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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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@Draekke What does this mean? I'm confused "Ability - Bathroom in Spanish? - I can target a player each day, if they accept my services then they choose an ability, and it is reversed temporarily (a kill would be a protect, etc)."

if I chose you, for example, and you had four abilities. You can choose on if your four abilities, and the next time you use it, the effects are reversed. So a kill would be a protect instead. There are two living players who have accepted my services, if they’d like to announce themselves to prove this, that’s up to them. Anyone paying attention should likely know, thiugh

Possible, though both SK and JJW had inno results, not sure if purple would have two GF but maybe they have other ways to fool invests?

So you town read Prof and Ekko still?

SK’s scan was “delayed” so I’m not 100% sold on it.

do you not town read prof and Ekko? From what I can tell, everything they are saying adds up.
if I chose you, for example, and you had four abilities. You can choose on if your four abilities, and the next time you use it, the effects are reversed. So a kill would be a protect instead. There are two living players who have accepted my services, if they’d like to announce themselves to prove this, that’s up to them. Anyone paying attention should likely know, thiugh

SK’s scan was “delayed” so I’m not 100% sold on it.

do you not town read prof and Ekko? From what I can tell, everything they are saying adds up.

I would propably ISO them if i had time right now. I was reading them town most game but now i am getting paranoid.

If they are town then likely Bada and SK are scum.
Also someone tried to kill you tonight.
Ayo wtf? What did you target me with?

I was already being super superkilled idy y they would also send a regular kill on my ass

I tried to eat heros rc before i died and the night before tried to give him a life.

I had 3 extra lives to give but could move them around, i gave 1 to AG another to shrike that got redirected to mango and a third to jojo. I tried to take the 1 from jojo and give it to hero but it got used up the same night
Ayo wtf? What did you target me with?

I was already being super superkilled idy y they would also send a regular kill on my ass

I tried to eat heros rc before i died and the night before tried to give him a life.

I had 3 extra lives to give but could move them around, i gave 1 to AG another to shrike that got redirected to mango and a third to jojo. I tried to take the 1 from jojo and give it to hero but it got used up the same night
If you think I’m useful after my big post that I hope you read, feel free to send extra lives my way lol. But only if you don’t mind taking a kill from the delayed superkill that’s on my head rn, lol
If you think I’m useful after my big post that I hope you read, feel free to send extra lives my way lol. But only if you don’t mind taking a kill from the delayed superkill that’s on my head rn, lol
I got no extea lives lmao

I still dont understand how this superkill works tbh

Melkor said he targeted me, but that should only have reduced the damage to me from my understanding.

What im not understanding is that i lost no durability rating that night, so at least like 3 different ppl targeted me.
I got no extea lives lmao

I still dont understand how this superkill works tbh

Melkor said he targeted me, but that should only have reduced the damage to me from my understanding.

What im not understanding is that i lost no durability rating that night, so at least like 3 different ppl targeted me.
He also said he protected you I think? @Lord Melkor - is that correct?
I got no extea lives lmao

I still dont understand how this superkill works tbh

Melkor said he targeted me, but that should only have reduced the damage to me from my understanding.

What im not understanding is that i lost no durability rating that night, so at least like 3 different ppl targeted me.
Ah, misunderstood I thought you meant you still had three to give out lol. Fair
I would propably ISO them if i had time right now. I was reading them town most game but now i am getting paranoid.

If they are town then likely Bada and SK are scum.

I pushed to kill Iwan. I successfully killed Tinky Winky alongside Didi. I pushed for SR (scum) over FS (town) by revealing myself as vig and coming up with the bus theory which seems to have been proven right. I pushed Hero as a prime suspect before pretty much anyone else. I also started the "there is no way town has 6 cops" thing, and I was right (because Hero turned out to be scum). I was also one of the first to push JW and got extra suspicious after he soft defended Iwan which only one other person pointed out. I kept my vote on JW when everyone else switched to Soul for some reason. I was also cleared by Didi, for what it's worth.

