[Bleed] - The affected player loses 1 life the next night. Bypasses normal defensive and protective abilities. Bleeds usually count as killing abilities for most ability terminology and phrasing purposes, but may be handled on a case-by-case basis.
[Bonus Lives] - Bonus lives effectively work as shields on top of your regular life count, meaning bonus lives are consumed before your regular lives. Bonus lives may be gained temporarily or permanently. For example if I have 3 lives and I'm temporarily given a bonus life for the night, then the first kill I received that night would consume my bonus life and leave me with the 3 lives I normally had.
[Counter] - Like a roleblock for a specific ability or effect. Attempts to apply a roleblock to that specific ability to stop it from working. For example if you try to kill me, I may counter your ability, causing that specific ability to be blocked but not affecting any other abilities you used. Counters are a type of roleblock, so abilities that protect against being blocked also protect against being countered.
[Disarm] - The affected player's killing abilities are blocked. Disarming is a type of roleblock, so abilities that protect against being blocked also protect against being disarmed.
[Heal] - Restores 1 life and cures bleeds. Heals apply after kills, so for example is you only have 1 life left and someone kills you, healing won't save you because you will die before you're healed. Healing cannot give a player more lives than their normal durability rating; if your durability rating is 3, and you still have all 3 lives, healing will not boost you to 4 lives. However if you lost a life and only had 2 left, healing could bring you back to 3 lives.
[Innate] - Superpassives! Passive abilities that are innate to the role and cannot be disabled/crushed/etc.
[Isolated] - The affected player cannot receive any friendly or helpful abilities from other players. They can still use abilities on themselves.
[Poison] - The victim is roleblocked the first night, role crushed the second night, and dies the third night. The kill bypasses normal defensive and protective abilities. Poisons do not count as killing abilities for ability terminology and phrasing purposes.
[Redirects] - Abilities which change the target of another ability. Players are told if their non-investigative abilities are redirected, but they are not told if investigative abilities are redirected. For example if your kill is redirected, you will be told who it was redirected to. But if your alignment scan is redirected, you won't know it was redirected at all.
[Role Crush] - Role crushes disable, or "crush," all non-innate abilities for a specific amount of time. Role crushes are considered an upgraded version of roleblocks, and if a role crush finds that its target is completely protected against being crushed, the role crush will try downgrading to a roleblock.
[Superkill] - A kill that bypasses all roleblocks, counters, protections etc. Can still be redirected. Can only consume up to 3 lives at time, so roles with the highest durability rating (4) can potentially survive a superkill. If someone survives a superkill, they will bleed. Superkills are considered an upgraded version of regular kills, and if a superkill finds that its target is completely protected against superkills, the superkill will try downgrading to a regular kill.
[Vote Tampering] - Abilities which affect votes during the day phase. These types of abilities usually only affect the lynch votes, and cannot affect the execution. Common examples include vote silencing, which reduces someone's voting power to 0, and vote theft, which transfers all of someone's voting power to another player. Players are notified when they are vote silenced, but not when their voting power is stolen.
[Vulnerable] - The affected player's defensive and self-protective abilities are blocked. They can still be protected by other players. Vulnerability is a type of roleblock, so abilities that protect against being blocked also protect against vulnerability.