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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Start date: July 14th

Game rules

Basic rules

1. Do not discuss the game outside of game thread unless given permission. The moderator will host a dead chat for eliminated players, and that is the only place eliminated players are allowed to discuss the game. Dead players cannot return to the game; there are no revive mechanics in this setup, and dead players will not be used as replacements.

2. All phases will last for 24 hours. Day one will not be extended. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night phase is called a "cycle."

3. Do not edit or delete your posts.

4. Do not disrupt the game or flame other players. All forum rules apply.

5. Do not screenshot or quote your private messages from the moderator. References to the text of your role PM must be paraphrased, not repeated word-for-word.

6. There are no limits on role/ability claims.

7. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I may overlook them.

8. Failing to vote for another player will count as two votes toward yourself.

9. If the player with the most votes at the end of the day is protected against lynching, then the lynch will pass to the player with the next highest amount of votes.

10. There are no death millers in this game. If the moderator posts a dead player's alignment, then that alignment is certain to be true.

11. If a player's alignment changes, it will always be mentioned in a writeup.

12. The host is not playing in the game and cannot be lynched or targeted.

13. Players can receive their own submission. That just means if someone rolls their own submission, I will not reroll it to another player.

14. Abilities which target more than one player don't have to target every possible player, and can instead target as few players as you choose. For example if my ability can protect 3 players, I can use it to only protect 1 or 2 players.

15. The host may make on-the-fly game balancing or ruleset changes if they deem it necessary.

Advanced rules

1. This game features two sub-phases called "Sunset" and "Sunrise." The last hour of the day phase is considered "Sunset," and the last hour of the night phase is considered "Sunrise." New votes and actions are not accepted during the Sunset and Sunrise phases. This just means you only have the first 23 hours of each day and night phase to vote or use abilities, and I will use the Sunset and Sunrise phases to prepare for the next phase change.

2. During the day, actions are processed in the order they're received, and they're processed as soon as the host is able to do so. During the night, actions are processed at the end of the night phase, and in the following order:

1. Role crushes
2. Roleblocks
3. Redirects
4. Mafia & indie kills
5. Town kills
6. All other types of abilities

Abilities can interact "retroactively" with abilities higher on the processing list. For example, protective abilities can "retroactively" stop kills, even though kills are considered to go "before" protective abilities. The most important thing about this list is that it clarifies the way I process roleblocks and redirects. For example, hiders can be stopped by roleblocks, because the roleblock will apply "before" they can hide and redirect it. However, hiders cannot be stopped by kills, because kills apply "after" a Hider is able to hide and redirect the kill. Action processing is difficult to explain, so feel free to message me if you have any questions.

If players simultaneously target each other with nullifying affects, such as two players attempting to town-kill or roleblock each other during the same night, then neither ability will succeed. If a player dies, any abilities they tried to use that night will be dropped.

3. There are three factions in this setup: town, red mafia, and purple mafia. The win conditions for each faction are as follows:

wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

wincon: eliminate all threats to your faction, or take control of the lynch

wincon: eliminate all threats to your faction, or take control of the lynch

Independent players aren't part of any faction, and will have their wincon explained in their role.

4. The execution is equal-opportunity; in other words, everyone gets one vote for the execution, and abilities which affect voting power or the lynch usually cannot affect the execution. I am trying not to modkill anyone for inactivity this year, and instead give that power to you all through the execution. The game was designed for the execution to be the primary method of filtering out inactive players. Therefore, the execution is meant to be clean, simple and transparent, unlike the lynch which is much broader in scope, but subject to all sorts of riggory. At some point in the game I will most likely reduce the number of players made eligible for execution, to make sure it only targets genuinely inactive players.

If the execution truly goes awry from my plans and I think my mistake is causing a very active player to be undeservedly executed, I may even intervene to modify the rules and save that player. That is the worst case scenario, and I don't think it's likely, but I want to be clear about why I made this mechanic and how I will moderate it. The execution was made as a player-controlled replacement for activity-based modkills, not as a second lynch. You should be strategic about your execution choices, and town members should try to execute the most suspicious players, but if the execution does not fulfill its purpose of targeting inactive players then I will most likely change it.

