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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Day 4 - Final vote count
Day 4 Final vote count
Spoiler: Lynch votes
1. @Admiral Fujitora - John Wayne
2. @Alibaba Saluja - John Wayne
3. @Alwaysmind - John Wayne > Nfcnorth
4. @Badalight - John Wayne
5. @DrProfessor83 - John Wayne > Nfcnorth
6. @Ekkologix - John Wayne
7. @Hero - Nfcnorth
8. @Hidden - John Wayne
9. @Iwandesu
10. @John Wayne - Nfcnorth
11. @Karma - John Wayne
12. @Kira Yagami - John Wayne
13. @Legend - John Wayne
14. @Lind - John Wayne
15. @Lord Melkor - Nfcnorth
16. @Mich - SoulKiller
17. @nfcnorth
18. @Santí - John Wayne
19. @Saturday
20. @SoulKiller - Fuji > Nfcnorth
21. @Traveling Swordsman - John Wayne

Lynch leaderboard

@John Wayne - 11
@nfcnorth - 5

@John Wayne will be lynched.

Thank you host for the game, and good luck town!!!! You fucking got this!! I think?
Day 4 - John Wayne (Gordon Freeman) is lynched
@John Wayne (Gordon Freeman) was lynched!

Gordon Freeman
From Half-Life

durability rating: 4

[Active - Tactical - Fixer Upper] -
Gordon is responsible for maintaining the academy’s original creations. During the night, Gordon can visit 2 of his creations to protect them against roleblocks, redirects and controlling abilities. Gordon will also mark them with [Photon Barrier].

[Photon Barrier] - If this player is targeted with a block, crush, redirect or control ability, the player who deployed this barrier will gain one stack of [The Photon Dance]. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[The Photon Dance] - Gordon Freeman is manipulating photons! If Gordon reaches 5 stacks, he will automatically consume them to gain an extra charge of [Now You’re Thinking With Photons].

[One Shot Active - Physical - Now You’re Thinking With Photons] - During the day or during the night, Gordon can harvest the power of photons to either cure all his creations or one of his non-creation teammates of all negative ability effects such as poisons, role crushes and bleeds. Gordon can also busdrive his targets with other players, redirecting abilities used on them to those players and vice verse for the rest of the cycle.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Working Overtime] - Gordon can stay late at work, enabling him to use [Fixer Upper] on all his creations that night. Gordon must rest, so he can’t use this ability 2 nights in a row. If Gordon is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - 9 AM Meeting] - Gordon can host a mandatory work meeting to improve [Now You’re Thinking With Photons], causing it to affect all his teammates. If Gordon is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Pet Project] - Gordon can choose one of his creations as his favorite, tethering that creation to himself. If Gordon's target dies, their death will be delayed until Gordon also dies. If Gordon is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Physical - Taking Matters into your Own Hands] - Gordon can remind Melodie that she is disposable. For that night Gordon will personally perform the faction kill, and he will upgrade the kill to a superkill. Melodie will be warned this was done to keep her in line. If Gordon is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

John Wayne, you are kind, you are fine, and now in the dead chat you'll be all mine! I truly enjoy your company, and I enjoy hosting for you. Thank you for another year of good times.

Now, you must sashay away.

His pet projects, @Iwandesu (A Sentient 7) and @Hero (Envy), left the game with him.


A Sentient 7
from real life
durability rating: 2

[Innate - Math is Inevitable] -
The power of math grows over time. At the end of even numbered night phases, the Sentient 7 will permanently increase its own durability rating by 1 and then heal itself. The Sentient 7's durability rating cannot increase past 5.

[Active - Tactical - All The World's a Database] - During the night the Sentient 7 can begin converting another player into data, marking them with [First World Problems]. In the writeup, the host will announce that a Sentient 7's target is going to be superkilled, and that other players can save them by visiting them to accept some of the damage themselves. The Sentient 7 cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row, and the Sentient 7 cannot use this ability on the same target as [Crystal Math].

[First World Problems] - This player is being converted into data. During the next night, they will be superkilled and this mark will expire. Other people can visit this player in the night to disperse the damage among themselves. If only 2 other players visit them, all 3 of them will be killed and they will all bleed. If between 3 and 5 players visit, they will all just be killed. If more than 5 players visit, they will all be made vulnerable instead.

[Active - Physical - Crystal Math] - During the night the Sentient 7 can begin destabilizing the matter around another player, marking them with [Math Addict] at the end of the night. In the writeup, the host will announce that a Sentient 7's target is booby trapped, and that anyone who visits them will be role crushed for the next cycle. The number of players the Sentient 7 can use this ability on corresponds to the cycle number; on night 2 the Sentient 7 can use this ability on 2 players, on night 3 it can be used on 3 players, and so on. The Sentient 7 cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row, and the Sentient 7 cannot use this ability on the same target as [All The World's a Dababase].

