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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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If you change your mind, I think there's still more than enough time to get people to vote for you.
@Shrike himself give up, didn't really try to compete and thats exactly what he showed within the last 38 hours.

It also wasn't anything like @Shrike saying sth. like "I can't compete yet, but will be more active If I win this". It was @Admiral Fujitora saying "@Shrike played like a town god this game, we need him."

Tbh noone should blame @Shrike if he keeps staying AFK after this, cause thats what he showed in this compentition and thats what most player actually votes for :bloblick
Voting for Nessos means you will end up with Nessos. I won't change my style, but I will stay active!

I will keep staying overconfidence with my reads and I know this can ruining Town. Thus I can't blame anyone prefering an AFKler over me :bloblick

Not the best campaign ad, but I’ll run it on all the major networks and let you know how people respond!
Just a couple things:
I don't consider this a competition no matter how it's set up to be, I think Nessos' and my day phase is a good chance to help town (I literally thought dead chat will vote in a private pm which one of us gets back, this is a lot better).

I might not be too active in a sense of always being here, but I am not inactive nor did I coast in my group. What I posted here was already pressing someone I consider scum, I really don't like just empty talk.

I don't have good reads from gr2 since I haven't read most of the game. If you are in a hurry, @Nessos, please go ahead and play, I'll take a step back at any time, otherwise I will continue catching up on things that interest me in gr2.

I don't think it matters which one of us gets elected here because we can contribute more while the others are resting for a bit from their groups. I am literally using this downtime to help town when the game starts.
I might not be too active in a sense of always being here, but I am not inactive nor did I coast in my group. What I posted here was already pressing someone I consider scum, I really don't like just empty talk.

I don't have good reads from gr2 since I haven't read most of the game. If you are in a hurry, @Nessos, please go ahead and play, I'll take a step back at any time, otherwise I will continue catching up on things that interest me in gr2.

Are you trying to imply I only wanted a shitpost contest?
Did you even bother to read the post I made?

I actually lend you a helping to catch up with group 2 and asked for your group 1 reads :bloblick
Are you trying to imply I only wanted a shitpost contest?
Did you even bother to read the post I made?

I actually lend you a helping to catch up with group 2 and asked for your group 1 reads :bloblick


Are you trying to imply I only wanted a shitpost contest?
Did you even bother to read the post I made?

I actually lend you a helping to catch up with group 2 and asked for your group 1 reads :bloblick
I am not implying anything, I said what I said about me not you. I know you did and thank you for the helpful info, but it's a huge thread, and sorry, I am not gonna rely on your reads alone.
Just a couple things:
I don't consider this a competition no matter how it's set up to be, I think Nessos' and my day phase is a good chance to help town (I literally thought dead chat will vote in a private pm which one of us gets back, this is a lot better).

I might not be too active in a sense of always being here, but I am not inactive nor did I coast in my group. What I posted here was already pressing someone I consider scum, I really don't like just empty talk.

I don't have good reads from gr2 since I haven't read most of the game. If you are in a hurry, @Nessos, please go ahead and play, I'll take a step back at any time, otherwise I will continue catching up on things that interest me in gr2.

I don't think it matters which one of us gets elected here because we can contribute more while the others are resting for a bit from their groups. I am literally using this downtime to help town when the game starts.

Are you trying to imply I only wanted a shitpost contest?
Did you even bother to read the post I made?

I actually lend you a helping to catch up with group 2 and asked for your group 1 reads :bloblick

I am not implying anything, I said what I said about me not you. I know you did and thank you for the helpful info, but it's a huge thread, and sorry, I am not gonna rely on your reads alone.
:popcorn :samuspopcorn
The flip explicitly states that the death is delayed. There is no assumption here.
Write ups can be falsified, and if we assume it’s accurate, we have no idea how long the death is delayed for, or if there’s any conditions to it - is it a specific timeframe, or maybe it’s delayed as long as condition X is met? I’m just saying, there’s a lot of fuckery going on in these games, assuming you know how things are going to go is going to get you in trouble.
The second part of my post was referring to this thread’s original rules regarding the new role that Shrike or Nessos would be getting.
Wow totally misread that. Sorry
I have read basically nothing of game 1 btw

can I get a quick rundown of the happenings there

So basically D1 went everywhere as we didn't have a very strong push toward anyone - went for Flower as she was top poster but didn't really contribute to anything and was slippery when pressed for it, but the push wasn't strong since she said she can clear herself N1. So we prodded DDL who for some reason got very angry that he has a job and can't take the pressure from a mafia game and suicided, flipping town. So we kinda went for a random target that @Karma pushed which was LG and he flipped scum. Lucky mafia lynch.

