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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Also why the fuck are people still putting me in the PoE for Purple now that Hero has flipped?

My actions are confirmed, I've been scanned innocent by Didi, I poisoned Envy for scanning me, Purple Mafia posted my entire role in thread to save their own ass from a lynch.

ENOUGH. Make me king today. I can't trust any of you, I have to see this correct lynch through myself.

i trust me more than you
1) LM claimed that his action to protect NFC didn't work. Which matches with his [Innate] that Prof got:
To clear this specific part up. The ability is only talking about immunity to all forms of killing (lynches, kills, poison, bleed, etc.)

As far as I can tell I don’t think he’s rolecrush immune but I’ll give it another scan when I can.
@DrProfessor83 dont leave me alone lol

shud we yeet sk first here
These kinds of decisions are above my pay grade lol. You should probably do the opposite of anything I suggest lol.
I've given them. You disagree with them. This does not mean they then cease to have been given.
i am not fully disagreeing with them. i have conflicted thoughts because of the message. prof saw the message with me and fuji seems to have his own tmi according to lind so we are all onto something here. even if the message came from purple. we can filter out the bullsht and take the good parts based on what we have that relates to the thread

for example NFC being immortal and all was already established in thread. now we know he could also stop lynches and is outright immune to it. next step would be to try and find a zoro that fits the message description to yeet him in order for NFC to die. also the NFC role we received explained how he knows about kira. it doesnt say kira is town but says NFC knows kiras alignment

if we are unable to find a zoro by Eod we can place NFC as first in the pool then SK. knowing fully well this can result in no lynch and loss of momentum. its a matter of what risk we want to take
The only one I wouldn't want you to lynch in Saturday because worst case scenario for that is basically game fucking over. Gives no info and might be town.

NFC is a total crapshoot if you can kill him, but he is confirmed scum.

TS and SK are highly likely.

I guess technically odds are higher of hitting a red then a purple based on numbers. Though, killing purp might save us from dying of poison.
The only one I wouldn't want you to lynch in Saturday because worst case scenario for that is basically game fucking over. Gives no info and might be town.

NFC is a total crapshoot if you can kill him, but he is confirmed scum.

TS and SK are highly likely.

I guess technically odds are higher of hitting a red then a purple based on numbers. Though, killing purp might save us from dying of poison.
but saturday cud be zoro ducking the thread on purpose and letting us dunk on TS lol
Also why the fuck are people still putting me in the PoE for Purple now that Hero has flipped?

My actions are confirmed, I've been scanned innocent by Didi, I poisoned Envy for scanning me, Purple Mafia posted my entire role in thread to save their own ass from a lynch.

ENOUGH. Make me king today. I can't trust any of you, I have to see this correct lynch through myself.

1) Didi's scans cannot be trusted after that envy reveal, except maybe D1 (Kira). I say this as someone who is also Didi cleared.
2) How do we know you actually poisoned Hero? This easily could have been theater between the two of you to give town cred to both of you. It almost even worked for Hero.
I would go for NFC, then TS, SK, Karma.

That Kaido ability is when he's voted and we are not really voting to lynch now.
nitty didnt want to tell us how that ability gets adapted when we asked about kaidos role. its possible NFC can stop the lynch if he is among top 3 backup lynches

i have an ability that was adapted when the lynch mechanic changed. so likely NFC's did too

ill wait and see what lind says about TS voting power
I would go for NFC, then TS, SK, Karma.

That Kaido ability is when he's voted and we are not really voting to lynch now.
But he is getting voted by the King. Nitty wouldn’t tell us how it would work in the kingmaker set up tho.

I think our best scenario on NFC would be we make NFC first, but he’s role crushed and can’t stop the lynch completely, then the lynch falls to #2 SK. But that’s just lynching SK with extra sketchy steps lmao.

Between the message me and Ekko got and Lind saying Fuji said Red has someone kill/lynch immune, and NFC being Kaido, I’m pretty much convinced he probably does have lynch immunity lol. Of course the lynch immunity is a lot less scary than a lynch stop. But if he’s lynch immune anyway then we’re probably risking it a lynch stop all for nothing just to hit the #2 lol.
But he is getting voted by the King. Nitty wouldn’t tell us how it would work in the kingmaker set up tho.

I think our best scenario on NFC would be we make NFC first, but he’s role crushed and can’t stop the lynch completely, then the lynch falls to #2 SK. But that’s just lynching SK with extra sketchy steps lmao.

Between the message me and Ekko got and Lind saying Fuji said Red has someone kill/lynch immune, and NFC being Kaido, I’m pretty much convinced he probably does have lynch immunity lol. Of course the lynch immunity is a lot less scary than a lynch stop. But if he’s lynch immune anyway then we’re probably risking it a lynch stop all for nothing just to hit the #2 lol.

Why would the lynch fall to #2? Why wouldn't he just tank the hit? That's a lot of assumptions. Basically we'd have to get through 2 different ways of stopping the lynch. And if the zoro thing is true, why even target NFC at all? Why not just target TS/SK?
Why would the lynch fall to #2? Why wouldn't he just tank the hit? That's a lot of assumptions. Basically we'd have to get through 2 different ways of stopping the lynch. And if the zoro thing is true, why even target NFC at all? Why not just target TS/SK?
Bc why would he have a one shot refillable lynch stop if any time he gets lynched he stops it lol.
And if the zoro thing is true, why even target NFC at all? Why not just target TS/SK?
This is basically my point. If we decide that he really is kill/lynch immune (which is coming from a few sources now (Draeke said he didn’t take damage, Lind says Fuji says they have someone like that, me and Ekko have this message, + the dude was ballsy enough to open scum). Then we probably should go for SK or try to hit Zoro.
Give all night actions from g1 and this game.
I didn't do anything, I was so off on my reads I marked some players (they had to say my name in the phase in order to be able to target them), but I never went through with roleblocking them.

