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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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The way you interacted with your ScumBuddy ScumRaven on Day 1 and the way you beg for getting investigated :bloblick

I have no doubts about you being a member of Team Purple which is immune to investigations!
Anything to support your claims? You have said nothing of substance.
Did you notice his salty reaction :bloblick
I am salty because you aren't pushing any real arguments.
Can't even recall interacting with Sin, definitely didn't try to defend him in any way.
Anything to support your claims? You have said nothing of substance.

I am salty because you aren't pushing any real arguments.
Can't even recall interacting with Sin, definitely didn't try to defend him in any way.
But did you accuse Sin? Or were you just distancing :bloblick
A towny shouldn't react with salt, a towny should try to solve.

The way you try to defend yourself let you look worse then ever!
But did you accuse Sin?
I did accused Sin. Accused both. It's literally in the thread.

Or were you just distancing :bloblick
Distancing from Sin? I said it was literally interchangeable between Sin and FS. They were both confirmed scum.

A towny shouldn't react with salt, a towny should try to solve.
Solve what, exactly? They are both dead now.

The way you try to defend yourself let you look worse then ever
Because no one had accused me of anything with such a weak reasoning so far.
Prof did accuse me (rightfully so, too) and I replied at length, stating that there's nothing wrong in what he did in the process. You just aren't doing a good job at it.
Day 1 start
Excellent! Having strategically guilt-tripped @Shrike into forfeiting, @Nessos is your returning competitor!

The lynch will be open to everyone today, including @Juan , and there will be 2 executions today from a pool of the bottom 2 players in groups 1 and 2. Those are:

1. @Revan Reborn
2. @Cooler
3. @Kira Yagami
4. @sworder

After today, lynch and execution rules will return to normal, and the execution will be based solely on post counts in this thread. Meaning, even if you have the most posts in your previous group, you can still be put up for execution tomorrow if you are one of the bottom 4 posters today. On the other hand, if you were eligible for execution already, this thread will put you back on even footing with everyone else

Day 1 of the Finals starts in 7 minutes.
also one of you idiots said something dumb but i will wait until the game actually starts to say it
Who you think is worse then you out of @Juan @SoulKiller @Hero @Lord Melkor and @John Wayne and why?
I think that Wayne has read mafia to me for a while, same with LM. LM however has been more cooperative as of late.
SK seems alright, but it's hard to read. The thing is that even if he was mafia he has provided mostly unbiased reads on it. I'd think he is an independent if that's a thing in this game.
Juan seems legit, but his ability to not be lynched before this day is worrying.
Santi is my biggest town read right now, and I am a bit torn on Didi. Fang vouching for him made me think he was town but I am not confident on it anymore.

If I had to lynch someone now it would probably by John Wayne. Not that much activity nor help, but he has evaded execution by doing the bare minimum.
I am a bit torn on Didi. Fang vouching for him made me think he was town but I am not confident on it anymore.

this is rich

there were SEVERAL posts last dayphase where you were I AM TOWNREADING DIDI and trying to buddy me hard and I didn't want to say it out loud yet but your weird focus on townreading me outta nowhere without providing reasoning was why I felt bad about you

and now suddenly you feel not confident when I sus you? lmao gtfoh
Maybe Nessos should have this one, he needs the revenge, and my group eradicated most of our scum as well. Decisions decisions, I only have little time left :hm
Excellent! Having strategically guilt-tripped @Shrike into forfeiting, @Nessos is your returning competitor!

The lynch will be open to everyone today, including @Juan , and there will be 2 executions today from a pool of the bottom 2 players in groups 1 and 2. Those are:

1. @Revan Reborn
2. @Cooler
3. @Kira Yagami
4. @sworder

After today, lynch and execution rules will return to normal, and the execution will be based solely on post counts in this thread. Meaning, even if you have the most posts in your previous group, you can still be put up for execution tomorrow if you are one of the bottom 4 posters today. On the other hand, if you were eligible for execution already, this thread will put you back on even footing with everyone else

Day 1 of the Finals starts in 7 minutes.
What is this shit.
this is rich

there were SEVERAL posts last dayphase where you were I AM TOWNREADING DIDI and trying to buddy me hard and I didn't want to say it out loud yet but your weird focus on townreading me outta nowhere without providing reasoning was why I felt bad about you

and now suddenly you feel not confident when I sus you? lmao gtfoh
I am not confident about you being town, it's just a feeling. I wouldn't post about townreading you otherwise.
How is everyone so defensive all of a sudden?
read the end of our last phase, was already sussing you there my man
Must have missed that too, was to focused replying to Prof's posts.
As I said before, it is fair that I am being suspected, it was a pretty big mistake.
Anything else you are reading that makes me scum? Because at this point I don't know how I am the main lynch target for our group.