D2 we went after Flower even though she wasn't in the lynchpool but @Vanya added her with his ability. Of course she flipped scum, her play wasn't good and she couldn't wiggle out.

D3 we had an EOD quick turn where I pushed for UB instead of Saturday who was kind of a weak link and an easy push for scum. I managed to get enough people to vote UB and she flipped scum.

D4 was mild and slow, we hit scum in @TheAncientCenturion but they redirected the lynch onto Mango, but we still got scum in WAD who was executed.

D5 was even tamer, where TAC was finally lynched.

We got 6 red mafia down, probably about 2 or 3 remaining. Not sure about indies.
I have read basically nothing of game 1 btw

can I get a quick rundown of the happenings there
We beat game 2
I have read basically nothing of game 1 btw

can I get a quick rundown of the happenings there

So basically D1 went everywhere as we didn't have a very strong push toward anyone - went for Flower as she was top poster but didn't really contribute to anything and was slippery when pressed for it, but the push wasn't strong since she said she can clear herself N1. So we prodded DDL who for some reason got very angry that he has a job and can't take the pressure from a mafia game and suicided, flipping town. So we kinda went for a random target that @Karma pushed which was LG and he flipped scum. Lucky mafia lynch.

D2 we went after Flower even though she wasn't in the lynchpool but @Vanya added her with his ability. Of course she flipped scum, her play wasn't good and she couldn't wiggle out.

D3 we had an EOD quick turn where I pushed for UB instead of Saturday who was kind of a weak link and an easy push for scum. I managed to get enough people to vote UB and she flipped scum.

D4 was mild and slow, we hit scum in @TheAncientCenturion but they redirected the lynch onto Mango, but we still got scum in WAD who was executed.

D5 was even tamer, where TAC was finally lynched.

We got 6 red mafia down, probably about 2 or 3 remaining. Not sure about indies.
Yea, in the dying minutes of D5 we had Ishmael ranting about inactives scum team that should have had replacements.

mafr him sound super scummy and D6 he turns up town. So that’s a mystery to solve

So basically D1 went everywhere as we didn't have a very strong push toward anyone - went for Flower as she was top poster but didn't really contribute to anything and was slippery when pressed for it, but the push wasn't strong since she said she can clear herself N1. So we prodded DDL who for some reason got very angry that he has a job and can't take the pressure from a mafia game and suicided, flipping town. So we kinda went for a random target that @Karma pushed which was LG and he flipped scum. Lucky mafia lynch.

D2 we went after Flower even though she wasn't in the lynchpool but @Vanya added her with his ability. Of course she flipped scum, her play wasn't good and she couldn't wiggle out.

D3 we had an EOD quick turn where I pushed for UB instead of Saturday who was kind of a weak link and an easy push for scum. I managed to get enough people to vote UB and she flipped scum.

D4 was mild and slow, we hit scum in @TheAncientCenturion but they redirected the lynch onto Mango, but we still got scum in WAD who was executed.

D5 was even tamer, where TAC was finally lynched.

We got 6 red mafia down, probably about 2 or 3 remaining. Not sure about indies.

so for our game:

d1 started off with some meme votes on me (and 1 legit convinced one by wpk), by friends like plat for instance, but then some others lazy bandwagoned on it (xadlin, tinky winky) and suddenly I had a lot of votes on me, but people liked my tone and didn't like how easily I had gotten votes so a wagon turned around to Worm Juice (who had some pressure on her already from kira and me), but then also another wagon started in response to that one on Plat for his early vote on me and then dip, he turned out town

d2 was a xadlin lynch without much resistance, they already were under sus for bandwagoning me with no reasoning and bad posts in general, and then they also had a really weird ability claim that seemed like it was a slip-up in how it was worded, so they got lynched and flipped town. Everyone was also saying that WJ should be killed at night and already should've been killed last night

n2 turns out there was a night lynch now, so Badalight Nessos Sinraven Ekkologix and someone I've forgotten could lynch any player, this should of course have been Worm Juice but for some fucking reason the vote ended up being between me and total rando Oddjutsu, who turned out to have a VERY strong town role

d3 we tried lynching worm juice because we were fucking done with this shit, no one disagreed for obvious reasons but it got redirected to Nessos (town)

d4 we finally get our shit properly together and manage to lynch and execute WJ and Sin, both scum. Sin had a guilty result on him I think from someone. Now that I'm typing this I realize someone also claimed something against Firestormer, wonder where that story went.

