Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Tbh I am starting to believe a little of NFC just because now both mafia groups are open scumming. Makes me think town has definitely lost this game already. I'd be a little disappointed in the balance if purple still had as many left as NFC is claiming. Town played far from perfect but on the contrary played almost perfectly from day 3 onwards (aside from the Soul lynch wtf was that).
I sincerly hope this game is not solved one way or another because that would be boring tbh
I sincerly hope this game is not solved one way or another because that would be boring tbh

How many red are left bud? You expect us to take your word at face value while giving us almost nothing. At the moment it can easily just be interpreted as a last ditch effort to save your team and get town to focus on purple.

Also I expect red to have more members because you cannot communicate. You assume purple would have as many. If it's not an assumption, then put your cards on the table right now because Owner is definitely the lynch otherwise.
How many red are left bud? You expect us to take your word at face value while giving us almost nothing. At the moment it can easily just be interpreted as a last ditch effort to save your team and get town to focus on purple.

Also I expect red to have more members because you cannot communicate. You assume purple would have as many. If it's not an assumption, then put your cards on the table right now because Owner is definitely the lynch otherwise.
More than 4 I feel comfortably saying. I obviously don't want to make it too easy for you guys with exact numbers but I admit it would be poor of me to not showing something that gets you to understand my point more.
More than 4 I feel comfortably saying. I obviously don't want to make it too easy for you guys with exact numbers but I admit it would be poor of me to not showing something that gets you to understand my point more.
No way in hell it's more than 4 with the abilities yall have been displaying. Not even with the fact you guys can't communicate.
No way in hell it's more than 4 with the abilities yall have been displaying. Not even with the fact you guys can't communicate.
Do you not see why I am openly scumming right now? You won't belive this but you must if you have any shot of winning.

gonna be honest if red still has more than 4 we probably lose this game either way regardless of what we do lmao
I don't think town is out of it as much as you think. So long as you guys don't get too overconfident
Do you not see why I am openly scumming right now? You won't belive this but you must if you have any shot of winning.

I don't think town is out of it as much as you think. So long as you guys don't get too overconfident
lol you're saying there's at least 5 red mafia, and considering we've done worse on purple than red, yeah no lol.

Plus if there is that many, I don't really see the problem with dunking on a red anyways? Like, that's still a bunch dude
24 players
G2 - 11
- Bada - Probably not Purple
- Prof - Town
- Ekko - Town
- Hero - Dying Scum
- Iwan - Dying Scum
- JW - Outted Scum (he’s open scumming now lol)
- Juan - Lean Town
- Kira - Lean Town
- Melkor
- SK - Very Likely Scum
- Santi

A realistic worst case for me: Iwan, Hero, JW, SK, Melkor, Santi

That’s 6 living Purple.

Hero looking like mafia no longer clears Juan for having the “lynch guilty players” ability btw. Juan would be behind Melkor and Santi in my Purple POE tho. That’s emergency deep wolf territory.

Also, Laix info was probably trolling but say it was actually right (doubtful) then at worst you’re dealing with those 6 + 1 of Juan/Kira.

Out or 24 players it would be nutty if they are that close to reaching majority with that.

I think SK is very likely to be Mafia between my own read of him + the POE.

Could see Mich as Red mafia. She was super sure of those Laix numbers and it lines up too much with what NFC is saying. Not to mention she was in the same corner as JoJo & NFC. Starting to wonder if something really went wrong with Ekko’s results and mafia thought he was lying Purple bc of it. Would explain JoJo, NFC, and Mich all going so hard there yesterday bc they’d have tmi that Ekko was saying something incorrect if that was the case.

Also would not be shocked if Red has 1 more member at least if NFC is comfortable putting himself here. But I have a hard time believing we’re dealing with much more than that when mafia is so damn hard to lynch and kill this game.

