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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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I feel the same way about you sir
Bugger off. It's D5 and you're still meandering like a chicken without a head.

You're clearly not invested in the outcome of this game. If you're town, you should have bowed out back then instead of forcing me into a situation where removing the Execute was my best move.
Why shouldn't NFC be in the list?

Is whatever whispers you folk been hearing verified?
its half verified

mich's role was carbon copy to the message

fuji's flavor name was correct. but wrong alignment

JWs flavor name and alignment correct

NFC's role matches with what we know of him in the thread. hes immortal with infinite health and can survive lynches. only way to get rid of him is to yeet both luffy and zoro. luffy was apparently owner and zoro is TS. so we need to yeet TS here to get rid of NFC

reason why we dont add him as a wagon is cuz one of his abilities can outright cancel the lynch if he was among too 3 voted players in a day. so just in case i dont want him to be among top 3 players in king's priority order
@Alibaba Saluja u executed 2 townies already. u here to make amends? :bloblick

It's time to put the cards on the table. The ability is not actually an execute but a superkill and I didn't need to acrivate it on the thread. However Shizune let me use the command on the thread for maximum impact :bloblick

Still could only kill those up for execution
Bugger off. It's D5 and you're still meandering like a chicken without a head.

You're clearly not invested in the outcome of this game. If you're town, you should have bowed out back then instead of forcing me into a situation where removing the Execute was my best move.
y'all love jumping to implications and guessing around here, if I didn't care I wouldn't be posting now, also this is argument you're starting is not helpful to town in any way either
its half verified

mich's role was carbon copy to the message

fuji's flavor name was correct. but wrong alignment

JWs flavor name and alignment correct

NFC's role matches with what we know of him in the thread. hes immortal with infinite health and can survive lynches. only way to get rid of him is to yeet both luffy and zoro. luffy was apparently owner and zoro is TS. so we need to yeet TS here to get rid of NFC

reason why we dont add him as a wagon is cuz one of his abilities can outright cancel the lynch if he was among too 3 voted players in a day. so just in case i dont want him to be among top 3 players in king's priority order
Fine, so:


These should all be reds, can we agree on this lynch priority? :ufdup
Mate, I claimed night kills when I targeted Iwan and it bounced off and hit FS, and it was a great time to reveal myself because it resulted in 2 dead scum.
this isn't really a strong point because of the busdriver play where u can bus ur team with someone then shoot them

even if i get the cure im not healing u

claim what ability u have thats similar to xadlins and what defensive stuff u were threatning town with over during the night lynch
@Ekkologix No point in arguing with Santi. He is purple scum trying to save SK. You said it yourself, if SK isn't the poisoner... then who is? (the fucking guy with confirmed poison abilities)
i cant know that for a fact. soul can still be the poisoner. purple had a poison from worm's role where they superkill someone and it poisons their visitors. that role moves over to a player from purple after worm dies. its easy to spread poison that way without directly targeting someone.

r u the one that killed michele?
i cant know that for a fact. soul can still be the poisoner. purple had a poison from worm's role where they superkill someone and it poisons their visitors. that role moves over to a player from purple after worm dies. its easy to spread poison that way without directly targeting someone.

r u the one that killed michele?

No I'm not. I think that was purplefia.
this isn't really a strong point because of the busdriver play where u can bus ur team with someone then shoot them

even if i get the cure im not healing u

claim what ability u have thats similar to xadlins and what defensive stuff u were threatning town with over during the night lynch

You are so fucking tinfoily my god. If you wanna throw the game by not healing the town vig then go ahead my dude.

You forget that the busdrive is what led us to lynching SR. In what universe would I busdrive Iwan and FS only to use that as ammo in pushing an SR lynch? It makes zero sense. Also I killed TW, and AM confirmed he roleblocked TW which is why me and Didi were able to get through.

I also am the one who started the sus on Hero, was the first person to scum-read SK back in day 1, and I was one of two people to start pushing JW. I have been directly involved in all purple deaths. Occam's razor my dude. I'm town vig and I'm rolecrushed (maybe? Nitty still not fucking answering) and dying.
You are so fucking tinfoily my god. If you wanna throw the game by not healing the town vig then go ahead my dude.

You forget that the busdrive is what led us to lynching SR. In what universe would I busdrive Iwan and FS only to use that as ammo in pushing an SR lynch? It makes zero sense. Also I killed TW, and AM confirmed he roleblocked TW which is why me and Didi were able to get through.

I also am the one who started the sus on Hero, was the first person to scum-read SK back in day 1, and I was one of two people to start pushing JW. I have been directly involved in all purple deaths. Occam's razor my dude. I'm town vig and I'm rolecrushed (maybe? Nitty still not fucking answering) and dying.

He doesn't deserve your vote :blobangel
You are so fucking tinfoily my god. If you wanna throw the game by not healing the town vig then go ahead my dude.

You forget that the busdrive is what led us to lynching SR. In what universe would I busdrive Iwan and FS only to use that as ammo in pushing an SR lynch? It makes zero sense. Also I killed TW, and AM confirmed he roleblocked TW which is why me and Didi were able to get through.

I also am the one who started the sus on Hero, was the first person to scum-read SK back in day 1, and I was one of two people to start pushing JW. I have been directly involved in all purple deaths. Occam's razor my dude. I'm town vig and I'm rolecrushed (maybe? Nitty still not fucking answering) and dying.
okay u shud have no problem with claiming then. if u r town chances that scum have ur role anyway

its claim or die. or gl beating the role im submitting
why dont u want SK as second wagon?

i mean 3 of them likely scum so order shouldnt matter much but if we arent yeeting exactly zoro then might as well yeet purple instead
In case of any protections of redirects.