In no world and I purple mafia.

Iwan still alive? :tiredpepe

The absolute longest he should be able to live is 4 cycles I think... and he would need a lot to go right for him for that to happen. Once this phase ends, that is 3 cycles.

However, I don't believe they can keep both Hero and Iwan alive.
I pushed to kill Iwan. I successfully killed Tinky Winky alongside Didi. I pushed for SR (scum) over FS (town) by revealing myself as vig and coming up with the bus theory which seems to have been proven right. I pushed Hero as a prime suspect before pretty much anyone else. I also started the "there is no way town has 6 cops" thing, and I was right (because Hero turned out to be scum). I was also one of the first to push JW and got extra suspicious after he soft defended Iwan which only one other person pointed out. I kept my vote on JW when everyone else switched to Soul for some reason. I was also cleared by Didi, for what it's worth.

In no world and I purple mafia.

The absolute longest he should be able to live is 4 cycles I think... and he would need a lot to go right for him for that to happen. Once this phase ends, that is 3 cycles.

However, I don't believe they can keep both Hero and Iwan alive.
What makes you so certain about this limitation to keeping the dead players alive? Why do you think they can only do one at a time?
I pushed to kill Iwan. I successfully killed Tinky Winky alongside Didi. I pushed for SR (scum) over FS (town) by revealing myself as vig and coming up with the bus theory which seems to have been proven right. I pushed Hero as a prime suspect before pretty much anyone else. I also started the "there is no way town has 6 cops" thing, and I was right (because Hero turned out to be scum). I was also one of the first to push JW and got extra suspicious after he soft defended Iwan which only one other person pointed out. I kept my vote on JW when everyone else switched to Soul for some reason. I was also cleared by Didi, for what it's worth.

In no world and I purple mafia.

The absolute longest he should be able to live is 4 cycles I think... and he would need a lot to go right for him for that to happen. Once this phase ends, that is 3 cycles.

However, I don't believe they can keep both Hero and Iwan alive.
People have to stop taking credit for deaths that aren’t shown in a WU yet - yes we all believe Iwan to be mafia, and Hero not explaining himself isn’t helping his cause yet - but can we just wait for their flips before crowning ourselves? Seems a bit premature given we don’t know how long they can survive for, if they still are able to use abilities and have a vote power.
Ayo wtf? What did you target me with?

I was already being super superkilled idy y they would also send a regular kill on my ass

I tried to eat heros rc before i died and the night before tried to give him a life.

I had 3 extra lives to give but could move them around, i gave 1 to AG another to shrike that got redirected to mango and a third to jojo. I tried to take the 1 from jojo and give it to hero but it got used up the same night

I targetted you the previous one (not the last one) with a protect that marks target as "Cat Lover" and extends protection for the following night.

Message I got from Shizune was that I saved you from dying tonight, so maybe this was protection against last night's superkill. I get one stock of my Tempting Fate ability if I save someone.
I pushed to kill Iwan. I successfully killed Tinky Winky alongside Didi. I pushed for SR (scum) over FS (town) by revealing myself as vig and coming up with the bus theory which seems to have been proven right. I pushed Hero as a prime suspect before pretty much anyone else. I also started the "there is no way town has 6 cops" thing, and I was right (because Hero turned out to be scum). I was also one of the first to push JW and got extra suspicious after he soft defended Iwan which only one other person pointed out. I kept my vote on JW when everyone else switched to Soul for some reason. I was also cleared by Didi, for what it's worth.

In no world and I purple mafia.

The absolute longest he should be able to live is 4 cycles I think... and he would need a lot to go right for him for that to happen. Once this phase ends, that is 3 cycles.

However, I don't believe they can keep both Hero and Iwan alive.

So you know how this ability that was used on Iwan and Hero works?
I targetted you the previous one (not the last one) with a protect that marks target as "Cat Lover" and extends protection for the following night.

