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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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But I do agree with what you and Michelle are trying to say. It’s definitely possible that purple are munching off the town cred and fooling us right now.

But I don’t think that’s Prof.

He is going along with the whole purple maf has 3 left horseshit way too much. Look at them side by side
Tbh, after the message I received last night, I’m not sure how many scum are left here.

I got a message saying that 5 red were still alive right now, which I don’t think is true, but I’m not sure at the same time.

So you trust Laix’s message that there are still 8 scum left?
But I do agree with what you and Michelle are trying to say. It’s definitely possible that purple are munching off the town cred and fooling us right now.

But I don’t think that’s Prof.

Tbh, after the message I received last night, I’m not sure how many scum are left here.

I got a message saying that 5 red were still alive right now, which I don’t think is true, but I’m not sure at the same time.

So you trust Laix’s message that there are still 8 scum left?
I have already said I am not sure about the full 8 but 3 is dangerously naive at best. Keep in mind both mafs had to deal with town poe in their respective games. Small mafias run the risk of too many town confirms overruning their strengths
Yes I mean he is being pushed as a distraction from them and is a townie
Yesterday drproffesor83 was downplaying my Kira info hard and I am gaining more and more confidence he is doing so with malicious (aka being purple) intent. And if I look today other than his owner push his narrative has been purple aren't a threat. Goes well with a focus on player outside if game 2 does it not? Wast towns times on two separate directions in ways that can't be purple get out of here purple son
Like I said in my last post it pretty clear mafia has an influence in game 2 with the mislynches and what not. People are clearly giving game 2 people in generall to much town cred or the game would have gone like game 1 did.

But honestly I could let the Kira thing go to some extent if he was not by the same tune going along with ekkos dangerously lowball.

whose pushing kira rn? hes no way near top of purple PoE. he was pushed yesterday bc he was available for execution, and in heindsight sworder cooler and revan all flipped town which makes it even worst for kira that the execution deflected from him

when did u get info on kira. yesterday was day 1 of the merge. if u got info during the day u shud of shared it. if u did tell me where and tell me who else u got info on
Day 2 - Vote Count 1
Hmm. Assuming the info is true, 5 + 8 would mean 13 scum were left in the game when we merged out of 35 players.

With Tinky flipping scum we have 12 left out of 28 players. We can exclude Iwan since he’s going to die and most likely will flip scum and making the number of scum left 11.

My Town reads:
1) Fuji
2) Draekke
3) Prof
4) Ekko
5) Hidden
6) Jojo
7) Juan
8) Kira
9) Legend
10) Myself
11) Mich
12) NFC
13 SK

I’m not counting the innocent clears here except for Kira and my somewhat genuine reads in Hero and Didi and my null to scum lean read like Ali and Karma.

Leaving the other 15 players:
1) Didi
2) Hero
3) Ali
4) Karma
5) TS
6) Bada
7) Santi
8) AM (He too is vouched by Draekke and AM has claimed Miller)
9) JW
10) Hammer
11) Owner
12) Santi
13) Saturday
14) TS
15) Iwan (going to die so doesn’t count)

So this group of 14 has 11 scum in it according to my reads:dank

Removing Owner and JW (and hoping both are scum) It would leave us with 9 scum among 12 players, but we can only conclude that after the flips.

Feel free to disagree with my reads or anything.
whose pushing kira rn? hes no way near top of purple PoE. he was pushed yesterday bc he was available for execution, and in heindsight sworder cooler and revan all flipped town which makes it even worst for kira that the execution deflected from him

when did u get info on kira. yesterday was day 1 of the merge. if u got info during the day u shud of shared it. if u did tell me where and tell me who else u got info on
I did share it btw not my fault if you didn't read my posts where I implied its more than just a read. And it the only mechanical info I have. Hell I even quoted myself making it even more clear by bolding a part. I even said it was basically impossible to mess with.

You have put Kira in the yeet category today despite me warning you not to. Only reason you are not pushing him harder is he is not up for vote
Hmm. Assuming the info is true, 5 + 8 would mean 13 scum were left in the game when we merged out of 35 players.

With Tinky flipping scum we have 12 left out of 28 players. We can exclude Iwan since he’s going to die and most likely will flip scum and making the number of scum left 11.

