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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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So I asked Nitty and he said that only people who lost lives are notified, as well they wouldnt know if they saved/protected someone from an attack.

@Ekkologix @Santí @Hidden ,etc
Yeah, that "I saved someone from dying bit" pinged me as weird too, idk how the hell he'd know that but I guess this is also Favorites and anything is technically possible.

I just don't think it's highly probable.
Aren't you one of the geniuses who just fucking lynched Didi?

Get the hell out of here with your cracked scumdar.
Are you even using your brain at all? You are purples puppet at worst doing exactly as they want or just plain outright purple
santi he claimed red u can legit put em on ignore now
People have insane notion that scum should be ignored are foolish beyond belif imo. You don't ignore scum you analyse them and their motives. Scum motives are not anti-town in multi-ball as much as they are anti-their mafia faction. Mafia outting themselves to tell town important info is

jojo flipped red and was voting didi
NFC is open scumming rn
owner is confirmed red

its just NFC and owner left

we can yeet purple today and perma block owner/NFC or shoot them

probably the smarter play
There is not 2 reds left you are being ignorant and promoting purple koolaid if you think that.

Nfc cleared Kira but not sure what to make of it now lmao.
My objective is clearly anti-purple. Why would I clear a purple. But tbh I am doubting it a little with the booby trap thing today.
Are you even using your brain at all? You are purples puppet at worst doing exactly as they want or just plain outright purple

People have insane notion that scum should be ignored are foolish beyond belif imo. You don't ignore scum you analyse them and their motives. Scum motives are not anti-town in multi-ball as much as they are anti-their mafia faction. Mafia outting themselves to tell town important info is

There is not 2 reds left you are being ignorant and promoting purple koolaid if you think that.

My objective is clearly anti-purple. Why would I clear a purple. But tbh I am doubting it a little with the booby trap thing today.
i dont talk to outed scum
we'll just keep lynching scummy players until the host says game is over

ur just trying to insinuate panic
typical scum tactic
i dont talk to outed scum
we'll just keep lynching scummy players until the host says game is over

ur just trying to insinuate panic
typical scum tactic
Not listening to someone denies you information. Are you really going to not look to see if I slip up and give you more info than I should? That is just doing yourself and the game as a whole a huge disservice.
Where does it confirm him as scum?
He is abusing the same delay death mechanic as Iwan. Tbh I don't know how to stop it aside from a rolecrush. I'd go into more details but I'd have to reveal how my role works, but at the same time it seems like mafia already know... if my theory is correct at least. On the off chance they don't though I'm not sure I should say anything.
Lmao I needa hear it from someone else I don’t trust you
Trusting anyone is a mistake. But people who shut out people because of alignments are prideful fools who are not playing the game to their fullest potential. Alignment doesn't matter nearly as much as people think they do. Intentions are what truly matter and if you want to write me off as a doom sayer go ahead but I am not acting without reason. Interests between town and mafia are not mutually exclusive when there is more than one mafia or hostile indies around.
He is abusing the same delay death mechanic as Iwan. Tbh I don't know how to stop it aside from a rolecrush. I'd go into more details but I'd have to reveal how my role works, but at the same time it seems like mafia already know... if my theory is correct at least. On the off chance they don't though I'm not sure I should say anything.
You saying there is a role that delays deaths for purples? Why wasnt Tinkys death delayed as well?
[Vote lynch Owner of a Lonely Heart]

We should do our best as town to make sure her and John Wayne are our only two lynch candidates today. I don't want any fuckery this time, if they vote anyone else rn they're scum imo.

I would propably go for eliminating a faction - one less faction kill during the night.

Vote Lynch Owner of a Lonely Heart

[Vote Lynch Owner]
[Vote execute Santi]
Thoughts on each other btw.
Thoughts on each other btw.
Bada's clearly indie and isn't even pretending otherwise. Undetermined if he's hostile or not, but I'm inclined to believe probably not rn.

