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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Just like the rest of the executes. Maybe then you should hsve asked to not execute. if you apply that logic to Atlantic you should apply to the rest of them :bloblick
That logic doesn’t fly, since the execute is how Nitty wanted to deal with inactives.
Inactives aren’t much of a thing anymore with this merged game, which is why not executing is an actual strategy now.
That or I'm basically Vanilla and that's boring. I don't have a nice role like yours :bloblick

my role is only good because I’ve made good use of my abilities. If your role isn’t strong, maybe you should actually have some posting gameplay that tries to hunt mafia?

If my theory is true it cannot be stopped so id be revealing info about my role for no real benefit.

It's impossible for me to be purple so don't start tinfoiling.
Not impossible, just unlikely. All I’m saying is that dropping into like that when you’re not sure just adds to the misinformation and chaos.
That logic doesn’t fly, since the execute is how Nitty wanted to deal with inactives.
Inactives aren’t much of a thing anymore with this merged game, which is why not executing is an actual strategy now.

It flies because if you really think Atlantic shouldn't be killed because he could post later then you should have said something about it way earlier than now.

It's not about what Shizune decided. It's about you willing to say I killed an inactive with the counter argument that he could post later but never said anything about not executing people before using that argument "he could have posted later" :bloblick
It flies because if you really think Atlantic shouldn't be killed because he could post later then you should have said something about it way earlier than now.

It's not about what Shizune decided. It's about you willing to say I killed an inactive with the counter argument that he could post later but never said anything about not executing people before using that argument "he could have posted later" :bloblick
Yes but you’re the only one accelerating the execution, Ali. You choosing random people based on random comments from people not in our game isn’t a good use of that ability. A good use of that ability is waiting until there’s more than one suspicious person in the execution pile. Can’t believe I have to explain that
Yes but you’re the only one accelerating the execution, Ali. You choosing random people based on random comments from people not in our game isn’t a good use of that ability. A good use of that ability is waiting until there’s more than one suspicious person in the execution pile. Can’t believe I have to explain that

Thst's true. But I wanted to use abilities xD
Could care less what you do or don’t like. Play to the role you have. Anything else is super disrespectful of the mafia community and the host.

Not really. My personal opinion on a certain type of ability is not disrespectful :bloblick

If you think it is you should know accept that people are different and are entitled to have their own opinions without being a jab to anyone
Not really. My personal opinion on a certain type of ability is not disrespectful :bloblick

If you think it is you should know accept that people are different and are entitled to have their own opinions without being a jab to anyone
It’s just like when someone would quit because they don’t like being town. You sign up, you accept that you are going to accept a role you don’t like, and utilize the abilities in the best way to help your wincon. Whether you like your abilities or not shouldn’t matter.
It’s just like when someone would quit because they don’t like being town. You sign up, you accept that you are going to accept a role you don’t like, and utilize the abilities in the best way to help your wincon. Whether you like your abilities or not shouldn’t matter.

Sure but that doesn't mean I have to like all abilities and have the same amount of enjoyment regardless of the role. We are humans not machines Draekke.

We like things and we don't like other things. If we do things that we like we take more enjoyment out of it and vice versa. Also we get more motivated with things we like.

Which doesn't mean we don't accept it. I'm surprised I need to explain this.
Sure but that doesn't mean I have to like all abilities and have the same amount of enjoyment regardless of the role. We are humans not machines Draekke.

We like things and we don't like other things. If we do things that we like we take more enjoyment out of it and vice versa. Also we get more motivated with things we like.

Which doesn't mean we don't accept it. I'm surprised I need to explain this.
You said you’re basically vanilla aside from your executions, and all you have is stupid vote abilities. And given that you’re just fluff posting and seemingly using your abilities in bad circumstances, it leads me to believe you aren’t trying very hard, this not utilizing your abilities best for your wincon, so yea I feel like that disrespectful of us all.
You said you’re basically vanilla aside from your executions, and all you have is stupid vote abilities. And given that you’re just fluff posting and seemingly using your abilities in bad circumstances, it leads me to believe you aren’t trying very hard, this not utilizing your abilities best for your wincon, so yea I feel like that disrespectful of us all.

