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I die at the end of this phase.
Okay Bada says he dies at the end of this phase. I assumed next night for some reason.

So today we’d be losing 2 alive players including Bada.

But this still doesn’t change the fact that there will be at least 2 town left alive next day phase unless I completely underestimated the number of kills and many variables interacting with each other.

I also assume that Bada could have had his actions processed last night due to how his role works despite him dying.

Could you tell us your actions last night Bada?
Just make me king, and I shall reveal the truth to you. I mean, I know last purple and we know red scum. Karma seems into something and the best bet is to yeet him tbh. If it's really down to me or him, then lynching me you lose the game, but if you yeet karma. Then you prevent the lylo atleast, I am poisoned and it's matter of time before I hit the bucket.
You do realize I have no vote power today, SK?

And I won’t be crowned here. So the decision and vote is not mine. Just reveal the name if you’re really town.
@SoulKiller If you really are town and are witholding info on last scum, then to hell with you imo

Unless you reveal that info, you are scum in my eyes and you have no right to complain post game if you were town holding onto the information.
I am doing this to prevent townies from losing the game sorry. Because if you mislynch me now, you will lose the game and my knowledge of last purple will die with me. In addition, Karma is most likely the reason it's lylo, I don't think purple has voting power nor are they alot in members, very unlikely. Karma is probably lying about being poisoned and he outed that he has control over 3 roles somehow, and then soon after that the lylo thing was brought up. I think red is the reason this is lylo situation. Karma has to be yeeted here.
Okay Bada says he dies at the end of this phase. I assumed next night for some reason.

So today we’d be losing 2 alive players including Bada.

But this still doesn’t change the fact that there will be at least 2 town left alive next day phase unless I completely underestimated the number of kills and many variables interacting with each other.

I also assume that Bada could have had his actions processed last night due to how his role works despite him dying.

Could you tell us your actions last night Bada?

I used my one-shot will is basically an offensive flash that also cures rolecrush and delays my death for one cycle if I happen to die while it's active. Ergo, that's why I am dying at the end of this day phase.

Then I roleblocked SK. Did SK claim any actions last night?
I am doing this to prevent townies from losing the game sorry. Because if you mislynch me now, you will lose the game and my knowledge of last purple will die with me. In addition, Karma is most likely the reason it's lylo, I don't think purple has voting power nor are they alot in members, very unlikely. Karma is probably lying about being poisoned and he outed that he has control over 3 roles somehow, and then soon after that the lylo thing was brought up. I think red is the reason this is lylo situation. Karma has to be yeeted here.
No, you see the thing is... we are lynching you UNLESS you reveal that info.

And answer the question. Why didn't your passive reveal that Iwan targeted you with a super kill?
You do realize I have no vote power today, SK?

And I won’t be crowned here. So the decision and vote is not mine. Just reveal the name if you’re really town.
I won't, I don't trust town anymore. If you guys decide to mislynch me here, then i'll flip townie and my knowledge of last purple dies with me and you guys lose the game anyways cause it's lylo. We lynch karma here and prevent lylo. If I get crowened as king. I will reveal who is last purple and yeet Karma. This is the best approach.
No, you see the thing is... we are lynching you UNLESS you reveal that info.

And answer the question. Why didn't your passive reveal that Iwan targeted you with a super kill?
No, I won't work with unreasonable town anymore. I don't care anymore if town win or lose, it's impossible working with you people. Either we lynch Karma or mislynch me and lose the game. The choice is yours.
Withholding info is so scummy like this lol. Especially when we don’t even know who’s causing the Lylo - Purple or Red.

I used my one-shot will is basically an offensive flash that also cures rolecrush and delays my death for one cycle if I happen to die while it's active. Ergo, that's why I am dying at the end of this day phase.

Then I roleblocked SK. Did SK claim any actions last night?
SK said he was poisoned tonight and Kira tried to target Karma and SK, but was role blocked.

@SoulKiller did you claim your last night actions?
Withholding info is so scummy like this lol. Especially when we don’t even know who’s causing the Lylo - Purple or Red.

SK said he was poisoned tonight and Kira tried to target Karma and SK, but was role blocked.

@SoulKiller did you claim your last night actions?
I have no shots left, didn't do any actions and I am poisoned.
Because the ability was delayed, meaning the super kill did not hit me yet. I only know of abilities that directly hit me in the game.

Bullshit. That's not how the delayed superkills work in this game. I'm fairly certain Nitty said the exact opposite. Delayed actions can only be stopped/watched the night they are sent, not the night they actually happen via delay.
Withholding info is so scummy like this lol. Especially when we don’t even know who’s causing the Lylo - Purple or Red.