Message I got from Shizune was that I saved you from dying tonight, so maybe this was protection against last night's superkill. I get one stock of my Tempting Fate ability if I save someone.
If u rlly r telling the truth then mafia is fucking suicidal

I was targeted with a role block this nightphase
What makes you so certain about this limitation to keeping the dead players alive? Why do you think they can only do one at a time?

People have to stop taking credit for deaths that aren’t shown in a WU yet - yes we all believe Iwan to be mafia, and Hero not explaining himself isn’t helping his cause yet - but can we just wait for their flips before crowning ourselves? Seems a bit premature given we don’t know how long they can survive for, if they still are able to use abilities and have a vote power.

Because I am like 75% sure I know how they are doing it. I could be wrong, it's just a theory, but I think I'm right. But if I am right, there's nothing we can do to stop it and just have to wait it out unfortunately.

So you know how this ability that was used on Iwan and Hero works?

Yes and I have explained it multiple times before. I believe that they are one shots that can be extended. Also probably two-shots post thread merge.
Day 3 - Vote Count 1
Purple mafia being able to do kills outside of faction kill is a different matter completely. Fact here is, didi was killing town for purple mafia and that is a fact. So I stand by the believe that didi being gone is good cause it at the very least decrease the number of kills purple mafia can do. Not like he was doing a good job doing his job killing scum here, only managed to get one player lol. Meanwhile probably killed way more townies due to him existing.
Way I understood it, Didi was doing the FK for mafia. With him gone, purple will have to do it themselves.
Because I am like 75% sure I know how they are doing it. I could be wrong, it's just a theory, but I think I'm right. But if I am right, there's nothing we can do to stop it and just have to wait it out unfortunately.

Yes and I have explained it multiple times before. I believe that they are one shots that can be extended. Also probably two-shots post thread merge.

If it’s just an assumption, that’s useless in this game due to role madness. If anything this statement makes me feel like you’re trying to sow some chaos and misinformation. Why make a claim like this if you don’t have more info?
@Admiral Fujitora

Can you please vote JW?


We need to get rid of the booby trapper first Fuji-dono

There’s no proof that JW is the boobytrapper, and it makes way more sense to get rid of the self proclaimed GF of red. You pushing this strongly just makes me feel like you’re protecting red mafia.
If it’s just an assumption, that’s useless in this game due to role madness. If anything this statement makes me feel like you’re trying to sow some chaos and misinformation. Why make a claim like this if you don’t have more info?

There’s no proof that JW is the boobytrapper, and it makes way more sense to get rid of the self proclaimed GF of red. You pushing this strongly just makes me feel like you’re protecting red mafia.

JW lynch is long overdue.

First we take care of the task that is pending for the longest time because it will mess up with our metrics in the performance statistics. That's Management 101.

Also we could have already lynched him instead of Soul.
JW lynch is long overdue.

First we take care of the task that is pending for the longest time because it will mess up with our metrics in the performance statistics. That's Management 101.

Also we could have already lynched him instead of Soul.
And “performance statistics” wtf is this? We get rid of red so that they don’t have a faction kill. Full stop.
If it’s just an assumption, that’s useless in this game due to role madness. If anything this statement makes me feel like you’re trying to sow some chaos and misinformation. Why make a claim like this if you don’t have more info?

There’s no proof that JW is the boobytrapper, and it makes way more sense to get rid of the self proclaimed GF of red. You pushing this strongly just makes me feel like you’re protecting red mafia.
It's not an assumption, but I don't know for a fact. Informed guess if you will.
Why because TS should be yeeted? Along with you? Neither of you had contributed anything to group 1, and TS JUST started posting something close to actual scum hunting.
All you have done is execute townies.

Blame my abilities.

I would have hit at least one scum if not for that restriction :bloblick

Also it's called clearing the POE. If you say you weren't going to execute Atlantic sooner or later then we know that to not be true :bloblick

You're welcome

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