Ratchet vouches for Ali on read, but a little sus there that Ali insta went all in on the JW angle to start the day. Eyes looking there just in case we start having trouble finding Red and they aren’t eliminated.
It would be weird if we weren't similar sizes as one side would have an objective advantage once the remerge starts

If red and purple have similar numbers, then you are claiming purple still has 6 scum alive correct? (You said red has more than 4, which means at least 5. Purple has had 1 less member die, so they'd have at least 6)

That would mean out of the 8 players left alive from game 2 (this is counting Lind) that only 2 are not scum, which seems completely ridiculous. That would basically mean I'm the only town left.
lol you're saying there's at least 5 red mafia, and considering we've done worse on purple than red, yeah no lol.

Plus if there is that many, I don't really see the problem with dunking on a red anyways? Like, that's still a bunch dude
What I am trying to say is you have to keep balance in mind more than you think. By all means you need us gone but make us too weak and your dead to purple.
Ratchet vouches for Ali on read, but a little sus there that Ali insta went all in on the JW angle to start the day. Eyes looking there just in case we start having trouble finding Red and they aren’t eliminated.
Ali is fine imo, his ability is super townie and I town leaned on him prior just based on behaviour. I could be wrong but my dude is aight for me rn.
Should have died last night if he was dying from it I think.
superkill takes 3 lives + bleed for 1 more life
if he had 4 lives then he tanks the superkill but dies tonight so hes just open scumming his last day
they probs used lynch stopper on NFC even since its on cooldown and wont work on owner this cycle
do u belive that there r more than 2 red alive fooj?
I dunno, seems a bit much to me considered how hard it is to get scum in the main wagon and how many times they escaped lynches.

If what Ncf is saying is true then we would already be fooked rn and scum would be the ones controlling the lynches and so far mostly everyone is pushing Owner or JW.
Ekko and Prof's reaction to Prof almost dying seems like they have something to hide. The booby traps peoples might all be purple mafia.

Dear Townies,

Red mafia would like a truce. We are dead and dying. 'Cause there is a greater than likely shot that Purple "Academy" has already won the game. You can play it smart and join us and try to have a shot at winning. Or you will probably just get the loss you deserve. But in my mind @Shrike deserved better. Yes, he wanted to kill me and rightly so. The game 1 town that lynched the other reds deserved better. But Boy!!! I did not target any birds!!!!

I am rolecrushed until the end of Night 3. So make purple have to yeet me tonight. Or sure one of you can yeet me tonight if you want to. Or if you have a day kill, you can shoot me now and just try to lynch the bobby trapped peoples that have a greater than likely shot of being purple mafia. No, I don't actually want to die, but simultaneously, I don't want to have to deal with the underwhelming town that won't bloody listen that purple probably still has way more numbers then you are thinking and has the kp to dunk us.

But all and all can we make purple have to fight for it more? Or if we come together, maybe town can win instead? Unless we are totally wrong about people and numbers, Purple surely has it in the bag.

Get DrProffesor83 and Ekko to claim their roles or especially look into DrProfessor83. Kira, Prof and Ekko all looked worried. More of purple might have been worried too.

1. @Admiral Fujitora
2. @Alibaba Saluja
3. @Alwaysmind
4. @Badalight
5. @Draekke
6. @DrProfessor83
7. @Ekkologix
8. @Hero
9. @Hidden
10. @Iwandesu
11. @John Wayne
12. @Juan
13. @Karma
14. @Kira Yagami
15. @Legend
16. @Lind
17. @Lord Melkor
18. @Mich
19. @nfcnorth
20. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart
21. @Santí
22. @Saturday
23. @SoulKiller
24. @Traveling Swordsman

If you think I'm joking about all this

This memo is signed by the Red Mafia Godfather.

Ekko and Prof's reaction to Prof almost dying seems like they have something to hide. The booby traps peoples might all be purple mafia.

Dear Townies,

Red mafia would like a truce. We are dead and dying. 'Cause there is a greater than likely shot that Purple "Academy" has already won the game. You can play it smart and join us and try to have a shot at winning. Or you will probably just get the loss you deserve. But in my mind @Shrike deserved better. Yes, he wanted to kill me and rightly so. The game 1 town that lynched the other reds deserved better. But Boy!!! I did not target any birds!!!!