Less sure about Melkor. Unless he's investigation immune Mafia, he should be town as he's twice confirmed innocent in the group 2 Prelims.
7 red flipped so far (LG, broki, flowa, WAD, ultra, TAC, jojo)
2 outed red (owner, NFC)
maybe 1 more AT MOST if nitty is feeling generous since their team seems to be separated / not in a single chat. any more than that is shitty balance and should not be entertained, given the amount of lynch stoppers they got. i would genuinely be surprised if more reds were to flip after those.
= total 9-10 reds


4 purple flipped so far (sin, worm, tinky, melodie)
1 pretty much outed purple (JW)
2 likely dead purple (hero, iwan). until proven otherwise, im locking them as purple and their death is delayed by a purple ability. if a townie did this, they ought to claim it NOW

= 2-3 purple left to make it 9-10

the flipped purple roles so far do not talk about sending messages to teammates so the team prolly started together, but they can send messages to didi who could do their factional kill, but has a wincon against them.

NFC is desperately outing himself as red and claiming there are more than 2 red left. there can be multiple reasons for this:

1. wants to insinuate paranoia on the amount of scums in the game. possible
2. wants us to keep lynching into group 1 even tho there r no more reds there instead of lynching group 2 / wants group 1 players to remain in PoE / not be fully cleared. possible
3. genuinely concerned that purple is in control, meaning there r more reds and more purple in the game. very unlikely
4. wants to save owner's role at all costs. she might become lynch immune next day since there is a cycle cooldown to the lynch immune ability that red had, so essentially he saves her twice. very possible
5. fake claiming red even tho hes town. maybe forced to do so. ishmael did the same so could be a scum ability. unlikely

NFC's desperation was similar to jojo's last day. i think owner might have a really strong role and they want her alive at all costs. could probs yeet b4 JW just for that and to piss NFC off more kek
Anyone who doesn't vote John wayne is forfetting this game instantly vote john wayne]

Owner needs to be lynched twice in a row to be gotten rid of, but JW should be back up wagon just in case.

Also who in their right mind does this on Ekko and John wayne as town? The so called town confirm and one of the most scummy people in thread? Odd that
The targets have been asinine all game. It could be a dumb town, it could be an indie who doesn't care about alignment, or it could be scum who are trying to make their targets seem random as to not give away their members. Tbh I'm kind of inclined to believe the latter at this point. Their superkills are also broadcast to the thread right? This would fit that same criteria. However, they can't just be like "these 2 suspicious players are booby trapped every single night" because that would obviously make it a scum ability.

To me, that means this list has both scum and town in it. JW is obvious scum. We have to determine who else is on that list. I don't think Kira is. I know I'm not. I'm pretty much 100% confirmed not purple at this point, so why would scum put me in there?

Thoughts on each other btw.
Santi had the better post out of those two, but Melkor has the Didi clear.

So what theory will it be tomorrow when both are still alive lol
Be slightly annoyed. But Shizune said he wouldn't let his roles get the better of him so I trust this is balanced in some way.
Why you think Owner is better choice than John Wayne?

Any why Santi for Execute?

Because you have to lynch Owner twice in a row to get rid of them, hence they must be taken care of today unless we assume it was Jojo who was stopping the lynch. Personally I would rather go for JW under normal circumstances to even out the mafia numbers, but there's not much choice here. Either way, JW should be #2 in case of more shenanigans.
7 red flipped so far (LG, broki, flowa, WAD, ultra, TAC, jojo)
2 outed red (owner, NFC)
maybe 1 more AT MOST if nitty is feeling generous since their team seems to be separated / not in a single chat. any more than that is shitty balance and should not be entertained, given the amount of lynch stoppers they got. i would genuinely be surprised if more reds were to flip after those.
= total 9-10 reds


4 purple flipped so far (sin, worm, tinky, melodie)
1 pretty much outed purple (JW)
2 likely dead purple (hero, iwan). until proven otherwise, im locking them as purple and their death is delayed by a purple ability. if a townie did this, they ought to claim it NOW

= 2-3 purple left to make it 9-10

the flipped purple roles so far do not talk about sending messages to teammates so the team prolly started together, but they can send messages to didi who could do their factional kill, but has a wincon against them.

