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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

Help with Donations ~ Better than Ads :)
imagine if I was mafia and actually cared about these options
but no

I voted TS because he's retarded but he's also far off from the votes

Didi I'm lowkey glad you're being lynched now because I have a feeling the flame from you was only going to get worse from here LMAO
imagine keeping didi out of being lynched for like 6 fucking phases straight but you assholes want him dead BECAUSE HE KILLED SCUM
but that's not why people voted him for, for sure not me atleast.
sidenote this at least means everyone should be eligible tomorrow

fucking shoot owner and lynch jw tomorrow
LMAO imagine only the people who voted Didi are eligible to be lynched tomorrow, bruh that would be bad.
sidenote this at least means everyone should be eligible tomorrow

fucking shoot owner and lynch jw tomorrow
No, we should lunch owner tomorrow. If it’s deus ex Machina ability that saved her from lunch, it protects for the cycle! And it can’t be used on the same player twice in a row! If they have both deus ex Mach and Spidey’s still, that will be a bigger problem.
No, we should lunch owner tomorrow. If it’s deus ex Machina ability that saved her from lunch, it protects for the cycle! And it can’t be used on the same player twice in a row! If they have both deus ex Mach and Spidey’s still, that will be a bigger problem.
I don't think deus ex machina works on the vote even though i thoguht it did

get lynched scrubs
Rej threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: was this post helpful? Total: 55
55 55
Day 2 - Hammer (Fiona) and Didi (Melodie) are lynched
@hammer (Princess Fiona) was executed!

Princess Fiona
from Shrek
durability rating: 3

[Innate - My Fair Lady] -
Fiona alternates between her human and ogre forms, granting her different abilities depending on her form. Fiona will be an ogre on odd numbered cycles and a human on even numbered cycles.

[An Angry Ogress] - When Fiona is in her ogre form, she gains the following abilities:

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Married With Children] - Fiona can call on her husband Shrek to fight with her, enabling her to use [Japanese Jujutsu] on 2 players that night and doubling her voting power the next day. If Fiona is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Physical - Fiona Fights Back] - During the night, Fiona can perform a spinning kick to roleblock anyone who visits her. Fiona will also learn those players' names and mark them with [Contempt of Princess]. If Fiona helps lynch or kill a guilty player, she will gain an extra charge of this ability. If Fiona is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Physical - Japanese Jujutsu] - During the night, Fiona can attack another player to roleblock them and mark them with [Contempt of Princess]. If any other players use a helpful or protective ability on Fiona's target that night, Fiona will learn their names, counter those abilities and mark them with [Contempt of Princess]

[Contempt of Princess] -
This player recently fought Princess Fiona. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Let Them Eat Cake] - When Fiona is in her human form, she gains the following abilities:

[One Shot Active - Tactical - The Crown of Far Far Away] - Fiona can enact a heroic political scheme. That day, [Go far far away from Far Far Away] will steal its targets voting power instead of vote silencing them. If Fiona helps lynch or kill a guilty player, she will gain an extra charge of this ability. If Fiona is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - Go far far away from Far Far Away] - During the day Fiona can banish all players marked by [Contempt of Princess] to vote silence them.

[Active - Tactical - Princess Pardon] - During the day, Fiona can pardon another player to make them ineligible for lynching that day. Fiona cannot pardon the same player twice.

[Active - Tactical - Princess Persecution] - During the night, Fiona can put one player marked by [Contempt of Princess] on trial to make them eligible for the lynch the next day.

@Didi (Melodie) was lynched!

from real life
durability rating: 4

[Innate - Mellow No More] -
Melodie used to be part of the Academy, which is the real name of the purple mafia team. When Melodie realized the Academy's evil plans she betrayed them, but Melodie's fellow scientists overpowered her and eliminated her free will, or so they thought. Melodie forgot the names of her former teammates, and Melodie is forced to carry out their faction kills every night, but Melodie retained enough sentience to covertly work against the Academy. Melodie wins the game if she's alive and all members of the Academy are dead. If Melodie wins the game, the game will not end.

[Innate - Mecha Melodie] - The Academy transformed Melodie into a cyborg, protecting her against kills, bleeds and poisons.