Not really, it's my only ticket to survive because if I get mislynched I lose. I know that red is the cause of lylo, so we either crown me as king and I lynch karma and reveal last purple, or town mislynch me and lose the game anyways. Literally only way we winning this game, because I know i am town. You might hate the idea, but it's fact.

Also no one targeted me yesterday with anything for the exception of the poison ability. Which I know the player.
Bullshit. That's not how the delayed superkills work in this game. I'm fairly certain Nitty said the exact opposite. Delayed actions can only be stopped/watched the night they are sent, not the night they actually happen via delay.
go read my passive again, I would of knew it was iwan the next night when the super kill actually hit me..... but I would of been dead anyways if that happened.
Not really, it's my only ticket to survive because if I get mislynched I lose. I know that red is the cause of lylo, so we either crown me as king and I lynch karma and reveal last purple, or town mislynch me and lose the game anyways. Literally only way we winning this game, because I know i am town. You might hate the idea, but it's fact.

Also no one targeted me yesterday with anything for the exception of the poison ability. Which I know the player.
You are fucking lying. You said you didn't know who superkilled you because it never hit you, but you know who poisoned you even though you have not been hit by the poison yet?

Tell the truth dude.
Not really, it's my only ticket to survive because if I get mislynched I lose. I know that red is the cause of lylo, so we either crown me as king and I lynch karma and reveal last purple, or town mislynch me and lose the game anyways. Literally only way we winning this game, because I know i am town. You might hate the idea, but it's fact.

Also no one targeted me yesterday with anything for the exception of the poison ability. Which I know the player.
Karma can be the cause of the Lylo. Yes, it is possible.

But someone can still lynch Karma and you can still give us the name.
You are fucking lying. You said you didn't know who superkilled you because it never hit you, but you know who poisoned you even though you have not been hit by the poison yet?

Tell the truth dude.
I have been hit by the poison, what you on about? lol. The delayed super kill I was not, I was marked by it, but technically speaking it did not affect me in any way so I was unable to know the person because i was not technically hit by the super kill.
Karma can be the cause of the Lylo. Yes, it is possible.

But someone can still lynch Karma and you can still give us the name.
The thing is, I don't trust anyone you people crown to not lynch karma here. I know these fuckers gonna mislynch me instead, so only way I am outing purple is that I get crowned, then we yeet karma, and out last purple and we win the game. Not out purple and then get mislynched cause people refused to look at hard factual facts that I am townie and still game throwing. Sorry, I won't do.
Poison kills you instantly so no, you have not been hit by the poison.
Poison does not kill you instantly lmao, go read it's effects..... I am poisoned, the ability hit me already. I am dying man now.

Look at the poison ability :

[Poison] - The victim is roleblocked the first night, role crushed the second night, and dies the third night. The kill bypasses normal defensive and protective abilities. Poisons do not count as killing abilities for ability terminology and phrasing purposes.
Why didn't you get information when Iwan marked you?
as I already explained, marking has no affects. hence it did not get picked up by my passive. Simple really, I only get aware of abilities that actually affect me. I would of knew it was iwan the next night when the super kill actually hit me and I get affected. But that would of killed me anyways.
You may think I’ve played poor and use that as justification for not reading me town, but that’s your subjective opinion.

Also, yeah, you’ve been wrong on me since day 1 about your tinfoil of me being indie. At least we agree on that going on long enough.

Also, your only concern with Fuji’s lie is that I called him Town rather than Pro-Town when the distinction is redundant here. His intentions were to help town as much as any townie and he played for town as much as any hard working townie of his own volition.

The disparity in labeling Fuji Town rather than what he really is - Pro-Town means nothing since he really played for town.

So the lie you’re using to justify me being scum is just a dumb point that is contextually nonsense at worst, and nitpicking just for the sake of it at best.
It's not because I have already said if you are hostile there is nothing we can do. So what is the point of this?
I used my one-shot will is basically an offensive flash that also cures rolecrush and delays my death for one cycle if I happen to die while it's active. Ergo, that's why I am dying at the end of this day phase.

Then I roleblocked SK. Did SK claim any actions last night?
I actually have questions here:
1) How do you use your 1-shot when you’re Role crushed? Is it [Innate] ?

2) So you’re not role crush immune, but the ability is basically like flash and it cures Role crush and let’s you live for a cycle when you die? A cycle meaning - Last night and this day phase?