That's what you feel and I totally respect it. However keep in mind that that's your personal view and although it can be shared by more than one person it's not an universal truth. Same for me and my opinions.
You said you’re basically vanilla aside from your executions, and all you have is stupid vote abilities. And given that you’re just fluff posting and seemingly using your abilities in bad circumstances, it leads me to believe you aren’t trying very hard, this not utilizing your abilities best for your wincon, so yea I feel like that disrespectful of us all.
Is there some purpose to this? Feels pointless to me.
Is there some purpose to this? Feels pointless to me.
Yes, I believe if we don’t find the end of red mafia in Owner and nfc, that TS and Ali should be the ones to follow. People who don’t play the game as their wincon and best utilize their abilities shouldn’t sign up for a game, imo.

im pressing someone who I’ve found scummy all game. How is this pointless?
Yes, I believe if we don’t find the end of red mafia in Owner and nfc, that TS and Ali should be the ones to follow. People who don’t play the game as their wincon and best utilize their abilities shouldn’t sign up for a game, imo.

im pressing someone who I’ve found scummy all game. How is this pointless?

You're contradicting yourself here.

If you think I'm scummy then I'm using the abilities well.

If I'm not then I'm Town :bloblick
Mechanic / Characters in Game Speculation

huh, so I was thinking about submissions that haven't flipped but could be in game. I would say Iwandesu and Hero not dying could be mean that Thor from Stargate could be in game. Thor is from the Asgard race, and they technology to create a time loop or stop time from passing. They also have superior weaponry so those people who have been announced that they are targeted for super kills, that would could very well make here.

Ekkologix could be Teyla Emmagan one of my submissions. Teyla would make sense as some sort of JOAT. The framing ability or planting false information in messages would make some sense for her; it would likely be tactical or magical. Tracking does make sense. I'd suspect she would have some way to kill. And she should have some clairvoyance for people targeting her teammates. I can honestly see Teyla as any alignment, but it would make for her to be a part of some sort of groups: mason group, mafia group or indie group.

In terms of my Stargate and Stargate Atlantis knowledge, I give you exhibit A:
Mechanic / Characters in Game Speculation

huh, so I was thinking about submissions that haven't flipped but could be in game. I would say Iwandesu and Hero not dying could be mean that Thor from Stargate could be in game. Thor is from the Asgard race, and they technology to create a time loop or stop time from passing. They also have superior weaponry so those people who have been announced that they are targeted for super kills, that would could very well make here.

Ekkologix could be Teyla Emmagan one of my submissions. Teyla would make sense as some sort of JOAT. The framing ability or planting false information in messages would make some sense for her; it would likely be tactical or magical. Tracking does make sense. I'd suspect she would have some way to kill. And she should have some clairvoyance for people targeting her teammates. I can honestly see Teyla as any alignment, but it would make for her to be a part of some sort of groups: mason group, mafia group or indie group.

In terms of my Stargate and Stargate Atlantis knowledge, I give you exhibit A:
So if we could find out who has Thor and kill them, then I suspect maybe Hero and Iwan would actually die.
Day 3 - Execution rule change
Hello my fragrant friends,

They say your vote doesn't matter, but they're wrong! And today, it matters more than ever. Because there's a grassroots movement in this very game that wants to change everything!

I have astutely ascertained a growing sentiment that the execution has... overstayed its welcome. That you don't need it anymore! Well the execution is yours, meaning you can decide to abolish it.

However... the execution has feelings too! It's been here with you since day 1, and it won't take kindly to being thrown out! So once you abolish the execution, it's gone for good.

Today and every day from hereon, I am introducing a new command: [Vote No Execute]. If this option receives more votes than any of the execution candidates, there will be no execution that day or ever again.