5. Some abilities in this game rely on certain conditions to be met, such as accumulating "stacks" of something or achieving specific interactions. If you have such an ability, you are primarily responsible for keeping track of the relevant information/conditions and presenting them to the moderator. I will not monitor these sorts of abilities myself, so you must take it upon yourself to not only earn them, but then show me how you earned them. For example, if you're supposed to gain a life every time someone posts "Foopy Doopy," you need to quote those messages and send them to me in your role PM in order to be awarded your extra lives. I will verify all the information you present to me, and anyone caught lying about their progress in an attempt to get ahead will be removed from the game.

Do not post yet
Special mechanics

1. The player list will be randomly divided into two entirely separate games, which will run on alternating phases. When one game has less than half its players remaining, both games will be combined back into one game. This should help make the game thread more manageable for everyone.

2. From day 2 onward, every day phase will have two lynches that follow different rules. Lynch one will simply be referred to as "the lynch," and may only be applied to people who voted for the previous day's lynchee. For example, if @Kvothe Kingkiller is lynched on day 1, then on day 2, only people who voted for Kvothe are eligible for the lynch. Lynch two will be referred to as "the execution," and may only be applied to the four living players who had the lowest post count at the beginning of that day. At the beginning of each day, I will announce which players are eligible for lynching, and which players are eligible for execution. If you decide to sheep wagons or go inactive, you will be in danger. But the more astute among you may avoid ever being eligible for lynching or execution. Day 1 will simply feature one normal lynch which can be applied to anyone.

3. All roles have a durability rating, granting them a total of two lives, three lives, or four lives. As you may imagine, roles with a lower durability rating may be compensated in other ways. Those of you who tend to attract stray kills will have at least one bonus life to spare. However, all superkills are still final, so don't get too bold.

5. Every player will have a one-shot use Flash ability, which can be used at night defensively or offensively. A defensive Flash will cause all abilities to fail on you that night, except for abilities augmented by an offensive Flash. If you choose to use Flash offensively, then you must choose another player to Flash toward, and for that night your abilities are guaranteed to work on them. An offensive Flash is the only thing that can reliably overpower a defensive Flash. You can only use Flash once, so use it very, very wisely!

6. All active abilities are classified as being either Physical, Magical or Tactical, according to that ability's flavor and source material. Abilities may have different interactions with each other depending on their classification. Passive abilities do not have classes.


This is a list of important ability terms you will encounter. Some of these terms are new, but some you will recognize.
[Bleed] - The affected player loses 1 life the next night. Bypasses normal defensive and protective abilities. Bleeds usually count as killing abilities for most ability terminology and phrasing purposes, but may be handled on a case-by-case basis.

[Bonus Lives] - Bonus lives effectively work as shields on top of your regular life count, meaning bonus lives are consumed before your regular lives. Bonus lives may be gained temporarily or permanently. For example if I have 3 lives and I'm temporarily given a bonus life for the night, then the first kill I received that night would consume my bonus life and leave me with the 3 lives I normally had.

[Counter] - Like a roleblock for a specific ability or effect. Attempts to apply a roleblock to that specific ability to stop it from working. For example if you try to kill me, I may counter your ability, causing that specific ability to be blocked but not affecting any other abilities you used. Counters are a type of roleblock, so abilities that protect against being blocked also protect against being countered.

[Disarm] - The affected player's killing abilities are blocked. Disarming is a type of roleblock, so abilities that protect against being blocked also protect against being disarmed.

[Heal] - Restores 1 life and cures bleeds. Heals apply after kills, so for example is you only have 1 life left and someone kills you, healing won't save you because you will die before you're healed. Healing cannot give a player more lives than their normal durability rating; if your durability rating is 3, and you still have all 3 lives, healing will not boost you to 4 lives. However if you lost a life and only had 2 left, healing could bring you back to 3 lives.

[Innate] - Superpassives! Passive abilities that are innate to the role and cannot be disabled/crushed/etc.

[Isolated] - The affected player cannot receive any friendly or helpful abilities from other players. They can still use abilities on themselves.

[Poison] - The victim is roleblocked the first night, role crushed the second night, and dies the third night. The kill bypasses normal defensive and protective abilities. Poisons do not count as killing abilities for ability terminology and phrasing purposes.

