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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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The thing is Ratchy, since this is SRM we dont exactly know the full extent of Sks abilities( I know he can redirect and rc and kill) and looking at Michs role she could superkill multiple people after she marked them so lets not gamble things here. I am hard to kill so thats 1 guaranteed alive guy the next day phase and they cant kill all of the rest in one night.

SK, and then the rest imo.
Not interested. He won't be able to solo the game from here and he will be dead within a cycle or two. If you believe he is the only purple left, his game is just about done.
Im asking you if we should lynch TS instead of Sk here.
i dont care eitherway. i wud rather elimate the factional kill from purple first, but considering michele died last night im assuming purple is also hitting red at night.

unless a vig claims that mich kill ofc
considering they lost 3 in one day, their best bet is to get us to yeet red obviously

why r u asking me this. i don't think anyone town reads TS here

@Traveling Swordsman we need your full claim today. character and everything
The message is fake. I also redirected to Draekke who is confirmed town because I thought he was scum.
My argument is very clear and simple. There is a greater chance of more than one red remaining in the game than there is of more than one purple. Once both are down to 1 member we can endgame so the optimal path is to cntinue to reduce the numbers of the larger faction.

NFC being death immune throws something of a spanner in this though, because there is the risk of the lynch essentially being voided. I don't think it's likely, and TS *could* be Town, so the risk is mislynching when we have scum on the table. In that respect, Soul being lynched today is reasonable. Fuji, your perspective on this I find concerning. You, if Town, should be aware now that they had role-copped you, and put you in a list with Red to get the Town to lynch Town, not Red, to thin Town numbers first and then focus on Red. If they are following the same idea here, then TS would be Town that we gamble on mislynching to eliminate NFC.
Except Mich flipped scum and had similar abilities to what last day phases message listed, also they had my role name correctly. Dont see a reason to mistrust it here.
i dont care eitherway. i wud rather elimate the factional kill from purple first, but considering michele died last night im assuming purple is also hitting red at night.

unless a vig claims that mich kill ofc
Yeah no.

When people capable of reasoning are here, please let me know so I can discuss this with them.
My argument is very clear and simple. There is a greater chance of more than one red remaining in the game than there is of more than one purple. Once both are down to 1 member we can endgame so the optimal path is to cntinue to reduce the numbers of the larger faction.

NFC being death immune throws something of a spanner in this though, because there is the risk of the lynch essentially being voided. I don't think it's likely, and TS *could* be Town, so the risk is mislynching when we have scum on the table. In that respect, Soul being lynched today is reasonable. Fuji, your perspective on this I find concerning. You, if Town, should be aware now that they had role-copped you, and put you in a list with Red to get the Town to lynch Town, not Red, to thin Town numbers first and then focus on Red. If they are following the same idea here, then TS would be Town that we gamble on mislynching to eliminate NFC.

If you believe the message, we can lynch Soul.
Otherwise, NFC is the best lynch.
we can also do NFC first
then backup SK
then backup TS

in that order

or switch up SK and TS

we can do backups for the lynch in case it fails
The message is fake. I also redirected to Draekke who is confirmed town because I thought he was scum.
this isnt enough. u need to full claim ur actions from game 1 to here. specially the actions u did here
kaido could send messages to 2 redacted names. its probably luffy and zoro. and in ur role and luffy's role seems u can talk to each other as well, so u could be claiming someone's else's actions easily, r claiming actions that your team obtained from red members who got executed

imma be real with u m8. this redirect from game 1 means nothing. it does not clear u in any way. i suggest you start full claiming asap
Not interested, do whatever.
im here to discuss it if u wanna discuss it

on one hand i actually believe the message

the michele role was exactly the same, JW's flavor name was correct, and TS/owner/kaido roles are way too elaborate to be faked and make so much sense based on the info we have here

on another hand i want to eliminate purple factional kill

i could yeet TS here then soul next day

purple lost alot of kill power seeing the JW and iwan roles
NFC - Kaido

Durability: infinite

[Innate - The World’s Strongest Creature] - Immune to everything but execution.

[Innate - No King Rules Forever] - Two redacted teammates (would be Luffy and Zoro) know his abilities and they know his. If they both die then Kaido leaves the game.

[Active - Tactical - Den Den Mushi] - Can send a message to two redacted teammates each phase.

[Innate - The Beasts Pirates] - Knows the name of his son (this would match with the Kira info) but not his alignment.

[Active - Physical - Death Wish] - Redirect kills meant for a teammate to himself. If he is successful then he will mark them with [That felt great, do it again!]

[That felt great, do it again!] - Make the player redirect to Kaido if they use a killing ability. Consumed when triggers/expires after 2 cycles. If several killing abilities are used one will be randomly redirected.

[Two Shot Active - Magical - Kenbunshoku Haki] - At Night can use [Death Wish] on his entire team. Can’t use twice in a row. If alive for merge gets 2 more shots.