Haven't heard anything about the other group, though, and they have been more consistent with their lynches.
Group 1 lynched 6 members of Team Red!
Group 2 lynched 3 members of Team Purple!
Based on the number of people playing we have what? 7-8 mafias? And probably an independent or two per side.
You would have a case in trying to lynch our our part of the execute list if you have no read on any of the 4, but we have time to figure that out.
The probability of hitting scum going through Team 1 is much higher!
While I agree, it is still misguided to vote for ours based on odds if you don't know what reads the other group have.
I'd wait for input from them to see if they don't suspect anyone. Sworder read scum to me last phase, but not Kira. Leaning toward voting Sworder and someone from group 1, but I need more information.
Must have missed that too, was to focused replying to Prof's posts.
As I said before, it is fair that I am being suspected, it was a pretty big mistake.
Anything else you are reading that makes me scum? Because at this point I don't know how I am the main lynch target for our group.

Haven't heard anything about the other group, though, and they have been more consistent with their lynches.

that's fair
who'd be your main lynch target from our group then?
Day 1 - Vanya is Rome
Hello everyone, I have an announcement:

It's no secret that the town's designated mason group fell through this game, leaving @Vanya stranded. That's not fair to Vanya- he shouldn't be stuck on an ineffective role just because the other 2/3 of his role were players who bailed early- so I am shifting Vanya from a mason to an innocent child.

@Vanya is Rome, and he is part of the town. Vanya's role has also been reworked to be less reliant on his two mason partners.

@Nessos , obviously, is also an innocent child by nature of how he returned.
Hello everyone, I have an announcement:

It's no secret that the town's designated mason group fell through this game, leaving @Vanya stranded. That's not fair to Vanya- he shouldn't be stuck on an ineffective role just because the other 2/3 of his role were players who bailed early- so I am shifting Vanya from a mason to an innocent child.

@Vanya is Rome, and he is part of the town. Vanya's role has also been reworked to be less reliant on his two mason partners.

@Nessos , obviously, is also an innocent child by nature of how he returned.

Clearly this is a bastard game and we should lynch both of them @JoJo
Wayne seems suspicious to be. Haven't felt him contribute at all.
As I explained a few posts ago, it feels like he only posts the bare minimum to avoid the execution and it's not like he's making lengthy posts from time to time like SoulKiller or Prof.

so you believe that either I am a naive cop or the mafia has been fucking my results and keeping me alive for a long time because of it?
Excellent! Having strategically guilt-tripped @Shrike into forfeiting, @Nessos is your returning competitor!

The lynch will be open to everyone today, including @Juan , and there will be 2 executions today from a pool of the bottom 2 players in groups 1 and 2. Those are:

1. @Revan Reborn
2. @Cooler
3. @Kira Yagami
4. @sworder

After today, lynch and execution rules will return to normal, and the execution will be based solely on post counts in this thread. Meaning, even if you have the most posts in your previous group, you can still be put up for execution tomorrow if you are one of the bottom 4 posters today. On the other hand, if you were eligible for execution already, this thread will put you back on even footing with everyone else

Day 1 of the Finals starts in 7 minutes.

I rember I had the exes from group 1 as townies.
They should post and play the game
@Cooler @Revan Reborn

If anyone has any doubt, you should just Iso the 2 of them.
(I saw someone asked what's Iso, it means isolating the posts from one player, if you don't know how to do it just ask)
so you believe that either I am a naive cop or the mafia has been fucking my results and keeping me alive for a long time because of it?
They fucked me with the Firestormer crap, I think it's very likely that you got tampered with at least once.
What have you seen Wayne actually do? He has less than 70 posts in the full Group 2 mafia thread, mostly one liners that contribute little to nothing to the thread.
ffs im the next victim of nessos' baseless tunnelling, just kill me now
I think he hates me more, so there's that.
Cooler and Revan have been rilunning from the execution for like 4 days in a row now

Cooler claimed some copy ability, but over all his and Revans threadplay have been pretty bad

Hows the group 2 options been looking?
Kira seems busy but legit in my eyes, then again people are suspecting me this day phase.
Sworder can definitely go.

Howdy there strangers of Group 1. I will be blunt, I didn't read game 1 and not planning on reading game 1. It seems you guys are doing a good job on your own. We need to focus on Group 2 players and eliminate scum there. As of right now I am honestly sussing Didi/Hero/(Bada/Juan).

I think one of juan or bada are scum here. Not both tho, very unlikely.

Didi posts feel like he does not truly care about finding scum, and got the vibe that he just does not care who gets lynched.

Hero, his early game gave me mixed feelings, some posts felt super fake, he claimed that he has his eyes on me but never really pursued me per say. His activity went down the horizon after DP1 and his activity later toward the game felt forced. Not sure how to put it, but it felt like he was giving townie reads for the lols with no explanation.

I saw posts regarding Soul, one thing I would like to point out that Soul the player was not as active as he is right now, I had him on my town lean list, because of the vibe he gave off. He became much MUCH more active when was placed on the suspicion table, not sure if that is scummy behavior or not for him since I am unfamiliar with the dude. I probably need to go back and reread his interactions with the players and how he handled himself, from what I saw tho, it seems like it was genuine effort to try and clear himself, so still in my townie lean list.

I probably need to post my read list for Group 2 players across the board. Then start going through the PoE from there.

Regarding the execution list, I think it's best to execute the 2 players from Group 2. Chances of scum being there is much more higher than Group 1 players.

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