[Math Addict] - This player is destabilized! If another player visits them, that player will be role crushed for the following cycle. This mark expires at the end of the next night. The Sentient 7 cannot use this ability on the same target as [All The World's a Database].

[Passive - Rule of Threes] - On every 3rd night, the Sentient 7 can use [All The World's a Database] on 2 players.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Mathematical Breakthrough] - The Sentient 7 can achieve a breakthrough in computing, enabling it to use each [All The World's a Database] and [Crystal Math] on an extra player that night. If the Sentient 7 is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain an extra charge of this ability.

from Fullmetal Alchemist
durability rating: 4

[Passive - Jealousy Isn't Pretty] -
Envy is envious of humans' ability to form positive relationships with each other. If Envy visits another player on the same phase that a different player uses a protective or helpful ability on them, Envy will counter that ability and learn its effects. This counter is a physical effect.

[Active - Tactical - The Study of Humans] - Envy can study other players to learn how to imitate them. During the day, Envy can investigate 2 players to learn their roles and abilities, and if successful Envy will permanently mark them with [In My Skin].

[In My Skin] - Envy can impersonate this player.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - PHD in People] - Envy can intensify his studies, enabling him to use [The Study of Humans] on 4 players that day. Envy needs rest, so he cannot use this ability 2 days in a row. If Envy is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - The Shot Heard Round The World] - During the night, Envy can enact his greatest scheme to sabotage the town. For that night, Envy will corrupt the results of investigative abilities used on or by players marked with [In My Skin]. If Envy is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - Shapeshifter] - During the night, Envy can use his shapeshifting powers to impersonate one player marked by [In My Skin], permanently marking them with one stack of [Infamy]. For that night and the next day, Envy will redirect investigative abilities used on him to the player he's impersonating. For that night, Envy can submit fake actions for his target's abilities, and if that player is tracked they will appeared to have used Envy's actions instead of their own.

[Infamy] - Envy is impersonating this player, ruining their reputation. If this player has 2 stacks of Infamy, they will appear guilty to alignment investigations. If this player has 3 stacks of Infamy, they will be permanently isolated.

[Active - Tactical - Starting a War] - During the night Envy can lay a trap for 2 players, redirecting their investigative abilities to a player of Envy's choosing for the rest of the cycle.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - The Best Laid Plans] - During the day Envy can start preparing an advanced trap, enabling him to use [Starting a War] on 4 players that night. If Envy is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

With Iwandesu dead, @SoulKiller is no longer marked for death, and everyone else is freed of their booby traps.

Night 4 start
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Kingmaker lynch rules
Hello hello,

Some of you have burning questions! Why, they're burning almost as badly as @Laix 's crotch after Pride this year! And I'm here to answer them!

Here are the details about how the new kingmaker-style lynch will work:

1. For the first 23 hours of the day, you will vote with the command [vote crown PlayerName]. The player with the most votes when votes lock will be named king or queen, and will have the remaining hour to decide who will be lynched. The same person cannot be crowned 2 days in a row.

2. The king or queen will name a lynchee, and as many backup lynchees as they want. You can be specific about the order these backups should be used in. If you think you may be elected and you won't be here at the end of the day, you should send these to me in advance.

3. If the king or queen does not choose anyone, or if they do not provide enough backup lynchees, the responsibility will pass to the player with the next most votes, and so on until a lynch can be found.

Oh and... one more thing. The king or queen can say whatever they want in the thread, but their final lynch command will be given in their PM. So... good luck! And don't fuck it up.
Night 4 - Hidden (Gawr Gura), Legend (Mr. P) and Mich (Y'shtola) die
@Hidden (Gawr Gura), @Legend (Mr. P) and @Mich (Y'shtola Rhul) died tonight! @Lord Melkor (Bernkastel) also left the game.

Gawr Gura
from Hololive
durability rating: 3

[Innate - You're a fucking shark] -
Gawr Gura is a shark pretending to be a human on Hololive. If Gawr Gura's alignment is investigated, she will appear to be guilty.

[Active - Physical - Mommy Shark] - During the night, Gawr Gura can shield 2 players with her body to protect them against kills and permanently mark them with [Gawr Gura is Great!].

[Gawr Gura is Great!] - This player is a Gawr Gura fan! If this player investigates Gawr Gura's alignment, she will appear to be innocent.

