Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Excuse you, I am very much alive in your hearts.


My Rachi-nii is dead. He's Gone.

But he's on my back! In my heart! He lives on as a part of me!


If you're gonna dig, dig to Lynch the heavens. Even if it's my own grave I keep digging, I keep Lynching!

Once I've Lynched my way through, it will mean that I have won!

Who the hell do you think I am? I am Santi. I'm not my bro, Ratchet. I'm ME!
Day 3 - Final vote count
Day 3 Final vote count

Spoiler: Lynch votes
1. @Admiral Fujitora - Owner
2. @Alibaba Saluja - John Wayne > Owner
3. @Alwaysmind - Owner
4. @Badalight - Badalight
5. @Draekke - Owner > John Wayne > Owner
6. @DrProfessor83 - Owner
7. @Ekkologix - John Wayne > Owner
8. @Hero - Owner
9. @Hidden - Owner
10. @Iwandesu - Owner
11. @John Wayne - Owner
12. @Juan - Owner
13. @Karma - John Wayne
14. @Kira Yagami - Owner
15. @Legend - John Wayne
16. @Lind - Owner
17. @Lord Melkor - John Wayne > Owner > John Wayne
18. @Mich - John Wayne
19. @nfcnorth - John Wayne
20. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart - John Wayne
21. @Santí - Owner
22. @Saturday - John Wayne > Lord Melkor
23. @SoulKiller - Owner
24. @Traveling Swordsman - John Wayne

Lynch leaderboard

@Owner Of A Lonely Heart - 15
@John Wayne - 7

Spoiler: Execution votes
1. @Admiral Fujitora - Lord Melkor
2. @Alibaba Saluja - No execute
3. @Alwaysmind
4. @Badalight - Santi > No execute
5. @Draekke - No execute
6. @DrProfessor83 - Lord Melkor
7. @Ekkologix
8. @Hero
9. @Hidden - No execute
10. @Iwandesu
11. @John Wayne
12. @Juan - No execute
13. @Karma - Santi > Lord Melkor > Saturday
14. @Kira Yagami - No execute
15. @Legend
16. @Lind
17. @Lord Melkor - Saturday > No execute
18. @Mich - Lord Melkor
19. @nfcnorth - Santi
20. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Santi
21. @Santí - Saturday
22. @Saturday - Lord Melkor > Santi
23. @SoulKiller
24. @Traveling Swordsman

Execution leaderboard

No execute
- 7
@Lord Melkor - 3
@Santí - 3

@Owner Of A Lonely Heart will be lynched. The execution has been forever abolished.
If Ali's vote counts, then he is clearly trying to fuck with towns biggest weapon, the lynch. This is not town behavior.
@Ratchet I'd like your thoughts on Ali's vote if it counts and changes the lynch. If it doesn't change the lynch, then it's just trolling. But if it does, how do you reconcile this as townie behaviour? Especially listening to TS.
Really fuji? if you say so. What did you do last NP then? :)
I did

Hard to read, wouldn't mind him lynched as I think his presence in fundamentally Anti-Town, but if I had to guess, Town.
The man has been avoiding the lynch wagon every day in group 1 sans day 1.

Was amongst the people who were trying to move/ distract from Flower she she botched her claim and I was grilling her.

Kept having assinine arguments with @Draekke every single day explaining why he keeps avoiding the wagon and I suggest you check the day TAC got lynched.
I did

The man has been avoiding the lynch wagon every day in group 1 sans day 1.

Was amongst the people who were trying to move/ distract from Flower she she botched her claim and I was grilling her.

Kept having assinine arguments with @Draekke every single day explaining why he keeps avoiding the wagon and I suggest you check the day TAC got lynched.
He actually did avoid it day 1 lol.
I did

The man has been avoiding the lynch wagon every day in group 1 sans day 1.

Was amongst the people who were trying to move/ distract from Flower she she botched her claim and I was grilling her.

Kept having assinine arguments with @Draekke every single day explaining why he keeps avoiding the wagon and I suggest you check the day TAC got lynched.
He's plausibly red, then. Why has he not been vigged?
Day 3 - Owner (???) is lynched
@Owner Of A Lonely Heart (???) was lynched! She was part of the red mafia team, but her role name and abilities were hidden from the game thread.

Owner, you really owned the past few day phases in a way few others could! Nobody will forget the mark you left on this game.

Now, sashay away.

Night 3 start
Night 3 - Draekke (Translate), Juan (Roy Haylock) and Melkor (Bernkastel) die
@Draekke (Google Translate), @Juan (Roy Haylock) and @Lord Melkor (Bernkastel) died tonight!

Google Translate
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Active - Tactical - Bathroom in Spanish?] -
During the day Google Translate can offer its translation services to another player. That player can choose to translate one of their ablities into a different language, and the next time they use that ability, its effects will be reversed. For example, kills would become protections, and vice verse. Google Translate will not learn the effects of its translations.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Netizens of the World] - Google Translate can improve its translation services for one day. For that day, Google Translate will learn the effects of its translation, it will improve the ability it translated, and Google Translate will gain a limited-use ability based on translated ability. If Google Translate is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - Machine Learning] - During the night, Google Translate can investigate another player to learn what language their role speaks and permanently mark them with [Big Data]. If Google Translate perceives a new language, it will gain a limited-use ability based on the language it learned. Google Translate can only use this ability once on each player.

[Big Data] - This player's browsing data is being stored.