My Town reads:
1) Fuji
2) Draekke
3) Prof
4) Ekko
5) Hidden
6) Jojo
7) Juan
8) Kira
9) Legend
10) Myself
11) Mich
12) NFC
13 SK

I’m not counting the innocent clears here except for Kira and my somewhat genuine reads in Hero and Didi and my null to scum lean read like Ali and Karma.

Leaving the other 15 players:
1) Didi
2) Hero
3) Ali
4) Karma
5) TS
6) Bada
7) Santi
8) AM (He too is vouched by Draekke and AM has claimed Miller)
9) JW
10) Hammer
11) Owner
12) Santi
13) Saturday
14) TS
15) Iwan (going to die so doesn’t count)

So this group of 14 has 11 scum in it according to my reads:dank

Removing Owner and JW (and hoping both are scum) It would leave us with 9 scum among 12 players, but we can only conclude that after the flips.

Feel free to disagree with my reads or anything.
whoever send u that message needs to come out

was it just 5 words?
Hmm. Assuming the info is true, 5 + 8 would mean 13 scum were left in the game when we merged out of 35 players.

With Tinky flipping scum we have 12 left out of 28 players. We can exclude Iwan since he’s going to die and most likely will flip scum and making the number of scum left 11.

My Town reads:
1) Fuji
2) Draekke
3) Prof
4) Ekko
5) Hidden
6) Jojo
7) Juan
8) Kira
9) Legend
10) Myself
11) Mich
12) NFC
13 SK

I’m not counting the innocent clears here except for Kira and my somewhat genuine reads in Hero and Didi and my null to scum lean read like Ali and Karma.

Leaving the other 15 players:
1) Didi
2) Hero
3) Ali
4) Karma
5) TS
6) Bada
7) Santi
8) AM (He too is vouched by Draekke and AM has claimed Miller)
9) JW
10) Hammer
11) Owner
12) Santi
13) Saturday
14) TS
15) Iwan (going to die so doesn’t count)

So this group of 14 has 11 scum in it according to my reads:dank

Removing Owner and JW (and hoping both are scum) It would leave us with 9 scum among 12 players, but we can only conclude that after the flips.

Feel free to disagree with my reads or anything.
Honestly, reading this again, I’d rather just focus on the scum at hand one by one and not bother with the info I received.
I did share it btw not my fault if you didn't read my posts where I implied its more than just a read. And it the only mechanical info I have. Hell I even quoted myself making it even more clear by bolding a part. I even said it was basically impossible to mess with.

You have put Kira in the yeet category today despite me warning you not to. Only reason you are not pushing him harder is he is not up for vote
only reason im not pushing him harder is hes not on the top my PoE
dont assume my intentions

so u have innocent on him or what mech info u got. i didnt see it. not i saw it and ignored it. u assumed my motives twice in one post
Also for the record who said I got this info during this game? There is a reason I said it is basically impossible to mess with.
u might wanna clear that asap
if u can clear him from PoE we will just look the other way
why r u acting like we r hard pushing him for lynch over the rest of our PoE
he was only pushed for execution yesterday cuz he was available

Nothing. Well I received a creepy message but thats it.

Vote Lynch Owner
what message
The bare minimum. Its just clear that you are not purple from gameplay. Way to many people jumping you opportunisticly for you not to be town.
Also if personally I think I trust Didis first cop claim on you to basically clear you myself. Because either way I don't see scum cop didi putting you as his first invest as temmates as I think it's more likely he has a true result first and not look to bad if you die or his result is true and you are town.
No, its clear you're not vouching for me so much just off gameplay and didis invest
What exactly do u know? my roles character and my alignment??
jesus man I've explained so many times now already how this works

I plant a message on someone - everyone who visits that person that night gets the message
I figured Hero would be a good target this night cuz he could be interesting to several people
good target for scum or town
i dont understand the idea behind ur role
seems trollish

This is between me and Kira. I am not a cop
go on
So one thing that doesn't make sense to me is the fact that DrProf and Ekko were on the exact same page when they came in the thread with the anti-owner push. They're claiming she visited Didi and Fuji and Nessos. Two of which had kill shots thrown at them. I don't think it's a far gone conclusion that they saw that Didi lost lives and are suspectful of the fact that it could have been owner who did it. Clearly if someone is thought to be capable of super killing another player, they are either powerful role or some kind of mafia member. But either way, if that player is coming from another game and has the possibility of disrupting the control that G2 has over their, then it's the smart play to make an attempt to try and frame her.