[One Shot Active - Magical - Hololive Changes Lives] - Hololive can help its viewers find community and healing. Gawr Gura can activate this ability to heal the players she uses [Mommy Shark] on that night. If Gawr Gura is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - They accepted me as one of their own] - Gawr Gura uses Hololive to convince everyone that she is human. If another player posts in the game thread saying that Gawr Gura is a human or that Gawr Gura is playing as a human role, Gawr Gura can send their post to the host that day to gain an extra charge of [Hololive Changes Lives].

Lord Genome's dog, Mr. P, when Lord Genome has foolishly left an unwrapped and unattended McGriddle within line of sight of him
from real life
durability rating: 4

[One Shot Passive - James Genome to the Rescue] -
If Mr. P would be murdered then his owner, Lord Genome, will save him. For one cycle Mr. P cannot use any abilities or be affected by any abilities, and at the end of the cycle, Mr. P will be restored to 4 lives and cured of any negative status effects. If Mr. P is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - An Unwise Owner] - During the night Mr. P can sniff for the McGriddle left near him, marking him with [McGriddle Madness]. Mr. P cannot use this ability the same night as any other abilities.

[McGriddle Madness] - Mr. P is going crazy for a McGriddle, enabling him to use [Dastardly Dog Dash] and [Howl] for the next 2 nights. After 2 nights Mr. P will forget about the McGridde, and this mark will expire.

[Conditional Active - Physical - Dastardly Dog Dash] - During the night Mr. P can dart underneath 2 players to disarm them and mark them with [Mr. P!!!]. Mr. P cannot use this ability the same night as [Howl].

[Mr. P!!!] - This player is angry at Mr. P! This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Conditional Active - Tactical - Howl] - During the night Mr. P can unleash an ear-splitting howl to protect himself against kills. Players marked by [Mr. P!!!] will be so annoyed at Mr. P that any kills they use that night will be redirected to him. Mr. P will not redirect superkills. Mr. P cannot use this ability the same night as [Dastardly Dog Dash].

Y'shtola Rhul
from Final Fantasy
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Miqo'te] -
Y'shtola is revered for her knowledge of magic and language. If Y'shtola's alignment is investigated, she will appear to be innocent. If someone outside of Y'shtola's team uses a helpful ability on her, Y'shtola will learn their name, the effect of their ability, and mark them with [In Awe of Miqo'te]. Abilities Y'shtola redirects to herself will not trigger this ability.

[In Awe of Miqo'te] - This player is excited about meeting the famous Miqo'te! If this player uses any helpful abilities, they will be redirected to Y'shtola Rhul. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Active - Magical - Aquaveil] - During the night, Y'shtola can surround another player with water to permanently grant them an extra life and mark them with [Wet and Wild].

[Wet and Wild] - This player is wet!

[Active - Magical - Thunder] - During the night, Y'shtola can electrocute all players marked by [Wet and Wild], consuming the marks and superkilling those players. Y'shtola cannot use this ability the same night as [Aquaveil].

Do not post yet
Role making contest announcement
Hello hello,

I'm here early tonight, because I have something to say! This whole time, I've been sitting on a big, thick, hard, dark... secret! But the truth always comes to light, and I'm ready to bare it all!

Do you remember my friend @Xadlin (Mafia Host), from all the way back in group 2? Well for those of you who don't, let me remind you about Xadlin's role:

Mafia Host
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Active - Tactical - The Chosen Few] -
During the day, the Mafia Host can mark up to 3 players with [You're in my game now!].

[You're in my game now!] - This player's fate is being decided by the Mafia Host. This mark expires at the end of the night.

[Active - Magical - I make the rules!] - During the night, the Mafia Host can use this ability to either protect or roleblock everyone marked by [Youre in my game now!].

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Host Overreach] - The Mafia Host can try to rig the game, enabling them to use [The Chosen Few] on 4 players that day. If the Mafia Host is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Power Creep] - The Mafia Host can buff its own role to improve [I make the rules!]. If the Mafia Host protects its targets, they will also be healed. If the Mafia Host roleblocks its targets, they will be role crushed for that night and the next cycle instead. If the Mafia Host is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Two Shot Active - Magical - Player Engagement] - The Mafia Host will try to appease unhappy players. During the night, the Mafia Host can use this ability on 3 players to cure them of any poisons and/or role crushes affecting them. If the Mafia Host is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, they will gain 2 more charges of this ability. The Mafia Host cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row, and if the Mafia Host dies with unused charges of this ability, those charges will be randomly distributed out as one-shot abilities to living innocent players.

