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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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You are too good to not see what I see
I appreciate the compliment but if it’s sincere it’s probably misplaced lol.

My logic says that Owner is dying tonight and John Wayne will evade the lynch, and will be super protected by his team, meaning vig cannot shot him.
Why do you think Owner can’t be protected and healed? The fact that JoJo and NFC sold their souls to save her makes me think she’s pretty important and needs to go asap.

I think Red may really perceive the Purple threat to be grave here, and I’m taking that very seriously. But I’ll feel better once Owner is gone. Once Owner is gone I’m happy to go ham on Purple.

I still think you’ve been too in lock step with the Reds. Like you’re working with the same info they are, which would explain your stance on me & Ekko (I think it looks like Owner was a case of wrong formula/right answer and she may have really not visited Nessos somehow), the number of Purple left, and the need to go all in on Purple here.
Fair point. But you said you got something out of it right?

From him not, i have Tempting Fate ability - if i save someone from dying i can delay my death during the night by one phase for each stock of this ability i have.

Shizune told me i have two stocks right now which are from protecting Karma and WPK earlier. So it seems my action on Ncdforth did not save him from danger of dieing.

Also my protects extend for the following night (there is mark mechanic). So if i protect someone tonight, it also lasts for the night after.
From him not, i have Tempting Fate ability - if i save someone from dying i can delay my death during the night by one phase for each stock of this ability i have.

Shizune told me i have two stocks right now which are from protecting Karma and WPK earlier. So it seems my action on Ncdforth did not save him from danger of dieing.

Also my protects extend for the following night (there is mark mechanic). So if i protect someone tonight, it also lasts for the night after.
Might as well full claim.
On the Santi/LM teammate paranoia, maybe they wouldn’t be bc Santi claimed a result on him super early.

Santi/LM/JW/SK shouldn’t all be mafia who could get an innocent lol.

We take Santi and JW out bc maybe Didi was f’d with. But if the Didi results make sense after JW’s flip (flips GF) then LM & SK shouldn’t both be mafia who can beat an invest I’d think.

And if LM can’t beat an invest then Santi if he was his teammate is probably not claiming innocent on him.
I mean, I HIGHLY doubt neither SoulKiller nor Bada are scum so that's just me kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel and taking a shot in the dark lol.
It can’t be Ekko lol. At that point it’s Juan, Kira, and you as options.

I think SK is probably Purple. But if he isn’t the last we are looking for another after. Bada is probably not aligned with SK from what I can tell.
Refresh my memory.
The main reason we lynched Iwan is Bada claiming his kill meant for Iwan hit Firestormer and from there we decided that it was probably a bus drive so we lynched Iwan. If Iwan is Purple then that’s points for Bada.

Bada also claimed shooting Tinky with Didi and Didi thought it made sense bc Didi probably wouldn’t have killed Tinky by himself.
JW hasn’t flipped GF yet. Didi could have been redirected or there could have been a bus drive.

I find it funny that early this game you were rattling on about how claims and mechanics don’t matter but now you’re going all in here on them for why you’re clear. It’s hypocritical and inconsistent.

You clearly did not read my post, otherwise you wouldn't make such post. I said that draekke and Didi results on me could not be redirected and they hit me 100% cause it got fucking delayed. Meaning their results is 100% accurate and is on me, so it did not get redirected and I am not a GF because why would GF need such passive?

No, I am still relying purely on read, I however will look at flipped person role with an open mind, and the best way to resolve our PoE is to use the investigation results. If I cared about stupid ass mechanics as you said, I would of not continued pushing didi when he outed me as innocent. Also, I am trying to meet middle ground with people here because they can't take subtle hints in the thread and actually pay fucking attention.

I am still moving forward with such mentality and not swaying away from it one bit. Literally 99% of my posts are approached with such mentality.

It would be kind of weird if you and JW were both able to beat invests, but then again our game had a lot of cops in it so maybe not *that* weird.

I’m scum reading you bc the content of your posts keep feeling ingenuine and I can feel agenda coming from a lot of them. I also think you just produce better content than this when you’re town. If I’m wrong I’m sorry lol.

I find it weird that you are a player who literally cares about mechanics over actually playing mafia and still refuse to accept face valued facts. I was role blocked for 4 nights, so I was useless for literally 4 fucking nights. I was role copped by two different people and got innocent, these results are truly on me because of the delay, and there is no way I can be a purple mafia GF due to the nature of my passive. Yet still, for a player like you still willingly to deny such facts is kinda pinging me weird. You are def not like this as town, this seems you just want to paint me scum because YOU have an agenda behind my lynch.

My content of the game was consistent and genuine. Had no other agenda behind them other than complete extermination of filthy scum. So you can fuck off with that bs excuse.