[Active - Tactical - Datamining] - During the night Google Translate can investigate one player marked by [Big Data] to learn who they visited the previous 2 nights.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Relational Algebra] - Google Translate can improve its algorithm, enabling it to use [Datamining] on 2 players that night. If Google Translate is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain an extra charge of this ability.


Roy Haylock
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Innate - I will show you versatility when Santino wins a sewing competition, and Visage wears a fucking turtleneck!] -
Roy Haylock is better known as Bianca Del Rio, winner of season six of RuPaul's Drag Race. Bianca's one weakness as a contestant was her lack of versatility, so Bianca can never use any abilities or items that aren't her own.

[Passive - Condragulations Bianca, you are the winner of this week's challenge!] - Bianca holds the rare distinction of winning RuPaul's Drag Race without ever being up for elimination. Bianca will not be made eligible to be lynched.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - The Host Roast] - During the night, Bianca can challenge up to nine other players to compete in the legendary Host Roast, which is a celebration where the "guest of honor" (in this case me, the moderator) is subjected to good-natured ridicule by the participants. An example roast, which demonstrates both successful and unsuccessful performances, will be posted in the game thread. Your jokes should be made at my expense, but most importantly, they need to be funny. The roast participants will have the following day to prepare, and then that night each participant will get one post to share their host roast. Any participants who do not make a post will be modkilled. The moderator will then choose the "winner" and "losers" of the roast, based on whose roasts the moderator liked and disliked the most. The winner will permanently have their abilities improved, while both losers will be made eligible for lynching and execution the next day. This ability cannot be blocked.

[Active - Tactical - BOLOGNA!!!] - During the day, Bianca can quote one sentence from another player's post and yell "BOLOGNA!!!" at them to accuse them of lying. If Bianca's target was lying, Bianca will vote silence and roleblock them for the rest of the day. If Bianca's target was not lying, this ability will have no effect. Bianca will not be told which effect was applied.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Rolodex of Hate] - Bianca can come up with a witty zinger, enabling her to use [BOLOGNA!!!] on 2 players that day. If Bianca helps lynch a guilty player, she will gain an extra charge of this ability. If Bianca is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of this ability.

Here are the extra abilities Juan won in the Host Roast:
[Innate - Rigor Morris] - Bianca knows how to navigate production's sneaky tricks! Bianca is protected against abilities that nominate her for lynching.

[Passive - Frontrunner] - If Bianca helps lynch a guilty player, the the producers will give her a favorable edit for that episode. The next day, everyone who votes for the same person as Bianca will have an extra voting power for that day.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Showing Vulnerability] - The judges want to see a dynamic and layered performance from Bianca. During the night Bianca can protect herself against all harmful abilities, but the next day she will be added to the lynch pool.


from Umineko When They Cry
durability rating: 2

[Innate - The Magic of Miracles] -
Bernkastel can reverse time to protect herself, as long as the chance of her surviving is not zero. If Bernkastel does not receive enough damage to kill her in one night, she will not sustain any damage from kills or bleeds.

[Innate - Manifestation of Magic] - When Bernkastel saves another player from dying, she permanently gains one stack of [Tempting Fate]. If Bernkastel is murdered, her role will be revealed but her death will be delayed by one phase for each stack of Tempting Fate she has.

[Tempting Fate] - Bernkastel is changing her own destiny!

[Active - Magical - Cat Furniture Collision] - During the night, Bernkastel can summon cat furniture to protect herself or another player against kills and mark them with [Cat Lover].

[Cat Lover] - This player is a cat furniture connoisseur! If Bernkastel uses [Cat Furniture Collision] on a different player, it will also affect this player. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Crazy Cat Lady] - Bernkastel can push her power to its limit, enabling her to use [Cat Furniture Collision] on 2 players that night. If Bernkastel is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of this ability.

Lord Melkor redeemed 2 stacks of [Tempting Fate] to delay his death by 1 cycle. He will die at end of night 4.

Do not post yet
Day 4 start
@SoulKiller was marked for death! He will be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit him tonight to disperse the damage out among themselves and save him. Beware that those of you who choose to help him may take some damage in the process!

@DrProfessor83 , @Ekkologix , @Santí , @Kira Yagami , @Badalight , @Lord Melkor , @Lind and @John Wayne were all booby trapped! Anyone who visits them tonight will be role crushed for the next cycle.

Lynch candidates

@Admiral Fujitora
@Alibaba Saluja
@John Wayne
@Kira Yagami

- I am still sending out actions and information from the night phase. Expect those over the next couple of hours.

- Since the day is starting 20 minutes late, I will extend voting by 30 minutes to make up for the lost time. Voting will lock 30 minutes before the phase changes.

Day 4 start. You may now post
Last edited:
@SoulKiller was marked for death! He will be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit him tonight to disperse the damage out among themselves and save him. Beware that those of you who choose to help him may take some damage in the process!

@DrProfessor83 , @Ekkologix , @Santí , @Kira Yagami , @Badalight , @Lord Melkor , @Lind and @John Wayne were all booby trapped! Anyone who visits them tonight will be role crushed for the next cycle.

Lynch candidates

@Admiral Fujitora
@Alibaba Saluja
@John Wayne
@Kira Yagami

- I am still sending out actions and information from the night phase. Expect those over the next couple of hours.

- Since the day is starting 20 minutes late, I will extend voting by 30 minutes to make up for the lost time. Voting will lock 30 minutes before the phase changes.

Day 4 start. You may now post

Prob a dumb thing for me to say, but aren't I a lynch candidate?

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