[One Shot Active - Physical - The marines couldn't do it, and neither can you!] - If Kaido is 1 of the top 3 voted players he Can straight up cancel the lynch that day.
You mean stalling and maybe getting vigs to go for me ? I am mafias biggest thorn and they cannot get rid of me. That clown actually tried rcing me again and got hit by it again.
How is this a real thought you have? You cannot seriously believe that SoulKiller can win the game, on his own, by getting a Vig to shoot you (over NFC/Karma/TS mind!) and stalling, what, 1 cycle? Do you believe Purple can win Day 6 with 1 alive? No. If Red have 4 alive though, maybe they could.
Are you not reading my posts? I've said so from the start. But you/Ekko/Prof have no interest in listening to anyone here, so have at it, I can't do anything about it.
I read your post, you said if Nfc is lynch immune Sk if he is not Nfc then Ekko proposed to have Nfc first and Sk follows then TS third and you just refused.
I read your post, you said if Nfc is lynch immune Sk if he is not Nfc then Ekko proposed to have Nfc first and Sk follows then TS third and you just refused.
I didn't say I refused, again reading helps. I said I'm not interested in a discussion when it's just me talking to three walls.
I didn't say I refused, again reading helps. I said I'm not interested in a discussion when it's just me talking to three walls.
ratchet we have barely began discussing it, don't you feel you are jumping onto conclusions too fast?

have you read the NFC role. does that change anything for you?
the list is the priority order, you are asking me why I told ali not to put karma 2nd in order. you okay m8?


I was asking you why arent you putting Karma at the end of the poe list jfc.
Gambling on NFC is what you literally just posted.
You are actually hopeless. See, this is why I just don't bother trying to work with you at all, you're just incapable.
My argument is very clear and simple. There is a greater chance of more than one red remaining in the game than there is of more than one purple. Once both are down to 1 member we can endgame so the optimal path is to cntinue to reduce the numbers of the larger faction.

NFC being death immune throws something of a spanner in this though, because there is the risk of the lynch essentially being voided. I don't think it's likely, and TS *could* be Town, so the risk is mislynching when we have scum on the table. In that respect, Soul being lynched today is reasonable. Fuji, your perspective on this I find concerning. You, if Town, should be aware now that they had role-copped you, and put you in a list with Red to get the Town to lynch Town, not Red, to thin Town numbers first and then focus on Red. If they are following the same idea here, then TS would be Town that we gamble on mislynching to eliminate NFC.

If you believe the message, we can lynch Soul.
Otherwise, NFC is the best lynch.
Bolded - Reasoning and position on why NFC is the best lynch.
Bolded - Argument against lynching TS today. Note the use of the word "gamble". It does not refer to lynching NFC, but lynching TS. The gamble is lynching TS. Hence why the sentence reads "gamble os mislynching". We have no chance of mislynching with NFC.
This was explained yesterday. The King puts their lynches in order, and then it cycles through that order until the first viable lynch is found. They can list as many as they please.
For further posterity:

I have not referred to NFC as a gamble of a lynch here. You can italicise, bold, red text that claim all you like, it will not be any more true. If he can cancel the lynch, he will do so at any time regardless.
Which is basically refusing the idea, why are you calling us walls when we’ve been trying to work with your idea?
Why would I refuse something that is in line with what I proposed? And no, me saying you three are brick walls is not "basically refusing the idea", if I were refusing I would refuse.
You are actually hopeless. See, this is why I just don't bother trying to work with you at all, you're just incapable.

Bolded - Reasoning and position on why NFC is the best lynch.
Bolded - Argument against lynching TS today. Note the use of the word "gamble". It does not refer to lynching NFC, but lynching TS. The gamble is lynching TS. Hence why the sentence reads "gamble os mislynching". We have no chance of mislynching with NFC.

For further posterity:

I have not referred to NFC as a gamble of a lynch here. You can italicise, bold, red text that claim all you like, it will not be any more true. If he can cancel the lynch, he will do so at any time regardless.
I read all of that. It doesn’t change what I said lol.

You want to roll the dice on NCF over SK here? If so you could have just saved your time and said yes lol.
[One Shot Active - Physical - The marines couldn't do it, and neither can you!] - If Kaido is 1 of the top 3 voted players he Can straight up cancel the lynch that day.
a) - We have no idea if this has already been used. I assume not.
b) - This would mark the fourth lynch avoiding ability Red would have.
c) - Kingmaker should void him from being voted by anyone. Might circumvent the ability entirely.
d) - Lynching TS over him here relies on TS being exactly Zoro.
e) - It's a one-shot.
f) - We *can* lynch SoulKiller and have an extra night to clarify TS' slot. Ideally Vig. It's better to lynch confirmed scum over likely scum.

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