Oh and... a friendly reminder. The game is balancing on a pin needle right now. The choices you make today may set in motion a series of events that ultimately decide the winner of this game.

So... good luck! And don't fuck it up!
Hello my fragrant friends,

They say your vote doesn't matter, but they're wrong! And today, it matters more than ever. Because there's a grassroots movement in this very game that wants to change everything!

I have astutely ascertained a growing sentiment that the execution has... overstayed its welcome. That you don't need it anymore! Well the execution yours, meaning you can decide to abolish it.

However... the execution has feelings too! It's been here with you since day 1, and it won't take kindly to being thrown out! So once you abolish the execution, it's gone for good.

Today and every day from hereon, I am introducing a new command: [Vote No Execute]. If this option receives more votes than any of the execution candidates, there will be no execution that day or ever again.

Oh and... a friendly reminder. The game is balancing on a pin needle right now. The choices you make today may set in motion a series of events that ultimately decide the winner of this game.

So... good luck! And don't fuck it up!

Translation: Lynch JW :bloblick
Ok firstly I’m posting on my phone and this is a wall post, so my apologies for not making it nicer

With me being targeted with the delayed Superkill, that if left unaided will kill me, I want to ensure all of my info is out now. I’m not going to beg for a protect or for people to visit me and eat a kill themselves, but if you can do so freely, I’ll accept it.

Unfortunately I don’t have my notebook with all my notes at the moment (also why I’m phone posting!!), so I may not be able to give you fully accurate info, but when I get home tomorrow, if I’m still alive, I’ll update everything on a phase by phase basis.

I am town, i am Google Translate, and the summary of my role:

durability 3

Ability - Bathroom in Spanish? - I can target a player each day, if they accept my services then they choose an ability, and it is reversed temporarily (a kill would be a protect, etc).
Ability - One Shot - Netizens of the World - I can upgrade the player’s ability as well as reverse its effects, i learn of said reversed upgraded ability (just a general description), and I gain a limited use ability based around that ability. Recharge at merge
Ability - Machine Learning - at night i target a player and perceive what language their role speaks. If I find a new language, I gain a limited use ability based on that language. They are also marked with a “big data” mark, which is used in the next abikity.
Ability - Datamining - I can choose a player marked with “big data” and learn who they visited the previous two nights.
Ability - One Shot - Relational Algebra - I can use Datamining on two people that night. Recharges at merge.

So far I have learned a new language each night, aside from night 1 of merge as I targeted hammer and roleblocked myself lol - so I’ve earned a number of limited use abilities this far. Also AndrewGreve accepted my services Day1, asking with the One shot to upgrade said ability and also learned a new ability there lol.

One Shots gained:
-A mark on target player - if they lose a life they lose two instead, and I gain one (thanks to AndrewGreve for accepting my help for this one - Netizens + Bathroom?)
-Kill, if it doesn’t kill the player, they bleed (from learning Japanese, thanks to targeting TS - tho it may have bounced since it seems he has a redirect defense of some sorts)
-A two-shot roleblock or roleblock protect (from learning Draconic, when I targeted Alwaysmind)
-A “pick a standard mafia ability” choose my own adventure ability that I chose to use as an alignment scan (from learning that Laix knew “all” languages)
-A “choose from roleblock, protect, track, which I chose to protect (from learning that Cooler knew whatever language his host knew, which was a big clue as to his role or The Thing I think lol)
-A one shot That allows me to have the host post a “new constitution” for the game (don’t ask me what that means exactly, I don’t know), but what I’ve been told is that any player who signs the constitution, which Nitty will ask you to do if you’d like, then your vote power becomes 1, and you can’t use vote tampering or lynch tampering ability. (Learned from Alibaba speaking English)
-Awaiting my next one shot from learning that Santi’s role speaks Elder Speech -appreciate the easy choice there when you were revealed lol.

My role started small, but got quite big really.