Wouldn’t be my first display of incompetence. But part of me has to wonder if this blow up on me isn’t something you do bc of how you saw Light get away from me last game and you want to take advantage. We’ll see. If you’re town you’ll get my sincere apologies for a bad tunnel post game.
Wtf are you even talking about? Holy shit, your paranoia is literally off the roof. It cannot be reasoned with you, if you are town then horrible, you literally tunneled yourself to death again, and if you are scum then Fuck you. I am gonna see if mafia red claim regarding you and ekko is actually true or not. Because this is unbelievable at this point.
I appreciate the compliment but if it’s sincere it’s probably misplaced lol.

Why do you think Owner can’t be protected and healed? The fact that JoJo and NFC sold their souls to save her makes me think she’s pretty important and needs to go asap.

I think Red may really perceive the Purple threat to be grave here, and I’m taking that very seriously. But I’ll feel better once Owner is gone. Once Owner is gone I’m happy to go ham on Purple.

I still think you’ve been too in lock step with the Reds. Like you’re working with the same info they are, which would explain your stance on me & Ekko (I think it looks like Owner was a case of wrong formula/right answer and she may have really not visited Nessos somehow), the number of Purple left, and the need to go all in on Purple here.
I work with logic. I think she wouldn't come with that claim if she could be protected. That's extreme in mafia to come and claim mafia with a hand writing message. Psychologically means she saw it as the unique way to ruin purple mafia narative despite the possibility that the info can ruin her team chance to win.
It happens to me all the time to be accused of TMI when I follow my logic.
See, i have a different perception about group 1 than you and I think your group failed to hit scum for days because the thread was influenced by scum. It's still happening. Your effort in this direction is huge.

Also I don't see why you think SK is scum when he pushed Didi so hard.

It wasn't a compliment btw , it's my perception about your play
It’s not really a visit more if they used a spell

ok well my point stands. I have info stating that you visited hidden along with Ish on the final night of group 1 - @Hidden did anything happen to you the final night of the group 1 thread?

Just so I understand - you're saying that you targeted that group of four people in order to perceive if they used a magical ability?

All innocent.

Soul as in Soul Killer. Both Didi and Draekke got innocent on soul killer.

Honestly I want LM flipped just because of his last night actions. Like why would anyone heal Nfc after how last day phase ended is beyond me and it just annoyed me lol.
I don't like how the reveal of his alignment was delayed though. Makes me feel as though he gets to choose how things appear.

Thats weird with JW being likely scum and all. Aware an outed cop can be redirected but it Leads credence to my theory tbh. Also would be a real waste of ressources and clunky game design if Purple mafia didnt have some way to deal with his alignment check tbh.


Do it Bb.

Which leads even more credence to Didi being a naive cop when it came to his purple mafia ex-mates - esp if JW flips mafia like we expect. I really don't think Didi would have posted in the thread that a purple mafia was innocent, based on his wincon.

I've been pretty transparent about not having had the time to read the thread fully here.

This makes me question even more how strong your opinions of things have been. If you're not reading everything, then you shouldn't be so quick to jump down people's throats for things.

If you don’t read the thread then who am I supposed to get tldrs from :catsad
I work with logic. I think she wouldn't come with that claim if she could be protected. That's extreme in mafia to come and claim mafia with a hand writing message. Psychologically means she saw it as the unique way to ruin purple mafia narative despite the possibility that the info can ruin her team chance to win.
She survived a lynch lol. We didn’t need a hand written note to tell us she was scum. I do think she/NFC probably do believe what they’re saying (but probably exaggerating too bc that helps them). And with that exaggeration angle in mind I don’t see where we are an Owner lynch away from losing the game today. But I do think losing her will probably cripple Red a good degree the way they handled her yesterday.

Also I don't see why you think SK is scum when he pushed Didi so hard.
Didi had an anti Purple wincon lol. Yes he helped with their faction kills but he was a super safe push for scum if they want to go after someone and then when they finally flip say “see they weren’t town”. They even had the option to get rid of him in his role lol.

It wasn't a compliment btw , it's my perception about your play
You might need to watch me play more lol.
Also, fuck this town, I agree with Group 1 that we did horrible because of the people who were taking control over the thread with their stupid fucking pushes and narratives they pushed down people throats. Fucking drop that leadership flag and step aside and let me fucking lead this game and watch scum drop like butterflies. You guys ain't getting away with your horrible blind narrative which stems from agenda for a mislynch, you guys ain't even thinking or using your brain at this point.
If this game is as close to the wire as Nitty is saying I think we’re dealing with more scum than just one Purple left to hunt.
Hero and Iwan are still alive, despite how people are acting. If they can still submit actions, they are just as active than before, except without the need to be overly chummy. If their delayed death still means they can get majority, then its a huge issue still. I really don't think there's as many purple mafia as some people have been claiming.