Well the truth is... I never distributed those charges of [Player Engagement], despite the role saying I would!

The reason is that this ability was made specifically to counteract the wide-coverage poison abilities held by @Oddjutsu (Sheogorath), @Shrike (Only) and @Worm Juice (Werner Heisenberg). After Oddjutsu and Shrike were eliminated early on, taking much of the game's poisoning power with them, I felt it would be unfair and unnecessary to hand this ability out.

But now things have changed! Well, a little bit. Many of you are currently sick and dying to various ailments, so I think it's time to deploy Xadlin's vaccine. Only now, you're going to have to work for it.

For the current cycle, I am going to hold an open-ended role making contest!

You have until the end of the night phase to privately send me the best original mafia role you can come up with. There are no restrictions or requirements for your role. The winner will receive a one-shot, all-purpose cure that can be used to immediately cure themselves or another player of all status ailments, and to restore all their missing lives. This one-shot will also bypass all blocks, crushes, etc.

I look for 2 things in a role: it must be fun to play, and it must be easy to understand.

For some of you, this contest is your only shot at survival. For others, denying this cure to anyone else may help guarantee your victory. Regardless which side you're on, everyone has a vested interested in winning this contest. So... good luck! And don't fuck it up.

Do not post yet
You what? No we lynch SK Ratchet, he lied about his invest and he lied about his actions.
If you think I have any doubt he is Scum, you are not paying much attention. Purple should be all but done here, so cutting Red down which could be as large as 4 currently is the optimal path. Telling me that he lied means nothing, because I am quite aware of this, and you really ought to be aware that I am aware too.
NFC, then Karma/SK, then SK/Karma, then TS, then Fuji. That should cover all the list and is a reasonable order.
Thats good list except yesterday you had us lynching JW then SK then Nfc then ,etc

Sk didnt die and I asked nitty and you can target mates with abilities like those. The whole thing of him “dying” felt like theatre to me.

Another thing, none of those three flipped poisoner. So its either SK or someone else and we gotta know.

It will be up to the king anyways.
If you think I have any doubt he is Scum, you are not paying much attention. Purple should be all but done here, so cutting Red down which could be as large as 4 currently is the optimal path. Telling me that he lied means nothing, because I am quite aware of this, and you really ought to be aware that I am aware too.
Wouldnt getting rid of one faction entirely mean less kills and bs at night?
Wouldnt getting rid of one faction entirely mean less kills and bs at night?
Potentially, but the risk is that Red is still 4 strong. It is unlikely that one purple will win the game from here. The only reason we would lynch SK here is if we fear there are more than one Purple left, which is not what you are arguing. From a risk-averse perspective, thinning Red further is the best play here. We also know that NFC will flip Red, and the Mafia groups can't team up and win together either. NFC, then SK or Karma, then Karma or SK.
Potentially, but the risk is that Red is still 4 strong. It is unlikely that one purple will win the game from here. The only reason we would lynch SK here is if we fear there are more than one Purple left, which is not what you are arguing. From a risk-averse perspective, thinning Red further is the best play here. We also know that NFC will flip Red, and the Mafia groups can't team up and win together either. NFC, then SK or Karma, then Karma or SK.
The thing is Ratchy, since this is SRM we dont exactly know the full extent of Sks abilities( I know he can redirect and rc and kill) and looking at Michs role she could superkill multiple people after she marked them so lets not gamble things here. I am hard to kill so thats 1 guaranteed alive guy the next day phase and they cant kill all of the rest in one night.

SK, and then the rest imo.
Yet they are only giving info about reds. Should we lynch TS then? Its a 2 for 1.
considering they lost 3 in one day, their best bet is to get us to yeet red obviously

why r u asking me this. i don't think anyone town reads TS here

@Traveling Swordsman we need your full claim today. character and everything
My argument is very clear and simple. There is a greater chance of more than one red remaining in the game than there is of more than one purple. Once both are down to 1 member we can endgame so the optimal path is to cntinue to reduce the numbers of the larger faction.

NFC being death immune throws something of a spanner in this though, because there is the risk of the lynch essentially being voided. I don't think it's likely, and TS *could* be Town, so the risk is mislynching when we have scum on the table. In that respect, Soul being lynched today is reasonable. Fuji, your perspective on this I find concerning. You, if Town, should be aware now that they had role-copped you, and put you in a list with Red to get the Town to lynch Town, not Red, to thin Town numbers first and then focus on Red. If they are following the same idea here, then TS would be Town that we gamble on mislynching to eliminate NFC.

If you believe the message, we can lynch Soul.
Otherwise, NFC is the best lynch.

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