Everyone should be aware by now that nfc is a MF tank of a role that hasn’t lost a life since early in the game. On the night that everything got RNGd in group 1, my abilities bounced off my target TAC, hit TS and bounced off him, then landed on nfc. I was informed that my one shot kill did not succeed, and he was bleeding. I also placed a mark on him via the same RNG double bounce that would let me know if he were to lose a life. This was my first two one shots gained, above. And he hasn’t lost a life yet. I haven’t gained one from him losing one. Could use that right about now lol. Double RNG bounce to a MFing tank. My luck lol.

I have targeted literally all of my living “big data” marks on different nights, and so far none have turned up any results - until last night’s target.

@Alwaysmind - why did you visit Ishmael the night before the merge? And what did you target yourself (and others) with on night 1 of the merge? I think I know your role thanks to your language, and I believe it would make sense as a Miller, which is why I’ve been with you on that from the get go.

I used my protect one shot I gained on shrike the night he died originally - guess it wasn’t enough.

I used my two shot role block/role block protects I gained on Shrike - role block protect the night prior to him dying, and a roleblock on TAC

Finally I used my one shot alignment scan I gained to scan SoulKiller last night. Originally I got back that the scan was delayed. Then a number of hours into the phase I got the results “early” that he’s innocent. Not sure how I feel about that, and kinda think maybe SoulKiller gets to see who scans him and react prior to us getting the results? Grain of salt on this ability to be honest.

Oh I also forgot to mention I lost a life the night before merge. So I have two lives left. So the SK will definitely kill me lol.

So if I survive tonight, I’m going to use my one shot “constitution” ability so that tomorrow we can sign it or not. I’m going to leave it up to the town to decide what to do there. Use it for scum hunting? However you’d like to decide.


There is zero fact in here. Owner is group 2.

And LM in group 2.

Are you jester?

seems like we may have to take things into our own hands and roleblock or crush them like has been suggested. Unfortunately i have no such ability right now.

See above.

but you don’t need healing do you?

why karma? Odd choice in my opinion. Wouldn’t you want to choose someone more in the spotlight

Kills won’t work.

don’t think he’s needed your protecting. He’s tanking kills all game it seems.

Option 3: sow chaos and keep two mafia going and have more faction kills up.

Fair enough, good answer to my question. Cant delete cause my phone is acting up lol.

I scanned him town, but the info seemed suspect by it being delayed so I dunno what to think.

Don’t remember why I quoted this. This takes forever on a phone!!!

Let’s not forget that it’s possible that owner is lynch immune today as there were two dead red mafia abilities that have been shared with their mates due to the rule change that can lynch protect. Deus ex Machina and Peter Parker. Having two solid lynch piles is the best bet, Owner/JW either way is good.

Can you clarify? Lol

she has literally already once dodged the lynch, and maybe can do it again since they have to maf with that ability spread to them.

Don’t remember why I quoted this.

Two piles.

Nfc is certainly red mafia, no?

ok that’s all for now, I may be able to post again a bit before EOD tomorrow, I’ll try and answer questions!
There was some talks about ishmael being scummy and had some bleed and role blocks at my disposal. So used that on him.
As for n1 I only used an action on jojo to see if she used a spell.
Didn’t get any info out of that one.
Ya but red mafia theme was main character, yet Almighty Dollar, Deus Ex Machina were part of it. Not main characters. So while maybe a minor theme, but doesn’t mean it’s only that theme.
Right. I don't recall saying Melkor was cleared now, did I? What do you think "true to an extent" means, exactly? Note: the "extent" part qualified what I said, which was an agreement that Melkor was correct in what he was saying, but not to the point of absolution. Which meant your followup to me was worthless, and arguing for the sake of it.
Right. I don't recall saying Melkor was cleared now, did I? What do you think "true to an extent" means, exactly? Note: the "extent" part qualified what I said, which was an agreement that Melkor was correct in what he was saying, but not to the point of absolution. Which meant your followup to me was worthless, and arguing for the sake of it.
No not worthless. You’re really bad at making sure all possible scenarios are laid out, as a confirmed townie, Ratchet.