[Redirects] - Abilities which change the target of another ability. Players are told if their non-investigative abilities are redirected, but they are not told if investigative abilities are redirected. For example if your kill is redirected, you will be told who it was redirected to. But if your alignment scan is redirected, you won't know it was redirected at all.

[Role Crush] - Role crushes disable, or "crush," all non-innate abilities for a specific amount of time. Role crushes are considered an upgraded version of roleblocks, and if a role crush finds that its target is completely protected against being crushed, the role crush will try downgrading to a roleblock.

[Superkill] - A kill that bypasses all roleblocks, counters, protections etc. Can still be redirected. Can only consume up to 3 lives at time, so roles with the highest durability rating (4) can potentially survive a superkill. If someone survives a superkill, they will bleed. Superkills are considered an upgraded version of regular kills, and if a superkill finds that its target is completely protected against superkills, the superkill will try downgrading to a regular kill.

[Vote Tampering] - Abilities which affect votes during the day phase. These types of abilities usually only affect the lynch votes, and cannot affect the execution. Common examples include vote silencing, which reduces someone's voting power to 0, and vote theft, which transfers all of someone's voting power to another player. Players are notified when they are vote silenced, but not when their voting power is stolen.

[Vulnerable] - The affected player's defensive and self-protective abilities are blocked. They can still be protected by other players. Vulnerability is a type of roleblock, so abilities that protect against being blocked also protect against vulnerability.

Do not post yet
Player list

7/36 players alive

1. @Badalight - Vergil (link)
2. @DrProfessor83 - Raelle Collar (
3. @Ekkologix - Pierre Poilievre (
4. @Kira Yagami - Yamato (
5. @Lind - Roger Hayden (
6. @Saturday - Candle Jack (
7. @SoulKiller - Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff (


@sworder - Tara Markov (link)
@Revan Reborn - Onlyfans.com (link)
@Cooler - The Thing (link)
@Soul - Lordgenome (link)
@Laix - Cheth (link)
@Nessos - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (link)
@Vanya - Rome (link)
@tinky winky - Silco (link)
@hammer - Princess Fiona (link)
@Didi - Melodie (link)
@Rej - The Broken Sword (link)
@JoJo - Sabrina Spellman (link)
@Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Monkey D. Luffy (link)
@Draekke - Google Translate (link)
@Juan - Roy Haylock (link)
@Lord Melkor - Bernkastel (
@John Wayne - Gordon Freeman (link)
@Iwandesu - A Sentient 7 (link)
@Hero - Envy (link)
@Hidden - Gawr Gura (link)
@Legend - Mr. P (link)
@Mich - Y'shtola Rhul (link)
@Admiral Fujitora - Mierin Eronaile (
@Traveling Swordsman - Roronoa Zoro (
@nfcnorth - Kaidou (
@Alwaysmind - Tiamat (
@Santí - Gaunter O'Dimm (
@Alibaba Saluja - The Hunter (
@Karma - Shigeo Kageyama (
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Hello kings, queens and all the... in-betweens.

With just a few agonizing hours left until Favorites, I've updated the OP with some thrilling new information. For those of you who already read the OP, I'll summarize the new additions here so you don't need to reread everything:

1. Extra lives act like shields, meaning they're consumed before your regular/natural lives.

2. If a role crush or superkill are protected against, they will "try again" as a roleblock or normal kill respectively to see if that goes through.

3. You will be notified about redirections on your non-investigative abilities, but not on your investigative abilities.

4. You will be notified if you are vote silenced, but not if your voting power is stolen.

5. Multi-targeted abilities can affect your chosen number of players. ie if an ability can target up to 3 players, you can choose to only use it on 1 or 2 players.

6. Bleeds usually count as kills for most terminology, poisons do not.

Now, some final words before we begin:

1. Forum display settings - Fanverse's default settings have gotten worse in recent years, and I heavily recommend changing your forum skin to "Naruto Legacy." This is the skin that I designed the text and visuals for. To change your skin, click on your username in the top right of the website, select "preferences" in the drop-down menu, and then change the "Style" setting at the top of the preferences page to "Naruto Legacy." In the middle of this same page you can change the "posts per page" setting, which some people also prefer to set higher.

2. I am publicly committing to full role randomization. No roles in this game were assigned or divvied out in a particular fashion.