I am rolecrushed until the end of Night 3. So make purple have to yeet me tonight. Or sure one of you can yeet me tonight if you want to. Or if you have a day kill, you can shoot me now and just try to lynch the bobby trapped peoples that have a greater than likely shot of being purple mafia. No, I don't actually want to die, but simultaneously, I don't want to have to deal with the underwhelming town that won't bloody listen that purple probably still has way more numbers then you are thinking and has the kp to dunk us.

But all and all can we make purple have to fight for it more? Or if we come together, maybe town can win instead? Unless we are totally wrong about people and numbers, Purple surely has it in the bag.

Get DrProffesor83 and Ekko to claim their roles or especially look into DrProfessor83. Kira, Prof and Ekko all looked worried. More of purple might have been worried too.

1. @Admiral Fujitora
2. @Alibaba Saluja
3. @Alwaysmind
4. @Badalight
5. @Draekke
6. @DrProfessor83
7. @Ekkologix
8. @Hero
9. @Hidden
10. @Iwandesu
11. @John Wayne
12. @Juan
13. @Karma
14. @Kira Yagami
15. @Legend
16. @Lind
17. @Lord Melkor
18. @Mich
19. @nfcnorth
20. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart
21. @Santí
22. @Saturday
23. @SoulKiller
24. @Traveling Swordsman

If you think I'm joking about all this

This memo is signed by the Red Mafia Godfather.

Cute post
We got scum from both teams wanting us to believe the game is half scum rn lol.

Which means it probably isn’t lol.
Lets look at the two options:
1) I am a lying. Town loses nothing by being more proactive instead of sitting on there hands all day. And Town wins the game faster
2) I am telling the truth. Town loses if they don't get off there butts and actually hunts down scum in both games.

Where is the loss for town here? Both scenarios towns best option is to do something for themselves
You understand there's no way Hero and I are in the same faction, right?
Agree it’s unlikely.

Your interactions would have been pretty weird if aligned. I’m just making a *realistic* worst case scenario for arguments sake. There’s a reason you’re at the bottom there.

You can sub you in for Juan or Kira but I think they’re *probably* not scum either. Only thing I’m a little cautious with on you is we haven’t flipped scum poisoner yet and you can poison. Not damning but I think about it.

Of course then if you flip active poisoner Hero goes down immediately for lying about your role.

If we were really dealing with 7 living Purple (4 unknown) things get weird and 2 of you/Juan/Kira/Bada would have to be scum
Like, unless you think the entire thing about him: role copping me, getting poisoned as a result, getting healed by me after begging me in thread to save him, and him posting my role in thread was an elaborate 4D chess performance...

There's just absolutely no shot.
I’m a paranoid person, but I consider it a long shot lol.

Wonder why Melodie didn’t heal him tho.

Owner was reflecting over some of her past night actions. She targeted Vanya only to "watch him", not to kill. Oh, that could just be some seductive ploy and maybe it was? The reasoning behind this watch was to find out who had doctor or healing abilities in the game. But boy oh boy, did I pick a night to watch LOL.

The other watches she did. She kept getting fed up by the cross pollination of teammates that kept interacting with her target. She intended to have checks to claim each day, but oh no, she could not because they were right there instead. [massive table flips vibes]

This sounds like Ekko already knows that it is mafia role. Ekko may even control it.
how do u know boobie trapper is a mafia role?


Also, why does Ekko go to such lengths to suppose that booby trapper could be any alignment? Me: Booby Trapper, obvious sounds like a scum role does it not? :catdankv1:

the way u tied booby trapper to mafia in that post is weird. like u know the role is scum role

Me: also #interestingtell people will say words like "interesting" or "weird" when they don't know what to say, it is surface level and subjective, but it doesn't really say a whole lot. it is just filling a void.

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