[Innate - MeloDIE] - Melodie is a tool for the Academy; they will be warned by the host not to trust Melodie, but they also rely on her to carry out their faction kills. Melodie will learn who she is forced to kill every night, and Melodie may also receive messages from the Academy. If the Academy decides Melodie is no longer useful, they can deactivate her to remove her from the game at any point.

[Active - Tactical - The Many Memories of Melodie] - Melodie can observe other players to see if they trigger her memories. During the night, Melodie can investigate another player to learn their alignment.

[Active - Tactical - A Melodic Sound] - During the day and during the night, Melodie can implant a secret 5-word message in another player. If that player dies that phase, they will broadcast Melodie's message in the game thread upon dying. Melodie can use this ability once each phase.

[Active - Tactical - Help MElodie] - During the day or during the night Melodie can attach a 5-word message to another player, and for the rest of the cycle anyone who visits that player will receive Melodie's message.

[Innate - A Melodie in Low Key] - Melodie doesn't want to draw the attention of the Academy, so she cannot the same limited-use ability 2 cycles in a row. If Melodie is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined the Academy will give her a tune-up, giving her 2 more charges of all her limited-use abilities.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Melodie Sees All] - During the night, Melodie can deploy her advanced ocular technology to use [The Many Memories of Melodie] on 2 players.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - This Is Melodie's Last Resort] - During the day, Melodie can forcibly acces a closed-off part of her programming to learn the names of everyone who received her message from [Help MElodie] the previous cycle. Melodie can also broadcast a second 5-word message to all those players.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Melodie's Gambit] - During the night, Melodie can fire her weapons to kill another player.

@Didi , you were truly one of my favorites this year. Thank God you made classic NFers look good this year, because most of the rest of them flopped horribly! You put up a great fight, and the game was better for having you.

Now my dear, sashay away.

Didi is the first person to officially lose the twelfth-annual Favorites.

Night 2 start. No more posting



good job retards

@Kvothe Kingkiller Pls delete all the other night posts but leave this one

Enshrine this one

Night 2 - Rej (Broken Sword), JoJo (Sabrina) and Hero (???) die
@Rej (The Broken Sword), @JoJo (Sabrina Spellman) and @Hero (???) died tonight! Hero's death was delayed until a later time.

Broken Sword
from real life
durability rating: 2

[Active - Physical - Are you a righty or a lefty?] -
During the day the Broken Sword can be wielded by another player, marking them with [Hey, watch where you're swinging me!]. The Broken Sword wants to be held by many different hands, so it cannot choose the same player 2 days in a row.

[Hey, watch where you're swinging me!] - If the Broken Sword uses an ability on itself, that ability will also be applied to this player. This mark expires at the end of the night.

[Runecrafting] - The Broken Sword can reforge itself into various legendary blades to gain their powers. During the night, the Broken Sword can use 2 of the following abilities. The Broken Sword cannot use the same ability 2 nights in a row.

[Two Shot Active - Magical - The Sword of Totsuka] - The Broken Sword can reforge into the sword of the god Susanoo to roleblock anyone who visits it that night. If the Broken Sword is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - Soul Eater] - The Broken Sword can reforge into the Sword of Defense from Ultima VII to protect itself against kills.

[Active - Tactical - Minazuki] - The Broken Sword can reforge into Minazuki, the sword of Unohana Retsu, to heal itself.

[Active - Tactical - Shikomizue] - Aizen's Chair can reforge into the light-weight sword of Brook from One Piece to protect itself against roleblocks.

[Active - Tactical - The Ashbringer] - Aizen's Chair can turn into the holy Ashbringer to watch itself, learning the name of anyone who visits Aizen's Chair that night.


Sabrina Spellman
from Sabrina the Teenage Witch
durability rating: 2

[One Shot Passive - A Father's Love] -
Sabrina's father went traveling for work, but he placed a protective charm on Sabrina before he left. Sabrina's durability rating is only 2, but she begins the game with a bonus life, for a total of 3 lives. If Sabrina is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Innate - The Wisdom of a Cat] - Sabrina is accompanied by her pet sorcerer-turned-cat, Salem, who helps guide her. If Sabrina is affected by any negative abilities, such as roleblocks, bleeds or vote silencers, the host will give Sabrina a tip about how she can avoid that effect in the future.