I have no shots left, didn't do any actions and I am poisoned.
If your passive tells you who visited you, did you see Bada visiting you?

We know Bada wasn’t Role blocked since his 1-shot went off. Unless he was redirected to Kira who claims to have been blocked.
I actually have questions here:
1) How do you use your 1-shot when you’re Role crushed? Is it [Innate] ?

2) So you’re not role crush immune, but the ability is basically like flash and it cures Role crush and let’s you live for a cycle when you die? A cycle meaning - Last night and this day phase?

If your passive tells you who visited you, did you see Bada visiting you?

We know Bada wasn’t Role blocked since his 1-shot went off. Unless he was redirected to Kira who claims to have been blocked.

#2 is correct
I don't know, but that's when I got poisoned. The reason I targeted him was because I knew I could cure my rolecrush.
Hmm. Alright.

Honestly just looks like SK is trying to save himself from a lynch here by telling us he has a name.

Because beyond a redirect that affected you, you should have visited SK and he should have got your name. And if you’re not the poisoner, then he should have at least 2 names that visited him.
Hmm. Alright.

Honestly just looks like SK is trying to save himself from a lynch here by telling us he has a name.

Because beyond a redirect that affected you, you should have visited SK and he should have got your name. And if you’re not the poisoner, then he should have at least 2 names that visited him.

He is 100% lying. I roleblocked him last night. Would that affect his passive?
Fuji has a lot going on in real life. I don’t know anymore than that why he conceded, but he was always fighting for town.

He told me that he was my guardian angel and that he would leave the game if I were to die. He won with us.
So you didn't see the wincon for yourself. I suppose it doesn't matter now anyway.

By the way, when I said I wasn't impressed with your play, I was specifically referring to the hypothetical that you are indeed a hostile Indie. I don't know whether you taking it as me saying you played poorly straight up was a freudian slip or you simply misread my post. But I said nothing about the standard of your play if you're Town here, I wanted to make that clear.
So you didn't see the wincon for yourself. I suppose it doesn't matter now anyway.

By the way, when I said I wasn't impressed with your play, I was specifically referring to the hypothetical that you are indeed a hostile Indie. I don't know whether you taking it as me saying you played poorly straight up was a freudian slip or you simply misread my post. But I said nothing about the standard of your play if you're Town here, I wanted to make that clear.
Yeah I didn’t see the wincon. He sent me a message through the host every night. And the things he hinted in there and what he claims to have done for me sounded townie. Coupled with his play - he was just town to me.

You said I played atrociously poor if I am town. I took it as you saying I haven’t played well enough to be town read. If that is your read, I already said it’s your opinion.

On the subject of Fuji, I believe he didn’t lie to me and was extremely helpful to town. I’m just fed up with everyone saying he was anything else. And on the subject of me being indie - I’m town and at this point I’m Role crushed until death anyway, so you’ll see my town flip if the game doesn’t end before then.
Oh, no. Role blocks don’t affect passive abilities.
Still, he didn't see that I visited him. His claim on why he didn't see Iwan doesn't make sense either. He also claimed that Nitty answered his question when they were offline. It's lie after lie after lie. He can continue to come up with excuses, but that's all they are.

Like I said, he's either scum or fucking horrendous town. I don't know the player so hard for me to judge.
@SoulKiller Mate I just got confirmation from Nitty that tracking works on the day the superkill is initiated, not the day it actually goes off.

You're lying.
So SK is definitely lying, 100%. If he is lying as town he is literally throwing the game.
I actually have questions here:
1) How do you use your 1-shot when you’re Role crushed? Is it [Innate] ?

2) So you’re not role crush immune, but the ability is basically like flash and it cures Role crush and let’s you live for a cycle when you die? A cycle meaning - Last night and this day phase?

If your passive tells you who visited you, did you see Bada visiting you?

We know Bada wasn’t Role blocked since his 1-shot went off. Unless he was redirected to Kira who claims to have been blocked.

I will make this really simple for you bada. Playing dumb seems to be your forte, I said that I get notified when abilities affect me, a mark does nothing to me, so I don't get notified about it. Now, go and read my claim again. I am done answering your questions.

Lind, I get notified what abilities affected me during the np. This NP I only got notified that I was poisoned that's it. I investigated who poisoned me this DP. The fact that no other ability hit me means that Bada simply did not role block me. It could be because bada was redirected/roleblocked/etc. If I was roleblocked I would be notified about it

I’ve never seen SK Play this way as town. He might really be scum here.

He’s usually way more level headed than this.

