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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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@Ekkologix How do you reconcile with Karma lying about being poisoned? If he was poisoned that means he should have been role-crushed last night. However, he keeps talking about vote silencing and saying Lind even confirmed the vote silence. So he's def not role-crushed and was def lying about being poisoned.
i have no idea bruv i wasnt vote silenced then and i wasnt vote silenced now guys mad capping
Game end
I've had enough!

Since @DrProfessor83 is being elected in a landslide victory, I'm closing the polls an hour early.

DrProfessor chose to lynch @SoulKiller .

@SoulKiller was protected against the lynch, so it passed to the Professor's second choice, @Karma (Shigeo Kageyama). Karma was the last surviving member of the red mafia team, and with his death, the red mafia team officially loses the twelfth-annual Favorites.

I am now able to reveal the true abilities of the red mafia team's traitor, @Admiral Fujitora (Mierin Eronaile). Unlike Didi, Fuji knew the identities of his "teammates," so Fuji's role was hidden to protect them after his death.


Kageyama Shigeo
from Mob Psycho 100
durability rating: 3

[Passive - Esper Sensing] -
Shigeo uses his psychic powers to monitor his teammates' energy levels. Shigeo will learn when one of his teammates is role crushed.

[Active - Magical - Molecule Control] - During the night, Shigeo can rearrange another player's molecules to cure them of any role crushes that may be affecting them. If Shigeo cures another player of a role crush, he will absorb the role crush to permanently gain one charge of [Psionic Force].

[Active - Magical - Force Field] - During the night, Shigeo can shield 2 players to permanently grant them an extra life. Shigeo will learn if this bonus life is consumed and who consumed it, and Shigeo will permanently mark the attacker with [Kinetic Energy]. Shigeo cannot shield more than two players at one time.

[Kinetic Energy] - This player passed through a force field!

[One Shot Active - Tactical - 100% Courage] - During the night Shigeo can enhance his powers, healing himself and marking another player with [Kinetic Energy]. If any player dies while role crushed by Shigeo, he will gain an extra charge of this ability. If Shigeo is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Conditional Active - Magical - Psychic Crush] - During the night, Shigeo can use this ability in one of two ways, depending on whether he expends [Psionic Force] or [Kinetic Energy]. Shigeo can consume one charge of [Psionic Force] to role crush another player for that night and the next two cycles. Alternatively, Shigeo can consume the [Kinetic Energy] mark on another player to role crush them for that night and the next two cycles.

[Innate - Psychic Energy Transference] - If Shigeo is murdered by another player, he will record his final memories and broadcast them to his teammates, telling them all the name of the player who killed Shiego.

[Active - Magical - Astral Projection] - During the night, Shigeo can project his spirit into another player's mind to deliver them a message through the moderator. If Shigeo's target is on his team they will know the message came from him, and if they aren't on his team the sender will be anonymous. Shigeo's target will be able to send him one message in reply, as long as they send it before the end of the next day.

Mierin Eronaile
from The Wheel of Time
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Daughter of the Night] -
Mierin is better known as the great and terrible Lanfear. Lanfear appears to be part of the red mafia team, but Lanfear secretly has her own win condition: to be the last member of either mafia team alive.

[Innate - You are mine, Lews Therin Telamon] - Lanfear infiltrated the red mafia team by impersonating a submission that didn't make it into the game: Rand al'Thor. Lanfear appears to her teammates as Rand, and if Lanfear's role or abilities are investigated, she will appear as the following fake role:

Rand al'Thor

from The Wheel of Time

durability rating: 4

[Innate - Don't look at my taint!] - Rand's source of magic, Saidin, is tainted by the malignant power of the Dark One. Rand's abilities cannot be perceived by other players.

[Innate - An Unhealthy Obsession] - Lanfear is completely obsessed with one of the members of the town. At the start of the game, Lanfear must choose one player who isn't in her mafia team to become her [Obsession]. Lanfear will learn her Obsession's role, and she will use her magic to redirect all kills away from them to different, randomly-chosen members of the town. If Lanfear's Obsession dies, Lanfear will leave the game. If Lanfear wins the game, her Obsession will win with her.

[Innate - The Wrong Side of History] - Lanfear pledged her soul to the almighty Dark One, who protects her against role crushes. Lanfear cannot attempt to kill her teammates, and The Dark One will execute Lanfear for her betrayal if she is seen brazenly sabotaging her teammates in the game thread. When Lanfear's first teammate dies, the Dark One will punish Lanfear's failure by reducing her durability rating to 2. If Lanfear has more than 2 lives when this happens, her life count will also be reduced to 2.

[One Shot Active - The True Power] - During the night Lanfear can draw directly from the malignant power of the Dark One to superkill another player. Lanfear will gain an extra charge of this ability if she is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined.

[Passive - Anything you can do, I can do better] - Lanfear is a sorceress of unrivaled power. If another player uses a magical ability on Lanfear, she will learn their name and the effect of their ability. If the ability was not protective or helpful to Lanfear, she will reflect it back at its user. If the ability has some helpful parts but other negative or investigative effects, Lanfear will accept only the helpful parts and reflect the unhelpful parts.

