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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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It’s not whether or not he wants to come back, it’s obvious that he does since only him and the bird put their names forth.
But like the triwizard tournament, once your name is selected but the goblet of fanverse, you are forced to compete, even if it is against your will.

I am more talking about mindsets here. I do agree that they both have some degree of wanting back to even be on this discussion but I guess I am curious where Shrike is at as he put his rivals good qualities on display first.
[Vote shrike]

I gotta love this survivor flavor/mechanics.
- the merge
- two players on redemption island
- the voting for someone rather than against someone

If this somehow turns into a numbers survivor game, I want group 1 to stay strong in the numbers. 😆

I’ve watched a lot of Survivor (not caught up don’t spoiler later seasons), but I don’t think I would ever apply. I don’t think the elements suit me all that well. Thanks Hidden for submitting it. I’m geeking out a little bit seeing it in play.
[Vote shrike]

I gotta love this survivor flavor/mechanics.
- the merge
- two players on redemption island
- the voting for someone rather than against someone

If this somehow turns into a numbers survivor game, I want group 1 to stay strong in the numbers. 😆

I’ve watched a lot of Survivor (not caught up don’t spoiler later seasons), but I don’t think I would ever apply. I don’t think the elements suit me all that well. Thanks Hidden for submitting it. I’m geeking out a little bit seeing it in play.
Have you watched the episode where I came back to vote you up for a lynch though :blobpeek
I can take this cause it actually makes sense
I know girl, you're too nice. Now lynch scum.
I am more talking about mindsets here. I do agree that they both have some degree of wanting back to even be on this discussion but I guess I am curious where Shrike is at as he put his rivals good qualities on display first.
Qualité au-dessus de la qualité.

Nessos is quantity, soaking the thread, shrike is quality. eloquent in its brevity.
Have you watched the episode where I came back to vote you up for a lynch though :blobpeek

I know girl, you're too nice. Now lynch scum.
I don’t think you and birdie are allowed to speak anymore. You had 22 hours. You missed it. Sush now.
Shrike is probably just being cautious because he doesn’t know what role he’ll get if and when he makes it back into the game. If Nessos comes back and becomes a different alignment, he’ll have to maintain his activity that he’s doing now. But Shrike seems to be lurking.

didn't the writeup say that whoever wins, they receive a TOWN role? or did I imagine that part
I don’t know. All I remember is the new role part, but in survivor fashion, generally when someone comes back it is around the time when there’s a tribe swap or at the merge. But the merge signifies a swift in gameplay. Players start thinking more about the end game and less about the team game, unless the team game is part of how you get to the end.
I don’t know. All I remember is the new role part, but in survivor fashion, generally when someone comes back it is around the time when there’s a tribe swap or at the merge. But the merge signifies a swift in gameplay. Players start thinking more about the end game and less about the team game, unless the team game is part of how you get to the end.
Regardles, Shrike did more
I haven’t payed enough attention to the other game to know what Nessos did. I know he talked in the evening some, but I can’t speak for how he played the game so far, aside from this little intermission thing.

his role was responsible for the nighttalk/lynch stuff, but as a player he was beyond useless

we could've lynched mafia n2 like everyone was saying but he led himself be swayed by Sin to lynch a random townie
Shrike is probably just being cautious because he doesn’t know what role he’ll get if and when he makes it back into the game. If Nessos comes back and becomes a different alignment, he’ll have to maintain his activity that he’s doing now. But Shrike seems to be lurking.
Rubbish. I don't care about my role, I never rely much on abilities. Also it's a town role.

But good that you are defensive after I mentioned getting you lunched.

You are one of the leftover red mafia, and you have too many enemies, purple colleagues being the most dangerous :uglycat
And assuming Iwan isn’t Indy.
Iwan is still Scum, him not being explicitly Mafia, which we don't even know isn't the case yet, doesn't mean it somehow doesn't count.

Did you ever give an explanation for why Flowa was so openly working with you in the thread? You have otherwise been active and driving discussion - have you asked yourself why you are still alive?
Iwan is still Scum, him not being explicitly Mafia, which we don't even know isn't the case yet, doesn't mean it somehow doesn't count.

Did you ever give an explanation for why Flowa was so openly working with you in the thread? You have otherwise been active and driving discussion - have you asked yourself why you are still alive?
I’m not going back to arguing over stupid specific terminology. Scum can mean Indy and mafia? Ok then, fair. But my point to Bada stands - group 1 has removed 6 mafia. Group 2 has removed 3. Iwan has not yet dropped.

If you read the thread, I convinced her to keep working, and to not just ragequit and leave. From there she started to act all buddy buddy with me to throw me under the bus, since I was the only one really to entertain her posts. Take a look at her last couple posts before lynch: (in my phone so can’t quote)

the “accident” post that everyone immediately assumed was an error, where it seems she’s talking to her team.

the next post she makes she says something like “get that Draekke? Good luck” to incriminate me.

I’m alive because of two things:

1) I’m logical and fight to ensure that nothing gets misrepresented in threads. So town hasn’t deemed me a distraction or scum enough to lynch
2) I’m chaotic and aggressive enough that mafia keeps me alive because no matter how logical my arguments, people still sus the fuck out of me because of my abrasiveness and well, chaotic behaviour like arguing back and forth with TS because he doesn’t have reading comprehension, or with Vanya for being such an overconfident ass.

but again, I don’t really think this is the place for these discussions. We are here to vote for Nessos or shrike. I won’t use this as an excuse to not answer you, but let’s leave further discussion until the game starts back up. Feel free to quote this post to continue your questioning if you have any once the merged game begins.
I’m not going back to arguing over stupid specific terminology. Scum can mean Indy and mafia? Ok then, fair. But my point to Bada stands - group 1 has removed 6 mafia. Group 2 has removed 3. Iwan has not yet dropped.

If you read the thread, I convinced her to keep working, and to not just ragequit and leave. From there she started to act all buddy buddy with me to throw me under the bus, since I was the only one really to entertain her posts. Take a look at her last couple posts before lynch: (in my phone so can’t quote)

the “accident” post that everyone immediately assumed was an error, where it seems she’s talking to her team.

the next post she makes she says something like “get that Draekke? Good luck” to incriminate me.

I’m alive because of two things:

1) I’m logical and fight to ensure that nothing gets misrepresented in threads. So town hasn’t deemed me a distraction or scum enough to lynch
2) I’m chaotic and aggressive enough that mafia keeps me alive because no matter how logical my arguments, people still sus the fuck out of me because of my abrasiveness and well, chaotic behaviour like arguing back and forth with TS because he doesn’t have reading comprehension, or with Vanya for being such an overconfident ass.

but again, I don’t really think this is the place for these discussions. We are here to vote for Nessos or shrike. I won’t use this as an excuse to not answer you, but let’s leave further discussion until the game starts back up. Feel free to quote this post to continue your questioning if you have any once the merged game begins.

Iwan died, he'll just stick around for another phase or so prob before passing on.

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