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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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do u know this for a fact?

I've peeked into the future and saw their flips

Get this game back under control of not purple but odds are thats going to be hard.
u sound like a pissed off red
i dont see how purple is under control of the game

24 players alive. at most 1-2 red 4 purple left

thats 18 townies atleast

where is the purple control. please run me through that one
[Vote lynch Owner of a Lonely Heart]

We should do our best as town to make sure her and John Wayne are our only two lynch candidates today. I don't want any fuckery this time, if they vote anyone else rn they're scum imo.
Hello purple friendo. How is your big faction doing? :dank

Why do you think Professor is outed?
Because of the thing with owner. at least one of them is bad
Hmm I dpn't actually know which would be better. Owner is almost certainly red mafia and MAYBE with nfc/someone random, but those are probably the last red. Getting rid of them would get rid of a faction kill and the second red is gone it just confirms any remaining players left in red. But going for JW might be better just to keep the numbers more even and because red might need to shoot purple and vice versa


I would propably go for eliminating a faction - one less faction kill during the night.

Vote Lynch Owner of a Lonely Heart
Hello purple friendo. How is your big faction doing? :dank

Because of the thing with owner. at least one of them is bad
Because there was lies on the said of them as well. And the follow up taken as fact means yeah there is probably means there is bad intentions there imo. I have seen plays like that get more attention by people and

I would propably go for eliminating a faction - one less faction kill during the night.

Vote Lynch Owner of a Lonely Heart
People forget where that faction kill is going. I mean its pretty damn clear where my stance is by the fact I have to open scum in the first place.

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