Again, Laix and the person who messaged him about the purple mafia having 8 people would have no idea because they weren't in the merged thread, unless we're assuming that someone has the full details of the mafia numbers, and if so they should reveal that shit asap, lol. I don't buy that the mafia would have the number count of their enemy.
This makes me question even more how strong your opinions of things have been. If you're not reading everything, then you shouldn't be so quick to jump down people's throats for things.
I haven't done this, I just don't care for your incessent need to argue over pointless shit when we don't even disagree, just to be pedantic. Complete waste of time. I only haven't been reading everything recently, by the way, before you start with you "I just want everything to be completely clear" bullshit.
Also, fuck this town, I agree with Group 1 that we did horrible because of the people who were taking control over the thread with their stupid fucking pushes and narratives they pushed down people throats. Fucking drop that leadership flag and step aside and let me fucking lead this game and watch scum drop like butterflies. You guys ain't getting away with your horrible blind narrative which stems from agenda for a mislynch, you guys ain't even thinking or using your brain at this point.
By all means find us the scum lol. There is a pretty long line of scum to deal with before we get to you. So if you’re town you have time to find all the scum and at worst leave us a legacy to follow.

No one is stopping you from finding scum and no one needs to step aside to do it. There is literally room for every single person in this game to scum hunt lol.
Also, fuck this town, I agree with Group 1 that we did horrible because of the people who were taking control over the thread with their stupid fucking pushes and narratives they pushed down people throats. Fucking drop that leadership flag and step aside and let me fucking lead this game and watch scum drop like butterflies. You guys ain't getting away with your horrible blind narrative which stems from agenda for a mislynch, you guys ain't even thinking or using your brain at this point.
Lol what gives you the right to lead us any more than anyone else? The true leaders of the game don't need to say "follow me," they are followed because they make logical and sound arguments.
I don't like how the reveal of his alignment was delayed though. Makes me feel as though he gets to choose how things appear.

Nope, I cannot taint results. The reason for the delay is for completely different reason which I really won't indulge into at the moment. You will understand why when you see my flip. Also, it makes no sense for scum to have such ability. It comes off as suspicious and off by nature, which defeats the entire purpose of the ability being for scum if it's use was to change alignment.
I haven't done this, I just don't care for your incessent need to argue over pointless shit when we don't even disagree, just to be pedantic. Complete waste of time. I only haven't been reading everything recently, by the way, before you start with you "I just want everything to be completely clear" bullshit.
Its' not being pedantic. You're far too optimistic about how people understand typed words on a screen that are vague. I've been playing this way all game, I'm not going to stop because you aren't a fan of it. It's been working so far.
Also, fuck this town, I agree with Group 1 that we did horrible because of the people who were taking control over the thread with their stupid fucking pushes and narratives they pushed down people throats. Fucking drop that leadership flag and step aside and let me fucking lead this game and watch scum drop like butterflies. You guys ain't getting away with your horrible blind narrative which stems from agenda for a mislynch, you guys ain't even thinking or using your brain at this point.
You haven't done anything really this game, stop your mewling and focus if you're town. Otherwise carry on, you only make it easier to expunge you.
Hero and Iwan are still alive, despite how people are acting. If they can still submit actions, they are just as active than before, except without the need to be overly chummy. If their delayed death still means they can get majority, then its a huge issue still. I really don't think there's as many purple mafia as some people have been claiming.

Again, Laix and the person who messaged him about the purple mafia having 8 people would have no idea because they weren't in the merged thread, unless we're assuming that someone has the full details of the mafia numbers, and if so they should reveal that shit asap, lol. I don't buy that the mafia would have the number count of their enemy.
At this point I assume Laix info came from Red mafia lol. Maybe they guessed Purple had a lot left based on their own numbers if there is any grain of truth to it (like even if there were 6 left and not 8).

As for Iwan and Hero, I agree. But 4 Purple (Iwan/Hero/JW/+ 1) is probably not super close to getting majority here I’d think.
Nope, I cannot taint results. The reason for the delay is for completely different reason which I really won't indulge into at the moment. You will understand why when you see my flip. Also, it makes no sense for scum to have such ability. It comes off as suspicious and off by nature, which defeats the entire purpose of the ability being for scum if it's use was to change alignment.
You're going to have to "indulge" us at some point, because dancing around it is only making people more suspicious.
Owner and NC are outed.
With Jojo flipping red, maybe is 1 more and I don't trust my yday poe that much now.
And that makes the red team bigger than everyone considered, but closer to what a mafia game should have logically.
How many Purple do you think are left? Bc you seemed really into it being 8 yesterday. And if it is then there should be more red lol.
Its' not being pedantic. You're far too optimistic about how people understand typed words on a screen that are vague. I've been playing this way all game, I'm not going to stop because you aren't a fan of it. It's been working so far.
There was nothing fucking vague about what I said. "You're right to an extent" is super bloody clear, the only way it isn't is if people (really just you) remove the qualification of "to an extent" to argue something for the sake of it.
At this point I assume Laix info came from Red mafia lol. Maybe they guessed Purple had a lot left based on their own numbers if there is any grain of truth to it (like even if there were 6 left and not 8).