3. The role bank for this game is in the signup thread, here. As you can see, there are more signups than actual players, and I crossed off the names of players who signed up and then withdrew, but their submissions are still in the role bank. Some submissions from players who dropped out are still included in the game, and in some cases, both submissions from one player may appear.

4. If you become busy or need a day off, let me know in advance and I can try to spare you from the execution for a day.

5. Every host makes mistakes in every game, and this game will be no different. Please be patient with me.

6. The red and purple mafia teams are separated into groups 1 and 2, respectively. When the groups are combined, the two towns merge into one town while the red and mafia teams become enemies, and the game becomes a multiball.

6. Finally, have fun! The golden age of mafia in our community is happening right now. Some day, you will look back and miss these times. Appreciate them while they're here!

Do not post yet
Day 0 start
Hello, and welcome to the finale of the twelfth annual Favorites! Congratulations on making it this far.

I wish I could celebrate with you all, but I have a confession... I... made a mistake. I mean, I counted all the votes correctly, and all the right people died but... I can't help but feel something is missing. Like I let one of you go too soon! They say you never know what you have until it's gone, and I've got a bad case of the regrets!

Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it... but you can. You see, I'm not the only one with regrets!

Every time an innocent player was eliminated, I invited them to compete for the chance to return to the game. Two of them accepted, and today, those two players will use the thread as their personal battleground to prove they deserve a second chance.

After 24 hours, their "day" phase will end, and we will enter a "night" phase where every living player will publicly vote for which contestant is more deserving of the chance to return. The player with the most votes at the end of the night will rejoin the game, and day 1 of the Finals will begin.

Now let's meet our contestants!

From group 1 we have @Shrike , whose grand ambitions backfired on him and robbed him of his hard-earned place in the finale at the last minute.

From group 2 we have @Nessos , who is here to redeem his disappointing performance in group 2. Nessos is the underdog in this competition, and I just love a comeback story.

Before we begin, I want to say that both Shrike and Nessos are some of the strongest players in our community, and I hope you will all give them both the attention and consideration they deserve. They both have what it takes to solve this game.

Now, @Nessos and @Shrike , you may have the floor.

Everyone else, do not post yet.
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@Shrike both of us are Town, we should use this DP to hunt scum! Doesn't matter who wins this as long as we catch scum!

We should look at the groups

Spoiler: group1: 18/35 alive - 5 down

Maybe one member of Team Red left!

Spoiler: group2: 18/36 alive - 3 down

2 - 3 members of Team Purple left!

Team Purple and Team Red should have same number of members!

No Indie down! In each group we can expect at least 1 hostile Indie!
(Iwandesu might be first hostile)

Find another scum in group 1 is actually tough. Maybe only one hostile Indie among 18 player.

Group 2 is different, 3-4 among 18 player! With 2-3 remaining members of team purple.
You really think Shizune would give you a naive cop and you would have no clue?

This does not appear to be a bastard game. I do not trust you at all.

No @Shizune wouldn't add a naive cop, cause this isn't a bastard game.

But I think @Didi isn't wrong. Well maybe wrong about naive, but a standard mechanic in every game is that there is member of mafia who is immune to investigations.

@Shrike in this case, how do you think about a potential @Lord Melkor + @Soul being members of the purple team?
It would give us a lot of insight in the Platinum voters D1, especially Lord Melkor and SoulKiller's whose votes look most like they were trying to save someone.

In case she's town, the wagon on WJ might as well been an attempt to save Didi instead.

Either way, her flipping would be very informative due to voting patterns. And she's being useless outside of that anyway so not much of value will be lost x)

[Vote Lynch Worm Juice]

This one is also interisting. With SinRaven and Worm Juice being Buddies with Didi would on the lead at that time!
(It was me who pushed the Odd train)

The question is, did planned to sacrifice Worm Juice to misslynch SoulKiller and Lord Melkor? Or dis SinRaven tried to get Towncreds by theowing his buddies one by one under the bus?!?


(Note @Soul@SoulKiller and both are alive)
@Soul reaction to SinRavens Vote against Melodie feels forced.
Oh right [Vote Lynch Melodie]
lmao have done this before ngl
I don't no Soul, but on such a reaction a Melodie should have followed or not? But 2 votes early might have caused troubles, especially with no sign of Melodie in scumchat!