I also never bothered using the safety for the night phase for myself cause I felt comfortable with no one targeting me.
I didn't do anything, I was so off on my reads I marked some players (they had to say my name in the phase in order to be able to target them), but I never went through with roleblocking them.

I also never bothered using the safety for the night phase for myself cause I felt comfortable with no one targeting me.

Who did you mark?

And why wouldn't you use the immunity on yourself? There is no drawback.
1) Didi's scans cannot be trusted after that envy reveal, except maybe D1 (Kira). I say this as someone who is also Didi cleared.
I was scanned N2, same time as Lord Melkor (who already flipped town). Didi wasn't ousted as a cop fully until like D3?

It's nearly as reliable as the D1 invest.

2) How do we know you actually poisoned Hero? This easily could have been theater between the two of you to give town cred to both of you. It almost even worked for Hero.
Literal tinfoil.
Then fuck off. It's been posted and reposted twice, for someone who's spent the whole fucking game sussing me it's kind of peculiar how you show zero curiosity as to what my role is and what my capabilities are.

It's almost as if my alignment is actually irrelevant to you and you have an alterior motive.
@Santí Look, I'm not saying you're scum, I'm just saying there is a POSSIBILITY ;o

And if you do flip town, it means both of us were wrong about each other <3
You're objectively the higher possibility between the two of us, your best rebuttle was tinfoil.

1) My actions have been confirmed by Fang (town)
2. I got scanned innocent D2 same time as Lord Melkor (town)
3. I poisoned Envy when they learned my name
4. Envy posted my role (confirming my abilities, actions, and the fact that I poisoned him)

Who the fuck are you? What can you confirm besides your own claims?

This is pointless. If there are more purple than just SoulKiller, this game is already lost for town anyway.
This discussion is not pointless, because I'm not accusing Bada of being Purple. I'm accusing him of being a Hostile Indi, and removing him is still necessary in winning this game.

The record must be set straight.
You're objectively the higher possibility between the two of us, your best rebuttle was tinfoil.

1) My actions have been confirmed by Fang (town)
2. I got scanned innocent D2 same time as Lord Melkor (town)
3. I poisoned Envy when they learned my name
4. Envy posted my role (confirming my abilities, actions, and the fact that I poisoned him)

Who the fuck are you? What can you confirm besides your own claims?

This discussion is not pointless, because I'm not accusing Bada of being Purple. I'm accusing him of being a Hostile Indi, and removing him is still necessary in winning this game.

The record must be set straight.

I'm actually just town vig that has been instrumental in killing multiple purples. Sry.

Also, Didi's scans mean shit. I was also scanned innocent by Didi. Did you read Envy's role? He could basically perma-fuck all investigations from a player. I mean I guess you had a slight advantage being early, but it's entirely possible they had him pinned down on N2 because they knew of his existence and prob had Hero scan him asap.

And if I WERE an indie, I have been a very helpful indie ;( you're welcome. I'm sure you'd love having TW, Iwan, and Hero all running around right now.
I didn't do anything, I was so off on my reads I marked some players (they had to say my name in the phase in order to be able to target them), but I never went through with roleblocking them.

I also never bothered using the safety for the night phase for myself cause I felt comfortable with no one targeting me.
what about post merge. have u not done anything there either? even if ur reads are bad u can follow the concensus scum/town reads. We have had an outed scum or 2 for the past 3 phases. I dont know how can someone be this apathetic. least u could do is throw them a roleblock

can u not do anything else?
I can't go through what day every action was right now, I could do it when I get out of work after 6pm. but these are my notes from my pms that I went through real quick.

july 18 - marked alwaysmind
july 23 - marked alibaba
july 27 - marked lind and roleblocked (I had forgotten this)
and last friday I marked owner but never rb

y'all gotta remember I don't know most of these players also never really trusted anyone from the second group, also felt like most of my posts were ignored anyways.
I can't go through what day every action was right now, I could do it when I get out of work after 6pm. but these are my notes from my pms that I went through real quick.

july 18 - marked alwaysmind
july 23 - marked alibaba
july 27 - marked lind and roleblocked (I had forgotten this)
and last friday I marked owner but never rb

y'all gotta remember I don't know most of these players also never really trusted anyone from the second group, also felt like most of my posts were ignored anyways.
july 18 and july 23 r both b4 the merge that wud be n4 and n5 respectively

last friday n6?

have u roleblocked any of the current living players. what about n7 and n8
I didn't roleblock all of them, just marked. the only rb attempt was lind
those are all my actions, didn't want to end up accidentally rb town so I didn't use my rb much
im in favor of lynching TS over u. not because ur claim is anything over the top, but his claim is simply too botched to be ignored. if u r able to roleblock karma and sk pls do

I never got any notification of being blocked ever
hm kk
Am I the only sane one left?

Town, listen, you HAVE to rally behind me today.

Ekko's getting backed by scum and I wouldn't trust his judgement even if he is town.
only karma is scum voting me and they r forced to anyway. not like they can argue against it

Lind can be whatever. probably not red eitherway

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