d5 we lynch and execute 2 scum again we think. Melodie confirmed, Iwan was sussed for a long time already. Again mostly no discussion tbh, we haven't had really interesting discussion since d1 except maybe d4 where we had to decide between Sin/Firestormer (where we went Sin because he was also involved in the n2 shenanigans)

oh btw Ratchet is a town-ghost so he can be trusted, maybe he has some interesting things to add that I forgot to mention, my mind is a bit scattered atm

so yeah not much interesting things unfortunately because most of our lynches happened under large consensus, since at least d3 there's been like zero interesting disagreement on who needs to die
My favorite parts of this game so far is when 5 townies blew up in g2 in one night :popcorn

the other was prof's host roast
You needed to balance the gane this much eh?
I mean, he straight up claims mafia, complained about his team and then quit. Lol
That rage quit was interesting but since he flipped town, either he wasn’t mafia originally or the write up was faked. All fun things to consider. I don’t think Shizune fucked up the colour of the name.
Write ups can be falsified, and if we assume it’s accurate, we have no idea how long the death is delayed for, or if there’s any conditions to it - is it a specific timeframe, or maybe it’s delayed as long as condition X is met? I’m just saying, there’s a lot of fuckery going on in these games, assuming you know how things are going to go is going to get you in trouble.
We have no reason to assume the writeup has been faked, though, because we saw Scum tank a lynch earlier in the game on Day 3. If they had this ability, they could have just as well used it then rather than on Iwan, who has a Guilty against him. I feel like you're arguing for the sake of arguing here, there is no good reason to doubt what we've been told at this juncture. If in a cycle or two Iwan is still around, we can revisit him, but until then why even bother? it's more likely he'll just die once the night phase ends and we'll get the flip.
We have no reason to assume the writeup has been faked, though, because we saw Scum tank a lynch earlier in the game on Day 3. If they had this ability, they could have just as well used it then rather than on Iwan, who has a Guilty against him. I feel like you're arguing for the sake of arguing here, there is no good reason to doubt what we've been told at this juncture. If in a cycle or two Iwan is still around, we can revisit him, but until then why even bother? it's more likely he'll just die once the night phase ends and we'll get the flip.
I’m not saying I believe he’ll survive forever. I’m saying he’s not dead until Nitty posts his role in the thread and tells us he’s dead.

I’m also not saying we should waste any abilities on him, or anything like that. I’m just stating a fact that everyone seems to be assuming one thing, and it could very easily be another.

I never said that there’s a reason to doubt what we’ve been told, I’m just providing the facts with alternate possibilities so that we can be prepared for what might come.

You’re the one who seems to be extrapolating that “delayed to another time” or however it’s worded means that he’ll die of his own accord next phase.
We have no reason to assume the writeup has been faked, though, because we saw Scum tank a lynch earlier in the game on Day 3. If they had this ability, they could have just as well used it then rather than on Iwan, who has a Guilty against him. I feel like you're arguing for the sake of arguing here, there is no good reason to doubt what we've been told at this juncture. If in a cycle or two Iwan is still around, we can revisit him, but until then why even bother? it's more likely he'll just die once the night phase ends and we'll get the flip.
But it wasn’t Iwan who tanked a lynch. Why do you assume Iwan doesn’t have a slightly different ability? In Group 1, 2 different mafia roles had lynch protect abilities.
But it wasn’t Iwan who tanked a lynch. Why do you assume Iwan doesn’t have a slightly different ability? In Group 1, 2 different mafia roles had lynch protect abilities.
I am arguing that it could be an ability that's targeted, but if that were the case, there would be no reason to not have used it on Worm Juice. If it comes from Iwan's role specifically, I suppose.

5 hours left and the infighting is starting between group 1 and 2.

Counting the hours until we show you how it is done:

I am arguing that it could be an ability that's targeted, but if that were the case, there would be no reason to not have used it on Worm Juice. If it comes from Iwan's role specifically, I suppose.
Conditions that have to be met prior to using an ability, ability needs to charge before use, ability was gained after worm juice was lynched - all possibilities as to why a targeted ability may not have been used on WJ, if it is in fact a targeted ability.

I play this game with an open mind. I’ve played Faves before, assuming things are as simple as they seem is folly - just as much as assuming that it’s always the most complicated answer too. I try and ensure that people aren’t making false assumptions based on what we’ve been told.