As for Iwan and Hero, I agree. But 4 Purple (Iwan/Hero/JW/+ 1) is probably not super close to getting majority here I’d think.
The thing is, if that messaging ability is indeed from red mafia, then they've been sowing chaos all game and should not be listened to. They were trying to claim that the holy roman empire was converting people. No dice.
There was nothing fucking vague about what I said. "You're right to an extent" is super bloody clear, the only way it isn't is if people (really just you) remove the qualification of "to an extent" to argue something for the sake of it.
Yes, and me clarifying that statement to mean that themes shouldn't be used for evidence isn't arguing for the sake of it. IT'S TO CLARIFY. Maybe I needed it clarified, and if I did, others likely would have too.
The thing is, if that messaging ability is indeed from red mafia, then they've been sowing chaos all game and should not be listened to. They were trying to claim that the holy roman empire was converting people. No dice.
It's obviously from Red Mafia, or someone trolling. No need to listen to anonymous messages at all.
The thing is, if that messaging ability is indeed from red mafia, then they've been sowing chaos all game and should not be listened to. They were trying to claim that the holy roman empire was converting people. No dice.
Red mafia’s actions yesterday and today and the way Nitty talks has me worried that we may be slightly underestimating what we have left to deal with.

It’s not about the Laix info. It’s about reading into their actions and why they’d be doing it.
Yes, and me clarifying that statement to mean that themes shouldn't be used for evidence isn't arguing for the sake of it. IT'S TO CLARIFY. Maybe I needed it clarified, and if I did, others likely would have too.
Nobody needed it clarified, except maybe you, because you didn't actually read what I said, you read part of it, latched onto it like a rabid dog, and now have tried to position it as damage control once I pointed out that your qualification of my statement was, in fact, already present within the original message.
Nobody needed it clarified, except maybe you, because you didn't actually read what I said, you read part of it, latched onto it like a rabid dog, and now have tried to position it as damage control once I pointed out that your qualification of my statement was, in fact, already present within the original message.
jesus christ, Ratchet. You keep arguing, but all that has happened is I was clarifying a statement - and if that to you was agreeing with you, then why the fuck are you arguing it?
Nobody needed it clarified, except maybe you, because you didn't actually read what I said, you read part of it, latched onto it like a rabid dog, and now have tried to position it as damage control once I pointed out that your qualification of my statement was, in fact, already present within the original message.
You need to take a break
It's obvious, yet people have been bringing it up all game, dammit Ratchet wtf are you even doing?
What is even your point here? Who the fuck cares if people have been bringing it up all game? Shut the fuck up and learn to read what I'm actually fucking saying you pedantic shit, the ability has spread misinformation therefore we can safely ignore it and we also have red mafia purporting it meaning we have even more reason to ignore it. So people bringing it up all fucking game literally doesn't fucking matter, stop trying to act like this is some obscene positoon to hold when it's literally fucking common sense.
What is even your point here? Who the fuck cares if people have been bringing it up all game? Shut the fuck up and learn to read what I'm actually fucking saying you pedantic shit, the ability has spread misinformation therefore we can safely ignore it and we also have red mafia purporting it meaning we have even more reason to ignore it. So people bringing it up all fucking game literally doesn't fucking matter, stop trying to act like this is some obscene positoon to hold when it's literally fucking common sense.
OK, simply for you:

People keep bringing it up. So I tell them the facts behind it so they don't go rampant on a theory that has no grounds. My main goal is to make sure everyone understands what's happening.

It may be common sense to you, Ratchet, but if you haven't been able to tell, common sense is fucking rare these days.
jesus christ, Ratchet. You keep arguing, but all that has happened is I was clarifying a statement - and if that to you was agreeing with you, then why the fuck are you arguing it?
Your clarification was pointless, that's what I'm saying. No one asked for it, no one needed it. All you do is say obvious things and then act outraged that people don't require it, complete waste of time.
Your clarification was pointless, that's what I'm saying. No one asked for it, no one needed it. All you do is say obvious things and then act outraged that people don't require it, complete waste of time.
No it wasn't. Just because you think it was clear, doesn't mean it was to anyone else. You're right, this has been a complete waste of everyone's time.

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