Do you think a post like this is going to encourage me otherwise? How about you spend your time telling me who the other Purple Scum are, let's talk some Mafia.
Sure, I can get behind this. Looking at how things developed, didi flipped, and hero got killed but her kill is delayed? most likely purple mafia, that claim didn't make sense as townie role to have.
Now I stated that Bada/Juan one of them is probably scum, but since I think bada is town lean due to tinky kill unless he lied, then juan is more scummy here imo. Bada can possibly be indie.
Now before we go through the other lists of player it's important to note didi investigations since it provide insight into how to resolve group 2 PoE. Now assuming there are no shenanigan's going on, no redirection etc, and play under the assumption that purple mafia has one GF. Then kira, santi, hammer, me, bada and LM are townie. I know I am townie, and hammer flipped townie, so the investigations seems legit. JW is most likely GF. Bada here might be indie due to the nature of his role.
kira yagami n1
santi & hammer n2
john wayne n3
badalight n4
soulkiller and lord melkor last night
all innocent (in blue)
Now that leaves us with Juan, DrProfessor, Ekko. Maybe what the outed red team members saying regarding DrProf/Ekko situation actually holds some merit? they seem awfully confident. I don't personally think they should be anywhere near rope lynch until end game. There are simply too many other players who are more president to resolve. I suggest copping them if possible. Now this is assuming that all of didi cops are legit and no shenanigan's. If there are more than one GF in purple team then anyone in that list from Kira, Saniti, LM could be mafia. I am confirmed by both Didi and Draekke as innocent so there is no way I am scum unless you think I am GF here. If I forgot any other player from group 2 then let me know lol.
Now looking at Group 1.
We have Owner and NFC pretty much outed. But I have suspicion feeling that there are probably more. I don't see red mafia ending any chances of them winning like this to be honest. It seems something fishy is seriously going on. If anything the fact that NFC outed himself makes me believe that red mafia are not in danger as we lead to believe. Why would red team sacrifice any chance of them winning if nfc and Owner are last two red mafia? Plus, if we play with the idea that they stalling, then owner role must be really powerful if they believe they can pull a win by outing their last red team member by trying to stall and keep the girl alive.
Now, looking at other players in group 1. Michelle I town read, but so was jojo and we saw how that turned out ._. but don't think she is scum, def townie.
Fuji I feel like he been acting weird, I don't know if it's just me. But it feels like he is keeping it low profile. Don't see him trying that much tbh and he immediately voted for Owner after ekko called her out that she is scum. Felt to me like he knew Owner was mafia and knew she was lynch immune. Because other Group 1 players didn't just believe ekko and tried to change the wagon to someone else. But he didn't... He was willingly happy to place that vote on Owner and believe ekko claim easily. Weird right?
Rest of the players in this group I am not sure yet tbh. I will need to ISO them separately since I am not that familiar yet. None of them pinged me scummy per say. Although I do want to point out that I found a pattern that some members in that group are following Owner and NFC wagon on JW which is making me raise my eyebrow a little. No matter how you look at it, Owner should be the lynch here. The girl literally survived a lynch and tried to avoid being lynched this DP by voting for prof last DP. Owner did not expect to be placed into the wagon again which made red mafia literally panic to the point a member outed himself to save the girl. Also, let's not forget one of AM or Owner or possibly both have more vote power than 1. Which made the wagon of 2 player tie a wagon of 4 players with Didi. I think Owner here very likely has more than one voting power, and desperately trying to survive. She is up to something and letting her go alive would back fire at us bad I believe.