In this scenario, I don’t necessarily disagree that it’s likely based on what we’ve been told that Iwan may have just bought himself enough time to fire off some one shots, or try and cause some chaos by being alive next day phase before dying. But I also don’t like assuming for sure what is happening, so I like to uncover possible scenarios so that when things go tits up, we have a place to start.

So basically D1 went everywhere as we didn't have a very strong push toward anyone - went for Flower as she was top poster but didn't really contribute to anything and was slippery when pressed for it, but the push wasn't strong since she said she can clear herself N1. So we prodded DDL who for some reason got very angry that he has a job and can't take the pressure from a mafia game and suicided, flipping town. So we kinda went for a random target that @Karma pushed which was LG and he flipped scum. Lucky mafia lynch.

D2 we went after Flower even though she wasn't in the lynchpool but @Vanya added her with his ability. Of course she flipped scum, her play wasn't good and she couldn't wiggle out.

D3 we had an EOD quick turn where I pushed for UB instead of Saturday who was kind of a weak link and an easy push for scum. I managed to get enough people to vote UB and she flipped scum.

D4 was mild and slow, we hit scum in @TheAncientCenturion but they redirected the lynch onto Mango, but we still got scum in WAD who was executed.

D5 was even tamer, where TAC was finally lynched.

We got 6 red mafia down, probably about 2 or 3 remaining. Not sure about indies.
Lynched but still here, in tree stump form
so for our game:

d1 started off with some meme votes on me (and 1 legit convinced one by wpk), by friends like plat for instance, but then some others lazy bandwagoned on it (xadlin, tinky winky) and suddenly I had a lot of votes on me, but people liked my tone and didn't like how easily I had gotten votes so a wagon turned around to Worm Juice (who had some pressure on her already from kira and me), but then also another wagon started in response to that one on Plat for his early vote on me and then dip, he turned out town

d2 was a xadlin lynch without much resistance, they already were under sus for bandwagoning me with no reasoning and bad posts in general, and then they also had a really weird ability claim that seemed like it was a slip-up in how it was worded, so they got lynched and flipped town. Everyone was also saying that WJ should be killed at night and already should've been killed last night

n2 turns out there was a night lynch now, so Badalight Nessos Sinraven Ekkologix and someone I've forgotten could lynch any player, this should of course have been Worm Juice but for some fucking reason the vote ended up being between me and total rando Oddjutsu, who turned out to have a VERY strong town role

d3 we tried lynching worm juice because we were fucking done with this shit, no one disagreed for obvious reasons but it got redirected to Nessos (town)

d4 we finally get our shit properly together and manage to lynch and execute WJ and Sin, both scum. Sin had a guilty result on him I think from someone. Now that I'm typing this I realize someone also claimed something against Firestormer, wonder where that story went.

d5 we lynch and execute 2 scum again we think. Melodie confirmed, Iwan was sussed for a long time already. Again mostly no discussion tbh, we haven't had really interesting discussion since d1 except maybe d4 where we had to decide between Sin/Firestormer (where we went Sin because he was also involved in the n2 shenanigans)

oh btw Ratchet is a town-ghost so he can be trusted, maybe he has some interesting things to add that I forgot to mention, my mind is a bit scattered atm

so yeah not much interesting things unfortunately because most of our lynches happened under large consensus, since at least d3 there's been like zero interesting disagreement on who needs to die
Thanks bubba, missing seeing you around.

I caught up to some of it.

Yeah charles said he had a guilty on Firestormer, but someone mentioned that a lot of actions were redirected to Iwan, which is why you guys offed iwan.

Dw about things getting spicy, I am sure they will now that it's a multiball. I just need a few more hours to catch up to a few ISOs that I am doing for your group, but I am getting there. Whatcha think of Soul and Hero?
Thanks bubba, missing seeing you around.

I caught up to some of it.

Yeah charles said he had a guilty on Firestormer, but someone mentioned that a lot of actions were redirected to Iwan, which is why you guys offed iwan.

Dw about things getting spicy, I am sure they will now that it's a multiball. I just need a few more hours to catch up to a few ISOs that I am doing for your group, but I am getting there. Whatcha think of Soul and Hero?

I posted all my reads quite near the end of the thread

Soul was null/townish, but I didn't like him at all in the last phase so starting to scumlean
Hero was townlean

but the posts I quoted earlier with him trying to steer towards Plat lynch and really hounding me about it make me feel a bit more wary

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