We don't know for sure who's Zoro. Red should be prioritized above Purple today.
In case of any protections of redirects.

We don't know for sure who's Zoro. Red should be prioritized above Purple today.
thats the whole point. if the lynch on zoro was stopped then atleast it goes to lynch purple to eliminate the poison/factional kill

Could have sworn I saw that role flip already :dank
it was scum role listed in the message lol
refusing to claim tells me u probably going to survive anyway so

or maybe you can just trust that the town vig has very specific ways to perform kills and by full claiming it will make me essentially useless for the rest of the game even if I do survive

you don't have to heal me, but I hope you don't go around tomorrow being like "omg vig should hit this person" because you had a chance to save them

Not like you have many better options because even if Santi is town he hasn't been doin' jack with his abilities
Not like you have many better options because even if Santi is town he hasn't been doin' jack with his abilities
Literally go read my role or stop commenting in ignorance about it when you clearly aren't interested in understanding how it works.

You accuse me of being a mafia poisoner while in the same breath casting suspicion on whether I poisoned Hero, which if you had any internal consistency with your logic would also nullify the claim that I'm a poisoner because that information itself came from Hero and he's the only person to claim to have been poisoned by me.

Absolute trash performance by you today.
i already submitted


as my order

im waiting on lind to confirm how much voting power he got from TS and its a wrap
Garbage Order, first of all I should never be in that fucking wagon, I am townie and you will cost us the damn game. Not only there are 3 red scum roaming around.I been investigated innocent by two people and got innocent, my claims are confirmed, and my guilty results check out, at this point, anyone who scum read me is either scum with motives or a fucking incompetent town who can't read the game and I am a mislynch, you will fucking throw the game away.

Like you guys have literally nothing against me. Town honestly deserves to lose this game if I get lynched.


that's the way to go, if you are not sure who zoro is then it's either TS or Karma. It has to be one of these two fools.
@Ekkologix No point in arguing with Santi. He is purple scum trying to save SK. You said it yourself, if SK isn't the poisoner... then who is? (the fucking guy with confirmed poison abilities)
How am I scum? I been investigated by TWO people and got innocent, my guilty results on Michelle and Fuji checked out. Like at this point you are literally purposely ignoring hard factual facts that I am town, fucking get outta here.
If you promise to yeet

TS > Karma > NFC

then I'll give you my vote, these fucking fools gonna literally throw the game, and I am confident people who are painting me purple scum for literally no reasons at all are purple themselves.

Hmm I can go as far as TS > Karma > someone else. Since that Kaidou svility seems bad news.
Hmm I can go as far as TS > Karma > someone else. Since that Kaidou svility seems bad news.
I can work with that, you give me your word that TS will be executed to oblivion followed by karma? if yes then I shall grant you my vote to be crowned as king. The last purple is probably among one of the the fools who in group 2 who are still alive. Kira/Bada/Santi, if not then Ekko/Prof.
How am I scum? I been investigated by TWO people and got innocent, my guilty results on Michelle and Fuji checked out. Like at this point you are literally purposely ignoring hard factual facts that I am town, fucking get outta here.
Purple GF hasn't flipped yet, innit? What else you got going on for you?

Purple GF hasn't flipped yet, innit? What else you got going on for you?

My actions checks out, my guilty results on Michelle and Fuji checks out, me being role blocked for 4 nights checks out, people literally confirmed in the thread they role blocked me. Literally everything fucking checks out. If i was purple mafia GF then why the fuck does investigation/tracker/watcher abilities on me gets delayed? why would a purple GF have such ability? if you read my full claim I explained why investigations were delayed on me. It makes no sense for purple GF to have such ability and bring suspicion on him, when the entire point of GF is to fool results. I also been shot by both red and purple scum the moment I hinted my role.

Also, you and bada were investigated innocent, why it can't be that one of you is actually purple GF? or maybe it's even Kira.

Hell if none of us are actually purple here then Ekko and Prof are fucking playing everyone like fools. I am not sure why town is incompetent on making reads for themselves and not sure why factual stuff is being ignored here. What case do people have against me? they have nothing, literally nothing.
I can work with that, you give me your word that TS will be executed to oblivion followed by karma? if yes then I shall grant you my vote to be crowned as king. The last purple is probably among one of the the fools who in group 2 who are still alive. Kira/Bada/Santi, if not then Ekko/Prof.

Seems fine to me. Probably Kira as third.
Seems fine to me. Probably Kira as third.

You gave me your word, then we have a deal. You earn my vote to be crowned as King. Don't fuck this up and yeet scum into oblivion.

Vote Crown: Alibaba Saluja

this the only vote I feel comfy with
Vote Ekko lol. A vote for me is a vote for Ekko anyway and he’d already got the votes and I don’t want to have the final say.
[Vote crown prof]

Go back to Ekko. Otherwise I’m gonna assume this is some scum shit to spread it the votes lol.
Vote Ekko lol. A vote for me is a vote for Ekko anyway and he’d already got the votes and I don’t want to have the final say.

Go back to Ekko. Otherwise I’m gonna assume this is some scum shit to spread it the votes lol.
Im dead because of the poison either way n6

Ive said all i could to defend myself, might as well flip so u guys can actually go after the rest of mafia lol

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