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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Ky role is posted in the thread, where r u getting this idea that im uber powerful?
Your reading comprehension fails. I am arguing that SoulKiller is the stronger role between you two, hence why I am saying he should be the lynch. Is English not your first language?
R u even reading the game?

Sk is the poisoner, hes the reason everyone died last night. They all claimed abt the poisoning in the thread.

Ky role is posted in the thread, where r u getting this idea that im uber powerful?

Ali, claimed 8 vp, and his role confirms it. No one else is claiming massive vp from town.

The fact ur calling out lind while having the 2 worst posts in the entire 20K post long game is comedy incarnate.

10 VP*
Cause it refers to lind
Lind was in both games, he is Indie at worst, not either Mafia. Purple Mafia refers to SoulKiller, because Purple Mafia were in Group 2, and SoulKiller was in Group 2. I never once said anything about lynching Lind today. I said I could get on board with lynching you, but also provided several posts explaining why the remaining scum roles likely have a weaker red and a stronger purple. See:
We could lynch Karma and then SK. My contention is, if Karma is Red, that would make 12 Red to 8 Purple. Red also have the capacity to tank 5 seperate lynches. So the remaining Purple should have the stronger role.
I also think LyLo probably refers to Purple Mafia, for the reason that, last DP we killed 2 Red and then lost 4 Town. If the remaining Red could cause LyLo today, they could have caused it yesterday.

It could be referring to Lind. But it's whatever, if he wins due to his role then he can enjoy it, I'm not concerned with losing to that. The focus should be killing Scum, so lynch SK here and then Karma tomorrow.

On the other hand, Lind has played an atrociously poor game if he is Town, and his lie over Fuji is hard to reconcile. I'll be honest, if he is a harmful Indie it's one of the least impressive wins I'll have ever seen from an Indie in a game of this scale. Some of you might disagree but I was calling this from Day 1. Hence why I'm not concerned, it would be more frustrating to give a win to Purple Mafia because we as a collective have put more effort into the game hunting them/Red.

I can get on board with lynching Karma today too, depends how absurdly powerful you feel like Red Mafia are. Would prefer Purple to go first just because their roles *should* be stronger.

If a single Red role out of 12 can solo the game 6v1 then I am okay with losing that every single time, what can you even do there.

Karma *probably* doesn't openly troll like this if this were the case, in fact he may genuinely believe Lind is the issue here. He might be right. I think I've explained why I want Soul lynched here.
Are you trolling or just dumb? I'm not providing a false dichotomy here, because you've just implied I've not been reading the thread and then demonstrated that either you haven't been reading, or you lack the ability to understand what it is that is being said. I'll let you choose.
Lind was in both games, he is Indie at worst, not either Mafia. Purple Mafia refers to SoulKiller, because Purple Mafia were in Group 2, and SoulKiller was in Group 2. I never once said anything about lynching Lind today. I said I could get on board with lynching you, but also provided several posts explaining why the remaining scum roles likely have a weaker red and a stronger purple. See:

Are you trolling or just dumb? I'm not providing a false dichotomy here, because you've just implied I've not been reading the thread and then demonstrated that either you haven't been reading, or you lack the ability to understand what it is that is being said. I'll let you choose.
For ur own sake, dont read red chat bro

Are you tired of scum keep getting the better of you?

Do you want to win this game as a fellow townie?

Do you want a King who will guarantee a scum will be lynched?

Then look no further, for I SK vow to yeet scum into oblivion, if you crown me as king. I shall finally lead us to the path we all deserve, Absolute Justice! We can't fuck up now, we have the advantage over scum and a mislynch at this point would destroy the lead we have and potentially the game. I promise I will take everyone opinion into consideration (unless it's nonsense) and make the best decision to win us the game. I will be straight forward with my thoughts and actions, no bullshit. We are on end game now, and I believe I am the person fit to decide on the lynch, no offence to everyone else. But I am a confirmed townie at this point, and don't trust anyone else with the crown.

Vote Crown: SoulKiller
For ur own sake, dont read red chat bro
I wasn't intending to. Do you think I'm not aware that Lind could be the danger here? Did I not state my awareness clearly enough just then? I've been saying he was Indie, and plausibly a harmful one, all game long. More than anyone else. Just last day phase and the day before that, I've had several back and forth discussions with Lind over this. There will be no one less surprised than me if he turns out harmful. But it's either lynch him with a fair but not certain chance of being harmful, and lose the game to Mafia, or lynch Mafia, and potentially lose to Lind. With 8 alive, that's the option here. I'm more inclined to choose the option that gives a slight chance of victory, as opposed to none.
Basically we are betting the game on the last 2 scum being SoulKiller and Karma. If there are more than those two or scum lie elsewhere they have already won this game. I suggest we all make our peace with that and proceed onwards.

Claiming to have not done anything for no good reason looks like you are stuck not knowing what to claim. It's whatever, we don't have the lynches to take you out. If the game doesn't end after Karma and SK are dead, you are next in line.

I am not gonna let you mislynch town here and let town lose the game cause you can't pay attention to the game. Sorry not sorry, but I am a confirmed town here at this point, go back to the graveyard at this point, you are game throwing the game for town.
I wasn't intending to. Do you think I'm not aware that Lind could be the danger here? Did I not state my awareness clearly enough just then? I've been saying he was Indie, and plausibly a harmful one, all game long. More than anyone else. Just last day phase and the day before that, I've had several back and forth discussions with Lind over this. There will be no one less surprised than me if he turns out harmful. But it's either lynch him with a fair but not certain chance of being harmful, and lose the game to Mafia, or lynch Mafia, and potentially lose to Lind. With 8 alive, that's the option here. I'm more inclined to choose the option that gives a slight chance of victory, as opposed to none.