Take a look at the initial interaction when Ekko was in the thread trying to """""""""'call out""""""""""""' owner for lying. It's clear he had an agenda and I don't think she was wrong for not claiming all of her targets, however strange and actually NOT suspect that she claimed didi, a guy who got superkilled the previous night. It's pretty obvious that ekko was trying to play for allegedly high IQ zinger player and just have DrProf come in with him to back him up.

Also FoS on ANYONE who is taking these """""reveals"""" as law. It's utterly worthless. Hammer has the most suspect role in the game and for some reason he's cleared by some in thread write up. An ability that is notoriously mafia and scummy. There is also the fact that a highly inactive player, melodie, was submitting actions that incriminates her. Everyone knows that when players are super inactive, they can't be fucked to follow the thread or even submit actions. Then we have the rule that executed scum get their abilities and if she's actually inactive and not playing the game, then it's smarter for scum to kill her for credit, clear another player's actions with it, and give credence to their thread revealing ability with it.

100% this screams a frame job to me.

I also do think this is yes, related to the push on Didi. But also the fact that DrProf and Ekko are on the same page is sus. I actually am disgusted at the fact that G2 will actually allocate credit to the Melodie stuff when there are so many reasons to not have faith in it. In game fucking one, players didn't even get credit for lynching LG for like nearly 3 days.
good target for scum or town
i dont understand the idea behind ur role
seems trollish

I mean I can sort of communicate with people and share my information around, in a very roundabout way

makes sense for a cop so you can get your results out there without having to claim in thread
think that was the idea behind it

but I figured no one would believe random messages + I can't control who gets them so I just said my results in the thread itself anyway
No, its clear you're not vouching for me so much just off gameplay and didis invest
What exactly do u know? my roles character and my alignment??
I am using what was given to both of us and making hard reads of it. I have reasons of my own to trust didi scan on you specifically. Not cop related but it does back him on this and I doubt it was redirected. But I was only given your role name just like you should have mine. Because it implies as much
I am using what was given to both of us and making hard reads of it. I have reasons of my own to trust didi scan on you specifically. Not cop related but it does back him on this and I doubt it was redirected. But I was only given your role name just like you should have mine. Because it implies as much
What sort of info was given to both of us? Stop avoiding the question and say it mate
I looked at the nessos lynch it appears purp had free reign over who they wanted to lynch but they choose nessos :jerrykek

More intresting they had to overcone 15 vote lynch

1. @Badalight -
2. @Baroxio - Baroxio > DrProf
3. @charles101 - Worm Juice
4. @Didi - Worm Juice
5. @DrProfessor83 - Worm Juice
6. @Ekkologix - SinRaven > Worm Juice
7. @Fang - Worm Juice
8. @Firestormer - DrProf > Worm Juice
9. @Franky
10. @hammer - Ekko
11. @Hero
12. @Iwandesu
13. @John Wayne - Worm Juice
14. @Juan - Worm Juice
15. @Kira Yagami - Worm Juice
16. @Lind
17. @Lord Melkor - Kira Yagami > Ratchet > SinRaven > Worm Juice
18. @Melodie
19. @Nessos - Worm Juice
20. @Rej - Worm Juice
21. @Santí - Worm Juice
22. @SinRaven - Worm Juice
23. @Soul - Worm Juice
24. @SoulKiller - SinRaven
25. @sworder
26. @tinky winky - SinRaven
27. @WolfPrinceKiba - Didi
28. @Worm Juice - DrProf > Ratchet > Didi
29. @Yo Tan Wa - Worm Juice

Melodie, iwan, tinky were already on the secret nessos wagon

Of the wj voters we know sr was mafia and jw is prolly maf too

That leaves a 13 to 5
That's fine. He absolutely 100% shot me. But I understand why you might have your doubts. However if you find my claim untrustworthy, then it means I have an agenda at hand. What do you think I'm trying to pull or leverage with it?
Red trying to go deep, obviously. Not saying that *is* what happened. But what the agenda would be is pretty obvious.
Red trying to go deep, obviously. Not saying that *is* what happened. But what the agenda would be is pretty obvious.
It's not the play I would make if i was red because it's something EASILY cross-referenced by the actual team who shot me. If anything, just having information on what actually happened is enough to probably bury me for this claim.

