday then Didi would be the lynch today. I thought it could be distancing or protecting a teammate by pushing the lynch off of them for one more day etc. But seeing Didi's flip made me realize, that Ekko was fully and completely fine with those 2 wagons yesterday. It was only when Prof almost died that they slipped up and got worried.
Sorry in advance for the wall
Anyone not trying to get rid of Red’s faction kill when we have what could possibly be the last one outted is tripping lol.
This is an agenda to save John Wayne ig
Hmm I dpn't actually know which would be better. Owner is almost certainly red mafia and MAYBE with nfc/someone random, but those are probably the last red. Getting rid of them would get rid of a faction kill and the second red is gone it just confirms any remaining players left in red. But going for JW might be better just to keep the numbers more even and because red might need to shoot purple and vice versa

And this is a townie mindset
Lets put it this way we strongly suspect purple has a near majority of the game and town will not be able to control the lynch anymore
Nc confirms my thoughts I shared yesterday
Starting to wonder if you’re red and you are so fixated on a bunch of Purple being left bc you know how many Red has and are basing it off that with tmi.
If it's TMI is maybe correct, right?
No you are probably right since you guys and them should have roughly the same I’d think.

Y’all apparently suck at finding Purple tho lol.
Not really, I think I nailed 2 in you and Ekko
I suspected Rej as well because he was so strongly protective on Ekko.
JW is the booby trapper.

Owner is the superkill girl
Good info
[Vote lynch Owner of a Lonely Heart]

We should do our best as town to make sure her and John Wayne are our only two lynch candidates today. I don't want any fuckery this time, if they vote anyone else rn they're scum imo.
They are both scum but I go for John because of the lynch avoiding play he had until now
Aren't you one of the geniuses who just fucking lynched Didi?

Get the hell out of here with your cracked scumdar.
Didi was indie, your frustration is odd
i think hero was purple, but no idea what killed them
Thanks for confirming
jojo flipped red and was voting didi
NFC is open scumming rn
owner is confirmed red

its just NFC and owner left

we can yeet purple today and perma block owner/NFC or shoot them

probably the smarter play
Interesting, good plan
i lost 2 lives and am bleeding btw
Why did you lost 2 lifes?
Also Didi wasn't scum. I told yall it was a fucking Sophie's choice between Odd and Didi. Fuck you guys.
Didi was purple's marionette, making factional kills for them and also a serial killer.
So good job guys is more suited imo
You saying there is a role that delays deaths for purples? Why wasnt Tinkys death delayed as well?
They were busy going hard against group 1 folks
Iwan will never reach the truth of his own death
we shouldn't let John alive today
So what theory will it be tomorrow when both are still alive lol
The theory that a third purple mantains them in the game and it's not you.
7 red flipped so far (LG, broki, flowa, WAD, ultra, TAC, jojo)
2 outed red (owner, NFC)
maybe 1 more AT MOST if nitty is feeling generous since their team seems to be separated / not in a single chat. any more than that is shitty balance and should not be entertained, given the amount of lynch stoppers they got. i would genuinely be surprised if more reds were to flip after those.
= total 9-10 reds


4 purple flipped so far (sin, worm, tinky, melodie)
1 pretty much outed purple (JW)
2 likely dead purple (hero, iwan). until proven otherwise, im locking them as purple and their death is delayed by a purple ability. if a townie did this, they ought to claim it NOW

= 2-3 purple left to make it 9-10

the flipped purple roles so far do not talk about sending messages to teammates so the team prolly started together, but they can send messages to didi who could do their factional kill, but has a wincon against them.

NFC is desperately outing himself as red and claiming there are more than 2 red left. there can be multiple reasons for this:

1. wants to insinuate paranoia on the amount of scums in the game. possible
2. wants us to keep lynching into group 1 even tho there r no more reds there instead of lynching group 2 / wants group 1 players to remain in PoE / not be fully cleared. possible
3. genuinely concerned that purple is in control, meaning there r more reds and more purple in the game. very unlikely
4. wants to save owner's role at all costs. she might become lynch immune next day since there is a cycle cooldown to the lynch immune ability that red had, so essentially he saves her twice. very possible
5. fake claiming red even tho hes town. maybe forced to do so. ishmael did the same so could be a scum ability. unlikely

NFC's desperation was similar to jojo's last day. i think owner might have a really strong role and they want her alive at all costs. could probs yeet b4 JW just for that and to piss NFC off more kek
Long way to say you don't want purple lynch here
@DrProfessor83 Don't think that I forgot how you tried to derail the lynch from obvious scum

Day 1: Derail the wagon from John
Day 2: Derail the wagon from Hero (his death was delayed like Iwandesu)
Day 3: Derail the lynch from John again who has the potential to dodge the lynch pool.

Owner can be vigged she could be jester or not. Moreover she cannot dodge lynch pool unlike John Wayne.

Ownwr is likely unlulynchable
An untouchable too: seems like he’s redirect and role block proof. Maybe we need to role crush her ass


It was Fang who invested me, not Didi. I do not trust Didi's results, as i mentioned.
he was Didi confirmed but maybe he knows his own alignment is wrong? hmm idk my bff jill

Yes, likely either Didi or Hero is scum cop?

hmm, Didi was indie.., Hero is in my nulls...but maybe the purples are scared of them cops?
Are people going to stop being lazy and actually start to hunt or they just going to be like wow outted scum is bad and leave it at that?
Karma did a lot of the lifting already
Didi was indie, your frustration is odd
If you look at just Didi's alignment in a vacuum without any additional context from the game, like someone who isn't even playing the god damn game and is just spectating with commentary... Sure.

If you're fucking neck-deep in this shit and are making considerations within a larger order context such as: Didi's blatantly anti-mafia win-con, his numerous pro-town posts and contributions in both the preliminaries and this Finals thread... Yeah, I can see why one would be quick to be ticked off by some bozo townie tossing a gormless sus at them.

But he ain't just a bozo townie, none of the four Didi voters are. They're all scum, and they're just walking right up and saying it out loud now.

So I ain't mad no mo' :kermit

i lost 2 lives and am bleeding btw

Hey Town, you want to see something interesting? This guy our town watcher had 2 durability. Ekkologix has some tracking and messaging stuff right? If they are truly on the same level as Ish over here, why aren't they dead?

@Ishmael (Ekko) died tonight!

Group 1 end
Hello hello,

I have something I want to say in the thread, where everyone can hear me:

All three factions- both mafia teams and the town- have spent the past several cycles absolutely freaking out to me in their PMs. Most of you seem to be convinced that your team, whichever team that happens to be, is underpowered, outnumbered, disadvantaged, oppressed and persecuted.

Well I have one thing to say: you're not!

Right now, it is the consensus of myself and the dead chat that the game has come down to the wire, and every side has an equal chance at winning right now.

So please, all of you, stop panicking in your PMs. Because the other sides are doing the exact same thing, which means you shouldn't be panicking in the first place.

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