All my post was, was clarifying and ensuring nobody misreads it or you aren’t trying to be vague about it, so that everyone knows the playing field. just because the role thematically may not make sense to be in a faction, does not mean it can’t be.

your continuous responses to my pressing people and questioning why I’m being extremely careful to be clear about what we’re talking about is causing more distractions. Just look at the reading comprehension of some of these people. Keeping things vague is a bad choice
Night 1 of the original game, or N1 of the merged game? I’m asking about the merged game.
Night 1 of the original game I targeted jojo

night 1 of the merge had to heal myself from a bleed some fucker gave me.
Nitty literally just said we don’t have to. Lol
That's not all they said, but upon a reread I suppose I may have been reading too much into it :hm

Yeah, I'm ok with permanently phasing out the Execute either this phase or the next tbh. I think all the fat's been mostly trimmed at this point and we should have enough posts from each person to fairly assess their contributions to the game.
No not worthless. You’re really bad at making sure all possible scenarios are laid out, as a confirmed townie, Ratchet.
I don't need to list out every single possible scenario here. "True to an extent" means exactly that - "yes Melkor you are right, but it's not clearing". Which is exactly what your retort back to me was to establish. It didn't need to be said, literally no one is going to claim Melkor is confirmed Town because Ratchet mostly agreed Bernkastel, a Witch, doesn't fit in with Scientists.
All my post was, was clarifying and ensuring nobody misreads it or you aren’t trying to be vague about it, so that everyone knows the playing field. just because the role thematically may not make sense to be in a faction, does not mean it can’t be.
Yes, and it's pointless. I don't need you to tell me the obvious. No one does. We're not stupid.
your continuous responses to my pressing people and questioning why I’m being extremely careful to be clear about what we’re talking about is causing more distractions. Just look at the reading comprehension of some of these people. Keeping things vague is a bad choice
Arguing with me when we're in agreement is literally a distraction, if it caused any uncertainty you could address it then.
Night 1 of the original game I targeted jojo

night 1 of the merge had to heal myself from a bleed some fucker gave me.
Ok so follow up question:

on N2 of the original game, I used my tracking ability on you, and was told you visited no one on night 1. Do you know why I would have gotten this result when you say you visited JoJo?
And last night I targeted you with my tracking ability again, and it told me that you visited both Ish AND hidden that final night in group 1, and then on the first night of the merge, you targeted yourself, plus four others - Lind, Tinky, Didi, and Legend. Care to explain?
I don't need to list out every single possible scenario here. "True to an extent" means exactly that - "yes Melkor you are right, but it's not clearing". Which is exactly what your retort back to me was to establish. It didn't need to be said, literally no one is going to claim Melkor is confirmed Town because Ratchet mostly agreed Bernkastel, a Witch, doesn't fit in with Scientists.
Yes, and it's pointless. I don't need you to tell me the obvious. No one does. We're not stupid.
Arguing with me when we're in agreement is literally a distraction, if it caused any uncertainty you could address it then.
I didn’t state that your post named LM as town. I was just saying that Therese aren’t the be all, end all. You’re the one tunneling me, Ratchet.
I don't need to list out every single possible scenario here. "True to an extent" means exactly that - "yes Melkor you are right, but it's not clearing". Which is exactly what your retort back to me was to establish. It didn't need to be said, literally no one is going to claim Melkor is confirmed Town because Ratchet mostly agreed Bernkastel, a Witch, doesn't fit in with Scientists.
Yes, and it's pointless. I don't need you to tell me the obvious. No one does. We're not stupid.
Arguing with me when we're in agreement is literally a distraction, if it caused any uncertainty you could address it then.
And you’re wrong, there’s at least two people in this thread that misread posts on a regular basis. TS and Ali.

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