[Passive - The Third Age] - To Lanfear's surprise, the ignorant and backwards people of the modern world have developed new magical techniques. If Lanfear detects a magical ability, she will attempt to mimic it, and if successful Lanfear will permanently gain a new ability based on the one she mimicked.

[One Shot Active - The Unseen World] - During the day Lanfear can summon any number of her teammates into the ethereal World of Dreams, enabling them to discuss the game outside of the thread for the rest of the cycle. Lanfear may also end the meeting at any point, causing the host to close the discussion room without any explanation. Lanfear will gain an extra charge of this ability if she is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined.

[Active - Magical - Lord of Chaos] - Lanfear is trying to pit her teammates against each other. During the night, Lanfear can appear in one of her teammate's dreams to send them a message through the moderator. Lanfear can send the message anonymously, or she can impersonate a different teammate so that the message will appear to have come from them. When Lanfear visits her teammate's dreams, she will also learn the names, effects and targets of any abilities they used that night.

[Active - Magical - Dreamwalker] - During the night, Lanfear can appear in her [Obsession]'s dreams to send them an anonymous message through the host. If Lanfear uses this ability she will also watch her Obsession that night, learning the names of anyone who visits them.

[Active - Magical - Compulsion] - During the night Lanfear can bewitch another player's mind, permanently marking them with [Compulsion].

[Compulsion] - If Lanfear is attacked with a kill, this player will unknowingly redirect the kill to themselves. This mark is consumed when it triggers. While this mark persists, any harmful or investigative abilities its bearer uses on Lanfear will be redirected away from her without their knowledge.

The remaining purple mafia team members, @Ekkologix (Pierre Poilievre) and @SoulKiller (Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff), now have enough voting power to permanently control the lynch.

:cattap The purple mafia team has officially won the twelfth-annual Favorites! :cattap
I've had enough!

Since @DrProfessor83 is being elected in a landslide victory, I'm closing the polls an hour early.

DrProfessor chose to lynch @SoulKiller .

@SoulKiller was protected against the lynch, so it passed to the Professor's second choice, @Karma (Shigeo Kageyama). Karma was the last surviving member of the red mafia team, and with his death, the red mafia team officially loses the twelfth-annual Favorites.

I am now able to reveal the true abilities of the red mafia team's traitor, @Admiral Fujitora (Mierin Eronaile). Unlike Didi, Fuji knew the identities of his "teammates," so Fuji's role was hidden to protect them after his death.

The remaining purple mafia team members, @Ekkologix (Pierre Poilievre) and @SoulKiller (Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff), now have enough voting power to permanently control the lynch.

:cattap The purple mafia team has officially won the twelfth-annual Favorites! :cattap
I've had enough!

Since @DrProfessor83 is being elected in a landslide victory, I'm closing the polls an hour early.

DrProfessor chose to lynch @SoulKiller .

@SoulKiller was protected against the lynch, so it passed to the Professor's second choice, @Karma (Shigeo Kageyama). Karma was the last surviving member of the red mafia team, and with his death, the red mafia team officially loses the twelfth-annual Favorites.

I am now able to reveal the true abilities of the red mafia team's traitor, @Admiral Fujitora (Mierin Eronaile). Unlike Didi, Fuji knew the identities of his "teammates," so Fuji's role was hidden to protect them after his death.

The remaining purple mafia team members, @Ekkologix (Pierre Poilievre) and @SoulKiller (Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff), now have enough voting power to permanently control the lynch.

:cattap The purple mafia team has officially won the twelfth-annual Favorites! :cattap

@DrProfessor83 I forfeited because of irl being really harsh on me at the time and also because I had just learned that very night that I was a game ending indie, despite my wincon of eliminating both mafias and I didnt wanna backstab you after telling you to trust me. Maybe I should’ve played it out though if the alternative was y’all losing to Usopp XD.

Gg @Lind bb you tried your best! Shouldnt have wavered like that around me though, I told you I was Gin Ichimaru ( a traitor) to reds Aizen so ofc I would be in their chat, and I flipped Indie.

Anyways you guys did well,
all those over eager townies coming from game 1

this is real mafia

yall don't stand a chance here

Having multiple masons hard vouch for you all game due to your role and using cheap tactics of posting entire red roles in the thread because you couldnt beat them in the thread isnt “mafia”, and Im not even in their team.

Profs hard vouch carried you and even that wasnt enough for reds and me to no see through the bs.
all those over eager townies coming from game 1

this is real mafia

yall don't stand a chance here



It was funny seeing group 1 talk all high and mighty about how they will liberate group 2 from purple mafia, but next thing they knew was the complete annihilation of group 1.

