Well, it seems the heaven opened up to me and smiled, it knew that my intentions are pure and my thirst for justice is unquestionable. So it gave me another shot in life. I will not waste this gift to allow scum to mislynch me. I been nothing but forth forward and been consistent the entire game. People questioned my delayed and I said it would make sense when you see my role, well that did not happen and ended up explaining it and if you had any doubts I was bullshitting, then Michelle flipping red confirms it. I was scanned innocent two times. I became active and hinted about my role and got shot by both purple and red scum, they knew I would yeet their asses if I stay alive. My role is very strong townie role which is why I kept my mouth shut about it until I was put in a situation where I had no choice but to out it, my actions are consistent and confirmed by multiple people. If you still think I am scum, then you must have brain damage. I am town either you like it or not and purple is playing you like a fiddle. We will literally lose the game if you mislynch me (town) here. So for the love of everything that is holy. Actually open your damn eyes.
Imagine you are in my situation, you scan both Michelle and Fuji and you get guilty on them, and you know that your cop shots cannot be tampered with and is 100% accurate. You realize that red mafia is more than what they claim to be and about to rekt all of group 2 ? Fuck yea I will go after their asses. Like you would be throwing the damn game if you don't. I had nothing to lose anymore and was gonna die. I will make sure to deliver all the information I have and would do everything I did all over again.
I am conflicted who could be purple, it can be anyone at this point from my point of view. Badi/Santi/Kira/Prof/Ekko, anyone one of them can be purple at this point.
Bada can be possible scum, at this point I am wondering if the dude play dumb on purpose. He could of possibly lied about tinky kill to gain town cred.
Kira game changed alot, he is pinging me really scummy at this point, dude is literally going under the radar the past few days.
Santi, dude is the only player we know who can poison players, but would Hero and Santi do such a play to get massive TOWN cred to Santi? is he a player who is capable of doing such thing?
DrProf/Ekko as I said, come late late game, if these two bastards are still alive. Then something fishy is going on, prof is being weird, he actually ignoring hard mechanical facts for the first time, town prof usually trust confirmed information and mechanics over mafia, him not doing so is off, and can possibly be scum. Ekko is tunneling everyone left and right and ignores anything you say his way to push his own twisted narrative, only reason he is not in the dying ropes right now is because Prof is vouching for him. But if there is 2 purple scum left which I think is unlikely. It would be these two little fucks actually did the insane which outing they vouch for one another as two scums making it into the town core easily, and been controlling the entire game from the beginning. If that's the case then fucking SSS performance. Like truly, fucking MVP play of the game. But that's only if we play under the assumption that there is 2 purple left.
Now red on the other hand, they have possibly 4 reds left. I know fuji is scum 100% and NFC is pretty much confirmed scum as well. Karma actually tried killing me not last np but the one before it. He is 95% red scum as well and needs to be yeeted. Our boy TS is also pretty much outed scum after that horrible claim. Dude was also scummy in the thread as well so matches up.
I wanna yeet both to the cosmos, but red needs to be yeeted first, they are heavily high on numbers and require our full attention at the moment. Fuji or NFC/Karma/TS should def be the one to get lynched here. I know Fuji for a fact is a confirmed scum, so he would be my lynch pick for the day, I will lay waste on this fool on a post of it's own though. But if not Fuji then NS/Karma/TS is the way to go. Anything else at this point is a misplay imo. If we wanna trust the information regarding the message prof/ekko got. Which has some merit to it after seeing Michelle role. Then TS is a good lynch if fuji ain't yeeted. If it's true then it's 2 reds gone in one lynch. Win win to me and both are scum to me.