[Passive - The Pineapple Problem] - When Sabrina is nervous, she accidentally turns other players into pineapples. If someone outside of Sabrina's team uses a physical or magical ability on her, Sabrina will learn their name, roleblock them, and mark them with [You're ruining my life!]. This block is a magical effect.

[You're ruining my life!] - This player recently tried to ruin Sabrina Spellman's life! This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Active - Tactical - Ensemble Cast] - During the day Sabrina can hang out with one of her teammates. For the rest of the cycle, Sabrina and her teammate can discuss the game with each other outside of the game thread, and Sabrina will apply [The Wisdom of a Cat] and [The Pineapple Problem] to them.

[Active - Tactical - The Sisters Spellman] - During the night Sabrina can consult her aunts, Hilda and Zelda, for advice about her problems. Hilda and Zelda will help Sabrina investigate 2 players marked by [You're ruining my life!] to learn their roles and abilities. If Sabrina would be murdered by another player then Hilda and Zelda will sacrifice themselves to save her, permanently disabling this ability.

[Active - Magical - Long Distance Witchcraft] - During the day or during the night, Sabrina can message one of her teammates through the host to send them one of the roles she learned from [The Sisters Spellman]. Sabrina can use this a total of two times each cycle, and she can choose to use it twice in one phase.

[Two Shot Active - Magical - Be a dummy, be a fool, switch off your brain and please don't drool!] - During the night, Sabrina can cast a spell to roleblock 4 players and mark them all with [You're ruining my life!]. Sabrina cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row. If Sabrina is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain 2 extra charges of this ability.

[Active - Magical - Practical Magic] - During the night, Sabrina can cast a spell on another player to either disarm them, make them vulnerable, or isolate them. Sabrina's power will grow throughout the game, so the amount of players she can use this ability on is equal to the cycle number. For example, on the second night Sabrina can use this ability on 2 players, on the third night 3 players, and so on.

Do not post yet
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Day 3 start
Day 3

Lynch candidates

@John Wayne
@Owner Of A Lonely Heart

@nfcnorth was pardoned from the lynch pool today.

@Juan and @Owner Of A Lonely Heart were added to the lynch pool today.

Execution candidates

@Lord Melkor

@John Wayne would normally be eligible for execution today, but he warned me he would be busy a couple of days ago and asked for an activity pardon, which I granted. As the fourth lowest poster, Lord Melkor took his place today.

@Draekke was marked for death! He will be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit him tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save him. Beware that those of you who choose to help him may take some damage in the process!

@SoulKiller , @John Wayne , @Ekkologix , @Kira Yagami , @Badalight and @Santí were all booby trapped tonight. Anyone who visits them tonight will be role crushed for the next cycle. Your ability can still succeed tonight, because the role crush will take place the next 2 phases, not tonight.

Since the phase is starting 15 minutes late, I will extend voting by 30 minutes to make up for the lost time. Votes will lock 30 minutes before phase change.

I am still sending out information from the night phase. Expect that over the next couple of hours.

Day 3 start
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Day 3

Lynch candidates

@John Wayne
@Owner Of A Lonely Heart

@nfcnorth was pardoned from the lynch pool today.

@Juan and @Owner Of A Lonely Heart were added to the lynch pool today.

Execution candidates

@Lord Melkor

@John Wayne would normally be eligible for execution today, but he warned me he would be busy a couple of days ago and asked for an activity pardon, which I granted. As the fourth lowest poster, Lord Melkor took his place today.

@Draekke was marked for death! He will be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit him tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save him. Beware that those of you who choose to help him may take some damage in the process!

@SoulKiller , @John Wayne , @Ekkologix , @Juan , @Kira Yagami , @Badalight and @Santí were all booby trapped tonight. Anyone who visits them tonight will be role crushed for the next cycle. Your ability can still succeed tonight, because the role crush will take place the next 2 phases, not tonight.

Since the phase is starting 15 minutes late, I will extend voting by 30 minutes to make up for the lost time. Votes will lock 30 minutes before phase change.

I am still sending out information from the night phase. Expect that over the next couple of hours.

Day 3 start
huh guess i was wrong on jojo

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