Also you guys don't know me

but maybe didi can vouch for me

but if I learned that a player tried to kill me, superkill me - no less, then the most in character thing i would do is go after him
So one thing that doesn't make sense to me is the fact that DrProf and Ekko were on the exact same page when they came in the thread with the anti-owner push. They're claiming she visited Didi and Fuji and Nessos. Two of which had kill shots thrown at them. I don't think it's a far gone conclusion that they saw that Didi lost lives and are suspectful of the fact that it could have been owner who did it. Clearly if someone is thought to be capable of super killing another player, they are either powerful role or some kind of mafia member. But either way, if that player is coming from another game and has the possibility of disrupting the control that G2 has over their, then it's the smart play to make an attempt to try and frame her.

Take a look at the initial interaction when Ekko was in the thread trying to """""""""'call out""""""""""""' owner for lying. It's clear he had an agenda and I don't think she was wrong for not claiming all of her targets, however strange and actually NOT suspect that she claimed didi, a guy who got superkilled the previous night. It's pretty obvious that ekko was trying to play for allegedly high IQ zinger player and just have DrProf come in with him to back him up.

Also FoS on ANYONE who is taking these """""reveals"""" as law. It's utterly worthless. Hammer has the most suspect role in the game and for some reason he's cleared by some in thread write up. An ability that is notoriously mafia and scummy. There is also the fact that a highly inactive player, melodie, was submitting actions that incriminates her. Everyone knows that when players are super inactive, they can't be fucked to follow the thread or even submit actions. Then we have the rule that executed scum get their abilities and if she's actually inactive and not playing the game, then it's smarter for scum to kill her for credit, clear another player's actions with it, and give credence to their thread revealing ability with it.

100% this screams a frame job to me.

I also do think this is yes, related to the push on Didi. But also the fact that DrProf and Ekko are on the same page is sus. I actually am disgusted at the fact that G2 will actually allocate credit to the Melodie stuff when there are so many reasons to not have faith in it. In game fucking one, players didn't even get credit for lynching LG for like nearly 3 days.

shes already admitted to hiding her result. i asked her a clear question who she targeted last night and she danced around the question at first then hid 2 targets with no justifiable reason. she gave me partial truth and claimed she gifted some boost to didi of all people and didi cannot confirm it today, which makes that claim utterly useless. and now didi claims a superkill was used on him (which is kinda sus on didi for surviving a superkill as a cop, but so did u)

she also failed to tell me who did she gift a boost to from game 1

owner is just scum m8. stop defending her

didi is scum too most likely. i agree. but just because we r pushing owner does not mean we dont scum read didi or want him gone
I looked at the nessos lynch it appears purp had free reign over who they wanted to lynch but they choose nessos :jerrykek

More intresting they had to overcone 15 vote lynch

Melodie, iwan, tinky were already on the secret nessos wagon

Of the wj voters we know sr was mafia and jw is prolly maf too

That leaves a 13 to 5

I hard town read juan

Nfc is vouching for kira

That leaves


These r the most likely from the bunch to be mafia
It's not the play I would make if i was red because it's something EASILY cross-referenced by the actual team who shot me. If anything, just having information on what actually happened is enough to probably bury me for this claim.

Also you guys don't know me

but maybe didi can vouch for me

but if I learned that a player tried to kill me, superkill me - no less, then the most in character thing i would do is go after him

it's true

Jojo would hound this friend until the end of days
hm i dont know, its been bugging me how you've vouched for me when that's the only info thats been given, nothing specifically about alignment

ngl i think you know far more than i do but ill leave it at that for now since you're dying tonight anyway
My vouch doesn't just come from that. Like I said I feel confident in my read of the game on this particular case on it. Besides am I supposed to just let you die when your on the execution block? Or encourage people to shoot you? At the very least I can watch over you better than the other people on the block.

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