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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Karma could be lylo because of vote silence
SK could be lylo because of op abilities we are unaware of
prof/ekko/kira could be lylo if there are that many purple left
Lind/Kira could be lylo if one of them is indie

Pretty sure those are the only realistic lylo possibilities. Am I mistaken?

Also, let's say we lynched a townie on accident. Purple and redfia would still have a chance to interact with each other tonight, so it's weird for Nitty to say this is a lylo in that scenario. That means faction kills are kinda irrelevant.
Karma could be lylo because of vote silence
SK could be lylo because of op abilities we are unaware of
prof/ekko/kira could be lylo if there are that many purple left
Lind/Kira could be lylo if one of them is indie

Pretty sure those are the only realistic lylo possibilities. Am I mistaken?

Also, let's say we lynched a townie on accident. Purple and redfia would still have a chance to interact with each other tonight, so it's weird for Nitty to say this is a lylo in that scenario. That means faction kills are kinda irrelevant.
I think it's lylo because of Karma, he has some busted abilities, he has vote power and vote silence, and apparently has 3 roles under his own control, didn't you see him boasting about it before nitty confirmed it was lylo?
I'm not gonna interact with you unless you say who the poisoner was or start open scumming.
Crown me as King and I'll let you know. Promise, or if you promise me Karma get lynched this DP. Which requires you to crown me as king to make sure he gets lynched. Because I don't trust anyone but me to make the right choice at this point of the game. Otherwise it's gg for town.
Crown me as King and I'll let you know. Promise, or if you promise me Karma get lynched this DP. Which requires you to crown me as king to make sure he gets lynched. Because I don't trust anyone but me to make the right choice at this point of the game. Otherwise it's gg for town.

I'm not gonna interact with you unless you say who the poisoner was or start open scumming.

If you are town, you are costing town the game right now. You will be crowned worst town in the game. Sry, I don't make the rules.
He's not Town. Lynch SK, then lynch Karma.


Karma gets yeeted, avoid lylo and maybe with an extra day this town can actually find last purple. Although hopes are low at this point. I am almost reaching apathy levels. You guys can blame yourselves after the game lol.
1. @Badalight
2. @DrProfessor83
3. @Ekkologix
4. @Karma
5. @Kira Yagami
6. @Lind
7. @Saturday
8. @SoulKiller

I am dead after this cycle, which brings total numbers down to 7. Let's say we lynch a town, then it's down to 6 - probably 4 town and 2 scum on different teams. Is this a loss? Wouldn't purple and red still have a chance to take each other out? If this is lylo, it would mean Karma is not poisoned and that he can survive a faction kill. It would be 5 players left and Karma would vote silence everyone except himself. Game over yes?

For SK, we basically are just assuming he has a power we don't know about. It's true that purple had some vote power shenanigans, but I'm not sure how that would be lylo. Let's say we lynch a townie bringing it down to 6. SK kills someone and it's down to 5. He controls the lynch and takes it down to 4, then kills someone at night and it's 3. He would lose the lynch because he can't nominate himself twice in a row.

I think both of those scenarios are lylo. Now the question is, would either scenario still be lylo if we hit scum? If we hit SK and Karma does not die from poison, I believe he can still control the lynch so we'd lose right? But with these new riles he can't control the lynch twice in a row. Still, I don't know if Nitty would randomize a king if everyone got 0 votes.
Someone help me with this math. SK or Karma, which is more likely to be a game ending role?
@Ekkologix @DrProfessor83 @Saturday @Kira Yagami @Lind @Ratchet @Alibaba Saluja @Karma @SoulKiller @Shizune @Badalight

We should use the Law of Balance to correctly assess the theory behind the construction, distribution and quality of roles. It is stated that, according to this Law, in order to have a balance in all things that the less numbered faction should have a better quality of roles in order to balance things. As quantity is inversely proportional to quality, we can infer that SK has a better role.
Purple have less numbers and less ways to avoid the lynch, and Karma probably doesn't flaunt his three roles if he just needed SoulKiller lynched to win.

But if Karma can avoid the lynch, then he can do so on any other day as well. If we don't lynch anyone today, how is that a lylo? We'd still have 2 mafia factions fighting each other. I don't think lynching Karma is lylo because of a lynch stopper. If he is the lylo choice, it's because of his vote silence.

I agree on your second point though. Weird for Karma to act desperate if he is this close to winning. He would likely slink in the background to wait and see if we went after SK instead.
But if Karma can avoid the lynch, then he can do so on any other day as well. If we don't lynch anyone today, how is that a lylo? We'd still have 2 mafia factions fighting each other. I don't think lynching Karma is lylo because of a lynch stopper. If he is the lylo choice, it's because of his vote silence.

I agree on your second point though. Weird for Karma to act desperate if he is this close to winning. He would likely slink in the background to wait and see if we went after SK instead.
I'm not saying Karma specifically has ways to avoid the lynch, I'm saying overall Red has more lynch immunity than Purple. I can't speculate on LyLo, I have no idea what could be driving it.
Someone help me with this math. SK or Karma, which is more likely to be a game ending role?
@Ekkologix @DrProfessor83 @Saturday @Kira Yagami @Lind @Ratchet @Alibaba Saluja @Karma @SoulKiller @Shizune @Badalight
My guess is SK. There were way more Red mafia so I doubt a single Red mafia has the power to win the game here. Worst scenario is Saturday is also Red somehow but Lind says Fuji told him how many Red were left. And Karma says Fuji was in their chat so if so then he would know.

SK is probably the stronger individual to make up for Purple having fewer members. I’m just a little concerned he might survive the lynch but he’s not playing like it.
Just vote for Prof, then if it goes wrong we can blame him.
That’s always been my go to lol.
Think of it this way Prof - this will either be another cholera job on your record or your redemption. Or, you just listen to me and lynch SK. That way the responsibility is on me anyway.
I’m just gonna follow you. Then, if it works, I’ll take all the credit. And if it fails, I’ll remind people I was just following orders lol.
Here's the plan.

We lynch either SK or Karma

Then we lose to Lind

Perfect keikaku
if lind is hostile

then maybe its karmas vote silence keeping him in check

so if we lynch karma lind wins

but if we lynch sk. we get to lynch karma or lind next day

karma said he vote silence 4 players and added his name to them. maybe he has to vote silence himself and 3 other players

sk is just the safest bet imo
if lind is hostile

then maybe its karmas vote silence keeping him in check

so if we lynch karma lind wins

but if we lynch sk. we get to lynch karma or lind next day

karma said he vote silence 4 players and added his name to them. maybe he has to vote silence himself and 3 other players

sk is just the safest bet imo

Can we really teust Karma's words though?

He seems to want to lynch someone else aside from Lind I think.

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