Ekko had 5 votes
Ali had 3

Ali claimed he had 10 vp, so he actually had 12

Ekko had at least 13 on him

We know shizune shows a coin flip if its a tie

Lind has 8 vp at least

I just gave him mine so now he has 9
I wasn't intending to. Do you think I'm not aware that Lind could be the danger here? Did I not state my awareness clearly enough just then? I've been saying he was Indie, and plausibly a harmful one, all game long. More than anyone else. Just last day phase and the day before that, I've had several back and forth discussions with Lind over this. There will be no one less surprised than me if he turns out harmful. But it's either lynch him with a fair but not certain chance of being harmful, and lose the game to Mafia, or lynch Mafia, and potentially lose to Lind. With 8 alive, that's the option here. I'm more inclined to choose the option that gives a slight chance of victory, as opposed to none.
i came to learn that u simply cant back down from arguments. u know u shudnt even bother replying to him but u just cant resist urself can u

well have fun
If you must know, I like debating, I like it a lot, and Mafia allowing me to argue without any of the consequence of discusdingvreal life topics is one of the primary appeals the game has to me. It's not a "I can't help myself", it's a "I genuinely enjoy this".
Kira was mod confirmed to nfc

Shizune has already confirmed there are no bastard mechanics

Kira is town, Yamato is his character

If anyone is wondering

This is the first time anyone has said whos kiras character is, hence its verifiable im telling the truth
You can easily be lying here mate to protect purple scum lmao. You said you don't want town to win cause they don't deserve it. No where in Kaido role does it state Yamato alignment, if anything kira is even more sus right now. Dude been playing scummy all game anyways, especially as of late.
@SoulKiller i know our factions have had their differences

But give ur vp to lind and end this clown fiesta of a town
I know you are red scum, but I am obviously not gonna let prof be the crown if he is gonna mislynch me and cost the game for townies. I prefer lind to win and just let purple and red scum have at it than townie at this point if town gonna be complete idiots and mislynch town (ME) here.

This is lylo, we either yeet actual purple or we yeet you karma. Go ahead and elect me as king and I shall yeet purple scum among kira/prof/ekko.
I know you are red scum, but I am obviously not gonna let prof be the crown if he is gonna mislynch me and cost the game for townies. I prefer lind to win and just let purple and red scum have at it than townie at this point if town gonna be complete idiots and mislynch town (ME) here.

This is lylo, we either yeet actual purple or we yeet you karma. Go ahead and elect me as king and I shall yeet purple scum among kira/prof/ekko.
I already gave my vp to lind :dw
If anyone is wondering

This is the first time anyone has said whos kiras character is, hence its verifiable im telling the truth
me and prof had the same thought yestersay as well. kira probs town bc nfc knows his alignment but he doesnt know nfc's alignment. if nfc knew kira was purple he would of pushed for his lynch.

scum is sk and you. and bada

and u r trying to get us to lynch lind who could be town or indie at worst

we r lynching sk here so bada dies with him.

u just wait in line m8
me and prof had the same thought yestersay as well. kira probs town bc nfc knows his alignment but he doesnt know nfc's alignment. if nfc knew kira was purple he would of pushed for his lynch.

scum is sk and you. and bada

and u r trying to get us to lynch lind who could be town or indie at worst

we r lynching sk here so bada dies with him.

u just wait in line m8
Hope u guys win the coin flip against lind :dw
I already gave my vp to lind :dw

@Lind can you town side? if what karma is saying is true, then you gotta yeet purple. It has to be one of Ekko/Prof/Kira. I don't know what town is on this game, but they been horrible throughout group 2. You were the only reasonable one, don't let purple fool you. This is mylo, if you mislynch me here then it's game over for town.
There is verifiable proof lind has insane vp and these dudes unironically think the dude with delayed poison is the reason theyre abt to lose :dw

with the way you are behaving, I don't think you are poisoned, that must be a bluff lol. Actually, you having 3 roles makes no sense right now? How can you gain 3 roles? like what lol.
@Lind can you town side? if what karma is saying is true, then you gotta yeet purple. It has to be one of Ekko/Prof/Kira. I don't know what town is on this game, but they been horrible throughout group 2. You were the only reasonable one, don't let purple fool you. This is mylo, if you mislynch me here then it's game over for town.
I smell desperation
>red scum wants purp scum to win :lmao

U can do better than that my guy

nfc has known about me since game start, if i were purp hed have tried getting me lynched as soon as games combined :lmao

> Karma literally said, town does not deserve to win.

I know reading is hard for you, and that is just your own headcannon but I mean it's understandable, if you are indeed last purple which I think you are at this point, then it's ggwp for you. You played well to fool these people, although not sure how. You been scummy and playing low profile later half of the game. But I guess that is considered 'townie' and good lol.
> Karma literally said, town does not deserve to win.

I know reading is hard for you, and that is just your own headcannon but I mean it's understandable, if you are indeed last purple which I think you are at this point, then it's ggwp for you. You played well to fool these people, although not sure how. You been scummy and playing low profile later half of the game. But I guess that is considered 'townie' and good lol.
Actually im pretty happy rn

Wouldve seethed to no end if purp or town won
I get that ur desperate but this is legit the dumbest take you could come up with
I still dont know y purp flipped out on us

We unironically thought prof ekko, rej, lm and santi were scum and were spending massive amounts of resources to end them

Then sk spoke up abt fuji and we came to the dreadful realization we were killing the wrong ppl
I spoke up about Fuji and Michelle cause I got guilty results on both of them lol. Like, you honestly think I am purple here? You are red, you have TMI mate. You should know better.

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