I am actually very level headed right now.
I will make this really simple for you bada. Playing dumb seems to be your forte, I said that I get notified when abilities affect me, a mark does nothing to me, so I don't get notified about it. Now, go and read my claim again. I am done answering your questions.

Lind, I get notified what abilities affected me during the np. This NP I only got notified that I was poisoned that's it. I investigated who poisoned me this DP. The fact that no other ability hit me means that Bada simply did not role block me. It could be because bada was redirected/roleblocked/etc. If I was roleblocked I would be notified about it

I am actually very level headed right now.

So yeah, SK you are lying.

There is one last bit of info about my one-shot that I did not reveal. Remember when I said it cures role-crush? That's because it acts as basically a pseudo flash. Not just defensively either, but offensively.

I cannot be redirected or rolecrushed when my one-shot is active.

You are lying.
Still, he didn't see that I visited him. His claim on why he didn't see Iwan doesn't make sense either. He also claimed that Nitty answered his question when they were offline. It's lie after lie after lie. He can continue to come up with excuses, but that's all they are.

Like I said, he's either scum or fucking horrendous town. I don't know the player so hard for me to judge.
So yeah, SK you are lying.

There is one last bit of info about my one-shot that I did not reveal. Remember when I said it cures role-crush? That's because it acts as basically a pseudo flash. Not just defensively either, but offensively.

I cannot be redirected or rolecrushed when my one-shot is active.

You are lying.
You know, if screen shotting my damn results were allowed, I would post the screen shot. I didn't get notified that I was role blocked make of that what you will, I literally don't' care anymore, only poisoned, there is literally no point for me to even lie about this. I have no actions to do.

Maybe is that you died and your actions got dropped?
You know, if screen shotting my damn results were allowed, I would post the screen shot. I didn't get notified that I was role blocked make of that what you will, I literally don't' care anymore, only poisoned, there is literally no point for me to even lie about this. I have no actions to do.

Maybe is that you died and your actions got dropped?

Nope. My actions went through. Nitty confirmed. And I cannot be redirected.

And if Nitty made a mistake, he would probably say so in the thread like he did when he forgot to process my night action back on night 3.
I won't be surprised if you have no idea what you are talking about. Better look at other players and try and find actual scum if you wanna win the game. We will have one more phase when karma get lynched. Otherwise, it's gg.
He didn't you simply did not role block me lol. Otherwise I would be notified about it like the 4 other times I actually got role blocked.

Nitty mod confirmed my role block was a success. My actions last night could not be redirected.

It's either a Nitty mistake or you are lying. Choose. If you aren't lying, then ping Nitty. Right now. I dare you.
Nitty mod confirmed my role block was a success. My actions last night could not be redirected.

It's either a Nitty mistake or you are lying. Choose. If you aren't lying, then ping Nitty. Right now. I dare you.


I have literally no reason to lie. I simply did not get role blocked this NP. Nitty himself confirmed it for me. Like if he did a mistake he would correct it, but he didn't so as of it stand right now. Nobody role blocked me, meaning your action didn't go through for whatever reason, sorry not sorry, I know understanding is a bit difficult.

I have literally no reason to lie. I simply did not get role blocked this NP. Nitty himself confirmed it for me. Like if he did a mistake he would correct it, but he didn't so as of it stand right now. Nobody role blocked me, meaning your action didn't go through for whatever reason, sorry not sorry, I know understanding is a bit difficult.

Ping nitty or admit you're lying. Those are the only 2 options.
Yes he will. He literally already did it this game when he failed to process my night action. Stop making excuses.
He did process my passive ability tho and he did not notify me that I was role blocked, only that I was poisoned . Are you scum bada? this tunneling when I gave you a clear answer is very scummy. You did not flip like Iwan and Hero who both flipped purple. This behavior of yours makes since as scum. Whelp, I guess if you are scum and died. Then no point bothering with you anymore lol.
You said I played atrociously poor if I am town. I took it as you saying I haven’t played well enough to be town read. If that is your read, I already said it’s your opinion.
It's not about playing well or not well. My opinion is just that yes, an opinion. Atrocious was overly harsh, though. This is kind of whatever, but if you are town I will not be annoyed or whatever, in fact I am banking on you being town now because I have no other choice but to hope you are.
He did process my passive ability tho and he did not notify me that I was role blocked, only that I was poisoned . Are you scum bada? this tunneling when I gave you a clear answer is very scummy. You did not flip like Iwan and Hero who both flipped purple. This behavior of yours makes since as scum. Whelp, I guess if you are scum and died. Then no point bothering with you anymore lol.

Okay coward. I'll do it @Shizune

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