NFC is desperately outing himself as red and claiming there are more than 2 red left. there can be multiple reasons for this:

1. wants to insinuate paranoia on the amount of scums in the game. possible
2. wants us to keep lynching into group 1 even tho there r no more reds there instead of lynching group 2 / wants group 1 players to remain in PoE / not be fully cleared. possible
3. genuinely concerned that purple is in control, meaning there r more reds and more purple in the game. very unlikely
4. wants to save owner's role at all costs. she might become lynch immune next day since there is a cycle cooldown to the lynch immune ability that red had, so essentially he saves her twice. very possible
5. fake claiming red even tho hes town. maybe forced to do so. ishmael did the same so could be a scum ability. unlikely

NFC's desperation was similar to jojo's last day. i think owner might have a really strong role and they want her alive at all costs. could probs yeet b4 JW just for that and to piss NFC off more kek
1) If I wanted paranoia I could have done it without outting myself
2) probably the most logical countrpoint I will coincide. But people are really being dumb if they don't think I could have done the same without being as blatant as I am right now
3) If you want to be stupid you are entitled to be dumb. But are you really telling me in the entirety of my pool you like literally everyone but me and owner as town? Are you that blind to logic and reason
4) Do you think I am ignorant to people not thinking the opposite? That people would want to lynch her more because of what I am doing. Do you just see a shiny object and stop thinking past the shiny object? Because that is what is happening at large in the thread right now
5) not even going to bother with this

And those numbers are 100000000000000% off for mafia not
Because you have to lynch Owner twice in a row to get rid of them, hence they must be taken care of today unless we assume it was Jojo who was stopping the lynch. Personally I would rather go for JW under normal circumstances to even out the mafia numbers, but there's not much choice here. Either way, JW should be #2 in case of more shenanigans.

Or just superkill her
1) If I wanted paranoia I could have done it without outting myself
2) probably the most logical countrpoint I will coincide. But people are really being dumb if they don't think I could have done the same without being as blatant as I am right now
3) If you want to be stupid you are entitled to be dumb. But are you really telling me in the entirety of my pool you like literally everyone but me and owner as town? Are you that blind to logic and reason
4) Do you think I am ignorant to people not thinking the opposite? That people would want to lynch her more because of what I am doing. Do you just see a shiny object and stop thinking past the shiny object? Because that is what is happening at large in the thread right now
5) not even going to bother with this

And those numbers are 100000000000000% off for mafia not
why r u trying to convince me on this?

i'll take what u say with a grain of salt and continue playing my game. anyone who entertains u beyond that is scummy in my eyes

u cant expect town to believe what an outed scum is saying. but hey feel free to share all u want. none stopping u. ur true intentions will never align with ours no matter how much u "appear" to be helping us

moving on
Because you have to lynch Owner twice in a row to get rid of them, hence they must be taken care of today unless we assume it was Jojo who was stopping the lynch. Personally I would rather go for JW under normal circumstances to even out the mafia numbers, but there's not much choice here. Either way, JW should be #2 in case of more shenanigans.

You did not answer my question about your choice of execute?
nfc is right that it's completely fool-hardy to not consider what he has to say in terms of finding Purple Mafia, but everything should also be taken with a grain of salt, double for him because he's clearly just flailing around and throwing the accusation of being purple at anyone who's trying to eliminate a known red.
why r u trying to convince me on this?

i'll take what u say with a grain of salt and continue playing my game. anyone who entertains u beyond that is scummy in my eyes

u cant expect town to believe what an outed scum is saying. but hey feel free to share all u want. none stopping u. ur true intentions will never align with ours no matter how much u "appear" to be helping us

moving on
Who said I am focusing on you specifically? But holy shit are you helping purple with your narritive on numbers shut up about that and I could honestly care less.
Tbh I am starting to believe a little of NFC just because now both mafia groups are open scumming. Makes me think town has definitely lost this game already. I'd be a little disappointed in the balance if purple still had as many left as NFC is claiming. Town played far from perfect but on the contrary played almost perfectly from day 3 onwards (aside from the Soul lynch wtf was that).
nfc is right that it's completely fool-hardy to not consider what he has to say in terms of finding Purple Mafia, but everything should also be taken with a grain of salt, double for him because he's clearly just flailing around and throwing the accusation of being purple at anyone who's trying to eliminate a known red.
I appreciate that you giving me some consideration. I would love to provide more concrete help on finding purple but alas cannot other than they are numerous.
You did not answer my question about your choice of execute?
Because group 2 has more scum aka a higher change to hit them via execute. Also, you're the only other option from group 2 correct? Would you rather it be you? Why are you concerned about Santi right now? Is he your scummate?

Wait how do we know Hero was scum? Was he not janitored?

It's the same shit that happened to Iwan. This post is fishy to me. You know what happened to Iwan.

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