Another interisting one is @Juan !
I just checked D1 again and among the Platinum voters was also Juan, but not mentioned by SinRaven.
well whatever, better plat than didi i guess

[Vote Lynch Platinum]
At this point Worm Juice was leading. And Plat was actually the couterwagon to Worm Juice. This post let it look like it was the counter to @Didi wagon.

(I know Juan was suspected a few times, will have to check, if he is confirmed Town :bloblick )
Nessos starts becoming paranoid within this silence?!? Maybe @Shrike is waiting for Nessos making a mistake to pull a victory with a cheap trick..... :blobhide
I don't think there will be a loser here. Group 2 needs more help, thus you might be a better fit for the finals since you've played with them since d1.

But my group 1 isn't doing the best either, nobody even went back to see my reads after they offed me :tiredpepe
I need to read up some more early gr2, I have skimmed a lot after d2.
Group 1 D1 is quite interisting.

With the knowledge that ScumRaven, Melodie and Worm Juice flipping Team Purple!

End of D1 Wom Juice was almost lynch. Most of the ones switching from Didi to Worm Juice or start to push Worm Juice might be Town.

I don't think there will be a loser here. Group 2 needs more help, thus you might be a better fit for the finals since you've played with them since d1.
If you read my posts you almost know as much as me. :bloblick
Day 0 - Rule change
Hello hello,

it's a good thing Nessos is here, because I've got big news!

Shrike was so excited to show everything he's got, but his facial appointment ran late! Now, you know that's a problem I can sympathize with, so I'm going to alter the format to give you all more intimate time with our contestants!

Voting was set to begin in 2 hours, at the normal phase change time, but will instead begin effective immediately. During this time, you may talk to our contestants in real-time in this thread! Voting will last for 25.5 hours from now, ending at the normal phase change time tomorrow.

Once the voting is finished, I will declare the winner, and the first day phase of the finale will begin. Remember this is technically an intermission phase and you'll still have to play a real day phase after this, so after you've voted for Nessos or Shrike, take the chance to enjoy a small break before the final stretch!

To answer some commonly-asked questions from the past 24 hours:

1. Some of you in group 1 are still waiting on information from the final night phase. I apologize for the delay, I was eager to enjoy my break from doing phase changes so I only handled the most crucial actions and left the others to be finished later. All actions will be finished before day 1 begins.

2. Those of you in group 2 do not have a final night phase; your game ended after its day phase, and you will go straight into another day phase. All pertinent ability effects, such a [Marked for Death], will persist across the new day.

The voting commands today are [vote Nessos] and [vote Shrike].

Countdown to phase change

You may all now post!
I was going to vote Strike only because Nessos spoke so long :caticon but given that we probably only have 1 scum left to find, it makes better sense for Nessos to gone back and clear this final group since he’s been more familiar with the players in it.
[vote nessos]
let you be reborn birdie!
@Shrike both of us are Town, we should use this DP to hunt scum! Doesn't matter who wins this as long as we catch scum!

We should look at the groups

Spoiler: group1: 18/35 alive - 5 down

Maybe one member of Team Red left!

Spoiler: group2: 18/36 alive - 3 down

2 - 3 members of Team Purple left!

Team Purple and Team Red should have same number of members!

No Indie down! In each group we can expect at least 1 hostile Indie!
(Iwandesu might be first hostile)

Find another scum in group 1 is actually tough. Maybe only one hostile Indie among 18 player.

Group 2 is different, 3-4 among 18 player! With 2-3 remaining members of team purple.
Just an FYI, Group 1 actually took down 6 mafia altogether, not 5. Just saying :cat
I am leaning towards Shrike but I want to hear from the man himself and if he even wants to comeback.
I don't think there will be a loser here. Group 2 needs more help, thus you might be a better fit for the finals since you've played with them since d1.

But my group 1 isn't doing the best either, nobody even went back to see my reads after they offed me :tiredpepe

I need to read up some more early gr2, I have skimmed a lot after d2.
It’s not whether or not he wants to come back, it’s obvious that he does since only him and the bird put their names forth.
But like the triwizard tournament, once your name is selected but the goblet of fanverse, you are forced to compete, even if it is against your will.


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