It was a journey ekko, we carried purple mafia into victory. Was pleasure playing along side you mate.
If you didn't kill tinky, I would of not pushed you as hard lol.


and I wouldn't have pushed you as hard if you didn't decide to go 'I townread Didi without any reasoning' (which made me convinced you were purp who knew me) -> 'wow didi went against me last phase, I scumlean him now without reasoning'

I knew you were scum, but I would have let you lay low while keeping a minor sus on you because I needed no big picture on me, but then you decided to change your tune and I decided with my heat I needed another big point in my favour of not being mafia and you were a convenient target now
Anyway! Let's celebrate some of the fabulous performances we had the privilege of witnessing this game.

Your mafia MVPs are @Ekkologix (Pierre Poilievre) for the purple mafia team, and @JoJo (Sabrina Spellman) for the red mafia team.

Your town MVPs are @Shrike (Only) and @Ratchet (The Winslow), as well as @DrProfessor83 (Raelle Collar) for winning both the Host Roast and the role-making contest. Who knew the Professor was so multitalented?!

Your runners-up for MVP are @SoulKiller (Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff), @Karma (Shigeo Kageyama), and @Draekke (Google Translate).

I want to use this opportunity to give special mention to SoulKiller, who went from actually being entirely replaced from the game to winning the whole thing. I truly appreciate your perseverance.

Thank you all for another wonderful Favorites!
I didn’t ask for that. Should have gone for the win. I’m sorry but I just don’t want to play lol.

aww come on :catsadfeels

u should play, its pokemon and ur gonna have fun

now i want to get this off my chest


out of everybody


in group 2

you give



the ghost role

and now we have to suffer him being alive for the rest of the game

:reeee :reeee :reeee :reeee :reeee

this was actually incredibly funny in dead chat when nitty told us how often u asked to get ratchet out of the game :dead

Pierre Poilievre
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Your Local Representative] -
Pierre is a successful politician. If Pierre's alignment is investigated, he will appear to be innocent. If Pierre's abilities are investigated, he will appear as the following fake role:

Pierre Poilievre
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Town Hall] -
Pierre wants to hear the concerns of his constituents. Pierre will be added to all private town chats, and upon joining the host will display Pierre's role in the chat.

[Active - Tactical - Referendum] - During the night Pierre can move to discuss another player, making them eligible for lynching the next day. Pierre cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Physical - Royal Canadian Mounted Police] - During the night, Pierre can send the police to follow another player and learn who they visit.

[Active - Tactical - CTV News] - During the day, Pierre can anonymously broadcast the result he received from [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] the previous night in the game thread.

[Innate - Town Hall] - Pierre will be added to all private town chats, and upon joining the host will display his fake role in the chat.

[Active - Tactical - Poisoning the Well] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can send an anonymous message through the host to one of the private town chats he's part of. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle.

[Passive - Getting Ahead of the Story] - Pierre is well connected with the local media. If another player uses an investigative ability on Pierre or one of his teammates, Pierre will learn the result but not who used the ability. Pierre will also delay the result from reaching its user by one phase.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Bribery and Corruption] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can pay the media to help him kill a story. Pierre can investigate one result he recently perceived with [Getting Ahead of the Story] to learn who received that result, and to further delay its return by another phase. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle, and he cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row. If Pierre is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Rules for Thee, Not for Me] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can hire a legal defense team to turn the truth on its head, editing the content of a result he recently perceived with [Getting Ahead of the Story]. When that result is delivered to its recipient at the end of the delay, its information will be changed to whatever Pierre decides. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle, and he cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row. If Pierre is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - Referendum] - During the night Pierre can move to discuss another player, making them eligible for lynching the next day. Pierre cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Tactical - Pardon My French] - During the night, Pierre can pardon another player to make them ineligible for lynching the next day. Pierre can only pardon each player once.

[Active - Physical - Big Brother is watching you] - During the night, Pierre can have 3 players followed to learn who they visit.

[Active - Tactical - CTV News] - During the day, Pierre can anonymously broadcast one of the results he received from [Big Brother is watching you] the previous night in the game thread. Of course, Pierre doesn't need to be honest, so he can make up and broadcast an entirely fake result.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Government Coverup] - During the night Piere can enact a scheme to janitor the body of one player his team kills that night, hiding their role, but not alignment, from the game thread. Piere cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row, and if Piere is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

my role @DrProfessor83
Anyway! Let's celebrate some of the fabulous performances we had the privilege of witnessing this game.

Your mafia MVPs are @Ekkologix (Pierre Poilievre) for the purple mafia team, and @JoJo (Sabrina Spellman) for the red mafia team.

Your town MVPs are @Shrike (Only) and @Ratchet (The Winslow), as well as @DrProfessor83 (Raelle Collar) for winning both the Host Roast and the role-making contest. Who knew the Professor was so multitalented?!

Your runners-up for MVP are @SoulKiller (Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff), @Karma (Shigeo Kageyama), and @Draekke (Google Translate).

I want to use this opportunity to give special mention to SoulKiller, who went from actually being entirely replaced from the game to winning the whole thing. I truly appreciate your perseverance.

Thank you all for another wonderful Favorites!

@DrProfessor83 wins Town MVP after being literally pocketed and responsible for town trust on a mafia godfather all game? :dead

also this election is racist towards indies, I don't care if Fuji wins over me but clearly you need an indie prize

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