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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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That's what 182 days, 13 hours and 26 minutes playing the game wants me to believe. You have no business being as stubborn as you are on this.
wiki + 10 hours and i can tell shes paimon tier

she is listed as one of main characters in wiki

its like scraping the bottom of a barrel for them
Why do you keep ignoring my asking you to vote John Wayne, in favour of discussing with someone you know is Scum?
I vote a liar.

You know we argue in mafia, SK and me. He is scum like John Wayne.
So, if i want to vote scum, why not SK?

I have to sleep unfortunately because is 11 pm. I will try to stay as much as i can but if i stop posting means i fell asleep
I am afraid it will be a dim day for townies my friend. I am flipping, alot of players are poisoned/bleeding and if they are townies then we are just doomed. With 4-5 red mafia players roaming around while also having to deal with purple mafia.

"I do not make friendship with filthy, dirty, useless, incompetent, pathetic, miserable purple scum. Begone!"​
I vote a liar.

You know we argue in mafia, SK and me. He is scum like John Wayne.
So, if i want to vote scum, why not SK?

I have to sleep unfortunately because is 11 pm. I will try to stay as much as i can but if i stop posting means i fell asleep
Lmao, only reason you replied to me because I caught you in your lie trying and trying to save your scum partner fuji. Sorry Michelle, as townie, you are much more fearsome.
I vote a liar.

You know we argue in mafia, SK and me. He is scum like John Wayne.
So, if i want to vote scum, why not SK?

I have to sleep unfortunately because is 11 pm. I will try to stay as much as i can but if i stop posting means i fell asleep
Because SoulKiller is getting superkilled. I told you this already. You will have no leeway after this.


"I do not make friendship with filthy, dirty, useless, incompetent, pathetic, miserable purple scum. Begone!"​

Just know ratchet, that you playing a factor if townies lose this game which is most likely in this scenario. Because you are incompetent to think and we saw how group 2 turned out. Townies got merked because scum had control over the thread most of the game and people like yourself who is an outed townie did nothing of use to make use of your position. I know you are usually harsh on yourself, so when you take this L. You can take a good reflection on the mirror. Also, follow my legacy reads when I get yeeted to the cosmos this NP. Although I really hope doctor heals me because we cannot afford losing townies when red mafia players are running rampage.

Just know ratchet, that you playing a factor if townies lose this game which is most likely in this scenario. Because you are incompetent to think and we saw how group 2 turned out. Townies got merked because scum had control over the thread most of the game and people like yourself who is an outed townie did nothing of use to make use of your position. I know you are usually harsh on yourself, so when you take this L. You can take a good reflection on the mirror. Also, follow my legacy reads when I get yeeted to the cosmos this NP. Although I really hope doctor heals me because we cannot afford losing townies when red mafia players are running rampage.

Do you know what is the sin?
It isn't because you ate the forbidden fruit.

Do you know what is the sin?
It isn't because you listened to the serpent.

You still don't know what is the sin?
Then, that itself is your sin.

-Frederica Bernkastel
Do Red even know who are their teammates though?
I believe they are aware of each other existence, Michelle reaction earlier just confirms it. There are as we speak 4-5 mafia right now, and I know I am town, I literally got a super kill my way and was shot by karma last NP. I ain't surviving this unless I get healed or god almighty interferes.

Also, Michelle, Karma, NFC voted for JW over Owner to avoid the lynch ropes. They were trying to help Owner not get lynched and also avoid themselves from the lynching ropes.

"Enjoy the Hunt, @SoulKiller! Once I've caught you, like a spider I will prepare you like a gourmet meal, and savour the sweet, succulent flesh and yur insides liquify and become undone."

The track is actually good! Although the rubbish you just said is false, I been scanned innocent twice, and got killed by mafia and a super kill because I actually see what is going on for what it is, they want people like yourself to run the thread so it would be an ez win for them. Although, I do believe my taste would be quite good. I mean, it's me afterall.
fwiw WPK or nat claimed in group 2 that flashing will not save you from delayed superkill

nor will it heal bleeding

so michele just got herself caught in a lie lol

sk probably attacked her and is surprised how she survived. the flash probably tanked SK's attack that night, but its not the reason for how she survived the delayed superkill + bleeding

that seems best explanation lol

So we have Red vs Purple in Michelle vs Soulkiller?
Red was telling us the same thing about voting Owner being game throwing lol.
My actual words were its giving purples an edge and people really need to stop underestimating them and assuming they are dealt with. Which is still true.

Also please stop this nonsense Y'shtola slander. Y'sthola is GOAT and any other opinions is objectively wrong
fwiw WPK or nat claimed in group 2 that flashing will not save you from delayed superkill

nor will it heal bleeding

so michele just got herself caught in a lie lol

sk probably attacked her and is surprised how she survived. the flash probably tanked SK's attack that night, but its not the reason for how she survived the delayed superkill + bleeding

that seems best explanation lol

A defensive flash will stop all damage on you that night, including bleeding
does it heal a delayed superkill or bleed from last night?

Marked for death is an exception to the way flash normally works. Defensive flash will stop the mark from being applied to you in the first place, but once it’s applied flashing won’t stop the damage from landing. Flashing also won’t stop people from visiting you to absorb the damage, even if technically your flash caused their visits not to work.

Flashing won’t heal you but it can stop you from taking damage from a bleed.

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